Decision Support Systems Reports and Theses: Abstracts
The paper concludes with a sketch of a set of principles that could guide the selection of an appropriate definitions of poverty and of a poverty line for a comparative study of developed countries. Given the statistical restrictions an incomebased resource-type definition seems to be the only feasible one. Author's Summary Richard Hauser. Problems of Anti-Pocerty Policy in Germany (FRG), SFB 3, Goethe-Universit~it Frankfurt wad Universifiit Mannheim, (July 1983). For analytical reasons several concepts of poverty are distinguished: - actual poverty - residual poverty, that would characterize an t)ptimal situation after all those possible policy measures have been taken that are not in overwhelming conflict with other policy goals - pre-policy poverty, that characterizes the counter factual situation before certain policy measures to combat poverty have been enacted. Furthermore certain sub-concepts of pre-policy poverty are distinguished, that characterize differing views about the realm of anti-poverty policy: - pre-social assistance poverty - pre-social security poverty - pre-labour market policy poverty - pre-economic policy poverty Advantages and disadvantages of extending the field of analysis and the design of anti-poverty policy are discussed. Thereby a relative definition of poverty relating mainly to income is employed. Author's Summary
R. Hujer, G. Bauer and H. Knepel: The SFB.3 Macroeconometric Model - Theoretical Aspects First Simulation - and Forecasting Results, SFB 3,
J.W. Goethe-Universit~t Frankfurt wad Universitit Mannheim, (March 1982). The Macroeconomic Model of the Sfb-3 is constructed as a medium or long term simulation and forecasting system. Furthermore it should be possible to link it up with the Microanalytic-Simulation System of the Sfb-3. Starting from these purposes the model will be described with respect to its important parts, the interdependence between special variables will be discussed concentrating
on two principal conceptional elements: the factor-demand approach and the input-output conversion. The presentation of static and dynamic model simulations within the sample period and an ex ante forecast for 1982-1985 .serves for analysing the properties of the model. Authors' Abstract Juhani livari: Contributions to the Theoretical Foundations of Systemeering Research and the Pioco Model, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium, University of Oulu, (1983). The study consists of two major parts. The first part describes the underlying paradigm of the present work and of the research into the PIOCO model, and the second part deals more specifically with the contributions to systemeering research and the PIOCO model. The main idea of Part I is to recognize systemeering research as an applied science which can be analysed at the prescriptive, descriptive and conceptual levels. Systemeering methods as prescriptive instructions for systemeering do not have any truth value, but their value is relative to utilitarian goals (practical value) and to the alternative existing methods (historical value). In order to have the status of scientific methods, systemeering methods should be supported by descriptive knowledge, and Part I suggests that the prescriptiveness of the methods should be related to the predictive power of the descriptive knowledge in question. The general contribution of Part iI covers the conceptual analysis of systemeering, the descriptive sociocybernetic metamodel for systemeering and its application to the feature analysis of systemeering models and methods. The resultant framework is applied to an evaluation of the PIOCO model, which consists of the PIOCO metamodel for a data system, the PIOCO systemeering model and the PIOCO choice and quahty criteria model. Author's Abstract Karen Jensen and George E. Heidorn: The Fitted Parse: 100% Parsing Capability in a Syntactic Grammar of English, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, (Dec. 1982). A technique is described for performing fitted