Concluding remarks

Concluding remarks

NUCLEAR PHYSICS A ELSEVIER Nuclear Physics A623 (1997) 381c-382c Concluding Remarks J.-M. Lager CEA, DAPNIA/SPhN, CE. Saclay, F91191 Gif-sur-Yvette ...

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Nuclear Physics A623 (1997) 381c-382c

Concluding Remarks J.-M. Lager CEA, DAPNIA/SPhN, CE. Saclay, F91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France The originality of this meeting is to gather Particle and Nuclear Physicists and to provide them with a formidable opportunity to understand better each other and to identify common issues. Particle physicists are more interested in fundamental symmetries and the quark gluon description of hadronic matter in the perturbative regime. Nuclear physicists are more traditionally expert in the many body problems and accurate modelisation of complex systems. In the last years both fields have evolved, and a common issue has emerged: The study of Quantum Chromo-Dynamics at the confinement scale. It exhibits many facets: The application of Chiral Perturbation Theory to hadron dynamics; Hadrons and mesons spectroscopy; Low X physics; Exclusive reactions at large momentum transfers. This kind of initiative should be extended. Two major facilities just started or will soon start: CEBAF in USA and DA¢NE in Europe. Their prograxnmes and the common issues which they will address were reviewed and discussed during this meeting. But others facilities exist also all over the world. ELSA (Bonn), MAMI (Mainz), GRAAL (Grenoble) in Europe as well as BATES (Middleton) in USA are providing electron and photon beams in the GeV range. HERA (Hamburg) and CERN (Geneva) are providing lepton beams whose energy range from 30 GeV to 200 GeV. In the short term (five years or so), opportunities exist at those facilities. The issue is to prioritize research programmes and to set or enhance collaborations. In the long term (ten years or so), a coherent effort is needed. In Europe, the future of the field is under an active discussion which involves Particle and Nuclear Physicists: whether there is room for an intermediate energy facility beyond LHC = is an open question. In USA the upgrade of CEBAF at higher energy is also considered. The future of the field is in our hands. Contacts and collaborations between European and American Physicists should be encouraged, and may end up with a proposal for a worldwide facility. Back to Physics, I rate very high the Strangeness Programmes both at CEBAF and DAq~NE. These two facilities will allow to undertake a comprehensive study of this field with electromagnetic probes as well as hadronic probes. Strangeness is a new degree of freedom, different from the normal building blocks of nuclear matter. The strange quark, or art hyperon, can be used as an "impurity" whose the propagation in a nucleus is an original way to study the structure of such a complex system. The spectroscopy of hypernuclei will be studied with the Kaon beam of DAONE and the electron beam of CEBAF. Different selection rules and different ranges of momentum transfers will probe complementary aspects of the nuclear many body problem in the 0375-9474/97/$17.00 © 1997- Elsevier ScienceB.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0375-9474(97)00460-0


J-M. Laget/Nuclear Physics A623 (1997) 381c-382c

presence of an "impurity". Elementary mechanisms will be studied at CEBAF. Forward angle Kaon production will allow to extrapolate at the Kaon pole and determine the Kaon electromagnetic form-factor. Near threshold and in the resonance region, the issue of contribution of the various resonances to the amplitudes will be addressed. Above the resonance regions, the interplay of Regge pole exchange mechanisms: at forward angies, and hard scattering mechanisms, near 90 °, will be studied, providing hints on the transition between constituent quarks and current quarks at higher energy. To close, let me thank the organizers of this fruitful meeting for the opportunity they gave to the two community to meet and address common issues