issued by the Commissioner. The minimum requirement is for a course of study of not less than 8 months duration with a curriculum approved by the Commissioner. There are 5 schools of nurse midwifery presently approved by the Commissioner of Health of the City of New York. These are: The Maternity Center Association of New York; The Catholic Maternity Institute of Santa Fe, New Mexico; The Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Leslie County, Kentucky; The Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing; and the Yale University School of Nursing. Stuart 0. Siluerbc rg WHO Chronicle t-01. 18, 1964. “No author: Control p. 14.
of Gonococcal
Control of Gonococcal Infections, p. 14. A WHO survey has revealed that since 1957 there has been a persistent increase in the incidence of gonorrhea in 53 out of 111 countries. with increasing rates reported from 52 per cent of countries in the Americas and from 85 pet cent of countries in the European region. It was hoped that with the introduction of antibiotic therapy, gonorrhea would cease to be a public health problem. However, its short incubation, mode of transmission and other factors present have not made it possible to evolve epidemiological methods effective against its rapid spread. Investigations are, therefore, urgently needed into new techniques and methods to improve the scope of the tools already available to applied research, whereby new discoveries ran be assessed in different geographical, human, and microbiological environments, so that they can be used to the greatest advantage at the earliest time. Toby Frankel
Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshilfe und Gyntikologie Vol. 161, January, 1964. “Lietz, Ingeburg: Statistic Evaluation of Toxemia of Pregnancy between 1930 and 1962, p. 236. Lietz:
Statistic nancy
Evaluation between
of 1930
Toxemia of Pregand 1962, p. 236.
.4mong 27,563 deliveries at the University of Marburg between 1930 and 1962, there were
1150 (4.17 per cent) cases of toxemia, which break down into mild pre-eclampsia 2.21 per cent, severe prc-eclampsia 1.39 per cent and eclampsia 0.57 per cent. Treatment was generally conservative for severe pre-eclampsia with a section rate of 10 to 11 per cent. Between 1930 and 1949, the treatment for eclampsia was radical. Thereafter, it becatne more conservative. After 1957, low cesarean section was done with eclampsia as thr sole indication. Hypotrnsivr drugs have been in use since 1955. In the period under study, maternal mortality for prccclampsia and eclampsia was 0.1 per trcnt illrluding a single death due to eclampsia
Vol. 85, December 28, 1963. “Plctat, I).: Maternal and Infant Mortalities in Placrnta Previa and Abruptio Placentae with Regard to Obstetrical Operation, p. 1841. “Rothc,
J., and Jaluvka, V.: The Rate of Cardiac Fatalities in Maternal Mortality in East Germany, p. 1854. Maternal and centa Previa with Regard
Infant Mortalities and Abruptio to Obstetrical
in PlaPlacentae Operation,
p. 1841. There whet-c 20.124 deliveries with 304 antepartum hemorrhages in the series under considcration. The time under study was 1946 to 1962. The cause for hemorrhage was placenta previa in 92 cases, and abruptio in 97 cases. The placenta previa cases are further divided into central placenta previa-37 cases, of which 34 were delivered by ccsarean section, without maternal mortality, hut 10 infants were lost. One mother with central placenta previa was lost when the treatment consisted of traction to the fetal head for tamponade. One other mother was lost with