1789 RA?OFORT SG Influ~ces of textures of coherent soils of differ. ant origin on the interrelationship between physical properties and deformation characteristics. In Russis~. Figs. UNIV .MOSCOW,VESTNIK, S~R. GEOL .V27,NI, 1972, PI08- I14. 1790 SPRUNT, E BRACE,WF Scanning electron microscope study of low porosity rocks. Abstract. E0S. TRANS .AM~ .GEOPHYS .UNION,V54,N4,1973,P450. 1791 SANYAL,SK The effect of te~arature on electrical resistivity and capillary pressure behaviour of porous media. Thesis. Figs,Tabls,Ref s. UNIV. STANFORD, USA, 1971.
1795 BARB~qY, G Determination ofpsrticle size distribution from measurements on sections. POWDER TECHNOL.V9, N5-6, MAY- JUN. 1974, P231- 240.
Fracture processes in rocks 1796 R~D, MV NAT .G~DPH .RES. INST .HYD~ABAD, IND RAMANA,V NAT. GEOPH.RES. INST .HYD~ABAD, IND Dilatant beh~viour of ultramafic rocks during fracture. 8F,BT,25R. INT.J.ROCK MECH .MIN .SCI .VII,N5,MAY, 1974, P193- 203.
1792 MCCONNACHIE, I UNIV .GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, GB Fabric changes in consolidated ksolin. 18F,12R. GEOTECHNIQUE, V24, N2, JUNE, 1974, P207- 222. Specimems of a consolidated rem0ulded ksolin were examined by electron microscopy. Features such as length, breadth and orientation of the domains, and of the voids between the do-m~ns and the domain packing intensity were measured using a new technique applied to the electron mlcrographs. The fabric changes acco~anying consolidation are described. 1793 COLLINS, K UNIV. STRATHCLYDE, GLASGOW, GB MCCOWN, A UNIV. STRATHCLYDE, GLASGOw, GB The form and function of microfabric features in a variety of natural soils. 14F, IT,~3R. GEOTECHNIQUE ,V24, N2, JUNE, 1974, P223 -254. A scar~ing electron microscope study of the microfab_ ric of a variety of normally consolidated or lightly overconsolidated recant clays, silts and sands, from various known depositional environments, was undertaken to establish whether earlier concepts of particle arrsmgement were realistic and whether unique microfab. rics were associated with particular depositional environments. Another objective wSs to discover whether specific engineering behaviours such as sensitivity collapse and expansiveness were especially associated with certain particle arrangements.
1794 MDTYCZKA, A Effect of petrographic properties on the natural liability of coal to rock bursts. In Polish. PRZEGL. GORN. F30, N2, FEB. 1974, PI03 - 106. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the effects of petrographic properties or coals from ~ seams at the Miechowice and Szombierki collieries on the liability of the coals to rockbursts. The data are analysed and general conclusions are drawn.
1797 PENG, SS BUR.MINES,TWIN CITIES,MINN .USA 0RTIZ,CA E.MURATI ASSOC.SAN JUAN,USA Crack propagation and fracture of rock spacimene loaded in compression. In Dynamic Crack Propagation, Chapter 7. 9F,9R. NOORDHOFF INT. PUBLISHING, N k ~ L A N D S , 1973, Pll3 129. Prismatic specimens of Tenessee marble were loaded uniaxially. The stress distribution within the specimen was determined by the three-dimensional finite element method. Crack patterns in pictures taken simultaneously of the two sd~acent side surfsces atvarious deformation levels were traced in the transparency and compared for crack growth study. A model wSs developed and wss found to be qualitatively applicable for describing the fracture processes of the Tennessee marble specimens. 1798 JENSEN, LE Effect of stress gradients on fracture of rock. Thesis. Figs,Tabls,Refs. UNIV.UTAH, USA, 1972. 1799 LAFOUNTAIN, L DUNN, DE Growth of microfractures during dilation. ~stract. EOS .TRANS .AM~ .GEOPHYS .UNION,V5h, N4,197B, P368.
18oo SIH,GC LEHIGH UNIV .BRTKLEHEM, PA .USA Methods of analysis and solution of crack problems. Textbook. VOI.I, in the series Mechanics of Fracture. 220F,Refs. NOORDHOFF INT~NAT .PUBL .C0.1973,517P. A survey of numerical and analytical methods for the solution of crack problems, such ss finite element boundary collocation, conformal mapping, integral equations, asy~tic expammions,is presented. There are ten chaptars ss followo: A special theory of crack propagation, by G.C. Sih; Solution of plane crack problems by mapping techniques, by O.L. Bowie; Method of Laurent series ex-
The Rock Mechanics Information Service, Imperial College of Science end Technology, Royal School of Mines, Prince Consort Road, London, S.W.7