duties. The method is based on adequate performance of each of the models in the range at minimum production cost for the total number o f units to be produced. The method is applied to the planning of centrifugal pumps in which each model operates at constant rotational speed with constant impeller diameter. The Fortran program used to solve the example is given. Schraewer, 1L 73.81 'A program for calculating the thermal transfer conditions in a close packed grid.' Atomwirtscbaft, Vol 17, No 11, (November 1972), pp 5 5 9 - 5 6 0 (in German)
Sonet, P. A., et al 73.82 'The use of computers in lighting' Illuminating engineering Soc., School of Environmental studies, University College, London (1971)
Manufacturing and production Anon. 73.83 'Computer aided design. Recognition of potentials by management can result in more competitive products.' Eng. Materials and Des., Vol 16, No 2 (October 1972), pp 2 - 3
Bonney, M.C. 73.84 'Computer aided work study' Data Processing, Vol 14, No 6, (November-December 1972), pp 4 0 1 - 4 0 3
King, J . R . 73.85 'Production planning and control by computer - a survey' The Production Eng., Vol 51, No 10 (October 1972), pp 3 3 3 - 3 3 6 A survey of 63 companies applying computers to production planning and control. The article describes the computer facilities, the distribution of computer time and the effectiveness o f the system.
Stross, C. O.M. 73.86 'Operation of a disc database' Comput. J. Vol 15, No 4 (November 1972), pp 2 9 0 297 The fully integrated production control system containing engineering information files held on disc, is described. The database consists of a number o f discrete but interrelated files; their number varying with requirements. The central package in the database is a Bill Of Materials Processor called BOMP. File organization is by control sequential and direct access. Four files linked in the database are; product structure and routeing files to the part number master file, and the manufacturing routeing file to the work centre master file. rroka, A . G . 73.87 'Powerful computer for software for profitable manufacturing' Mach. and Tool Blue Book (September 1972) The BCS lnaster dimensions' program serves as an example of the company's innovative approach to computing.
Marine engineering Andrews, J. B. and ~ m m i n g s , D.E. 73.88 'A design procedure for large hub propellers',J, of Ship. Res., Vol 16, No 3 (September 1972), pp 167-173 The hub is modelled by a line sink. A lifting line propeller model with no hub for downstream is used for thrust, torque and efficiency calculations. The circulation tistribution from this wake propeller is moved up the hub streamlines to the propeller plane for the actual lifting surface propeller blade design. Computer program listings and descriptions used for the hub model, fictitious wake propeller and lifting line calculation are available. Brathu, M. C., Huther, M. and 73.89 Planeix, J. M. 'Computer calculations of liquid motions in tanks'. Ship. World and Shipbuilder, Vol 165, No 3876 (December 1972), pp 1383-1385 Computer calculations are described for predicting the motion of liquids in tanks, in order to investigate the optimum shape and dimensions of a tank for a given vessel. The example given is of a forward tank of a 150000 m 3 capacity LNG ship.
Connor, F . M . 73.90 'Damaged trim and stability by computer' Ship. World and Shipbuilder, Vot 165, No 3875 (November 1972), p 1280 A means of using a computer to disClose the complete damaged trim and stability characteristics of a vessel for any condition of loading is given. The method has several advantages over manual calculations. Snaith, G. R. and Parker, M.N. 73.91 'Ship design with computer aids.' British Ship Res. Assn. Wallsend, Northumberland, UK (March I972), 23 pp The design process is discussed together with the types and stages o f the design process. Fundamental changes in computer application in design are considered with emphasis on preliminary design, structures hydrodynamics and lines fairing. A disciplined approach is needed in the design o f applications software and realistic test examples are given. The general developments over the last decade are outlined with special mention of timesharing computers and graphics usage. Lastly, two projects are describedl The first is for a design and tendering system and the second provides a comprehensive structural design system for ships.
IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol C-21. No 11 (November 1972), pp 1 2 2 2 - 1 2 2 7 The note considers the problem of parameter optimization for the purpose of synthesis and design of multiloop feedback control systems, and describes an optimization algorithm to help in this. A corresponding performance index is developed and adapted to the otpimization algorithm. This index allow s direct consideration of performance specifications sUch as risetime, settling time, peak overshoot and bandwidth. Modifications of Rosenbrock's method include, the scaling of parameters and the employment of variable step sizes at the beginning o f each new stage to improve efficiency. The 1BM/360 continuous system modelling program CSMP is employed.
Numerical control Anon. 73.94 'Computers and n.c. invade sheet metal working! Metal Working Prod. (October 1972), pp 8 4 - 8 6
Brewer, S.J. 73.95 'The application of interactive techniques to numerically controlled programming'. Proc Inst, Eng., Vol 186. 25/72. pp 5 5 7 - 5 6 2 The paper describes the way in which a conversational system can be applied to n.c. work to overcome the problems associated with batch processing. An indication is given of the potential of such a system and how the behaviour pattern of the system can be shaped to suit the requirements of the user.
Oaadlmnd, J. E. and Parker, M.N. 73.96 'Numerically controlled machines in shipbuilding', Proc. Inst. Eng,, Vol 186. 25/72. pp 5 4 7 - 5 5 0 The paper describes the preparation of machine control tapes using a computer program package and the British Ship Research Assoc. part programming processor system. The system is modular in design and the general engineering package 2CL to provide a shipbuilding version is described. The advantages of using n.c. and the importance of considering the system as a whole are described.
Ford, B. 73.92 'Developing a numerical algorithms library'. The Inst. of Math. and its Applications Bulletin, Vol 8, No 11, (November 1972), pp 3 3 2 - 3 3 6
De Bart. A.E. 73.97 Future trends in the UK [n.c. machine tools industry) BNCS News. Vol 4. No 1. (January. 1973). ?p 2 0 - 2 6 The author compares the growth, price and use of n.c. machine t o o l s i n different countries. The need for low cost n.c. equipment is emphasized if rapid growth is to be achieved. Minicomputers are likely to replace most hard-wired n.c. systems on both grounds of cost, flexibility and storage, allowing information to be kept as an aid to part programming. The automatic factory, adaptive control and part programming are considered and the author predicts the likely percentage of new tools using n.c.
Lunge-Nielsen, T. and Lance, G.M. 73.93 'A pattern search algorithm for feedback control system parameter optimization'
Evans, L. 73.98 'Computerised n.c. revised' Control Eng. (August 1972) pp 33--36
Mathematical techniques