Control of pain in childbirth

Control of pain in childbirth

BOOK REVIEWS 415 study parts of LuIl’s book.2 It covers thoroughly the subject of the controI of pain in chiIdbirth. As is we11 known, there are ma...

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study parts of LuIl’s book.2 It covers thoroughly the subject of the controI of pain in chiIdbirth. As is we11 known, there are many methods or ways to Iessen or aboIish pain in childbirth. Because the Iay public demands the contro1 of this pain, many physicians resort to one or more measures in order to be IabeIIed modern and to curry favor with “women who bear chiIdren.” Some methods are comparatively safe, both to mother and baby; others are a11 right if they work and nothing untoward ensues; some methods caI1 for experience and great technica skiI1; in others a skiIIed anesthetist must be caIIed. In order to evaIuate these many methods, know the history and growth of man’s attempt to contro1 the pain of bearing offspring in the human, become famiIiar with the various methods and technics of administering various drugs, and being made aware of the endresults, we urge that this book be studied. It covers a11 forms of anesthesia, anaIgesia and amnesia, and has a compIete set of charts that show the effects of the various drugs on both the materna1 and feta1 organs. The book is whoIeheartedIy recommended. It is profuseIy iIIustrated, and the pubIishers have done we11 to offer it at a comparativeIy Iow price, when today one considers the costs of iIIustrations in coIor, with which this book abounds. We are toId that thirty-six of the thirty-seven coIIaborators in PrincipIes and Practice of Surgery3 work together in the hospita1 and medica schoo1 of TempIe University. It is a truism that the work mirrors the Iatest surgica1 advances and offers the reader a concise text despite the Iarge amount of materia1 on the nature, diagnosis and modern treatment of a11 surgica1 conditions. Wounds acquired in war and in civi1 Iife and the injuries and infections sustained from anima1 and vegetabIe parasites and viruses are given adequate space. Treatment is given in great detaiI. But we have not the space to teI1 of the many surgica1 fieIds and byways covered. The subject is covered and ip detail, as noted by the scope of its Four Parts: Genera1 Surgery, SurgicaI Technique,,The Surgery of Systems and RegionaI Surgery. This book is unique in that it is so uniform in its smoothness and 2ControI of Pain in Childbirth. By Clifford B. Lull and Robert A. Hingson. Philadelphia, 1944. J. B. Lippincott Company. Price $7.50. 3 Principtes and Practice of Surgery. By W. Wayne Babcock. PhiIadeIphia, ,944. Lea & Febiger. Price $12.00.