Fisheries Research, 17 (1993) 387-389
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Contents of Fisheries Research, Volume 17 V O L . 17 N O S . 1 - 2
J U N E 1993
Special Issue: Pathological Conditions of Wild Salmonids
Introduction Pathological conditions of wild salmonids D.W. Bruno (Aberdeen, UK) ........................................................................................... Ulcerative dermal necrosis (UDN) in wild salmonids R.J. Roberts (Stirling, UK) .............................................................................................. The history and current status ofRenibacteriurn salmoninarum, the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease in Pacific salmon J.L. Fryer (Corvallis, OR, USA) and C.N. Lannan (Newport, OR, USA) ..................... Endocrine-induced pathology in stressed salmonid fish A.D. Pickering (Ambleside, UK) ..................................................................................... Proliferative kidney disease in wild salmonids S.W. Feist and D. Bucke (Weymouth, UK) ..................................................................... Species of Gyrodactylus (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) on salmonids in Sweden G. Malmberg and M. Malmberg (Stockholm, Sweden) ................................................... Comparative susceptibility of native Scottish and Norwegian stocks of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., to Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg: Laboratory experiments T.A. Bakke (Oslo, Norway) and K. MacKenzie (Aberdeen, UK) ................................... Regulatory processes in the monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg-Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L. ) association. I. Field studies in southeast Norway P.A. Jansen and T.A. Bakke (Oslo, Norway) ................................................................... Regulatory processes in the monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg-Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L. ) association. II. Experimental studies P.A. Jansen and T.A. Bakke (Oslo, Norway) ................................................................... Piscirickettsia salmonis, a major pathogen of salmonid fish in Chile C.N. Lannan (Newport, OR, USA) and J.L. Fryer (Corvallis, OR, USA) ..................... The pattern of natural mortality throughout the life cycle in contrasting populations of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. J.M. Elliott (Ambleside, UK) ........................................................................................... An epidemiological study of furunculosis in salmon propagation in Japanese rivers T. Nomura (Sapporo, Japan), M. Yoshimizu and T. Kimura (Hakodate, Japan) ......... Systemic, granulomatous hexamitosis of farmed Atlantic salmon: Interaction with wild fish T.T. Poppe and T.A. Mo (Oslo, Norway) ........................................................................ VHS in wild living fish and experimental transmission of the virus P.-J. Enzmann, M. Konrad and K. Parey (TiJbingen, Germany) .................................... Surveillance and control of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and
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Oncorhynchus masou virus (OMV) of wild salmonid fish returning to the northern part of Japan 1976-1991 M. Yoshimizu, T. Nomura, Y. Ezura and T. Kimura (Hokkaido, Japan) ....................... Diseases of wild sea trout in Scotland in relation to fish population decline A.H. McVicar, L.A. Sharp (Aberdeen, UK), A.F. Walker (Pitlochry, UK) and A. W. Pike (Aberdeen, UK) ............................................................................................. Production of nauplii of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer) (Copepoda: Caligidae ) from farmed and wild salmon and its relation to the infestation of wild sea trout (Salmo trutta L. ) off the west coast of Ireland in 1991 O. Tully (Dublin, Ireland) and K.F. Whelan (Newport, Ireland) ................................... Furuncuiosis as a possible factor in the decline of sea trout in the West of Ireland J.F. McArdle, C. Dooley-Martyn, F. Geoghegan, F. McKiernan (Dublin, Ireland) and H. Rodger (Galway, Ireland) ..................................................................................... The significance of diseases and anomalies in wild salmonids D. Bucke (Weymouth, UK) .............................................................................................. Parasites of Norwegian freshwater salmonids and interactions with farmed salmon--a review G.A. Bristow (Bergen, Norway ) ....................................................................................... EC Directive 91/67/EEC and its relevance to disease in wild salmonids E.B. Hudson and B.J. Hill (Weymouth, UK) ................................................................... Modelling the impact of disease-induced mortality on the population size of wild salmonids S. des Clers (London, UK) ............................................................................................... A n n o u n c e m e n t f r o m t h e P u b l i s h e r ..........................................................................................
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Optic critical duration and contrast thresholds in the freshwater fish, Lepomis macrochirus, as determined behaviourally G. Kawamura (Shimoarata, Kagoshima, Japan) and T. Shimowada (Tokyo, Japan) .... Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) from the southwest and south of Portugal - estimation of the effects of changing trawl mesh size and fishing effort by length cohort analysis F. Cardador (Lisbon, Portugal) ........................................................................................ The derivation of and changes in Nephrops per unit effort values for the Northern Ireland fishing fleet D.A. Stewart (Belfast, UK), D. Agnew (Hobart, Tas., Australia), R. Boyd, R. Briggs and P. Toland (Belfast, UK) ............................................................................................. A method to estimate the S-R relationship using rough information on the rate of exploitation X. Li (Sendai, Japan) and P. Safran (Paris, France) ....................................................... A comparison of one-tenth and full-scale measurements of the drag and geometry of a pelagic trawl J.N. Ward (Hull, UK) and R.S.T. Ferro (Aberdeen, UK) .............................................. An analysis based on trawl-survey data of the state of the 'Italian' stock of Mullus barbatus in the Sicilian Channel, including management advice D. Levi (Mazara del Vallo, Italy), M.G. Andreoli (Palermo, Italy) and G.B. Giusto (Mazara del Vallo, Italy) ................................................................................................... Selection of the appropriate duration of experiments to measure the survival of animals
389 discarded from trawlers T.J. Wassenberg and B.J. Hill (Cleveland, Qld., Australia) ............................................. 343 Migration and growth of two tropical penaeid shrimps within Torres Strait, northern Australia R.A. Watson and C.T. Turnbull (Cairns, Qld., Australia) ............................................... 353 Short Communications Observations on the distribution of lumpsucker ( Cyclopteruslumpus, L. ) in the Norwegian Sea J.C. Hoist (Bergen, Norway) ............................................................................................ 369 Analysis of trawl selectivity studies (addendum): implementation in SAS R.B. Millar (St. John's, Nfld., Canada) ............................................................................ 373 Book Reviews Genetics and fish breeding .....................................................................................................379 Introductions of exotic species ............................................................................................... 380 Announcement from the Publisher ..........................................................................................383
Author Index ...........................................................................................................................384