Corrections to "The Transmission of African Horse-Sickness to the Dog by Feeding"

Corrections to "The Transmission of African Horse-Sickness to the Dog by Feeding"

The Veterinary '.1 ouruaf operated upon can be entered into a sale, or sold privately, as a " good hunter. " The usual definition of a " good fiunte...

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The Veterinary

'.1 ouruaf

operated upon can be entered into a sale, or sold privately, as a " good hunter. " The usual definition of a " good fiunter," as understood in England, is that written at the head of Tattersall's catalog ue, in which it states that a horse described as a " goo d hunter" must be " sound in wind ,a nd eyes ." Is a ci-devant roarer legally "sound in wind"? Some day or other the lawyers will have to decide the point, and until then I think we cannot offer an opinion that will stand. No operation cures every case upon which it is tried, and the operation for roaring is no exception '0 the rule . But the results which have followed the technique advised by our colleague, Dr. Williams, have been so encouraging that we cannot help but feel that we are at last upon the right track, and that owners and veterinarians alike, not to mention the equine world itself, owe him a debt of gratitude for his dogged perseverance in the face of much discouragement and many difficulties . Let ' us all do our b est to help him to work the matter to a finality, and to 'carry it out to an ab solute and, as far as possible, a universal and uniform success.

CORRECTI ONS . WE have received the following note from Mr. L. E.W . Bevan, relating to his article in the July issue of the VETERINARY ]OUR N AL: -

" In the article on the transmission of horse-sickness through the dog, there are one or two mistakes which should be corrected : Page 404, line 6 from top, for (from hound" Gwelo ") '"tad (from hound , Gwelo,) Page 406, temperature reading of horse " Saba," f or D ate.

March 27,1911 28, I I March 27, 1911 28, I I

Tempera ture.

N umber of D ays.

Morning .

6 7 6 7

100 "6 OF . 102 '2 I I 100 "6 OF . 102 ' 2 I I

Evening .

108 '4 OF . 108'8 I I read 102'4 OF. 102'8 I I