Control of heavy water inflows in the moawhango-tongariro tunnel, New Zealand

Control of heavy water inflows in the moawhango-tongariro tunnel, New Zealand

lhA Describes the design of the concrete mix, and the development and use of a concreting method to monolithically place the concrete in a double cag...

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Describes the design of the concrete mix, and the development and use of a concreting method to monolithically place the concrete in a double cage of reinforcing steel for the lining of the 3.05m diameter Bi-County Water Tunnel West, Washington, USA. 821119 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE USE OF PRECAST SEGMENTED CONCRETE LINER IN URBAN TUNNELS Foster, E L; Butler, G L PrOc 5th Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San Francisco, 3-7 May 1981, Vl, P498-518. Publ New York: AIME, 1981 Describes a precast segmented concrete liner system and its installation, and compares it with a steel lining system in a similar tunnel in the Lexington Market section of the Baltimore Regional Rapid Transit System, Marylamd, USA, as part of a feasibility study on precast concrete tunnel liners. The performance of concrete vs steel liner is assessed in terms of ground support, sealing and structural behavlour of the liner components. The concrete liner compared favourably. 821120 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PRESSURE TUNNELS Swanson, D T Proc 5th Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San Francisco, 3-7 May 1981, VI, P519-5320 Publ New York: AIME, 1981 Describes several methods for prestressed concrete linings for pressure tunnels, to ensure water tightness, ani lists advantages compared with non-prestressed steel linings. Brief case histories are given. A brief discussion of the stresses upon a prestressed lining is included. 821121 UPSIDE DOWN CONCRETE ACCELERATEs LARGE TUNNEL PROJECT Malina, G J Proc 5th Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San Francisco, 3-7 May 1981, V1, P599-601. Publ New York: AIME, 1981 Briefly describes the choice and use of the arch first principle for placement of concrete for the lining of a 35ft diameter, 260ft long tunnel as part of the Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP) in the greater Chicago District, Illinois, USA. The author concludes that this method should be considered for large diameter tunnels, where time is a dominant factor. 821122 METHOD OF BULLFLEX. AN ENTIRE NEW APPROACH IN MAKING STEEL-RIB SUPPORTS FOR ROADWAYS MORE EFFECTIVE Dsrrfeld, W A Proe 5th Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San Francisco, 3-7 May 1981, VI, P645-858. Publ New York: AIME, 1981 Describes the Bullflex system for tunnel supports involving ir~jectionof filler into a synthetic textile tubing placed b e t w e e n t h e back of the support units and the rock face.

Groundwater problems 82112B HAZARDOUS WATER INFLOWs IN SOME TUNNELS IN SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Marulanda, A; Brekke, T L Froc 5th Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San Francisco, 3-7 May 1981, Vl, P741-752. Publ New York: AIME, 1981

Describes case histories in Colombia (Chivor 2 Hydroelectric Power Project, and Chinzaga Water Project) where hazardous water inflow has occurred causing loss of tunnel face. The geology of the site and remedial measures taken are outlined° General points to prevent development of these hazardous conditions are discus sed.


CONTROL OF HEAVY WATER INFLOWs IN THE MOAWHANGOTONGARIRO TUNNEL, NEW ZEALAND Munro, G Proc 5th Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San Francisco, 3-7 May 1981, V1, P753-765. Publ New York: AIME, 1981 Presents a case history of the Moawhango-Tongariro Tunnel section of the Tongariro Power Development Scheme, describing the water inflow problems (worsened by shut down of pumping facilities operating throughout construction), and the subsequent design, installation and removal of a steel bulkhead to enable completion of the tunnel°

Surface Structures 821125 UNDRAINED S E T T ~ N T

OF PLASTIC AND ORGANIC CLAYS Foott I R; Ladd, C C J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, VIO7, NGT6, Aug

1981, PI079-I094 Initial settlements due to umdralned shear deformations are usually small compared with settlement due to consolidation. This is not so for plastic or organic clays, as illustrated by 3 case st~dieso Moreover if the rate of consolidation is slow, continulr~ creep deformations can lead to substantial additional settlements. This initial settlement must then be considered at the design stage, and a semi-empirical method of predicting this and excessive creep movement is presented.

Dams and embankments 821126 CONTROVERSY CHOKES AUBURN PLANS Ferguson, H New Civ Engr, N460, i Oct 1981, P22-24 Describes events leading to the suspension of construction of a thin arch dam in a fault zone at Auburn, California, USA. Plans have been agreed to construct a concrete gravity dam instead. 821127 AIRY HOLM DAM - KIELDER WATER SCHEME Perfect, H G Water Serv, V85, NI026, AUg 1981, F389-392 Describes the Airy Holm dam and reservoir including site investigation and geology, dam design and construction. The dam is a co~posite design with mass concrete gravity centre section and earth embankments for the outer flanks where mass concrete would have required excessively deep foundations. 821128 DYNAMIC FEM MODEL OF OROVILLE DAM Vrymoed, J J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, V107, NGT6, Aug 1981, PI057-IOVV