Book reviews
in the 1980s. Starting from basic principles, the later work deals with important buildings, namely the spherical and affine type.
classes of WFA)
P. Dita and V. Georgescu (eds.), Conformal Invariance Boston, 1989. 557 pp., US $59.95, ISBN 0-12-218100-X.
and String
Theory. Academic
This collection of 16 papers represents the lectures delivered at the Summer School of the title held in Romania in 1987. The papers review some of the important problems in these two strongly interrelated areas of theoretical physics. Relations between the two domains are emphasized. The first part contains 7 papers on Conformal Invariance in Statistical Mechanics and the second part has 9 papers on String Theory and related topics. WFA)
M. Toda, Nonlinear Waves and Solitons, Mathematics and its Applications (Japanese Series). Khrwer, Dordrecht (co-published with KTK Science Publishers, Tokyo), 1989. 371 pp., Dfl. 260, US $129, E&i, ISBN 0-7923-0442-X. This volume is a translation of the Japanese edition published in 1983. The concern here is about nonlinear waves and solitons, such as arise in lattices, in particular the Toda lattices named for the author, and about the very considerable body of mathematics that has evolved around the concepts. There is an interesting emphasis on the historical development of the ideas, on the water waves, including the Korteweg-de Vries equation, and on nonlinear lattice equations. The low level of mathematical prerequisites makes it accessible to many. WFA)
K. Weiskamp and B. Flamig, The Complete C+ + Primer. Academic Press, Boston, 1990. 524 pp., US !$45, ISBN-o-12-742687-6 (Paper). This book focuses on the C+ + language. After a quick tour of a basic C+ + program, each chapter, there are 12, uses a building-block approach to introduce technical programming issues. As a special aid translation boxes are included to show how C+ + statements and concepts translate into C code. An appendix details version 2.0. The book assumes familiarity with the basics of C programming. WFA)
D.P. Benjamin (ed.), Change of Representation and Inductive Bias. Khrwer, Dordrecht, 1990. 353 pp., Dfl. 180, US $70, ;E50.50, ISBN O-7923-9055-5. The first international workshop of the title was held in Tarrytown, New York, in 1988. Eighteen papers are presented here which stress the dependence of learning programs on the