Conductance studies in mixtures of water with DMF at 298.15 K. Part VI. Lithium and sodium nitrates, sodium perchlorate and propionate, potassium picrate and thiocyanate, and limiting ionic conductance
Conductance studies in mixtures of water with DMF at 298.15 K. Part VI. Lithium and sodium nitrates, sodium perchlorate and propionate, potassium picrate and thiocyanate, and limiting ionic conductance
journal of MOLECULAR
Joumal of MolecularLiquids 79 (1999) 123-136
Conductance Studies in Mixtures of Water with DMF at 298...
124 in the mixture (only five composition). Chittleborough et al. [7] have investigated solutions of potassium thiocyanate in mixtures containing 50 and 75 mol% of amide; and Niazi et al. [8] have investigated solutions of NaC104 in mixtures of water with DMF in the range 0 - 35 mol% DMF. These investigations were performed at 298.15 K, so it was interesting to compare the fragmentary literature data [6-8] with those obtained in this paper.
Water and DMF (Apolda, Germany) were purified according to the standard procedures as described earlier [1-5]. The salts used were mainly of spectral grade of Merck or Apolda, and were only dried at elevated temperatures for 12 hours. The experimental procedure used in this work is similar to those described earlier [1-5]. The conductivity measurements were performed with the use of Precise Component Analyser type 6425 (Wayne-Kerr, UK). All conductance values were the results of an extrapolation to infinite frequency [9]. Solvent properties like relative permittivity and viscosity, necessary for calculation, were derived from the literature [10-12], and were numerically interpolated, when necessary. Solutions and mixed solvent compositions were prepared by weight, and were accurate to within _+0.01 wt%. The temperature was kept constant to within _+0.005 K , and all the data were corrected at 298.15 K with the specific conductance of the solvent. Taking into account the purity of reagents, experimental procedure, and conductivity equation, we estimate the accuracy of the measured values of conductivity as better than 0.05 per cent.
The conductivity data were analysed with the Fuoss-Justice conductance equation [13-15] using the following set of equations: A = oc
[Ao -S (otc) 1/2 + E (ore) in (ac) + J (otc) + J3t2(Or.C) 3/2 ]