Research Papers Two-dimensional mantle flow beneath a rigid accr~t~ng lithosphere E.M. Parmentier (Oxford, Great Britain) andD~L.Turcotte (Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A.) 281 On the possible density inversion in the upper mantle of the earth A.P. Tarkov (Voronezh. U.S.S.R.) 290 Analogue model measurements for a horizontal magnetic dipole embedded within a conducting medium V. Ramaswamy and H.W. Dosso (Victoria, B.C., Canada) 295 Evidence for recent paiaeomagnctic secular variation in lake sediments from the New Guinea Highlands R. Thompson and F. Oldfield (Liverpool, Great Britain) 300 Great-circle Rayleigh wave attenuation and group velocity, Part Ill: Inversion of global average group velocities and attenuation coefficients J.M. Mills, Jr. and A.L. Hales (Canberra, A.C.T., Australia) 307 Great-circle Rayleigh wave attenuation and group velocity, Part IV: Regionalization and pure-path models for shear velocity and attenuation J.M. Mills, Jr. (Canberra, A.C.T.. Australia) 323 Bo~ikReview The Geology and Landscapes of New Jersey by P.E. Wolfe
S. Judson
Centents Volume 17, 1978
Physics and c’hemistry of the Lower Mantle and the Core A collection of the papers presented at Symposium J6 as part of the IASPEI—IAVCE1 Joint General Assemblies on August 19, 197/, in Durham. Great Britain by Orson L. Anderson and Robert C. Liebermann (Guest Editors) FORTHCOMING PAPERS
The New Zealand seismograph network (R.D. Adams) Tl~ehigh-temperature acoustic Grüneisen parameter jn tl~eearth’s interior (O.L. Anderson) Pettern recognition of earthquake-prone areas in Italy (M. Caputo, V. Keilis-Borok, E. Oficerova, E. Ranzman. I. Rotwain and A. Solovjeff) The collection and analysis of seismological data to detectpossible violations of a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (F.H. Grover) Seismological Service of Canada: instrumentation and data processing (RB. Hayman and W.E. Shannon) A slow earthquake (H. Kanamori and G.S. Stewart) Tie uniform system of seismic observations of the U.S.S.R. and prospects of its development (NV. Kondorskaya and Z.l. Aranovich) On the observahility of isotropic seismic sources: the July 31, 1970 Colombian earthquake (E.A. Okal and R.J. Geller) Developments in electromagnetic and hybrid seismometers (P.L. Wilimore) A possible factor which triggers shallow intraplate earthquakes (K. Yamashina)