Cortisone Therapy: Mainly Applied to the Rheumatic Diseases. By J. H. Glyn. Philosophical Library, Inc., New York, 1957. x+162 pp. 14×22 cm. Price $10

Cortisone Therapy: Mainly Applied to the Rheumatic Diseases. By J. H. Glyn. Philosophical Library, Inc., New York, 1957. x+162 pp. 14×22 cm. Price $10

SCIENTIFIC EDITION April 1958 the uterus, ergot; The treatment of anemias; Thyroid Gland; Insulin; Oestrogens and rogens; Adrenal cortex ; Disinfect...

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April 1958

the uterus, ergot; The treatment of anemias; Thyroid Gland; Insulin; Oestrogens and rogens; Adrenal cortex ; Disinfectants; Sulfonamides and salicylates; Kidney, treatment of oedema ; Antibiotics; Malaria; Chemotherapy in tropical diseases; Metallic salts and vitamins; Biological variation and clinical trials. The book is intended for medical students and physicians. It should be a useful addition to the Pharmacy library as well.


The excellent style, format, and binding of this series is continued. The references a t the end of each paper and the appended author and subject indexes add to the value of this volume, and the other volumes in this series, as additions to the reference library in this field.

The Lipids. Their Chemistry and Biochemistry. Vol. 3, Biochemistry (Biosynthesis, Oxidation, Metabolism, and Nutritional Value). By HARRY Quantitative Organic Analysis. By JAMES S . FRITZ J. DEUEL, JR. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1957. xxxvi 1065 pp. 15.5 x John Wiley & Sons, and GEORGES. HAMMOND. 23.5 cm. Price $25. Inc., New York, 1957. ix 303 pp. 14.5 x 23 cm. Price $6.50. This is the third volume of a comprehensive text on the lipids, and completes the coverage of the bioThis textbook utilizes the principle of analysis of organic compounds by selective, functional group chemical phase of the subject. The author, Dr. reactions. The following chapter headings indicate Deuel, died in 1956, and some of the later material the scope of the text: Details of a method (analyti- was added by a n editorial committee. The fine cal), Acid-base titrations in nonaqueous solvents, style, detailed scope, and excellent printing and forIndirect acid-base methods, Oxidative and reductive mat of this volume are similar to that in vols. 1 and methods, Manometirc methods, Metal ion com- 2 which were reviewed, respectively, in THISJOURNAL, 41, 57(1952) and 44,318(1955). Of particular plexes, Elemental analysis, Kinetics in analysis, Spectrophotometric methods, Separations, Physical interest at this time is the final chapter on the nutriand polarographic methods, Solving new analytical tional value of fats. The many references throughproblems, and Laboratory procedures. The text is out the text and the extensive author and subject designed for use at the later undergraduate and indexes make this set of books indispensable a s a reference work. graduate level of instruction. I t is documented throughout with references t o the literature. Problems are included at the end of each chapter. Author and subject indexes are appended. The ExPerimental Cuntrol of Plant Growth. By FRITSW. WENT. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, Mass., book should be considered by teachers of organic 1957. xvii 343 pp. 15 x 23 cm. Price analysis and newer analytical techniques.




Recenl Progress in Hormone Research, Vol. XIII: Proceedings of the Laurentian Hormone Conference 1956. Edited by GREGORY PINCUS.Academic Press Inc., New York, 1957. v f 646 pp. 15 x 23 cm. Price $12.80. The papers and discussions of the thirteenth annual Laurentian Hormone Conference comprise this volume. The twelfth volume was reviewed in THISJOURNAL, 46,149( 1957). The reports, grouped under five main headings, are: I. NeurohumoralEndocrine Relationships.-Biochemical, physiological, and pharmacological aspects of serotonin; Effects of midbrain and spinal cord transection on endocrine and metabolic functions with postulation of a midbrain hypothalamico-pituitary activating system; Studies on the influence of the central nervous system on anterior pituitary function; Hormones and rhythms in man and animals. 11. Hormone Transport in Circulation.-Interaction of thyroid hormones and protein in biological fluids; Binding of steroids and steroid conjugates to human plasma proteins. 111. Aspects of Reproduction.-Some experimental studies on the Mechanism of ova-implantation in the rat; Synthetic progestins in the normal human menstrual cycle; Metabolism of progesterone and its clinical use in pregnancy; Long-acting steroids in reproduction. IV. Hormone Chemistry and Metabolism.-Insulinase, insulinase-inhibitors, and diabetes mellitus; Glucagon, a second pancreatic hormone. V. Hormones and Stress.-Endocrine changes after anesthesia, surgery, and unanesthetized trauma in man; Adrenal influences upon the stomach and the gastric responses to stress.

$8.50. This book presents in detail the factors affecting plant growth and describes the methods used in the experimental studies a t the Clark Greenhouses and the Earhart Plant Research Laboratory. I n addition to author and subject indexes, 27 pages of photographs are appended.

Practical Clinical Chemistry: A Guide for Technicians, 2nd ed. By ALMAHILLER. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, 1957. xvii -I- 265 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm. Price $6.50. The various tests and procedures utilized in clinical chemistry are described in detail and outlines for the different determinations are included. Duplicate forms of the outlines are appended for removal from the book. A general subject index is included. The book should be a useful textbook and laboratory manual as well as a guide for practicing clinical technicians. Cortisone Therapy: Mainly Applied to the Rheumatic Diseases. By J. H. GLYN. Philosophical Library, Inc., New York, 1957. x 162 pp. 14 x 22 cm. Price $10. The relative therapeutic value of cortisone, corticotrophin, hydrocortisone, prednisone, and prednisolone, primarily in the treatment of rheumatic diseases are reviewed, with detailed regimens of treatment included. It is an important contribution to the rational consideration of a complicated problem in medical practice by a practitioner who is personally familiar with the practical aspects of this field of therapy. 4 general index is appended.
