ANNALS OF PHYSICS105, 224-225 (1977)
of Papers
in Future
e++r--tlJ+;-u-+pi+~P+t neutrinos: General Considerations. SANDA, The Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y.
We present a general differential cross section for the process eT + r- + y + U 7- Us - p , Y~,I+ 5, + e+ + Fu T yp Our results hold for V, A, S, P, T couplings and do not depend on the pe universality assumption. Dependences on arbitrary beam polarizations, final state electron, and muon longitudinal polarizations, and final state electron and muon masses have been included. An analytic expression for du/dE,dE,d cos 8u has been obtained. We show that it is possible to investigate the leptonic decay of U to the same level as that for the muon decay. Confining Potentials and Regge Poles. C. DULLEMOND AND E. VAN BEVEREN,Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. A study is made of scattering models which are described by a set of two coupled SchrGdinger equations, containing a confining and a nonconfining potential. The partial wave amplitudes are compared with those of conventional potential scattering. Notably the behavior of Regge poles and Regge trajectories is compared. On the Definition of Renormalized Field Prodacts. P. S. COLLECOTT, University of Cambridge, Silver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EW, England. We study the redefinition of the field products appearing in a Lagrangian and its equations of motion in a Normal Product framework. We propose a method of defining these products, which give the finite Green’s functions, in such a way that the canonical derivation of the equations of motion is preserved. This involves the use of the Wilson Expansion in a Dimensionally Regularized form. As an example a +. $, field theory in four dimensions is fully redefined to the l-loop level. Effects of the Deuteron D State in Sub-Coulomb Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.
(d, p) Reactions. L. D. KNUTSON, University of
Angular distributions of the cross section, the vector analyzing power, and the three tensor analyzing powers have been measured for (2, p) reactions on 9oZr at 5.5 MeV and 308Pb at 9.0 MeV. The measurements are compared with calculations based on the distorted-wave Born approximation. For *08Pb the calculations are in excellent agreement with the measurements, while for e”Zr the agreement is only qualitative. The effect of the deuteron D state on the measured quantities is investigated. It is shown that the tensor analyzing powers arise almost entirely from the D state. A semiclassical model for sub-Coulomb (d, p) reactions is presented. This model successfully reproduces the qualitative features of the observed analyzing powers, and makes it possible to understand why the D state has a large effect on the tensor analyzing powers. Plasma Turbuletrr Reactors. C. A. NORMAN, University of California,
Berkeley, California
Similarity solutions are found for the evolution of the distribution functions of the radiation and relativistic electrons in a plasma turbulent reactor (PTR). These solutions have a “universal” power224 Copyright All rights
c 1977 by Academic Press, Inc. of reproduction in any form reserved.