done I am of opinion that medical jurists will fully concur with Dr. Christison in having little hesitation in avowing their disbelief in corrosive sublimate eaters iu general, and in the veracity of the aboBementioned Moslem in particular. I am, Sir, vour obedient servant.
at the level of one of the cicatrices a solution of continuity was discovered in the ascending aorta ; it was about a quarter of a line in length, and closed with firm fibrine. The artery was now removed with caution, and divided internally, when a small cicatrix corresponding with the external lesion, was discovered in the inner parietes of the vessel, thus showing that the three coats of the artery had been divided by the instrument,—Arch. Général., May 1838.
being marked by cicatrices ;
Peterborough, May 8th,
A Constant Reader. Something depencl.; the state of health of the person ; but if M. DESPINE, Inspector of the Mineral be tolerably good, the habit is salutary, Waters of Aix and Savoie, lately communiMr. Edmonds’s paper will be inserted at cated the following case of clairvoyance to the earliest opportunity. The printed extract from some newspaper the Royal Academy of IYTedecine :has been received. beof sixteen Sophie Laroche, years age, The Inhabitant of Erentfoud, who wrote came somnambulist at the age of eight, in the inquest, forgot to say on what regarding consequence of fright, and for the last four it would be held. day and has been affected with years complete The facts stated by 1lledicus have been general paralysis ; she has been confined to many times stated and illustrated in this bed since the 1st January, 1834. Journal. They may be repeated with effect Since then the nature of the crises varied on another occasion. considerably, and, in order to watch them R. Thomas. We are unable to answer the with greater care M. Despine took the girl to us in a positive manner, into his house. When the crisis is on (con- query addressed I The mass should have been deprived of tinues M. Despine) the child hew’s, sees, its moisture, but this would probably reads, tastes, and touches with the feet and have injured the materiel alluded to as an hands. I saw her do so at Virieu ; I see article of food. her do so here every day. My son and M. We beg to inform our Correspondent in Mercier (physician to the families of Broglie Finsbury, that we never give medical ad. and Staël), witnessed the phenomena, a s vice the medium of THE LANCET. through also did the sous-prefect, and hundreds of We are sorry to say that Mr. l’on’s accound other witnesses. — Bul. de l’Acad. Roy., of the wounds inflicted on the body of Eliza April, 1838. Grimwood, who was found dead in a house in the Waterloo-road, on the 26th of May, reached us too late for insertion in THE LavCORROSIVE SUBLIMATE EATERS CET of this week. It shall appear in the
To the Editor
next number We have to
acknowledge the receipt of a SiR:-In his 34th Lecture on Medical variety of petitions, remonstrances, stateJurisprudence, published in THE LANCET ofmerits, and reasons, relative to the Irish the 27th of May, 1837, Professor Thomson, Medical Charities Bill, from the Associatiml speaks of " a Turk at Constantinople whoof Physicians, Dublin; the Professors of the acquired the habit of eating corrosive subli-School of Physic, Ireland; the President arbd mate until he at length took one drachm of^ Fellows of the King and Queen’s College of it daily." - He afterwards proceeds to say,Physicians;the Faculty of Physicians and that " the case was first mentioned by Dr. Surgeons of Glasgow, and the Governors and Pouqueville; it was then doubted and cri-Guardians of the Dublin Lying-in Hospital, ticised by Mi. Thornton, but it was afterwards veritied by Lord Byron, and lastly BOOK RECEIVED. by Sir John Hobhouse." Now, as the only allusion to be found in Lord Byron’s A Practical Compendium of the Materia writings is to the following effect,-" Dr. Pouqueville tells a long story of a Moslem Medica, with numerous Formulm, adapted who swallowed corrosive sublimate," and for the Treatment of the Diseases of In. falls far short of a verification of what was, fancy and Childhood. By Alexander Ure, if true, a most extraodinarv fact, perhaps M.D. This and the works noticed in the last the learned Professor will make us acquainted with the means by which Sir J. Hob- LANCET, have been received from M. Schloss, Russell-street. house verified the matter. Until this is
I Great