Volume «. NO.3 TUBERCULINIZATION IN MICHIGAN September 1963 1950, 26,315 tuberculin tests and 17,547 x-ray films were done. By 1961, the figures we...

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Volume «. NO.3


September 1963

1950, 26,315 tuberculin tests and 17,547 x-ray films were done. By 1961, the figures were 60,501 and 37,672, respectively. All food handlers have been required to have yearly chest x-ray films or tuberculin tests since 1952. These may be done by either unit or by private physicians. All admissions to the County Jail have had chest x-ray films since 1958. The chest x-ray film libraries and tuberculin records accumulated by each of these units have proved invaluable in differential diagnosis and clinical evaluation of newly discovered cardiopulmonary disease. Compulsory isolation in the hospital or by home quarantine of known bacteriologically positive patients has been enforced since 1954. We believe this program has contributed to a significant reduction of tuberculinization of the general population. SUMMARY

The percentage of tuberculin reactors in each ten year age group of the general population of Kent County, Michigan was determined from tests given in 1960 and 1961. These percentages are compared to a similar study of tests given the same population in 1950 and 1951. The comparison indicates a red uction of 0.5 per cent reactors in the first decade of life 3.2 per cent in the second, 16 per cent to 18 per cent in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth. The average decrease of reactors in each ten year age group was 13 per cent.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT : The auUtance of Mill Gladys Meen81, R. N. and Mn. Pearl Millard, R. N. of the Kent County Tuberculosis Society is acknowledged. The courtesy of Drs. R. Y. Gottshall and H. D. Andenon of the Michigan Department of Health in preparing the antigen and their advice in preparation of the paper is greatly appreciated. RESUMEN

Por las pruebas realizadas en 1960 y 1961 el porcentaje de reactores a la tuberculina en cada grupo de hace 10 afios de la poblaci6n del condado de Kent se lIeg6 a determinar. Estos porcentajes se compararon con grupos similares de 1950-1951. La comparaci6n indica una reducci6n de 0.5 reactores para la primera decada de la vida, 3.2 por ciento para Ia segunda, de 16 a 18 por ciento para la tercera, cuarta y quinta decadas, EI termino medio de decrecimiento de los reactores en cada grupo de cada 10 afios es de 13.6 por ciento, ZUSAMMENFASSUNO

Es wurde der Prozentsatz von Tuberkulin-Reaktoren in jeder Zehn-Jahres-Gruppe der GesamtbevOlkerung des Kreises Kent in Michigan bestimmt an Hand von im Jahr 1960 und 1961 angestellten Testen. Diese Prozentsitze werden verglichen mit einer iihnlichen Untenuchung aufgrund von Testen der gleichen Bevdlkerung inden Jahren 1950 und 1951. Dieser Vergleich ergibt eine Reduzierung von 0,5% Reaktoren in der Lebensdekade, 3,3% in der zweiten, 16xbis 18% in der dritten, vierten, fiinften und sechsten . Die durchschnittliche Abnahme von Reaktoren in jeder Zehnjahre-Altersgruppe lag bei 13,6%. REFERENCE IRELAND, H. D. : "Tuberculin Reactors in the General Population," Dis. cu«. 25:221, 1954. For reprints, please write Dr. Ireland at Sunshine Hospital, Grand Rapids 3, Michigan.

COURSE IN LARYNGOLOGY AND BRONCHOESOPHAGOLOGY The Department of Otolaryngology. University of ested reglltrants may write the Department at 1853 Illinois. will conduct a course In Laryngology and West Polk Street. Chicago 12. nllno" for InformaBroncboesophagology September 16-28. 1963. Intertion. The course will be under the direction of Dr. Paul H. Hollnger. TRENDELENBURG OPERATION auapected In practlcally all. The greatest eballenge Pulmonary arteriotomy and thrombectomy for lies In the dectslon to proceed with operative intermuslve embollam la a feasible operation today. At vention In these crltIcally III patients. some of whom least one-flftb of the patients dying from embollam will recover spontaneously. lurvlve long enough to allow Institution of a planned operative procedure using an artlftclal pump and DoNALDSON. G. A., WILUANS. C., SCANNBLL, l. G. AND oxygenator. Accuracy In dlagnoall of embollam SHAW, 'R. S.: "A Reappraisal of the Application of the Tren· baa Improved In recent years, and In WI study. the delenburg Operation to Massive Fatal Embolism." N"" I!.,I. dlape-la was made In 65 per cent of the caaea and


MI• •• 268:171. 1963.