Control of reactive distillation columns with top-bottom external recycle

Control of reactive distillation columns with top-bottom external recycle

Mario R. Eden, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Gavin P. Towler (Editors) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – P...

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Mario R. Eden, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Gavin P. Towler (Editors) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2018 July 1-5, 2018, San Diego, California, USA © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Control of reactive distillation columns with topbottom external recycle Haisheng Chena*, Tengfei Wanga, Kejin Huanga a

Beijing University of Chemical Technology, North 3 ring road No. 15, Beijing, 100029, China [email protected]

Abstract Reactive distillation columns with external recycle between the top and bottom (RDCsTBER) have a better steady-state performance as compared with conventional reactive distillation columns (CRDCs) for the separations of reacting mixtures featuring the most unfavourable ranking of relative volatilities (i.e., the reactants are the lightest and heaviest components with the generated products in between). In this article, their dynamics and control are studied in great detail with special attention given to the influences of external recycle on process dynamics and controllability. Because of the totally reboiled operation mode plus a large reboiler, the CRDC is generally characterized by severe under-dampness between the intermediate-product compositions and the reboiler heat duty and long transient time. With external recycle between the top and bottom of the RDC-TBER, the suppression of the under-dampness between the intermediate-product compositions and the reboiler heat duty and relatively short transient time is attained, thereby presenting favourable influences to process dynamics and controllability. In additional, the supplementary manipulated variable (i.e., the flow rate of the external recycle) can be used to improve the process operation. A reactive distillation system, executing a hypothetical reversible reaction, A + B ↔ C + D (αA > αC > αD > αB), is employed to inspect the dynamics and controllability of the RDC-TBER and CRDC. The CRDC figures rather sluggish tracking responses because the under-damped behaviour and slow inventory control. The RDC-TBER, on the other hand, shows greatly improved tracking performance with even enhanced disturbance rejection capabilities. Keywords: reactive distillation column, external recycle, total reboiled operation, process dynamics, process controllability.

1. Introduction For the separation of reacting mixtures featuring the most unfavorable ranking of relative volatilities (i.e., the reactants are the lightest and heaviest components with the generated products in between), it is difficult to achieved high product purities via conventional reactive distillation columns (termed as CRDCs, hereinafter) with side draw and operating at total reboiled and total refluxed modes simultaneously (Chen et al., 2013). To deal this issue, Tung and Yu (2007) proposed a kind of reactive distillation columns with two reactive sections at the top and bottom (RDC-TRS). Despite the RDC-TRS can acquire high product purity, huge energy consumption should be applied. In order to overcome this difficulty, we proposed to utilizing feed splitting technology and/or adding external recycle between the top and bottom and thus derived five kinds of process alternatives with feed splitting and/or external recycle


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(Chen et al, 2016): (i) reactive distillation columns with two reactive sections and feed splitting (termed as RDC-TRS-FS, hereinafter); (ii) RDC-TRS-FS with external recycle (termed as RDC-TRS-FS-ER, hereinafter); (iii) reactive distillation columns with two reactive sections and external recycle (termed as RDC-TRS-ER, hereinafter); (iv) reactive distillation columns with a top-bottom external recycle (termed as RDC-TBER, hereinafter); (iii) RDC-TBER with feed splitting (termed as RDC-TBER-FS, hereinafter). The results showed that adding a top-bottom external recycle and/or utilizing feed splitting technology to the reactive distillation column can largely improve the steady-state system performance as compared with the RDC-TRS and the CRDC for the separations of reacting mixtures featuring the most unfavorable ranking of relative volatilities. Although the steady state researches on the two methods employed showed that they have great advantages on enhancing process thermodynamics efficiency, their dynamics and controllability are needed to be studied. In terms of the dynamics and control of RDC-TRS-FS for separating a two-stage consecutive reacting mixture (A + B ↔ C + D, C + B ↔ E + D with αD > αB > αC > αA > αE), Kaymak et al. (2017) provided four types of control structures including a temperature inferential control, a direct composition control, and two hybrid temperature and composition control and concluded that the last two control schemes can achieve effective control performance with little steady state deviations. Lately, Cao et al. (2017) found that deliberate arrangement and control of feed splitting can give great favorable effects on process dynamics and control. As for the dynamics and control of RDC-TBER (c.f. Figure 1b), few papers can be found to the best of our knowledge, even though it has comparable (or even better) steady state performance than RDC-TRS-FS in some reaction systems. The RDC-TBER have more manipulating valuable (i.e., the flow rate of external recycle) than the CRDC because of the process retrofitting, which means that the RDC-TBER might have improved dynamic performance than the CRDC with the operation of the flow rate of external recycle even though the former represents much stronger internal mass integration and internal heat integration than the latter. Therefore, researches on the effects of external recycle to process operation and control are necessary. The main purpose of the current article is to gain insights into the dynamic behaviors of the RDC-TBER and develop effective control systems. Detailed comparisons are made between the three control systems for the RDC-TBER and that for the CRDC. The separations of a hypothetical ideal quaternary reaction is employed as illustrative example to evaluate the impact of external recycle on process dynamics and control. After a brief discussion of the obtained outcomes, the article ends with the conclusions that can be drawn.

2. Dynamics and control of RDC-TBER As sketched in Figure 1a, the CRDC for the separation of the most unfavorable reacting mixtures is configured in such a way that the reactive section is arranged deliberately at the bottom (which include not only the reboiler but also some stages in the lower section divided by the stage for withdrawing the reaction products) for the separation of an exothermic reaction. The lightest reactant A and the heaviest reactant B are fed, respectively, into the reboiler and at the top of the reactive section with the light product C and the heavy product D withdrawn together as an intermediate product above the reactive section. It is noted that this arrangement leaves the CRDC in a totally refluxed and totally reboiled operation mode. The reflux flow rate and reboiler heat duty are used

Control of reactive distillation column with top-bottom external recycle


to maintain the inventories of the condenser and reboiler, respectively, and the compositions of the intermediate product are controlled by side draw flow rate. The very unusual process configuration and operation mechanism actually lend the CRDC very unique process dynamics that can have profound influences on process controllability. First, the regulation path is to be analyzed. Varying the side draw flow rate could not directly affect the compositions of the intermediate product. Its variation should do this job though the bottom inventory control loop. The variation of the side draw flow rate will affect the level of the bottom, then the reboiler heat duty would be adjusted, and the compositions of the intermediate product will change indirectly. Actually it has two routines to affect the C and D compositions of the intermediate product. Once a change occurs in the reboiler heat duty, it arouses an immediate variation in the vapor flow rate and has its first impact on the C and D compositions of the intermediate product. After the change moves upward and enters into the condenser, the totally refluxed operation mode transfers it completely into a perturbation in the liquid flow rate. After it reaches the stage for withdrawing the intermediate product, the perturbed liquid flow rate then presents the second impact on the C and D product compositions. It is noted that the first and second impacts are along opposite directions, and their net effect is the occurrence of an open-loop, under-damped behavior. Apparently, the unique phenomenon is closely related to the totally refluxed operation mode; more specifically, when the inventory in the condenser is larger, the degree of under-dampness becomes more severe, which presents definitely detrimental influences to process controllability. Apart from the intensification of interaction with the other control loop (i.e., the stoichiometric-balance control loop), the under-damped behavior of the CRDC also poses additional restrictions to tightening controller tuning. Second, the disturbance path is to be analyzed. The primary disturbance essentially originates from the A feed flow rate (and this assumes implicitly that it is taken as the production rate handle). Because of the totally reboiled operation mode, the open-loop under-damped behavior should still prevail despite that the reboiler heat duty is supposed to regulate the reboiler inventory here. Nonetheless, the severity of the under-dampness should be alleviated substantially. With the adoption of external recycle in process revamp, the exploited degrees of freedom can generally lead to a great improvement in the steady-state performance of the RDC-TBER. As sketched in Figure 1b, an external recycle is now added from top to bottom to enhance the possibility of contacting between the lightest reactant A and the heaviest reactant B. Relatively low vapor and liquid heat loads are now solicited by the RDC-TBER than CRDC because of improved reaction conversion. The including of external recycle can also improve the process controllability. In the regulation path, the impact to the intermediate product compositions of C and D is considerably suppressed because of total reflux operation mode is changed into partial one. Therefore, the severity of open-loop under-dampness should be greatly abated in the RDC-TBER. In the disturbance path, the alleviation of the open-loop underdampness behavior can still be expected. The improvement of open loop process dynamics will certainly present favorable influences to the tight control of the C and D compositions in the intermediate product. In the following, two reactive distillation systems, including the separations of a hypothetical reversible reaction, A + B↔C + D (αA > αC > αD > αB) is used to examine the insights on the dynamics and controllability of the CRDC and RDC-TBER.

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3. An illustrative example: A hypothetical ideal exothermic reaction 3.1. Process Studied As shown in Figure 1, the two reactive distillation systems, i.e., the CRDC and RDCTBER, are taken from Chen et al. (2013), which separate a hypothetical reversible reaction. A+B↔C+D (1) To save the space, the main physicochemical properties, and other relevant information are omitted and one can found them in the relevant reference. The commercial software Mathematica is used in process simulation. In comparison with the CRDC, the RDCTBER reduces the reboiler heat duty largely, highlighting the great potential of external recycle in process revamp. In this article, the solid and dashed lines stand for the outputs of the CRDC and RDC-TBER, respectively.



Figure 1. Process synthesis and design. (a) CRDC, (b) RDC-TBER

3.2. Open-Loop Dynamic Characters Figure 2 depicts the open-loop responses of the CRDC and RDC-TBER after they encounter ±5% impulse disturbances in the reboiler heat duty, separately. For both the positive and the negative perturbations, the CRDC shows seriously under-damped responses in the C and D compositions of the intermediate product. It is noted that the C composition of the intermediate product competes intensively with the D composition of the intermediate product, giving rise to quite similar responses but with opposite changing directions. For the RDC-TBER, external recycle makes it exhibit a degree of under-dampness that is considerably reduced as compared with that in the CRDC, implying a favorable influence on process dynamics by such a process revamp. Figure 3 depicts the open-loop responses of the CRDC and RDC-TBER after ±5% impulse changes are introduced, separately, into the A feed flow rate. With the adoption of external recycle, the under-damped behaviors are subdued in the RDC-TBER, implying again a favorable influence on process dynamics by such a process revamp. 0.5 0.4

0.3 0.2

0.1 0 0








1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


Liquid Composition


Liquid Composition

Liquid Composition



0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0













time(hour) CRDC








time(hour) CRDC


Figure 2. The open-loop responses of the CRDC and RDC-TBER after f5% impulse disturbances in the reboiler heat duty


Control of reactive distillation column with top-bottom external recycle


Figure 3. The open-loop responses of the CRDC and RDC-TBER after f5% impulse disturbances in the A feed flow rate

3.3. Closed-Loop Operation



Figure 4. Control systems of RDC-TBER, (a) CS1, (b) CS2

Direct composition control schemes are employed here as shown in Figure 4. Column pressure is regulated with the condenser heat removal, and the inventories of the reflux drum and reboiler are regulated with the reflux and reboiler heat duty, respectively, via a P-only controller. The product compositions are controlled with two methods. One is that the C composition of the intermediate product is regulated by the intermediate product flow rate via a PI controller, leaving the D composition of the intermediate product uncontrolled (c.f. Figure 4a); and the other is that the C composition of the intermediate product is regulated by the intermediate product flow rate and the D composition of the intermediate product is regulated by external recycle flow rate (c.f. Figure 4b). The B feed flow rate is employed to control the composition of B on stage 5 in the CRDC and on stage 10 in the RDC-TBER since the composition variation is the largest, serving to keep the stoichiometric ratio between the lightest reactant A and the heaviest reactant B. Although a P-only composition controller or a PI composition controller can be used here, for the sake of simplicity, the former option is chosen. The A feed flow rate is flow-controlled and works as the production rate handle. The composition controllers, designed in-line with the Tyreus− Luyben tuning rule. Composition measurement devices are assumed to act like a first order process with a 3 min time constant, and control valves are all set at the half-open position in the nominal steady state.

Figure 5. The regulatory responses of the CRDC and RDC-TBER after ±5% step changes are introduced into the A feed flow rate


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Figure 6. The regulatory responses of the CRDC and RDC-TBER after ±5% step changes are introduced into the A feed composition

The regulatory responses of the CRDC and RDC-TBER are illustrated in Figure 5 and 6, after ±5% step changes are introduced into the A feed flow rate and the A feed composition, respectively. Note that with the manipulating of external recycle, RDCTBER (CS2) is found to be advantageous over the CRDC in this situation.

4. Conclusions The unusual process configuration and operation mechanism, i.e., the totally refluxed and totally reboiled operation mode plus an intermediate-product withdrawal, lend the CRDC very unique process dynamics. In the regulation and disturbance path, seriously under-damped behaviours could occur between the light or heavy product compositions of the intermediate product and the side draw flow rate. These dynamic characteristics are likely to pose great difficulties for the tight quality control of the intermediate product. With the adoption of external recycle in the RDC-TBER, the reaction conversion is carefully coordinated, and this leads to not only the enhancement of steady-state performance but also the suppression of those unfavourable dynamic characteristics aroused by the totally refluxed and the totally reboiled operation mode plus an intermediate-product withdrawal. The reactive distillation system carrying out a hypothetical reversible reaction has been employed to scrutinize the dynamics and control of the CRDC and RDC-TBER. Two control systems of the RDC-TBER are developed. All of the obtained results have confirmed that with the adoption of external recycle the RDC-TBER helps to substantially alleviate the inherent drawbacks and therefore presents favourable influences to process dynamics and controllability.

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