Council accepts dilution claims for Sporicidin Council on Dental Therapeutics
A he Council on Dental Therapeu tics has evaluated information sub m itted by the m anufacturer of Sporicidin and has classified it as an Accepted Preparation for use on den tal instrum ents and equipment. Sporicidin is an effective chemical disinfecting agent when diluted with water at a ratio of 1:16 and is a chemi cal sterilizing solution when used full strength. Sporicidin was initially accepted by the Council in 1978 for use as a chemical sterilizing and disinfecting solution.1 Tests submitted by the manufacturer demonstrated that it destroys all pathogenic microor ganisms, including spores, influenza and enteroviruses (poliovirus), and bacteria, including the tubercle bacillus, after immersion in the acti vated solution for 6% hours. This high level of biocidal activity is de sired for use on environmental sur faces and on instruments that cannot be sterilized with heat. Sporicidin is an aqueous solution that contains 2% glutaraldehyde and an alkalinized phenolic buffer. After the solution is activated, it remains fully active for 30 days. In vitro tests have shown that this aqueous solu tion can be diluted with water at a ratio of 1:16 and can produce an in termediate level of biocidal activity with immersion for ten minutes. The spectrum of microorganisms de
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stroyed by intermediate-level disin fectants such as diluted Sporicidin is similar to that of the high-level agents except that intermediate-level disinfectants are not capable of kill ing resistant spores. Precautions should be taken with all glutaraldehyde solutions. The labels on these products warn that they can be irritating to the eyes and, when used full strength, to the skin. Accordingly, the manufacturers’ recommendations should be fol lowed. When diluted at a ratio of 1:16, Sporicidin contains 0.14% glutaraldehyde. At this level, it will not yellow the hands or skin.2 To prevent corrosion, instruments made of carbon steel, including burs, should not remain in aqueous solu tions for prolonged periods. These solutions should not be used as hold ing solutions. Immersion of instru ments of dissimilar metals may result in electrolytic corrosion that also can damage instruments. All items im mersed in these solutions should be thoroughly rinsed with sterile water or 70% isopropyl alcohol before the next use. When heat sterilization cannot be used on a particular instrument or device, Sporicidin can be an effective alternative. However, instruments and surfaces must be exposed to the solution for the specified time: ten minutes for disinfection and 6%
hours for sterilization. It is also im portant that the instruments be cleaned and shaken or dried with a towel before immersion in chemical solutions to prevent dilution. If addi tional unsterilized instruments are added during disinfection or steril ization, the applicable time period must be started again for all im mersed instruments. Chemical disinfecting agents have been ineffective for the disinfection of hinged instruments, those with deep narrow crevices, hypodermic needles, and syringes. Except for these limitations, which apply to all chemical disinfectants, Sporicidin is an effective agent for use on instru ments and equipment that cannot be sterilized with heat. Sporicidin is manufactured by the Sporicidin Company, 4000 Mas sachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, 20016. The product will bear the Seal of Acceptance of the Council on Dental Therapeutics on labeling and promotional material to dentists.
1. Council on Dental Therapeutics. Council announces classification of additional prod ucts. JADA 97(5):857-859, 1978. 2. M eltzer, N., and H enkin, H. G lutaral dehyde: a new preservative for cosm etics. Sixth C o n g re ss o f In te r n a tio n a l F e d e r a tio n of Societies of C osm etic Chem ists 11:833-850, 1970.