Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Single Fraction of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Compared With Single Fraction of External Beam Radiation Therapy for Palliation of Vertebral Bone Metastases

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Single Fraction of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Compared With Single Fraction of External Beam Radiation Therapy for Palliation of Vertebral Bone Metastases

International Journal of Radiation Oncology biology physics Clinical Investigation Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Single Fract...

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International Journal of

Radiation Oncology biology


Clinical Investigation

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Single Fraction of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Compared With Single Fraction of External Beam Radiation Therapy for Palliation of Vertebral Bone Metastases Hayeon Kim, MS,* Malolan S. Rajagopalan, MD,* Sushil Beriwal, MD,* M. Saiful Huq, PhD,* and Kenneth J. Smith, MD, MSy *Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, and yDepartment of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Received Aug 4, 2014, and in revised form Oct 16, 2014. Accepted for publication Oct 28, 2014.

Summary A cost-effectiveness analysis of single fraction stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) compared with single fraction external beam radiation therapy for palliation of vertebral bone metastases was performed. In the base case analysis, SBRT is not a cost-effective strategy, resulting in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $124,552 per qualityadjusted life years (QALY) gained at a $100,000 per QALY gained willingnessto-pay threshold. However, if median survival is 11 months or 18 months, SBRT costs $100,000 per

Purpose: Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has been proposed for the palliation of painful vertebral bone metastases because higher radiation doses may result in superior and more durable pain control. A phase III clinical trial (Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 0631) comparing single fraction SBRT with single fraction external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) in palliative treatment of painful vertebral bone metastases is now ongoing. We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis to compare these strategies. Methods and Materials: A Markov model, using a 1-month cycle over a lifetime horizon, was developed to compare the cost-effectiveness of SBRT (16 or 18 Gy in 1 fraction) with that of 8 Gy in 1 fraction of EBRT. Transition probabilities, quality of life utilities, and costs associated with SBRT and EBRT were captured in the model. Costs were based on Medicare reimbursement in 2014. Strategies were compared using the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), and effectiveness was measured in quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). To account for uncertainty, 1-way, 2-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. Strategies were evaluated with a willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold of $100,000 per QALY gained. Results: Base case pain relief after the treatment was assumed as 20% higher in SBRT. Base case treatment costs for SBRT and EBRT were $9000 and $1087, respectively. In the base case analysis, SBRT resulted in an ICER of $124,552 per QALY gained. In 1-way sensitivity analyses, results were most sensitive to variation of the utility of unrelieved pain; the utility of relieved pain after initial treatment and median survival were also sensitive to variation. If median survival is 11 months, SBRT cost <$100,000 per QALY gained.

Reprint requests to: Hayeon Kim, MS, DABR, Department of Radiation Oncology, Magee Womens Hospital of UPMC, 300 Halket St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Tel: (412) 641-4600; E-mail: [email protected] Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys, Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 556e563, 2015 0360-3016/$ - see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Conflict of interest: none. AcknowledgmentsdThe authors thank Kim Hodges for her help in gathering billing data.

Volume 91  Number 3  2015

QALY or $50,000/QALY gained, respectively.

Cost-effectiveness of SBR in vertebral bone metastases


Conclusion: SBRT for palliation of vertebral bone metastases is not cost-effective compared with EBRT at a $100,000 per QALY gained WTP threshold. However, if median survival is 11 months, SBRT costs $100,000 per QALY gained, suggesting that selective SBRT use in patients with longer expected survival may be the most cost-effective approach. Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc.


Methods and Materials

Back pain is the most common initial symptom of vertebral bone metastasis in late-stage cancer (1, 2). It is often associated with neurologic problems and decreased performance status (3). External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) has been an effective treatment for palliation of painful vertebral bone metastasis (4, 5). Conventional fractionated EBRT (largely 30 Gy in 10 fractions) has been mostly accepted for palliative treatment even though the doseepain response is not well understood (6, 7). Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 97-14, which randomized patients to either 8 Gy in a single fraction or 30 Gy in 10 fractions for radiation treatment of bone metastases, showed similar pain relief (the primary endpoint of this study) between the 2 study arms (1, 6). In addition, single fraction treatment has proved more convenient for patients and caregivers. For this reason, 8 Gy in a single fraction is 1 of the acceptable options from the American Society for Radiation Oncology consensus evidence-based standard of care for symptomatic bone metastases (2). Recently, stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has demonstrated better pain control and neurologic function in comparison with historical results with conventional EBRT for spine metastases (8-10). Unlike with EBRT, where concerns of spinal cord myelopathy have limited dose escalation because of the proximity of the spinal cord to the vertebral body, improved precision of dose delivery with SBRT creates a sharp dose falloff between the target and adjacent spinal cord. This high targeting accuracy allows higher single fraction radiation dose to the vertebral target while maintaining a safe spinal cord dose previously not feasible with EBRT (10). Clinical doseeresponse studies have reported that SBRT dose escalation to 16 Gy is associated with a strong trend toward improved pain relief (11-17). RTOG 0631, a phase III clinical trial comparing SBRT (16 or 18 Gy in 1 fraction) with EBRT (8 Gy in 1 fraction) is an ongoing cooperative group trial, which will lend further clarity about the differences in efficacy between these 2 treatment modalities (3). The trial hypothesis is that SBRT can improve pain relief by 40%, in relative difference, compared with EBRT (SBRT 0.7 and EBRT 0.51; absolute difference 19%). In this study, we performed a cost-effectiveness analysis of SBRT compared with EBRT in the palliative treatment of painful vertebral bone metastases, assuming 20% absolute difference in pain control.

Decision model We constructed a Markov state transition model comparing SBRT with single fraction EBRT for palliative treatment of painful vertebral bone metastases. In the model, identical hypothetical cohorts were treated with single fraction SBRT (16 or 18 Gy) or EBRT (8 Gy). Patients with spinal cord compression were excluded. Cohorts were followed up during their remaining lifetimes; the Markov cycle length was 1 month. The Markov model is shown in Figure 1 representing transition probabilities between health states based on medical literatureebased treatment outcome and survival rates (Table 1) (1, 17-21). For our model calibration, Markov cohort probability analysis was performed for the expected survival rates for both SBRT and EBRT cohorts. That is, mortality likelihood was calculated and our model produced clinically reasonable survival rates. With a lifetime time horizon, our model cycled until the entire cohort had died. Initial treatment occurred in the first cycle of the model. Patients who were alive had either pain relief or no pain relief after initial treatment. Patients who had pain relief after initial treatment could have continued pain relief over time, or could experience pain later. Those experiencing pain later and those with unrelieved pain after initial treatment could be retreated with the same radiation

Fig. 1. Markov state transition model. Arrows represent transition between health states. EBRT Z external beam radiation therapy; SBRT Z stereotactic body radiation therapy.


International Journal of Radiation Oncology  Biology  Physics

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Table 1

Model assumption: Clinical parameters Cost*

Cost for EBRT Cost for SBRT Cost of retreatment with EBRT Cost of retreatment with SBRT Cost of pain medication Probabilities (reference) Median survival for both treatment strategies (1, 19-21) Probability of pain relief after initial EBRT (2) Probability of pain relief after initial SBRT (2) Probability of retreatment after initial EBRT (1, 5, 19) Probability of retreatment after initial SBRT (17, 20) Probability of pain relief after retreatment from EBRT (1, 2) Probability of pain relief after retreatment from SBRTx Probability of getting pain later after pain relief from initial EBRT (1) Probability of getting pain later after pain relief from initial SBRT (22) Probability of getting pain later after pain relief from retreatment of EBRT (2, 5) Probability of getting pain later after pain relief from retreatment of SBRT (9, 12, 14) Probability of retreatment later time after initial EBRT (1) Probability of retreatment later time after initial SBRTx Utilities (reference) Utility Utility Utility Utility Utility Utility Utility Utility

for for for for for for for for

Base cost ($)


1087 9000 1087 9000 200 Base estimate

870-1304 7200-10,800 870-1304 7200-10,800 100-400 Rangey

9 months 0.6 0.8 0.15 0.05 0.8 0.95 0.1

7-24 months 0.45-0.77 0.75-0.85 0.12-0.28 0.03-0.1 0.66-0.87 0.9-1 0.05-0.2

Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Assumed distributionz Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta









0.006 0.07 0.03 Base estimate

EBRT (22-28) SBRTk retreatment (23, 24) pain medication (23) pain relief after initial EBRT (23) pain relief after initial SBRTk pain relief after retreatment with EBRT (23) pain relief after retreatment with SBRTk

Assumed distributionz

0.45 0.45 0.35 0.3 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55

0.05-0.15 0-0.05 Rangey 0.4-0.5 0.4-0.5 0.3-0.4 0.2-0.5 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7

Beta Beta Assumed distributionz Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta

Abbreviations: EBRT Z external beam radiation therapy; SBRT Z sterotactic body radiation therapy. * Medicare national unadjusted rates 2014. y For sensitivity analyses. z For probabilistic sensitivity analysis. x Estimation from experts’ opinion. k Same value as EBRT utility.

regimen or treated with pain medicine alone. Retreated patients could not receive any further radiation and stayed as unrelieved pain or pain relief state. Death was the absorbing state. Transitions to dead were based on previously reported survival rates (1, 17-21). Costs included both hospital and professional costs associated with SBRT and EBRT based on Medicare reimbursement in 2014 (Table 2). The effectiveness term was quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), accounting for quality of life differences between treatment strategies using quality of life utility weights. These were obtained through a literature review (22-28). QALYs are the product of a health state’s quality of life utility and time spent in that state. Both costs and utilities were discounted at an annual rate of 3%. TreeAge Pro Suite

2013 software (TreeAge Software, Williamstown, MA) was used to build the Markov model. The base case model was developed from a payer’s perspective for health care services, using Medicare reimbursement.

Costs Table 2 shows the cost estimates for SBRT and EBRT based on Current Procedural Terminology codes for Medicare reimbursement unadjusted national rates in year 2014. The billing accounted for technical (hospital) and professional (physician) fees for single fraction of each treatment strategy. Total reimbursement was $9000 and $1087 for SBRT and EBRT, respectively. Reimbursement rate varies

Volume 91  Number 3  2015 Table 2

CPT code

Cost-effectiveness of SBR in vertebral bone metastases


Medicare reimbursement unadjusted national rates 2014 for hospital setting


EBRT 1 fraction 77,014 CT image guided treatment fields 77,261 MD treatment plan (simple) 77,280 Confirmation simulation 77,305 Isodose plan 77,332 Treatment device (simple) 77,300 Basic dose calculation 77,404 Treatment delivery 77,336 Weekly physics 77,431 Radiation treatment management Total SBRT 1 fraction 77,014 CT image guided treatment fields 77,263 MD treatment plan (complex) 77,290 Simulation with SBRT 77,295 3-dimensional simulation 77,334 Treatment device (complex) 77,300 Basic dose calculation 77,373 Treatment delivery 77,336 Weekly physics 77,435 SBRT management course Total

TC quantity

PC quantity

Medicare tech reimbursement/ Unit ($)

Medicare prof reimbursement/ Unit ($)

Total medicare reimbursement ($)

1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1

0.00 0.00 114.65 114.65 213.49 114.65 104.26 114.65 0.00

0.00 75.23 36.19 36.18 28.30 32.24 0.00 0.00 102.09

0 75.23 150.84 150.83 241.79 146.89 104.26 114.65 102.09 1086.58

1 0 1 1 11 10 1 1 0

0 1 1 1 11 10 0 0 1

0.00 0.00 311.37 1036.39 213.49 114.65 1921.30 114.65 0.00

0.00 166.58 80.96 222.02 64.12 32.24 0.00 0.00 633.71

0 166.58 392.33 1258.41 3053.71 1468.90 1921.30 114.65 633.71 9009.59

Abbreviations: CPT Z Current Procedural Terminology codes; CT Z computed tomography; EBRT Z external beam radiation therapy; MD Z physician; PC Z professional (physician) charge; SBRT Z stereotactic body radiation therapy; TC Z technical (hospital) charge.

geographically; thus, sensitivity analyses were performed to include this variation.

Utilities The quality of life utility values are listed in Table 1. For treatment state, we used utility values for both SBRT and EBRTas 0.45 (22-24). In addition, utility of posttreatment was estimated at 0.55 for pain relief (23, 24) and 0.3 for unrelieved pain (23, 24). The utility for the retreatment state was assumed to be less than initial utility of treatment (0.35). Sensitivity analyses were used to test utility value assumptions.

Cost-effectiveness analysis Treatment strategies were compared using the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER): the ratio of cost and QALY differences between strategies. There is no consensus in the United States on cost-effectiveness (C/E) criteria; however, interventions costing less than $100,000 per QALY gained are typically considered economically reasonable, and those costing much more than this figure are often thought to be an expensive use of health care resources (29-31). Thus, we used a willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold of $100,000 per QALY gained as our C/E criterion. In a sensitivity analysis, we also examined a $50,000 per QALY gained threshold, a commonly cited prior benchmark (32).

Sensitivity analysis We performed 1-way, 2-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses to account for uncertainty in decision model assumptions. A 1-way sensitivity analysis, where all parameters are varied individually, was examined to detect the effect of these variations on model results. A 2-way sensitivity analysis varies 2 parameters simultaneously and denotes where a particular strategy is preferred. We performed a 2way sensitivity analysis to determine the optimal treatment strategy when median survival rate and pain relief difference were varied. The probabilistic sensitivity analysis using a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted to vary all parameters simultaneously. That is, distributions for each parameter (Table 1) were sampled at random during 5000 trials, and results were reported as the percentage of trials in which a strategy is cost-effective at a series of WTP (or acceptability) thresholds. Costs were modeled using a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 25% of the base case value. For utilities and probabilities, we used a beta distribution function for sampling (33).

Results In the base case analysis, pain relief after the initial treatment was assumed to be 80% for SBRT and 60% for EBRT. In the model, total strategy costs, including all medical care


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costs, were $7380 greater for SBRT, which gained 0.06 more QALYs than EBRT, resulting in an ICER of $124,552 per QALY gained (Table 3). In 1-way sensitivity analyses, results were most sensitive to variation of the utility of unrelieved pain (range, $89,330-$592,720/QALY gained). The utility of relieved pain after initial treatment and median survival were also sensitive to variation (Fig. 2). If median survival is 11 months (base case estimate: 9 months), SBRT cost <$100,000 per QALY gained. If median survival is 18 months, SBRT cost <$50,000 per QALY gained. A 2-way sensitivity analysis using a $100,000 per QALY gained threshold (Fig. 3) showed that SBRT is always preferred when the median survival is more than 22 months regardless of difference in the likelihood of pain relief between strategies. In addition, if the absolute difference in the likelihood of pain relief is more than 28% with a base case 9-month median survival (relative difference 47% or higher: SBRT 88% or higher and EBRT 60%), SBRT could be a costeffective option. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis, which varied all model parameters simultaneously 5000 times, demonstrated that SBRT was favored in 30% of model iterations at a WTP threshold of $100,000 per QALY gained (Fig. 4). In addition, we performed 2 scenario analyses based on current practice patterns. One assumed that retreatment was with SBRT regardless of initial therapy. Total costs were $6924 more for SBRT with 0.06 QALYs gained compared with EBRT, resulting in ICER of $116,871 per QALY gained. In the other analysis, we compared EBRT 30 Gy in 10 fractions with SBRT. Total costs were $5802 more for SBRT with 0.06 QALYs gained compared with EBRT, resulting in an ICER of $92,437 per QALY gained.

Discussion This is the first study, to our knowledge, to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of single fraction stereotactic body radiation therapy compared with single fraction external beam radiation therapy for palliation of painful vertebral bone metastases. We found that SBRT is not cost-effective compared with single fraction EBRT at the WTP threshold of $100,000 per QALY gained. Cost-effectiveness analyses can identify treatment strategies that improve outcomes at a reasonable cost in an environment with a greater focus on health care expenditures. Our study demonstrates that SBRT can be economically reasonable if: (1) the quality of life utility value of unrelieved pain is

Table 3 Strategy EBRT SBRT

worse than the base case (base case, 0.3); (2) the utility of relieved pain is better than the base case (base case, 0.55); or (3) median survival is 11 months (base case, 9 months) compared with single fraction EBRT. In this regard, obtaining accurate quality of life utility values is challenging. Published utility values for unrelieved and relieved pain vary widely (2428). This is because quality of life surveys often combine all types of bone metastases, not just vertebral metastases and variation in complications and life expectancy. Thus, variation of the expected median survival rate is likely a more concrete parameter than utilities for projecting strategy costeffectiveness. Based on our model results, SBRT is economically reasonable in patients whose expected median survival is at least 11 months. Moreover, if median survival is 18 months, SBRT costs $50,000 per QALY or less, which is commonly cited as a benchmark of a “good buy” for medical interventions (29, 31). These findings make the case that the most economically feasible approach would involve the judicious use of SBRT for spine metastases in patients with relatively long predicted survival. Patients with breast or prostate cancer, bone metastasis, and good performance status have a median survival of 18 months (34, 35) and thus may be good candidates for this approach. Other studies report cost-effectiveness analyses of palliative treatment for painful bone metastases (20, 22-24). Those studies, including RTOG 97-14 clinical trials comparing a single fraction of EBRT with conventional fractionated EBRT, have shown that a single fraction of EBRT was cost-effective compared with fractionated EBRT. They reported that utility of pain relief after treatment was a sensitive parameter in their model; our study results are consistent with theirs. However, quality of life utility value of pain relief from each strategy in our study was set to be the same, and other studies set this value differently between strategies (22, 23). Because quality of life assessment measures mainly whether pain was relieved or not, we used the same utility values after treatment when pain was relieved, regardless of strategy. Papatheofanis et al (22) assessed the cost-effectiveness of SBRT using CyberKnife system compared with conventional fractionated EBRT for spinal metastases. In this analysis, SBRT was cost-effective, costing $41,500 per QALY gained compared with fractionated EBRT. However, this study did not include retreatment, and their primary assessment endpoint was pain relief after initial treatment. Also, their transition probabilities were mainly from studies reporting retreatment: EBRT as an initial treatment and SBRT as retreatment. In addition, their model included

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) for SBRT compared with EBRT Cost ($)

Incremental cost ($)


Incremental effectiveness

Incremental C/E (ICER)

1087 9000


0.47 0.53



Abbreviations: EBRT Z external beam radiation therapy; SBRT Z stereotactic body radiation therapy.

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Cost-effectiveness of SBR in vertebral bone metastases


Fig. 2. One-way sensitivity analysis. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) Tornado diagram for 1-way sensitivity analysis. The vertical line represents the base case value of ICER ($124,552). Utility of unrelieved pain (range, $89,330 to $592,720/QALY gained), utility of relieved pain after the initial treatment (range, $74,339 to $384837/QALY gained), and median survival rate (range, $31,828 to $173269/QALY gained) were the parameters whose variations caused the greatest changes in model results. spinal cord compression and spinal instability, and ours did not, perhaps explaining the difference in results. There are several limitations in our study. First, as with most cost-effectiveness analyses, transition probabilities for both treatment strategies were obtained from a few prospective studies but mainly from retrospective studies and reviews. There is a lack of prospective studies and clinical trials related to SBRT for painful vertebral bone metastases. Thus, our clinical assumptions for SBRT may not accurately reflect reality. Results are sensitive to assumptions regarding patient survival and the effectiveness of pain relief after radiation treatment, so the model estimates for the costeffectiveness of SBRT will be strengthened by results from ongoing prospective clinical trials such as RTOG 0631. However, 1-way sensitivity analyses were performed to take our model assumptions into account. Owing to the scarcity of data on duration of pain relief in relation to observed survival, we could not model pain relief as a time-based

function, which could similarly affect results. In addition, we did not include treatment-related adverse effects such as fracture, toxicity, and surgical intervention for both strategies. This modeling choice tacitly assumes that the likelihood of these events is the same, regardless of strategy, perhaps biasing our analysis against SBRT. Several published reports have stated that pathologic fracture related to EBRT is about 5% (6, 11). However, adverse events from only SBRT have not been reported well in the literature because SBRT is commonly used for retreatment after initial EBRT treatment for painful vertebral bone metastases. Inasmuch as RTOG 0631, a phase III clinical trial comparing SBRT (16 or 18 Gy in 1 fraction) with EBRT (8 Gy in 1 fraction), is now ongoing, the results from this trial may provide adverse effects data for SBRT. Treatment costs were based on Medicare reimbursement. Reimbursement rates are different among various payers, but Medicare reimbursement data are commonly used as a proxy for true costs in cost-effectiveness

Fig. 3. Two-way sensitivity analysis. The x axis represents the median survival in months (3-24 months). The y axis is the absolute difference in pain relief between stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) and external beam radiation therapy (EBRT). Likelihood of pain relief from SBRT is set as 0.8 and 0.6 for EBRT as a base case; the absolute pain relief difference is 0.2. The x on the graph represents the base case values for these parameters.


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Fig. 4. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Cost-effectiveness (CE) acceptability curve, showing the likelihood that strategies would be considered cost-effective (on the y axis) over a range of willingness to pay (WTP) threshold. Here sterotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has a 30% probability of being considered cost-effective at $100,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained threshold. SBRT becomes a favored treatment strategy above a WTP $160,000/QALY gained. EBRT Z external beam radiation therapy. analysis. Finally, although we assessed economic costs, other factors such as time away from home, travel costs, lost productivity costs, education, and resources were not accounted for in this analysis because our analysis is from the perspective of a third-party payer. Not including those costs could also bias our analysis against SBRT. It is concluded that SBRT for palliation of vertebral bone metastases is not cost-effective compared with EBRT when a WTP threshold of $100,000 per QALY gained is used. However, if median survival is 11 or 18 months, SBRT costs $100,000 per QALY or $50,000 per QALY gained, respectively, suggesting that selective SBRT use in patients with longer expected survival may be the more cost-effective approach. This approach will need to be further supported by RTOG 0631 results.

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