Correlation of test and FEA results for elbows subjected to out-of-plane loading

Correlation of test and FEA results for elbows subjected to out-of-plane loading

Nuclear Engineering and Design 217 (2002) 213– 224 Correlation of test and FEA results for elbows subjected to out-...

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Nuclear Engineering and Design 217 (2002) 213– 224

Correlation of test and FEA results for elbows subjected to out-of-plane loading Ying Tan, Kevin Wilkins, Vernon Matzen * Center for Nuclear Power Plant Structures, Equipment and Piping, North Carolina State Uni6ersity, Raleigh, NC 27695 -7908, USA Received 10 October 2001; received in revised form 1 February 2002; accepted 8 March 2002

Abstract The objective of this study is to validate a finite element analysis (FEA) simulation methodology to predict the out-of-plane behavior of piping elbows. Two out-of-plane elbow experiments and the corresponding FEA shell and elbow element models are presented. For load–displacements results, all the FEA predictions showed excellent agreement with measured experimental results, and for load– strain behavior, the shell FEA model results correlated quite well with the experimental results. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

2. Background

In previous publications (Tan et al., 2002; Tan and Matzen, 2002), finite element analysis (FEA) procedures were developed and used to successfully simulate the behavior of eight physical tests: two four-point-bending tests on straight pipes, four in-plane closing bending tests and two inplane opening bending tests on 90° long-radius stainless steel (SS) elbows. The purpose of this study is to determine if out-of-plane behavior can be equally well simulated.

The study of pipe bends began with von Karman (1911). Since then Hovgaard (1930), Turner and Ford (1957) developed comprehensive theories for curved tubes under in-plane bending. Beskin (1945) extended von Karman’s theory and Smith (1967) adapted Turner and Ford’s analysis to deal with out-of-plane bending. All the studies above were based on elastic and small-deflection assumptions. In addition to theoretical studies, extensive experimental investigations have been performed. Smith and Ford (1967) carried out an experimental investigation on three individual pipe bends subjected to three-dimensional loading, one for in-plane bending, one for out-of-plane bending and one for combined in-plane and out-of-plane bending. Deflections, cross-sectional distortions and strains were measured. In 1978, results from

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-919-515-7736; fax: + 1919-515-5301. E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Matzen).

0029-5493/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 9 - 5 4 9 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 3 2 - 2


Y. Tan et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 217 (2002) 213–224

20 elbow tests were presented by Greenstreet (1978), of which five were out-of-plane tests, some with internal pressure and some without. Imazu et al. (1979) tested a thin-walled 304SS elbow at 600 °C using out-of-plane bending. In Prost et al.’s (1983) experimental study, three out-of-plane elbow tests were conducted at room temperature with and without internal pressure and one at elevated temperature (340 °C). Hilsenkopf et al. (1988) presented the results of two series of tests performed on 90° large-radius elbows, among which six were out-of-plane tests. Each series consisted of three tests. One was out-of-plane bending at room temperature without internal pressure, one was without internal pressure but at 120 °C, and one was at room temperature but with internal pressure. The moment– rotation relationships and the ovalization modes were recorded and illustrated. All of the work cited above was based on experiments— FEA simulation was not involved. Natarajan and Mirza (1981) described a finite element procedure for the analysis of a piping system subjected to out-of-plane moments. Basavaraju and Lee (1993) utilized ANSYS (1989) to study stress intensification factors and the C2 stress index for in-plane and out-of-plane moment, in which linear elastic analysis was used. To determine the stress for an elbow which has a stiffener closer than one pipe radius from the

Fig. 2. Test setup for Pipe-2. (a) Schematic; (b) Photograph.

Fig. 1. Test setup for Pipe-1 (from Figure 2 of Greenstreet, 1978).

elbow, Machida et al. (1995) carried out elastic stress analyzes using FEA for a 90° elbow subjected to out-of-plane moment. Mourad and Younan (2000a) using ABAQUS (1989) and taking geometric and material non-linearities into account, performed non-linear analyzes of elbows subjected to out-of-plane moment and internal pressure. All the works above focused exclusively on FEA study and the computed results were not confirmed by experimental data. Some reconciliation work has been conducted to bridge the experimental and FEA investiga-

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data by 13–21% for out-of-plane forces and they attributed the discrepancies to ‘the geometric irregularities of the test models’. Kussmaul et al. (1995) reported a 90° elbow subjected to out-ofplane bending without internal pressure, and a FEA using ABAQUS ELBOW31 to simulate the test. Their computed forces differed by up to 15–20% compared with experimental results. They attributed the discrepancies to inaccurate material properties. Mourad and Younan (2000b), in a second 2000 paper, concentrated on the effect of FEA modeling parameters for pipe bends subjected to out-of-plane moment and internal pressure. They verified their FEA models by comparing their computed results to measured test data reported by Greenstreet (1978). Their correlations are quite good. Curiously, the Greenstreet data they present vary by 8–9% from what Greenstreet has in his report, although this deviation would appear to have little effect on the correlation assessment. The strain correlation for what they call their ‘connected model’ is also quite good, but they display the results in a moment –strain graph whereas Greenstreet gave his results in load–strain coordinates and so it is difficult for a casual observer to correlate their results directly with the original Greenstreet curve. They conclude that using the ‘closest in properties to a real elastic-plastic strain-hardening material’ (Mourad and Younan, 2000a) is very important for correlations between FEA and tests. As described above, even though much research has been performed on elbows subjected to outof-plane bending, the problem of simulating test

Fig. 3. Specimen dimensions for Pipe-2.

Fig. 4. Measured cross-sections. (a) Cross-section location; (b) pipe cross-section.

tions. Fujimoto and Soh (1988) analyzed very thin-walled pipe bends under in-plane and out-ofplane moments and compared their FEA stress distributions with experimental measurements. The experimental values are less than their FEA Table 1 Measured outside diameters and wall thicknesses for Pipe-2 Plane no.




















Do Flank–Flank t-Flank t-Flank Do Intra–Extra t-Intrados t-Extrados

2.380 0.132 0.135 2.375 0.131 0.119

6.045 0.335 0.343 6.033 0.333 0.302

2.385 0.130 0.131 2.365 0.141 0.120

6.058 0.330 0.333 6.007 0.358 0.305

2.376 0.130 0.135 2.370 0.139 0.117

6.035 0.330 0.343 6.020 0.353 0.297

2.382 0.130 0.138 2.377 0.141 0.119

6.050 0.330 0.351 6.038 0.358 0.302

2.380 0.132 0.142 2.377 0.128 0.120

6.045 0.335 0.361 6.038 0.325 0.305

2.381 0.131 0.136 2.373 0.136 0.119

6.047 0.332 0.345 6.027 0.345 0.302

Y. Tan et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 217 (2002) 213–224


Table 2 Average outside diameters and wall thicknesses for Pipe-2 Do Segments of test specimens

Elbow Straight pipe

Average t

(in) (cm) (in) (cm)


0.133 0.338 0.110 0.279





2.373 6.027 – –

2.381 6.047 – –

2.377 6.038 2.375 6.033

17.9 21.6

Table 3 Material properties of Pipe-1 Carbon steel SA106 Grade B


Pipe-1 (Greenstreet, 1978, Table 1) Base curve (ANSYS, 1999, Table 3)









50.0 42.5

345 293

73.6 69.7

507 480

30,100 42,922

208 296

ey (%)

eu (%)

N/A 0.2

N/A 20

Table 4 Material properties of Pipe-2 Stainless steel 304


Segments of test specimens







35.4 39.5 38.4

244 272 265

81.0 82.2 85.8

558 567 592

N/A N/A 29,000

N/A N/A 200

Manufacturer’s report NCSU ASTM test

Elbow Straight pipe Straight pipe

and FEA results accurately has not been fully solved. This paper describes an investigation into this problem and a resolution to it.



3. Experiments

to as Pipe-1 in this paper). The test information is illustrated in Fig. 1. Measured specimen dimensions were not presented and only the following nominal dimensions were reported in Greenstreet (1978): Do = 6.625 in (16.83 cm) and t=0.280 in (0.711 cm) for a Do/t ratio of 23.7.

3.1. Pipe-1

3.2. Pipe-2

The first set of data used to verify the FEA procedure described in Tan et al. (2002), Tan and Matzen (2002) is from an out-of-plane bending test on 6¦ schedule 40 long radius carbon steel elbow, reported by Greenstreet (1978), (called Test No. PE-3 in Greenstreet (1978), and referred

At North Carolina State University (NCSU), an elbow specimen, designated Pipe-2, was tested (Wilkins et al., 2001) under out-of-plane loading, as shown in Fig. 2. The specimen was a 2¦ schedule 10, 90° long radius, SS304L, seamless, butt welding elbow, with segments of straight pipes

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Fig. 5. Engineering stress strain curves for Pipe-1. Fig. 7. Load – displacement curves for Pipe-1.

Fig. 6. Engineering stress strain curves for Pipe-2.

Fig. 8. Load – displacement curve for Pipe-2.



Y. Tan et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 217 (2002) 213–224

welded to both ends, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The length of each straight tangent portion was approximately five times the outside diameter of the elbow. This length was selected so that the end constraints would have negligible effect on the elbow behavior (Yu, 1998). Actual geometrical dimensions and pipe wall thicknesses were measured before the test. Five cross-sections along the pipe bend radius, labeled P-1 to P-5 in Fig. 4(a), were selected as planes for which measurements were taken. In each plane, the

Fig. 11. SG01 strain responses for Pipe-1 (taken from figure 24 in Greenstreet, 1978). Fig. 9. Local mesh for strain gage location for SG01, Pipe-1.

wall thicknesses at extrados, intrados and flanks were measured as shown in Fig. 4(b). The measured data are given in Table 1 and the average wall thicknesses and average outside diameters are provided in Table 2.

4. Finite element analysis In this study, ANSYS (1999) version 5.6, ABAQUS (2000) version 6.1 were used. Two types of FEA models, one using shell elements and the other using elbow elements, were tried. For the FEA shell models, ANSYS SHELL43, SHELL181 and ABAQUS S8R5 were utilized. For the FEA elbow element models, ABAQUS ELOW31 was used. In all cases, large deformation and stress stiffness effects were taken into account.

4.1. Material models

Fig. 10. SG00 strain responses for Pipe-1 (taken from Figure 24 in Greenstreet, 1978).

FEA requires the non-linear stress–strain curves, but none were available for any of the specimens tested. However, the values of the three material

Y. Tan et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 217 (2002) 213–224


Fig. 12. Strain gage locations for Pipe-2. (a) SG01 to SG05 locations (Load coming out of paper); (b) SG01 to SG03 photograph (Load going in paper).

parameters (E, Sy and Su) were provided in Greenstreet (1978) for Pipe-1 and in the manufacturer’s report for Pipe-2, as shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. In the current study, the procedure described in Tan and Matzen (2002) was used to construct the specimen stress– strain curves based on these three parameters and available measured stress– strain curves of the same type of material. Briefly, this procedure is one in which a stress–strain curve is constructed such that its yield stress, ultimate stress and modulus of elasticity are the same as a specified set (e.g. handbook value for E and the manufacturer’s specifications for Sy and Su) and the shape of the curve is similar to one obtained from a test on a similar material. For Pipe-1, a uniaxial tensile test stress–strain curve for SA 106 Grade B carbon steel, published in Gosselin and Wais (1999) and shown here in Fig. 5 (after being converted to engineering stress and strain), was used as the base curve and it is assumed that the engineering ultimate strain corresponding to the ultimate

stress was 20%.1 For Pipe-2, an ASTM type tensile test was performed on a coupon specimen cut from a piece of straight pipe, which is the same product batch as the straight pipes used in the NCSU specimens. The experimental engineering stress-engineering strain data are shown in Fig. 6 as open circles, and labeled as ‘2¦Sch10 Coupon’. The measured stress–strain data show close agreements with the manufacturer’s report, as given in Table 4. Since the manufacturer’s test report gave different properties for the elbow and straight tangent pipes, two separate non-linear stress–strain curves were needed in the FEA model—one for the straight tangent pieces and one for the elbow. For the straight tangent portions, the stress–strain curve of 2¦Sch10 Coupon was used directly. For the elbow portion, a new 1 It is recognized that this process, which was developed for modifying curves for stainless steel, is not exact and may distort a stress – strain curve for Carbon Steel. However, the process is thought to be sufficiently accurately for the intended purpose here.


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stress–strain curve was constructed as illustrated by the line labeled ‘Linearly Scaled Elbow Curve’ in Fig. 6, using the data of the 2¦Sch10 Coupon as the base curve. Since the weld bead of Pipe-2 specimen was ground off before the test, it was assumed to be negligible in the FEA model.

4.2. Correlation of global beha6ior For Pipe-1, experimental load– displacement curves from in Greenstreet (1978) were digitized and are replotted here in Fig. 7. The circular marks show the test data of load vs. displacement at Dial Gage 1(labeled as Test D1) and the rectangles are for Dial Gage 2 (Test D2.) FEA results are shown in Fig. 7 for three shell element models (SHELL43 and SHELL181 from ANSYS and

S8R5 from ABAQUS) and one elbow element model (ELBOW31 from ABAQUS.) All of the FEA results are remarkably similar to each other and they match the test results very well, although there is a slight over prediction of the D2 data as the elbow yields. As seen in Fig. 8, the FEA results for Pipe-2 also matched the measured displacement data very well. A close inspection of the curves will show that the curve for SHELL43 ends at 4¦ (10.2 cm) and the curve for SHELL181 ends at 4.5¦ (11.4 cm). At these points in the analyzes, convergence difficulties caused the program to terminate. For elbow model, no convergence problems were encountered. The reason for this lack of convergence with the shell analyzes is not yet fully understood.

Fig. 13. Local mesh for strain gage locations for Pipe-2. (a) Gage sizes, locations, orientations and FEA local mesh for SG01, SG02 and SG03; (b) gage sizes, locations, orientations and FEA local mesh for SG04 and SG05.

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Fig. 14. Strain responses for Pipe-2. (a) SG01 Longtitudinal strain; (b) SG01 Hoop strain; (c) SG02 Longtitudinal strain; (d) SG02 Hoop strain; (e) SG03 Longtitudinal strain; (f) SG03 Hoop strain; (g) SG04 Longitudinal strain; (h) SG04 Hoop strain; (i) SG05 Longitudinal strain; (j) SG05 Hoop strain.

4.3. Correlation of strains In





curves were given for two strain gages, designated SG00 and SG01. Gages SG00 and SG01 were located 33 and 48°, respectively, around the el-


Y. Tan et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 217 (2002) 213–224

bow, measuring from the flank to the intrados. Gage SG00 was 36° along the bend angle from the elbow-straight pipe weld while gage SG01 was 41° along the bend angle. To simulate these strains a shell model using ANSYS SHELL181 was

created with the mesh refined locally at the strain gages locations, as illustrated in Fig. 9. The digitized curves from Greenstreet (1978) are shown in Figs. 10 and 11 along with the FEA results. It is seen that the FEA responses followed the experi-

Fig. 14. (Continued)

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Fig. 14. (Continued)

mental results closely for SG01, while there is some deviation between FEA and test data for a portion of the SG00 load– strain curve. The reason for the deviation is not clear. For Pipe-2, five tee-rosette strain gages (MicroMeasurements Division, Measurements Group, Inc., Raleigh, NC. Gage type: EA-06-062TT-120), called SG01 to SG05 hereafter, were mounted on the specimen, as illustrated in Fig. 12(a) and (b). These positions were in the high-strain regions given by FEA predictions and were selected in order to verify the FEA procedure. For each gage, longitudinal and hoop strains were recorded. The gage elements were aligned with the local coordinate axes of the shell elements in the gage areas. A model using ANSYS SHELL181 was created similar to the one used for the Pipe-1 specimen to simulate these responses. The local mesh at the strain gage region was refined, as shown in Fig. 13. The FEA results plotted together with the measured experimental data are shown in Fig. 14. In general, the FEA predictions match all the

experimental responses very well. The discrepancies, which are reasonably small, are likely a result of the interpolation of the strain data from the FEA postprocessor. In this study, the FEA results were the average element strains at the gage regions. The discrepancy between the actual gage areas and those defined in FEA will unavoidably introduce some error.

5. Conclusions This paper presents two experiments for out-ofplane monotonic loading of piping elbows and the non-linear FEA procedures used to simulate them. FEA shell models and elbow models were used and they all give excellent results compared with measured load– displacement responses and the shell models produced strain responses that matched test data quite well. When only the global behavior is required, the ABAQUS elbow element would appear to be preferable to ABAQUS or ANSYS shell elements.

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Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Center for Nuclear Power Plant Structures, Equipment and Piping and North Carolina State University, the PVRC Subcommittee on Flexibility Models and Stress Intensification Factors (Grant 98-PNV-6) and the North Carolina Supercomputing Center.

Appendix A. Nomenclature Do E eu ey Sy Su T

outside diameter of pipe Young’s modulus uniaxial engineering ultimate strain uniaxial engineering yield strain yield stress ultimate stress wall thickness

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