Concept of fetal endocarditis. A general review with report of an illustrative case
Lowry, Frederick C., and Burn, Caspar G.: Spontaneous Rupture Papillary Muscle of the Heart. 4r~h. Path. 31: 383, 1941. This farotion nerrotic trnphie...
Lowry, Frederick C., and Burn, Caspar G.: Spontaneous Rupture Papillary Muscle of the Heart. 4r~h. Path. 31: 383, 1941. This farotion nerrotic trnphied
of the Posterior
is a report of another case of rupturr of the papillary muscle following inof the posteriur myocardial wall. It is belirvctl that the rupture of the papillary muxle was the result of cscxssivc strain ~:tus~d hy the hypermyocardium and shortened chor~lac tendincacl of the thickened mitral valve. AUTII~RS.
Gross, Paul: Concept of Fetal Endocarditis. A General Review With an Illustrative Case. Arch. Path. 31: 16.1, 1911.
The occurrence of fetal endocarditis has nrver been cstablishetl. The mneroscopin and microscopic ahnormalitics considered (,riteria of fetal cnrlocsnrditis hnro been observed also in the presence of rongenital carllia(z defrcts which. after study, have The assumed etiological pathogen in been diagnosed as noninflamrnator,v lesions. the reported cases of fetal endocarditis has ljecn either annmnesticallp absent or variable in identity. The myocar(lia1 lesions usually seen healed hland infarct,*. Such infarctions luminal, :~rterir~sinn~oi~l:~l and thebesian fibrosis. The plaine~l residua.
rxlrular on the
and basis
parietxl cndocardial of a dcvrlopmc~ntal
in ~~~:rlle~l fetal cmtlol~ar~litis closely resemble n~o- be related to the ohlitcration of arterioycassels by the marked parietal endocardial changes clefect,
seen sinre
in tlrwc- cnscs are hetter thcp show no inflammatory
Stpnosia of the mit,ral ant1 The case of :L full-term newborn boy is reported. and the contlit,ion resembled strikingly the rheumatic aortic valves was present, This comlitinn was associated with hypoplasin of the valrular disease of adult life. root of t,he aorta, rudimentary development of the left ventricular cavity, the pi-esence of a large patent ductus arteriosusl and marked diffuse parietal endocardial sclerosis of the left ventricalc. The genesis of these lesions is considered noninflammatory because of the lack of inflammatory residua. ~\UTHOtL.