Contemporary Medical Literature.

Contemporary Medical Literature.

Foreign Department. DEFORMITIES CONNECTED WITH THE FEMALE PARTS OF GENERATION. M. DEPAUL showed, a short time ago, to the Fellows of the Medico-Chiru...

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M. DEPAUL showed, a short time ago, to the Fellows of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Paris, two specimens of double

The catheter is now withdrawn on the median line. and the left index-finger run along the perinseal wound for the purpose of guiding a gorget, along the concavity of which the forceps are pushed into the bladder. In the case under consideration, three small stones were removed, the largest being the size of a pigeon’s egg. It must be confessed that the dilatation with the gorget must have been rather rapid, as the whole operation did not last longer than one minute and a half. The median operation was preferred to the other methods, as the patient, who was very weak, could not have borne any loss of blood. Not the least haemorrhage took place, and the patient did well in a few days.


uteri connected with other abnormities. The first preparation came from a woman thirty-two years old, who died in the ninth month of her pregnancy. For the last fifteen years this woman had paid regular visits to the hospital, so as to afford an opportunity to the pupils to become acquainted with the abnormal state of her parts of generation, which consisted in a vagina vertically and unequally divided into two parts, placed in juxtaposition. She became pregnant, for the first time, in 1852, fell into a very debilitated condition during gestation, and died in 1853, in consequence of rupture ON ABORTION. of the uterus. THERE are many abortions which have been considered to be This organ, on examination, was found single towards the lower part of the cervix, and bifurcated in all the other parts. without cause. Females have aborted without any particular The left side of the body of the uterus contained the fœtus, reason every few months during many years, and the physician, and had reached the volume of a normal uterine cavity at the in his ignorance of any cause, has stated that it was from the ninth month of pregnancy. From the anterior and right side force of habit; that there was a tendency, from habit, of the of the cervix, arose a kind of pyriform pouch, slightly flattened uterus to throw off its contents upon the least irritation or exciteposteriorly, the fundus of which was turned upwards and to ment, when the ovum arrived at a certain maturity. Females the right side. This compartment presented the size of the have even been made to believe what the physician himself, uterus at the second month of pregnancy. Each of these two once equally credulous, believed-that there was a "tendency uterine cavities became narrowed below, and remained distinct to abort," and havebeen made to lie in bed for weeks and made sick by want of air and exercise, to prevent a only in the upper part of the cervix. On the anterior aspect months, of that portion of the cervix which was common to both senseless organ, devoid even of the nerves of sensation, from yielding to the temptation or tendency to abort. Thanks to uteri, a rent was observed, running first singly on the lower the added wisdom of the nineteenth century, we know now. of the two and then into two uteri, part dividing upwards branches, which circumstance gave the rent a triangular form. better than this. At a given period, or thereabout, the woman As to the vagina, it was divided into two lateral and unequal with the uterus having these bad habits, perceives that the is slightly tinged with red, which by parts, by a longitudinal septum about two lines thick, and usual vaginal secretion which seemed formed of two layers of mucous membrane, with degrees deepens in colour, till a decided hæmorrhage, accompanied by pains in the back, thighs, &c., with involuntary expulan intermediate substance similar to the dermoid texture of the sive efforts, is the result, and sooner or later the fœtus is exThe canal was the and and ran vagina. right largest principal, in the same direction as the axis of the vulva ; the left and pelled. If one examine the uterus, as far as may be done by a smaller canal was parallel to the right ; and both were lined speculum, either before these symptoms commence or after the with a firm and smooth mucous membrane. Such an abnormal abortion is completed, he will find that there is local disease of state of things, though rare, is not unique, remarked M. the os uteri, which is the fo?zs et origo of all the trouble; Depaul, and has been observed before; but the following that there isanduterine congestion, ulceration, or lesion of the epithelium, enlargement of the mucous follicles or assure of deformity seems to him the only one as yet recorded. The is an infant of the female sex, who was born the os. - DR. GARDNER, in American Medical Monthly J OU1’1Wl. alive at the natural term of gestation, and died in convulsions INSANITY IN INDIA. three days after birth. She was one of two twins, the other not presenting any deformity, (it was not stated whether the Of insane persons the cures to the admitted in Bengal are normally formed infant died or not), and on a post-mortem 52.60; while in eleven different asylums in Great Britain examination, ectrophia vesicas was found, and two quite distinct which have been selected from a recent report for comparison, uteri and vaginas, completely separated from one another by a there were only 37 ’04; one of the explanations of this circumknuckle of intestine. There was no anus, the small and large stance appears to rest in the fact that a very considerable prointestine opened on the abdominal surface, where also ended portion of those admitted as insane to the Jail Hospitals, and ’ the two ureters. probably also to the Asyla, are wretches crazed by the excessive use of narcotics, especially of gungah, and then excited to THE MEDIAN METHOD OF LITHOTOMY. temporary madness by the brutal and violent practices emA good deal of attention has lately been given in the French ployed by those about them, with a view to expel the demon medical papers to this method of performing lithotomy. Mr. with which it is believed they have become possessed. The Allarton’s book has been reviewed in the Gazette Hebdoma- reporters find that in nearly one-half the cases insanity is attridaire, by M. Paul Diday, who takes rather a more favourable buted to gungah smoking. The natives are very seldom sent view of the operation than we thought ourselves justified in in the acute stage of insanity to asylums; the manifestations of doing, when analysing the same essay. M. Diday, however, the disease are not usually so violent in natives as in Europeans observes that some of the advantages mentioned by the author and the former are more tractable as patients than the latter. can hardly be obtained, except the dilatation’ of the neck of - Report on Lunatic Asylums iia the Bengal P.residency. the bladder do not go beyond certain limits, both as regards LONDON MILK AND LONDON COWS. the rapidity or the extent of the stretching. The French reviewer also remarks, that the operation may safely be tried, as, This beverage, according to Dr. Normandy, is little more even in case of failure, the surgeon may either crush the stone than water in most instances. He was lately in the neighbouror perform Dupuytren’s bilateral sections of the prostate. hood of Clerkenwell, for the purpose of examining a well in M. Bouisson, professor of surgery at the faculty of Mont- that locality, when he met with a spectacle which prevented pellier, has, on the other hand, published several articles in him from tasting milk for six months afterwards. He (Dr. the Gazette Médicale de Paris, in which he highly approves of Normandy) saw from thirty to forty cows in a most disgusting the median method; his mode of operating is given as follows, condition, full of ulcers, their teats diseased and their legs in the case of a boy fifteen years old. full of tumours and abscesses-in fact, quite horrible to look The staff being held exactly in the middle line by an as- at; and a fellow was milking them in the midst of all this sistant, M. Bouisson made an incision a little on the left of the abomination. This was by no means an exceptional case, a raphe, from the root of the scrotum to four lines of the anal great many dairies being in the same condition. The milk, in orifice. The knife having then divided layer after layer in consequence, is really diseased milk. The state of the poor the middle line, the membranous portion of the urethra is animals must have been produced by the manner in which reached, and the canal incised by the aid of the finger-nail they were kept. Milk will bear an enormous quantity of resting on the border of the groove. The staff is then slightly added water without being materially altered in appearance. raised by the assistant, and the knife thrust towards the neck Three parts of water might be introduced, but it would still of the bladder, and withdrawn so as to divide it, as well as the look like milk.-Report ot’ Commission on Adulterations.

Contemporary Medical Literature.

