Contrast enhancement of cranial lesions in computed tomography
tmt medium was evaluated in B series oi 41 patients
less i& the Ferebcllopontine a& This seemed impossible with the wsiisble CT equipment. Ei...
tmt medium was evaluated in B series oi 41 patients
less i& the Ferebcllopontine a& This seemed impossible with the wsiisble CT equipment. Eight rpI0ve.n acoustic neurotnas I cm or less in diamcrer. dctcctd with CT, are repotted. Diagnostic criteris are elalwrated. The study shows that small cerebrllo. pontine angle totnom coo be detected by use of CT machines of the newer generation, which perform scanti@ witt thin and overlopping slices. Author’s
with different irrtracraoiai lesions. The attenwtion of apparently normal uncnhand brain tissue v&ed with the !evel of :he acan, mainly PII effh? of 1.-n herderdog. Different tyss of tnhsncement res)as.e WC discussed in terms of a 3-ton diffwntisl diagnosric potential of contrast enhentement in the early phase need? further evs~oat;on r&g ikwunenls with start scanning titm, v&i& the lpte chase of enhancement most b+ rcco&d with the WC of a reinbte heud Fixation to provide reproducildlity of repeat mea;uremmts. Author’s
Susac .10, .Ma~tins AN, Robinson Aon Nmrol 1(4):397. !957
B, Corrigm
Coztputedzed trawaxial tomogmpby (CTT) ij now the procedure of choice in diEgoo.sinp exophthabnor. Caution must b: exercised. however. in interpreting the wwltu. The patient reported hex had a swollen inferior xtus muscle tbot simulated an orbital apcx lumoroP
Axclwao 8. ?krgstrOn> (Slockh) 17(41:331, 1958
M, Acta
Radio1 Cfher)
The radiation dose from the first-generation EM1 scanner baa been, i&uding the variation of lbe dose pwpcndicular to the section. the dose dependenecafthesirerrndcollimationofthebram,and ti-e fraction of redinrion passing through the patient and b&g utilimd for intormalion. The possiblp dose in case of malfunctions of the sww was also WIsured. Author’s
The time cowx OF enhancement in apparently noroul b- 8.11 tlselu. edema, and focal le?.ions during 30 to 6G rnio after iotravenoos injection of vascular coo-
IMlx 160 matrix computed tomography (CT) durittg R period of nine months. The CT patterns of 90 aupratenlorial tumors (cxcludii seilar tumorr) wre reviewed. A great vdriay of CT patterns w-z found ~9th @ioblastoma~. the mo?t typical being a tumor with mixed absorption values. Astrocytomas aplwrs as low-densitv lesions. The characteristic appearance for meningiamas was a homogeneous density, with 18x1 obvious increase in density sf;er contr.~ injection. Melanases appeared BE low- or high-density lesions with marked edema surrounding the tumor. Sonx minor groups sucih as eraniopharyngiomss, e@dermoid ~nors and pineal tumors were described. The lesion w:ts detected in 94% and a correct diagnas s was made in 92% of case:;. Author’s
vent ofco~p”l~~l~~d tomo@u[?hy Roscoblum ME. Hoff JT. Norman D. Weinsteio I’R. fitts L. J Ne;rosurg 49(5):658. 1978 No deaths have occurred among 20 consecutive fa dents with intrayarcnchymal brain abscesses treated at lh: University of California. San Francisco. since computerized tomographic (CT) brain scanning became rootine diagnostic prouxlure (study period: July. 1974. to Sune, 1977). ‘fne?r patients have been compxed to 18 consecutive r&es treated without benefit of CT analysis (Jsnuary, 1970. to Juice, 1574)