ANNOUNCEMENT CORROSION IN COAL CONVERSION SYSTEMS London, 5-7 May 1982 THIS MEETINGwill provide a forum for discussion of current ...
ANNOUNCEMENT CORROSION IN COAL CONVERSION SYSTEMS London, 5-7 May 1982 THIS MEETINGwill provide a forum for discussion of current research on the development of corrosion resistant materials for use in coal conversion systems. There will be sessions on pulverized coal combustion, fluidized bed combustion, gasification and on underlying research. Each session will be introduced by a keynote review: Fluidized bed combustion--Keynote Speaker: Mr. R. Hoy (National Coal Board, CURL, U.K.). Gasification--Keynote Speaker: Dr. K. H. van Heek (Bergbau-Forschung, FRG). Pulverized coal combustion--Keynote Speaker: Dr. D. R. Holmes (CEGB, CERL). Underlying research--Keynote Speaker: Prof. J. Stringer (EPRI, U.S.A.). Technical sessions will be held in the Lecture Theatre in Sudbury House, Newgate Street, London EC1, close to St. Paul's Cathedral. The proceedings of the conference=will be refereed and published as a book by Applied Science Publishers. Typescripts of the papers will be distributed to delegates before the meetings. Full details of the programme and registration forms can be obtained from: Dr. D. B. Meadowcroft/Dr. M. I. Manning, CERL, Kelvin Avenue, Leatherhead KT22 7SE, Surrey, U.K. Tel: 0372 (+44 372 from abroad) 374488. Telex: CERL Leatherhead 917338.