J. L. Arsuaga, J. M. Carretero, I. Martinez & A. Gracia
Cranial remains and long bones from Atapuerca/lbeas (Spain)
Dpto. de Paleontologfa. Fat. de CC. Geoldgicas, Universidad Comphtense, Z&W Madrid, Spain
The cranial remains and long bones of the Sima de 10s Huesos site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain) are described and their phylogenetic affinities established. We find in the Atapuerca/Ibeas sample: (a) a number ofplesiomorphic traits (namely, character states not retained by the upper Pleistocene Neandertals but present in the outgroups); (b) one apomorphy shared with Neandertals; (c) some postcranial character states shared with Neandertals but whose phylogenetic status remain uncertain. In sum, the Atapuerca/Ibeas fossils are phylogenetically related to the Neandertals but cannot be pooled with them because of the overall plesiomorphic pattern. Other European middle Pleistocene specimens show apomorphies shared with Neandertals and plesiomorphies. In our opinion these specimens do not share uniquely derived features and thus this chronological group cannot be defined. Other aspects such as cerebral lateralization and sexual dimorphism in humeri and temporal bones are investigated.
Received 20 July I989 Revision received 15 January 1990 and accepted 15 June 1990 ITeyroords:Atapuerca, middle Pleistocene, Neandertals, cranial remains, long bones.
Journal of Human Evolution ( 199 1) 20,19
The Atapuerca
The Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) consists of a monadnock of Cretaceous limestones, to the west ofand detached from the main ranges of the Iberic System. Several fossil-bearing cave fillings are known in the wide karst network of the Atapuerca
Hill (Figure
1). Some of
them were exposed by a railway trench and have been excavated or sampled since 1976. These deposits are bracketed within the limits of the middle Pleistocene. Most attention has been paid to the TD and TG sites where important assemblages have been found. A large number fossil-bearing
of human
and palaeontological
(more than 200) have been recovered
from another
cave filling, Sima de 10s Huesos (SH), less than 1 km from TD-TG
ing to another karst system, Cueva Mayor-Cueva The SH deposit lays in a small blind ch,amber
but belong-
de1 Silo, in the Ibeas de Juarros near the bottom
of a 13 m deep pit, more
than 500 m from the Cueva Mayor current entrance. Unfortunately, many tons of bone bearing breccia were removed before 1976 by excursionists in search of bear canines and bones, and left aside in the same room as a mass ofbone fragments and mud debris. In 1976, 1983 and following years some 5 tons ofoverburden material has been excavated, washed and scrutinized. The fossil assemblage Neither herbivores with a minimum
of the Sima de 10s Huesos debris consists of carnivores
of individuals
based on some 9000 fossils, is unequivocal
close to 200. The identification (Torres,
of the human fossils has been dated by gamma-ray (U-Th
and humans.
nor stone tools have been found. The taxon Ursus deningeri is dominant,
age) and > 175 ky (U-Pa age) (Yokoyama,
of Ursus deningeri,
1978, 1984, 1987; Torres et al., 1978). One spectrometry
to 320 ky + 233 ky/-73 ky
The human fossils The minimum number of individuals has been estimated as 11. Some preliminary or partial studies on the Atapuerca/Ibeas cranial remains and long bones have been published by Martinez & Arsuaga (1985, 1987), P Crez & Bermlidez de Castro (1985), Perez ( 1987) and 0047-2484/91/030191+40
0 1991 Academic
Press Limited
et al. (1989).
Aguirre identified
Up to 1988, 96 human
and labelled.
we will analyse
of them
the most complete
1. Frontal bone remains in 1986). This
AT-121 (found
ing to the terminology general
damaged break.
is greater
middle ofAT-
in Petralona the data
in the orbital consists
of the bone
was produced
of this section,
by the
two small cavities
sinus extends
well laterally
of the
into the
1973, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983) is in the vicinity
of the temporal
the same
for Arago
but the supraorbital
of Spitery
is in
but it is
of the bone
of the torus,
of the torus, especially
specimen, and
in this fragment
where the external surface is preserved. torus in AT- 12 1 can be described as projected,
than for any Neandertal
the frontal
and with a large and convex
of the torus
line, as well as on the anterior aspect The preserved part of supraorbital
So, the lateral
1980). The external
torus. configuration
in the superior
In this paper
of a left supraorbital
is missing.
(not exactly
in AT-121
of the supraorbital pattern ofsurface
are represented
of the torus
In the postero-inferior
sinus are exposed.
fossils (Table
& Ranyard,
in the frontal
in the anterior
orbital segment A vermiculate
and can be associated.
of a large
the orbital
of Smith
cross section
coarse cancellous
and long bone
temporal line, orbital plate and temporal fossa, as well as an suture (Figure 2). The supraorbital torus extends from this
A triangular
cranial conjoin
for 54 mm, but the supraorbital
the torus and the lateral
and representative
surrounding portions ofsquama, almost complete frontozygomatic suture
torus length
21, Steinheim,
of La Quina
as Bilzingsleben.
do not show any clear difference
to Wolpoff
in thickness
six the
Pleistocene and the Neandertal specimens. We have taken the supraorbital thickness (after Smith & Ranyard, 1980) at the midorbit and lateral points (equivalent to
the minimum thickness and the supraorbital trigone thickness of Spitery, 1982). The values obtained (Table 2) are near or beyond the upper limit of the sample ranges of Spitery ( 1982) (European
( 1980) defined
(European by Smith
plus western
South-Central Neandertals). & Ranyard, 1980) of AT-121
The supraorbital are greater than
South-Central Neandertal ranges and similar to Arago 2 1. The frontozygomatic suture is preserved in AT-121, except constituting
a very extensive
(19 mm x 11 mm).
and Smith
in its most
The distance
& Ranyard
torus projections (as the upper limits of the
can be esti-
mated to be 11 mm. According to the figures of Bouzat (1982), the range for a sample of four Western Neandertals and three European middle Pleistocene fossils (Arago 21, Petralona, Steinheim) is 9-l 3 mm. The orbital plate of AT-121 is preserved 37 mm x 26 mm) bounded by the supraorbital matic suture and, posteriorly, a line of fracture internal table of the frontal bone and the orbital Above preserved
in a rectangular area (of approximately margin, the medial break, the frontozygocorresponding to the junction between the plate.
the torus, and separated from it by the supratoral sulcus, the frontal squama is to a maximum length of 41 mm. The squama thickness is 9-5 mm at the most
N (u.T.M.)
Cueva del
G. del Silex
SH ueaos
Grupo Espoleal6gico Edelweiss (1977-79) Ercma. Diputacih Provincial de Burgas
Figure 1. The karst network of the Atapuerca Hill. Arrows point to the Cueva Mayor and Cueva de1 Silo entrances. Asterisks mark the fossil-bearing cave fillings which have been excavatedor sampled.Courtesy of the Grupo EspeleblogicoEdelweiss(Excma. Diputaci6nProvincialde Burgos).
posterior preserved point. The temporal line is superficially
altered but persists in strong relief
above the deep temporal notch. The frontal squama seems to be considerably to a horizontal plane defined by the orbital roof. The endocranial surface of AT- 12 1 is preserved
angled relative
as far as 30 mm up from the junction
orbital roof/internal table ofthe frontal bone. Most of this surface is clearly depressed in a sort ofdigitation or fossa which seems to correspond to the middle frontal convolution. AT-200
(found in 1988).
This frontal fragment
includes the medial half of a right supra-
orbital torus and a great portion of the interorbital region (Figure 2). Almost all the preserved exocranial surface belongs to the right side of the frontal bone, the supraorbital torus
Table 1
human fossils
studied in this article
Partial skulls -Cranium 1: Composed of Parietal III + temporal fragment AT-86f occipital fragment AT-122. --Cranium 2: Composed of frontal fragment AT-36 + Parietal II + wormian bone AT-76 +occipital fragment AT-66. Isolated cranial bones -Frontal bone: AT-121, AT-200, AT-174, AT-129, AT-50/AT-52. -Parietal bone: Parietal I. -Occipital bone: Occipital I, Occipital II, Occipital III, AT-122, AT-39, AT-123a/AT-123b. -Temporal bone: AT-84, AT- 124, AT-220, AT- 125. Long bones -Humerus: AT-25, AT-93, AT-2 17. -Ulna: AT-2 18. -Tibia: Tibia I, AT-85, AT-IS.
from the glabella
torus. The endocranial
for 55 mm. The orbital roof is preserved beneath surface ofAT-
extends on the right side 35 mm from
the frontal crest and 16 mm on the left side. Only the beginning of the frontal squama, above the glabellar
region, is present, extending
as far as 33 mm above the nasofrontal
The frontal fragment is broken on the left side short ofthe midline. The cross section reveals a well developed frontal sinus which extends medially reaching the midsagittal plane. The dimensions of the preserved chamber are: height = 20 mm, width = 16 mm, antero-posterior depth = 10 mm. The sinus is limited posteriorly by the internal table of the frontal bone and anteriorly
by a well developed sinus wall (of some 10 mm) made of external
bone table and
(mostly) coarse cancellous bone. This sinus cavity does not enter into the frontal squama and its lateral extension is unknown. On the right side the supraorbital torus is broken in a very oblique section (from lateral to medial). This cross section does not exhibit any frontal sinus, showing an internal
of coarse cancellous
tables. The right side of the nasofrontal
bone between the internal
suture is totally preserved
and external
as well as part of the
frontomaxillary suture. An inferior break exposes on the right side another frontal sinus chamber which extends upwards much less that the left one (dimensions = 13 x 13 x 10 mm). Thus, there is a clear asymmetry
in frontal pneumatization
in AT-200.
Limited by these two
big frontal sinuses, the nasofrontal suture and the frontal crest, there is also a small and poorly developed sinus cavity (6 x 7 x 10 mm). According to Tillier ( 1977: 287) “constant pneumatization of the supraorbital torus is a characteristic feature of Western European Neandertal men and their predecessors of the Riss-Wiirm interglacial”. Nevertheless, we do not believe that frontal sinus development European
can be used to establish
at least in
human evolution.
The external surface is in general good condition, with some small patches of superficial alteration. There are many vascular foramina in the surface (as in AT- 12 1) . A clear vermiculate pattern is present on the anterior and superior surfaces of the torus in the segment lateral to the supraorbital notch, which is medially substituted by a less convoluted pattern. In the glabellar segment the surface shows a pattern of grooves and small pits. In the superior orbital margin there is a well marked supraorbital notch and 6 mm medial to it a narrow groove can be observed: the internal frontal notch. There is neither a supraorbital foramen above the notch nor a supraorbital tubercle. In AT-200 there is no
Figure 2. Frontal bones. (1) AT-200: Anterior view; (2) AT-200: Left transversal break; (3) AT-200: Right transvcrsc break; (4) AT-200: I IIfprior view; (5) AT-121: Anteriorview; (6) AT-121: Lateralview; (7) ATI2 I : Medial transverse break; (81 AT- I2 I : Superior view.
Projection Sample
Krapina Average S.D. x Range Sala
24.3 1.4
23@ 27.0 25.0
Central and eastern European Early Upper Palaeolithic Average 20.3 S.D. 2.6 N 9 Range 15.G 23.0 La Quina 5 21 La Chapelle-auxSaints Arago 2 1 (on cast) 34 Steinheim (on cast) AT-121 35 AT-200
Thickness Medial
23.9 1.2 11 23.026.0 22.5
20.3 2.3 4 17.523.0 20.0
12.5 1.6 11 10.316.0 11.0
IO.7 1.8 13 7.014.3 7.1
17.6 3.0 4 15.822.0 15.0
Wolpoff (1981)
16.1 3.4 9 8+ 19.0 21
13.0 3.0 9 8.0 17.5 22
8.1 1.4 11 6.@ IO.1 9.5
5.4 1.7 11 447.7 9
16.6 3.3 11 11.523.7 13
Wolpoff etal. (1981)
11.5 11.5 10 14 -
10 10 10 14
13.5 16
31 (26)’
( 16.5)3
Wolpoff et al. (1981)
Authors’ Authors’ Authors’ Authors Authors Authors
‘Averages between both sides. ‘This figure must be considered as a minimum value taken in the most medial point of the preserved “This figure was taken medial to the standard point.
supraorbital sulcus extending from the supraorbital notch, so this fossil exhibits a true supraorbital torus with complete fusion of the superciliary arch and the supraorbital arch. The glabellar region has an inflated appearance and no glabellar depression can be seen in the midline. The superciliary arches and the glabellar are so continuous that the arches cannot be isolated and there is a complete fusion between the supraorbital and glabellar tori in an uninterrupted, continuous bone shelf. In AT-200 and Bilzingsleben the glabellar torus forms a very large bulge of similar dimensions. The distance from nasion to frontal crest is 25 mm in both Bilzingsleben and AT200, and from glabella to frontal crest 28 mm in Bilzingsleben and 30 mm in AT-200. However, it is better to avoid the frontal crest when measuring the glabellar projection; then we obtain 25 mm in AT-200 and only 18 mm in La Quina 5. In AT-200 the torus emerges very gradually from the frontal squama, so that there is not a well-marked supraglabellar sulcus but only a very small shallow supraglabellar fossa in the midline. Bilzingsleben is also described as lacking a true supraglabellar sulcus (ViEek, 1978). The interorbital region of AT-200 is very wide and there is no nasal root depression. In fossil and modern humans the frontal’s margo nasalis shows an inverted V shape in anterior view, but in AT-200 the medial segment of the nasofrontal suture follows a horizontal course. This atypical articulation between frontal and nasal bones can also be found in Arago 2 1 and “Sinanthropus” skull XII. The nasofrontal suture is very thick in AT-200 (14 mm at the nasion).
and projection
of the supraorbital
standard points, AT-200 appears, in the preserved specially very projecting (Table 2).
torus cannot
be measured
at the
very thick and
The internal surface of the frontal bone is in good condition. Only the frontal crest, preserved for a length of 14 mm, shows some erosion. On the right side impressions of the first and second frontal convolutions
can be found as well as that ofthe first frontal convolution
the left side. The right frontal first convolution is more developed than the left one, so a right frontal petalia is present in terms of the more anteriorly projecting (4.5 mm) right frontal pole. This petalia suggests right-handedness.
buccal striations on the anterior teeth of the Atapuerca
de Castro et al. (1988) have studied dental sample and some Neandertals.
These authors support the hypothesis that the striations were produced when stone tools were used to cut something
held between
the anterior
teeth. The pattern
of striations
right- or left-handedness. These results provide indirect evidence for lateralization of the brain in fossil humans. In the Atapuerca sample buccal scratches were detected on 23 anterior teeth belonging to at least eight individuals (BermGdez de Castro, personal communication).
In all cases right-handedness
is concluded.
AT-174 (found in 1986). This fossil represents a small portion of a right supraorbital the orbital segment),
torus (in
preserving parts of the superior aspect ofthe torus, anterior aspect (very
eroded), orbital plate and endocranial surface. The maximum diameter of the fragment is 34 mm. The two surfaces of fracture that limit transversally the torus show triangular cross sections similar, in size and internal structure, to that of AT-121. At the medial break two alveolar concavities are exposed marking the most lateral extent of the frontal sinus. AT-129
(found in 1986).
vermiculate maximum AT-50 squama
This is a triangular
of frontal
thickness is 13 mm. There is no sutural preservation
and AT-52
that clearly match
in 1984). These are two fragments
is 39 mm
a the
on its edges. (lacking sutures) offrontal
of the two pieces combined = 52 mm). No
vermiculate surface pattern is present on the external surface. AT-52 shows, on the endocranial surface, a short segment ( 14 mm long) of the sagittal sulcus, appearing as a shallow groove enclosed between two smooth edges of the frontal crest. The thickness of these remains is very constant and varies from 8 to 10 mm. AT-36
in 1984). A rectangular
(24 mm). It is very constant Parietal
in thickness
26 mm) with a segment of coronal
8.5 mm). This piece articulates
suture with
II along the coronal suture.
2. Parietal bone remains Parietal I (P. I). This is not a single fragment only one specimen and recovered
but a set of five parietal pieces belonging
in three different years: AT-l 7 (found in 1976), AT-3la/
AT-31b (found in 1984) and AT-173a/173b (retrieved in 1987). Once the five fragments are combined, most of a left parietal bone is represented (Figure 3). The parietomastoid suture is complete but the edge is abraded, lacking indentation. Its length (distance from the aster-ion to the parietal notch) is about 33 mm, a value similar to those of Arago 47 (32 mm) and Swanscombe parietal left (28 mm). Parietal I preserves also segments of the lambdoidal (27 mm) and coronal (11 mm) borders, both showing denticulation. The squamous suture, or the area just above it, is preserved as far as 28 mm anterior
to the parietal notch. Some
Figure 3. Parietal bones. (I) C ranium 2: Superior view. This specimen is made up of Parka1 11 plus the frontal fragment AT-36 and the wormian (lambdatic) bone AT-76, which connects with the occipital fragment AT-66; (2) Parietal I; (3) Parietal III with the occipital fragment AT-122. They comprise. together with the temporal fragment AT-86, the Cranium 1.
Table 3
Parietal thickness (mm)
European Middle Pleistocene La Chaise (Suard) Steinheim Arago 47 Swanscombe Caste1 di Guido Fontechevade Biache-Saint-Vaast Atapuerca P.1 Atapuerca P.11 Atapuerca P.111 Neandertal Parameters Average S.D. N Range “Sinandropus” Parameters Average S.D. .N Range
Parietal boss
6.5 8.5 11.5 8 6 13 z-102
9.5 (11.5)3
Piveteau (1970) Wolpoff (19806) Authors (on cast) Wolpoff ( 19806) Mallegni et al. (1983) Vallois ( 1958) Vandermeersch (1982) Authors Authors Authors
Wolpoff (19806)”
8 6.5 14.5 10.1 12.5 8 8 (9)’
8.3 1.69 12 5-l 1.3
10 5-8.9
11.8 2.1 6 9-16
14.8 1.5 8 13.5-I 7.4
( 1943)5
‘8 mm at the suture and 9 mm at the superior temporal line level near the asterion. *As the p&eta1 boss is missing the thickness was taken in its vicinity, so that the real value is probably greater. 99.5 mm at the lambdoidal suture and 11.5at the point where the superior temporal line crosses the suture near the asterion. *Calculated by the authors on Wolpofl’s measures at middle eminence and mastoid angle for Central and Western
European Neandertals. ‘Calculated by the authors on Weidenreich’smeasures. ridges, related to the articulation (overlap) between the temporal squama and the parietal bone, are present. The external surface is preserved in good condition except for two small areas of outer table loss in AT-3 1a and AT- 17. Parietal I is very thick, attaining a thickness value of 13 mm at the parietal protuberance. This value is higher than for any European middle Pleistocene or Neandertal specimen in Table 3, and only one “Sinunthropus” skull has a greater thickness at the parietal boss. The temporal lines are visible on the external surface but they are only slightly marked in their posterior part. The superior temporal line does not finish in an angular torus at the mastoid angle. For this reason the Parietal I thickness at asterion (8 mm in the suture and 9 mm at the level of the superior temporal line near the asterion) is clearly smaller than for Arago 47 and the “Sinanthropus” specimens, which show conspicuous angular tori (Table 3). This structure has been described on “Sinanthropus” (Weidenreich, 1943), Dali (Wolpoff et al., 1984) and several Javanese specimens (from Sangiran, Sambungmachan and Ngandong: Grimaud, 1982a, 1986) as well as on the African fossils from Bodo (Asfaw, 1983)) Broken Hill and OH 9. Mallegni et al. (1983) have reported the presence ofangular torus on Caste1 di Guido 5, but in our opinion (based on a cast) the mastoid angle is thick but without a well defined torus. To Grimaud (19826) Petralona exhibits angular torus, but to Stringer (1984) the trait is absent in this fossil. In sum, only Arago 47 in the European fossil record exhibits an irrefutable angular torus.
Parietal I lacks the sagittal suture but the curvatures of the complete biparietal vault can be tentatively interpreted with the help of P. II. Parietal I shows a regular curvature, reaching its maximum
superior temporal
line. This point would correspond
in the middle of the bone, slightly
parietal walls would appear slightly convergent Arago 47, Petralona
or Swanscombe.
above the
to the parietum. In norma occipitalis the
toward the top (or nearly parallel)
In our opinion,
the neandertal-derived
as in “en
bombe” was not present in P. I. There
is a pathological
erosion near the postero-superior
damage is oval sized (maximum
diameter = 25 mm), well delimited
of P. I (AT-l 7). The and only affecting
external bone table without diploe exposition. There are signs of bone regeneration. In the deepest zone of this lesion the surface is rough. The most likely etiology would be a traumatic injury produced by a blunt object, followed by a very restricted infectious disturbance (P. J. PCrez, personal communication). Parietal I exhibits well marked vascular impressions on its endocranial surface (Figure 4). A high anastomotic
degree is observed,
network that covers the whole endocranial lateral sinus. In modern populations
the impression
of a slender
surface. Neither Atapuerca
P. I nor P. III display
this sulcus runs from the occipital to the temporal bone,
usually crossing the asterionic region of the parietal bone, where a deep groove can be easily identified at this point. In the Atapuerca temporal bones AT-84 and AT-124 the sulcus courses from the occipital
to the temporal
present in the early middle Pleistocene
bone below asterion.
A clear lateral
parietal bone from Ternifine
sulcus is 1963) but
in the “Sinanthropus” Weidenreich (1943).
crania the sulcus does not extend to the parietal bone according to In the European middle Pleistocene the sulcus is either completely
absent or represented
only by the superior edge of the groove. A lateral sulcus on the parietal
bone is said to be common
in Neandertals
but it is lacking in Cova Negra (Arsuaga
et al.,
1989) and not clearly represented in La Quina 5, Krapina 3 (cast) and 6 (cast). The fragment AT-17, corresponding to the superior plane of P. I, was oriented upside down by Saban (1980, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986) and considered temporal plane. So, the P. I vascular impressions were wrongly described and misunderstood by this author. A full description of the meningeal
system and cerebral
in the Atapuerca
sample will be
published elsewhere.
II (P. II). Five left parietal fragments
have been combined
in Parietal
II: AT-18
(recovered in the 1976 season), AT-33 and AT-61 (both found in 1984), AT-1 26 (found in 1986) and AT-2 11 (found in 1988). In the following paragraphs we will consider all the five fossils as a single specimen, representing a great part of a left parietal postero-inferior quadrant, the parietal protuberance and a rectangular
bone, lacking the portion (of some
42 x 25 mm) containing the bregma and the adjacent segments of the coronal and sagittal sutures. Parietal II connects with the frontal fragment AT-36 and with the wormian bone AT-76,
which matches with the occipital fragment AT-66,
Cranium 2 (Figure 3). Parietal II preserves 34 mm ofcoronal
the complete set being assigned to
border (all the suture lengths are given as chords in
this paper) in the fragment AT-61 and 9 mm in AT-2 11. The sagittal suture is represented by two disjointed segments (28 mm in AT-33 and 19 mm in AT-l 8), as well as the lambda (in AT- 18) and a portion of the lambdoidal border, which can be divided into two segments (of 25 mm each) showing strong angulation (130”). Th is atypical course of the lambdoidal suture is due to the existence ofextra-sutural bones. One of them, AT-76 (found in 1984), is
-. -. -. =.. .Z
--....__ -. -.
: ; : : : .. .: :. : :. . :. : : : :. :. . : : :
all borders.
(for 23 mm
to Wolpoff
in shape
the lambda),
(32 x 34 mm),
as well as with
and Petralona
the occipital also have large
extra-sutural bones at the top of the occipital bone (but to Thoma, 1978, the possibility of an anomalous bone in the lambda region of Vertesszollos is very remote). To Wolpoff ( 19800: 230) “such bones usually
form when the lambdoidal
. . is under stress, as might result
from powerful nuchal action drawing the occiput downward”. Parietal II preserves 29 mm of the squamous suture immediately posterior to the pterion (which is missing), showing some ridges for the articulation
The five fragments composing Parietal II converge towards the parietal protuberance, being broken near it. The external surface is in good condition. The fragment AT-21 1 exhibits increases
a brief segment from the sutures
lambdoidal vicinity.
The curvatures the middle border
of Parietal
of the bone.
of AT-61.
very shallow,
(28 mm) (varying the
of the temporal between 6 and middle
II are similar
A small
some bone condensation
the lesion. The origin
with a subsequent
Alongside diploic
and capillary the preserved
networks sagittal
holes are discernible
of 10 mm
the coronal and
looks smooth
of this pathology
in its
1.2 mm of diameter) surface
bone and
is traumatic
(P. J. Perez, parietal,
as well as some main fissures and gyri (Figure 5). is even and no cerebral impressions are present.
are also present
are no signs of infection
temporal lobes can be distinctly discerned On the contrary P. I endocranial surface Anastomosis
of the sagittal
I, with theparielum
(with some
only the outer
communication). Parietal II shows
a value
can be observed
affecting minor
The thickness in the coronal,
to those of Parietal
It is well delimited,
lines. 8 mm
in P. II but not so developed
the left side of the sagittal
along the sulcus. Near the obelion,
as in P. I.
sulcus can be seen. Several
8 mm from the sagittal
there is a rounded and shallow depression corresponding to a Pacchioni’s fossa, with many small diploic foramina. In the wormian bone AT-76 there is a blunt ridge or buttressing at the midline. Parietal III (P. III). This specimen both
in 1984) constituting
(Figure 3). It preserves 27 mm) and a segment
of two parietal
the posterior
the parietomastoid suture (53 mm) of the lambdoidal
of a right
and AT-65, parietal
eroded and lacking indentation (length = border. The superior halfof the preserved
lambdoidal suture shows complete internal obliteration and a very advanced degree offusion on the outer table. Ridges are present at the parietal notch, and the striaeparietalis appear, as in Parietal I and Parietal II, weakly developed. The thickness at the asterion is of 9.5 mm in the suture and 11.5 mm in the ending of the superior temporal line at the mastoid border (near the asterion). The temporal lines are very tenuous and there is no angular torus. Parietal
III articulates
with the occipital
AT-86 (the set is called Cranium 1) The meningeal vascular system is represented
and with the temporal
in P. III by a lambdatic
main collateral vessels (Figure 6). The most inferior of them is narrow ending in a Pacchioni’s fossa close to asterion. There is also in P. I a similar of the lambdatic ramus which pours in a Pacchioni’s fossa.
fragment with four
and sharp edged collateral branch
3. Occipital bone Occipital I(0.
I). This specimen consists offive left side occipital fragments:
in 1985), AT-2 15 ( 1988)) AT- 105 ( 1985) and AT- 132 ( 1986). Occipital I preserves 64 mm of left lambdoidal suture and 28 mm of left occipitomastoid border (Figure 7). Towards the midline 0. I extends
as much as 68 mm from the left asterion.
semispinalis capitis (or m. complexus) is well preserved
The impression
of the m.
and there is some buttressing
of the
superior nuchal line above it. The thickness ofthe nuchal ridge increases towards the midline, reaching a maximum
of 11 mm at the medial break. The ridge does not extend laterally to the
m. semispinalis capitis. The inferior nuchal line is well marked due to the marked excavation the m. obliquus superior impression.
It is interesting
to note that the maximum
thickness of the
specimen is not located at the occipital torus but in the transverse sulcus (at its medial break = 14.5 mm). The asterionic thickness is 9 mm. The transverse sinus appears medially as a sulcus but this sulcus vanishes towards the asterion, persisting as a slight butressing that separates the cerebral and cerebellar fossae. This atypical pattern is found in all the occipital asterionic
regions of the Atapuerca’s
0. II, 0. III,
AT-39. Occipital II (0. II). F ive occipital fragments are joined in 0. II: AT-45 (found in 1984), AT-56 ( 1984) and AT-20 1a/AT-20 1b/AT-20 1c ( 1988) (F’g I ure 7). The complete right lambboidal border is preserved (lambda-asterion chord = 85 mm) as well as segments of the left lambdoidal suture (extending 25 mm from the lambda) and right occipitomastoid border (extending
25 mm from asterion).
Only the most lateral end of the right m. semispinalis capitis impression is preserved in 0. II, and there is no buttressing of the superior nuchal line above it. So, as in 0. I the nuchal ridge do not reach the lambdoidal suture at the asterion. The thickest points of the specimen lay on the sagittal sinus (11 mm) and transverse sinus (11 mm). The lambda thickness is 9.5 mm and the asterion thickness 7.7 mm. The internal surface of the lambdatic
instead of the superior sagittal sulcus commonly Occipital
III (0. III). The specimen
1987), AT-206
(found in 1988), AT-40
consists of three fragments: (1984) and AT-216
1988). This is the best preserved occiput in the Atapuerca left asterion (Figure 7). The left lambdoidal lambda
and asterion
bears a blunt midsagittal
found. AT-177
(found in 1987 but identified in
preserving lambda and
border is severely eroded except in the vicinity of
chord =88 mm).
right lambdoidal
suture is
preserved for 34 mm ‘from lambda, showing advanced obliteration, and the left occipitomastoid border extends for 30 mm from asterion. A great part of the occipital plane is present in 0. III, especially the left half. The nuchal ridge is preserved in two disjoint segments. One of them (very altered)
extends 54 mm from left asterion
The other one extends
20 mm from the midline to the right; at this level a marked angulation between the occipital and nuchal planes can be observed. The lambda-inion chord and arch can be taken at inion or just lateral
to it. A chord of 63.5 mm and an arch of 69.5 mm are estimated
Hublin’s (1978a) recommendations for the placement of inion (i.e., on the inferior border of the occipital torus at the midline). Comparing with Hublin’s (1984) data, 0. III, Swanscombe and La Chaise (both juvenile and adult occiputs from Abri Suard) fall within the range of 12 upper Pleistocene Neandertals from western Europe. In this specimen the morphology of the occipital plane can be determined: the curvature is regular without occipital bunning or lambdoidal flattening and the suprainiac fossa absent.
Figure 6. Endocast ofParieta1 III+AT-122 (occipital fragment). A = Asterion. lb = Lambdatic branch of the meningeal vascular system. LSS = Lobulus semilunaris superior (cerebellum). OG = Occipital gyri. PF = Pacchioni’s fossa. PI = Parietal incisure. SS = S&us lateralis.
is a depressed
traumatic origin (P. J. Ptrez, personal communication). The thickness ofthis specimen is noteworthy reaching a maximum
of probably
of 22 mm in the nuchal
ridge near the midline. The thickness at lambda is 9 mm and 11.5 at asterion. 0. III preserves almost completely the path of the sinus sugittulis superior from lambda to the cruciate eminence (eminentia cruciutu). The saggittal sulcus is well developed inferiorly but changes to a buttress-like appearance towards lambda. The sagittal sulcus continues directly into the right transverse sulcus in the preserved portion.
AT-122. (found in 1986). The specimen includes the right asterion, 44 mm of right lambdoidal suture and 38 mm of right occipitomastoid suture, extending 40 mm medially (from asterion). AT-122 articulates with Parietal III (Cranium 1) along its lambdoidal border. Only the most lateral part ofthe m. complexus impression is preserved. The superior nuchal line is not buttressed above it, but seems to continue as a slender ridge towards the asterion. The maximum thickness of the fragment (12 mm) lays on this ridge.
AT-39 (recovered
in 1984). This specimen is roughly rectangular with 24 mm of the right lambdoidal suture and 35 mm of the right occipitomastoid border is preserved and intersects at the asterion. The fragment extends medially some 32 mm from asterion. The m. complexus insertion is completely
missing and there is no sign ofthe superior nuchal line, so it disappears
Figure 7. Occipital bones. (1) Occipital
III; (2) Occipital
II; (3) Occipital
long before reaching the asterion. The maximum thickness of the specimen the transverse sinus. The thickness at the asterion is only 6.5 mm.
(11.5 mm) lays in
AT-66 (found in 1984). Roughly rectangular, this fragment preserves 20 mm of lambdoidal border and 24 mm of the suture connecting AT-66 with the wormian bone AT-76 (Cranium 2). Another much smaller extra-sutural bone (missing) was situated in the right lambdoidal suture between AT-66 and AT-76. The maximum thickness of AT-76 is 11 mm. AT-123a/AT-123b (foun d in 1986). This specimen preserves the right asterion, 17 mm of lambdoidal suture and 35 mm of occipitomastoid border. It extends medially 40 mm from asterion. The external surface is severely damaged but seems like Occipital III. The maximum thickness of the fossil is IO.4 mm ( 10 mm at asterion). 4. Temporal bone (Figure 8) AT-84 and AT-86. These two temporal remains represent almost analogous regions from different sides and individuals (Martinez & Arsuaga, 1985). AT-84 (found in 1984) is part of a left temporal bone. The mastoid region is largely complete with some minor loss of bone at the tip of the mastoid process. Only the squamous portion which extends behind the supramastoid crest is preserved. Medially to the internal acoustic meatus the petrous bone is absent. There is also a small portion of the tympanic plate. AT-84 preserves the totality of the parietomastoid suture (30 mm) and the occipitomastoid suture (58 mm). The bone thickness at asterion is 8.5 mm. AT-86 (found in 1984) belongs to a right temporal bone. The mastoid region is only represented by the mastoid process. The external acoustic meatus and the posterior root of the zygomatic process are present. The squamous portion is missing except for a small region including the parietal notch which articulates with Parietal II (Cranium 1). Most of the tympanic plate is preserved as well as the portion of petrous bone laterally to the internal acoustic meatus. In AT-84 and AT-86 the mastoid processes are oriented to inferior. They are wide at the base and in AT-84 the process tapers toward its tip. Both processes look very projecting (Table 4) and well isolated from the surrounding bone. AT-84 exhibits a prominent mastoid crest running on the posterolateral surface of the mastoid process. A deep supramastoid sulcus is discernible between the mastoid crest and the preserved portion of a strong supramastoid crest. AT-86 displays weaker mastoid and supramastoid crests as well as a more shallow sulcus between them. The supramastoid crest does not overhang the external acoustic meatus neither in AT-84 nor in AT-86. The anterior mastoid tubercle (sensu Hublin, 19786) is absent in both temporal bones. The mastoid notch is preserved in AT-84 coursing toward the stylomastoid foramen. AT-84 shows a developed juxtamastoid eminence (sensu Rouviere, in Hublin, 19786) (Table 4), separated from the occipitomastoid suture by the s&us arteria occipitalis.
On the endocranial side ofATand AT-86 the sigmoid sulcus can be recognized but it is complete only in AT-84, entering in the temporal bone below asterion. The petrous bone is well preserved in AT-84 and AT-86. On thefacies cerebralis several anatomical structures can be studied, mainly the hiatus canalis nervu.sfacialis, the eminentia arcuata (very distinct in AT-84) and part of the tegmen tympani. In AT-86 and particularly in AT-84, the anterior surface of the pyramis is uneven because of the presence of the gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis. On thefacies cerebellaris both pieces preserve theporus acusticus internus (complete in AT-84 and only the lateral margin in AT-86)) thefossa subarcuata (petromastoid canal sensu Gannon et al., 1988) and the apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli (sen.w Weidenreich,
208 Table 4
Temporal bone meamuremaats (mm) 1M
Sepdlveda (M) ’ Average S.D. Jv Range Seplilveda (F) ’ Average S.D. x Range Shanidar?
4.7 1.9 24 0.5-10.5
44.7 4.3 26 35.5-53.5
24.4 2.4 34 2&32
11.2 2.5 34 6-15.5
3.3 1.6 34 0.5-7
38.5 4.4 33 30.546.5
8.3 10.6
11.3 6.6
(&9) /Ibeas’
13.9 3.1 27 7.5-18.5
38-2 1 Atapuerca AT-84 AT-86
26.6 2.3 26 22-31.5
2 West European Neandertals La Ferrassie I3 27 La Chapelle-auxSaints3 28 Gibraltar4 23.4 La Quina H!+ 24 La Quina H 1O3 25 La Quina H273 26 SPY l3 27 SPY 23 26? Krapina4 C 22.4 39- 1 22 38-7/38-l 1 27.4 38-2/38-14 28.3 38-12 23 38-13 39-14
(21) 29.5 23
6 10 3.2 7 6.5 6.5 7 7 4 3 7.2 9.7 4.6 5.8 IO.4 4.4 14 11
1 M: Length of the mastoid process base (method of Zoja, in Vallois, 1969). 2M: Projection of the mastoid process (method ofZoja, in Vallois, 1969). 3M: Height ofthe eminentiajuxtamasfoi (mastooccipital crest for Shanidar 1 & 2) measured from the deepest point in the digastric sulcus (Trinkaus, 1983). 4M: Distance from the incisurapnridalis to the tip of the mastoid process. ‘Measurements taken by the Authors. ?From Trinkaus (1983). 3From Vallois (1969). *From Smith (1980). ( ) Measurements in parentheses are minimum measurements. (M) Males. (F) Females.
1943)) which opens into a deep impressio cerebellaris. In AT-84 and AT-86 the margo superior of the pyramis bears the sulcus superior petrosal sinus. In AT-84 the posterior surface ficies cerebellaris) is overhung by a sharp crista pyramidis. In AT-86 this crest is rounded but the posterior surface is concave. According to Weidenreich (1943) the “Sinanthropus” temporal bones shows a different pattern, with a rounded cristapyramidis and without a concavefacies cerebellaris. In the fucies inferior of both Atapuerca temporal bones parts of the lateral wall of
the carotid foramen are preserved as well as the stylomastoid foramen, the base of the styloid process, the fossula petrossa and most of the jugular incisure. Only a small portion of the tympanic plate (including a well developed vagina processus styloidei) is preserved in AT-84 whereas in AT-86 the totality of the tympanic plate laterally to the sulcus anuli Qmpanici is present. In AT-86 a thick and blunt tympanic crest runs from the styloid process to the middle of the inferior margin of the external auditory meatus. Therefore, the tympanic plate seems divided into two sides by the crest. There is also another small crest extending from the styloid process to reach the margin of the external auditory meatus at its most posterior point. The external auditory meatus is circular. AT-124 (found in 1986). This specimen comprises a left glenoid fossa and surrounding regions including the root of the zygomatic process, most of the squamous wall of the external auditory meatus and small portions of the tympanic and petrous bones. On the lateral face the root ofthe zygomatic process strongly projects laterally and forms a wide ( 10 mm) sulcus processus zygomatici (sensu Weidenreich, 1943). The acoustic porus lays below the zygomatic process and also below the roof of the mandibular fossa. The postglenoid process is strikingly developed. A part ofthe infratemporal area with the sphenoid margin can be identified in basal view. The anterior wall of the mandibular fossa appears deeply concave from side to side and there is a smooth transition between the articular joint and the preglenoid planum. So, the articular tubercle is not raised. Signs ofa temporomandibular arthrosis, which did not substantially alter the original morphology, can be seen in AT- 124 (Perez & Martinez, 1989). A strongly developed postglenoid process forms the posterior wall of the mandibular fossa, extending medially to the vicinity of the well developed entoglenoid process. AT-220 (found in 1986 but identified in 1988). This fossil is a small portion ofa right petrous bone. Laterally to the internal acoustic meatus thefacies cerebralis is preserved with the hiatus canalis nervus facialis and a portion of the eminentia arcuata. In the facies cerebellaris the fossa subarcuata and the apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli (sensu Weidenreich, 1943) are present. The margo superior is unsharpened. Rests of the carotid foramen, jugular incisure andfossulapetrosa are preserved in the facies inferior. The cochlea is exposed by fracturing. AT-125 (found in 1986). This specimen corresponds to the mastoid angle of a right temporal bone, preserving the totality of the parietomastoid border (27 mm) and part of the occipitomastoid border (30 mm). The thickness at asterion is 6-5 mm. AT-125 shows, as AT-220, an extensive pneumatization. On the endocranial surface the sigmoid sulcus enters in the temporal bone below asterion. 5. Humeri: inventory, state of preservation and description
AT-25 (found in 1984). This specimen corresponds to the proximal half of a right humerus (maximum length = 147 mm). The humeral head is damaged, with substantial bone loss posteriorly (about one-fourth ofits mass). The lesser tubercle and greater tubercle also show some superficial erosion. The diaphyseal surface is well preserved and the muscular insertions appear poorly developed. The intertubercular sulcus looks straight and very broad. The anatomical margins are blunt. AT-25 values for several humeral measurements are shown in Tables 5 and 6. It can be observed that the AT-25 figures fall within the ranges of the Neandertal sample. Neverthe-
Table 5
of the Atapucra
Length of fragment
AT-25 170
AT-93 146
AT-2 17 138
S.N. level Perimeter Maximum diameter Minimum diameter P.M. level Perimeter Maximum diameter Minimum diameter D.T. level Perimeter (A) Maximum diameter Minimum diameter Width oftuberosity (B) Relative width B/A (%) M.S. level’ Perimeter Maximum diameter Minium diameter Shaft index Anterior cortex Posterior cortex Medial cortex Lateral cortex Cortical area (mm) Articular head Vertical diameter Transverse diameter Index Neck angle
85 30 19.6
87 30.7 25.3
73 24.5 21
81.5 27.7 24.7
72 24.3 19.6 15 20.8
82 28.6 26 20 24.4
70 24.5 18.8 76.7 6.5 7 6 6 340
27.7 (18.8) 67.8 7.5 6 5.5
74 25 21 84 8 5.5 5.5 5 330
45 >45 > 100 135
S.N. = Measurements taken at surgical neck level. P.M. =Measurements taken at midpoint of m. Pectoralis Rlnjor insertion area. D.T. = Measurements taken at midpoint of Deltoid tuberosity (near 5/12 of maximum length level). M.S. = Measurements taken at midshaft. ’ = The Atapuerca specimens are broken at a level short to midshaft.
less, there is a broad overlap in humeral diameters between Neandertals, and a Spanish Mediaeval sample from Septilveda. Remnants
of epiphyseal
closure are visible in AT-25.
Upper Palaeolithics
The age at death of the specimen
would be around 25 years according to modern human patterns (Schranz, 1959; Olivier, 1960, Krogman & Iscan, 1986; Bass, 1987). The structure of the cancellous tissue of the proximal epiphysis and the extension of the medullary cavity corresponds to Phase I as defined by Acsadi & Nemeskiri ( 1970) (Figure 9). AT-93
in 1976). This right humeral
extends from the proximal
physeal line level to the deltoid tuberosity distal end (maximum length= 146 mm). The surface is in generally good condition. The intertubercular sulcus is preserved almost completely, appearing (as AT-25) straight and broad. The muscular attachments are well developed in AT-93,
much more than in AT-25.
are greater than in AT-25
Mess -ads
of the humeri (mm) Humeral shaft
Midshaft perimeter
Humeral head
Deltoid tub. perimeter
Diameter max. midshaft
Diameter min. midshaft
Midshaft index
72 82
24.5 27.7 25
18.8 18.8 21
76.7 67.8 84
13 66.7 5.2 58-74
16 23.1 2.3 20-26.8
16 16.4 1.7 14-19
16 71 3.6 65.2-74.5
12 2168 19-25.5
12 1746 1620
12 80.77 72.5-94.7
43 21.8 17-27.6
43 17.4 14-20.6
43 79.3 70.2-93
AT-25 70 AT-93 AT-2 17 74 Neandertal Parameters’ N 15 Mean 65.8 SD. 6 Range 56-77.5 European Upper Palaeolithicr (only right side) N Mean Range Seplilveda Mcdiaevals3 N Mean Range Adult Whites’ Mean 0 (&= 200) Mean 0 (N= 200) Difference
Vertical diameter
Transverse diameter
Width index
r 100
39 41.9 34.1-48
35 39.7 33.245
34 94.7 87-100
48.76 42.67 6.09
44.60 36.98 5.68
Deltoid tub. = Deltoid tuberosity. max. = maximum. min. = minimum. I = Measurements of La Ferrassie and La Chapelle by the authors. Other Neandertals: Endo & Kimura (1970); Thoma (1975); Lovejoy & Trinkaus (1980), Trinkaus (1983). X represents the number of humeri available for measurement (one or two per individual). 2= Measurements from Thoma (1975). ’ = N represents the number of measured humeri because it is not possible to determine individuals in the Sepulveda bone accumulation. ‘= Measurements from Dwight (1904-1905) in Krogman & Iscan ( 1986).
5). The perimeters
Neandertal The
average (Table
at deltoid tuberosity
and midshaft levels are noticeably
above our
6). and
of medullary
Nemeskeri’s Phase I (Figure 9). The proximal break of AT-93 is largely coincident with the proximal epiphyseal line. Signs of recent epiphyseal closure can also be recognized. So, AT-93
and AT-25
show similar degrees of bone maturity.
AT-217 (found in 1988). This right humeral
extends from the midshaft
to just
above the medial epicondyle (maximum length = 138 mm). The distal break runs diagonally and only the medial pillar surrounding the olecranon fossa is preserved (Figure 9). The external surface is well preserved, and there is no nutrient foramen. The three margins of the bone are dull and the three surfaces appear fairly convex. The proximal cross section shape is oval. 6. Humeri: morphology in detail and comparisons Deltoid tuberosity. In AT-25 the deltoid tuberosity, anterior
and the other one laterally
has one crest on the
placed. The sulcus between
these crests looks
1. L.
Figure 8. Temporal bones. (I ! AT-86: Posterior view; (2) AT-W Posterior view; (3) AT-86: Latrral (4) AT-84: Basalview: (5) Al’-124: Latcral view: (6) AT-124: Basal view.
shallow. On the other hand, the tuberosity is strongly marked in AT-93 between the anterior
and lateral ones. Proximally
does not reach the external margin of the humerus. This morphology not reaching Mediaeval
the external
sample from Seprilveda
and has a third crest
the deltoid tuberosity
was found in two humeri
in both specimens
(i.e. deltoid tuberosity
out of 43 in the Spanish
that we have used for comparison.
( 197 1)) the deltoid tuberosity is narrower in “Sinanthropus” and “classic” Neandertals West Asian Neandertals
and recent humans. In the Atapuerca
width is greater than in “classic” Asian Neandertals,
to Endo than in
specimens the relative deltoid
6), and it is similar to those of West
specimens (Vandermeersch,
1981) and recent humans. Another
feature considered by Endo ( 197 1) as typical of Neandertals (both “classic” and West Asian) is a deltoid tuberosity with two crests, while the recent Lebanese sample studied by Endo displayed three crests as a rule. However, in the Spanish Mediaeval sample from Septilveda we found 14 specimens with two crests out of 41 humeri. Therefore, as other authors have pointed
out (Thoma,
1975; Vandermeersch,
1981) the presence
of a third crest is not a
AT-25 exhibits two crests and conversely AT-93 has
three crests (Figure 9). Surface medial to the deltoid tuberosity. According this surface is distinctly flat or concave.
to Thoma
convex in Neandertals,
In AT-25
( 1975) and Endo & Kimura
whereas in modern populations
the surface medial to the deltoid tuberosity
looks broad and concave.
This character
state (flat or concave
is Aat and in AT-93
is found in every
humerus from SepGlveda, and in the two humeri from Qafzeh (Vandermeersch, Humeral head. In modern populations
the vertical diameter
( 1970)
it would be
of the humeral
198 1) .
head is greater
than the transversal diameter and so the head looks transversally compressed (Krogman & Iscan, 1986). In AT-25 the humeral head index can be estimated in 100 or more and the humeral
head appears
the humeral
head index is 106 (Basabe,
or even transversally 1966)) reflecting
oval (Table a rounded
5). In Lezetxiki
head, as in
(Boule, 1911-13).
Lesser tube&e. The morphology the Seplilveda antero-medially
of the AT-25
lesser tubercle is clearly different in shape from
sample. The lesser tubercle is massive, very broad at the base and
In the modern humeri from SepGlveda the lesser tubercle looks
slender. Also in AT-25 the area between the lesser tubercle and the anatomical neck (related to the glenohumeral superior ligament) is very narrow with respect to modern humeri. In AT-93 the preserved portion of the lesser tubercle looks like AT-25. Trinkaus ( 1983) reports a large and projecting lesser tubercle in Shanidar 1. The massiveness of this structure is related to a powerful m. subscapularis. The area of insertion of the gleno-humeral inferior ligament constitutes
a very depressed triangular
fossa in AT-25
(so the ligament would be very devel-
oped). In the Septilveda sample this area never forms a fossa. The morphology of the* preserved portion of the glenohumeral inferior ligament attachment in AT-93 is similar to that ofAT-25. Cortical thickness. AT-25
and AT-217
are broken
near midshaft.
display at this level much thicker cortical area than any of the Seplilveda specimens (Figure 10). The cortical area (Table 5) represents 85% of the total area in AT-25 and 73.3% in AT-217. The Seplilveda average is only 56.7% (Figure 11). All the AT-25 and AT-21 7
AT- 217
Figure 10. Cortical thickness of the Atapuerca/Ibeas humeri AT-25 and AT-217 at midshaft level. The cortical thickness of the Atapuerca humeri has been compared with that of 15 modern humeri from the Seplilveda sample which were cut at midshaft. Photographs of the cross sections were taken and the anteroposterior axis drawn as the line passing through the centre of the medullary canal and the anterior margin of the humerus. The mediolateral axis was taken as a perpendicular to the anteroposterior axis through the centre of the medullary space. TA=Total area (mm); CA= Cortical area (mm); AC= Anterior cortex (mm); PC = Posterior cortex; MC = Medial cortex; LC = Lateral cortex. The values ofthe Atapuerca/Ibeas humeri have beenstandardized with respect to the modernsampleofSepulveda (.N= 15). SD =standard deviation.
* AT-217
ITA --hT AT-217
Figure 11. Three indexes of cortical thickness for the Atapuerca/Ibeas humeri at midshaft level. AP: Anteroposterior cortical index = (anterior+ posterior cortex x lOO)/anteroposterior diameter. ML: Mediolateral cortical index = (medial + lateral cortex x lOO)/mediolateral diameter). CA/TA = cortical area x lOO/total area. The Atapuerca/Ibeas values are compared to the modem sample of Sepulveda (N= 15). Range and mean f 1 SD of the Septilveda sample are indicated.
measures and indexes of cortical thickness are more than one standard deviation above the Sepulveda mean (Figures 10 and 11). Also, according to Ben-Itzhak et al. (1988) the cortical thickness
(both anteroposterior
and mediolateral)
of Neandertal
right and left humeri are
higher than in modern Homo sapiens.
Ridgefor the lateral head of m. triceps. According this ridge is absent in Neandertals. sample) it appears frequently.
to Endo & Kimura
(1970) and Thoma
in modern humans (including
This crest is present in AT-93
( 1975)
the Sepulveda
but not in AT-25.
7. Ulna AT-218 (found in 1988). Proximal fragment of right ulna lacking proximal epiphysis except the radial facet (maximum length = 44 mm). The proximal break exposes a coarse travecular system and the distal break exhibits a circular cross section with thick cortical bone. The crista m. supinatoris is noticeably broad and blunt in contrast with modern people. The AT-218 radial facet appears (judging from the preserved portion) small and rounded, like in Ferrassie 1, Shanidar
4 and the Krapina
small or almost absent in Amud (Thoma,
1975). In AT-218
sample. The hollow for the play of the radial tuberosity 1, Dusseldorf
(Endo & Kimura,
1970), Spy 1 and Spy 2
the hollow is also absent.
8. Tibiae AT85 (found in 1984). This fragment of right tibia extends from the proximal end of the tibia1 tuberosity to the midshaft (maximum length = 167 mm). The metrical variables of the fossil are presented in Tables
7 and 8. The external surface is in good condition.
The shaft shows a small curvature in the transverse direction. The nutrient foramen is completely preserved and there is another (much smaller) foramen above it (Figure 12). The anterior margin is round. In modern tibiae the anterior
margin passes laterally to the tibia1
tuberosity but in AT-85 this margin merges into the tibia1 tuberosity. The internal margin is round and blunt. It is located in the middle of the medial side of the tibia, like in Amud and La Chapelle-aux-Saints,
and not in the posterior side as commonly
The external margin is weakly marked. It is interesting
occurs in modern tibiae.
to note that the well developed soleal
line does not reach the medial margin. The posterior margin above midshaft.
(vertical ridge) is upstanding.
This feature is absent in La Ferrassie
It runs from the soleal line and ends 1 and 2 and La Chapelle-aux-Saints
and it is not common in the Sepulveda sample (14 tibiae out of 79). Endo & Kimura reported a projected verical ridge in Amud 1.
( 1970)
The cross section shape at the midshaft is amygdaloid. This shape has been described in several Neandertal specimens (Lovejoy & Trinkaus, 1980; Trinkaus, 1983). Trinkaus (1983) contends that the amygdaloid exceptional robusticity.
AT-19 (found in 1976).
cross sectional shape in Neandertals
This specimen
is a fragment
is associated with
of right tibia extending
from the
midshaft level to the least circumference level (maximum length = 107 mm) (Figure 12). The metrical variables of AT-19 are presented in Tables 7 and 8. The external surface is well preserved. The three anatomical margins are blunt. The internal margin is also located more anteriorly than is common in modern tibiae, as in AT-85. The three surfaces are convex. The shape of the cross section at the midshaft is amygdaloid as in AT-85.
Table 7
Meamuemeats of the Atapuera
Length of fragment
Foramen nutricial level Perimeter A-P diameter M-L diameter Cnemic index Midshaft level’ Perimeter A-P diameter M-L diameter Midshaft index Anterior cortex Posterior cortex Medial cortex Lateral cortex Cortical area (mm) 2/3 Total length level Perimeter A-P diameter M-L diameter Anterior cortex Posterior cortex Medial cortex Lateral cortex Cortical area (mm)
tibiae (mm) AT-85 167
AT-19 107
TB-I 125
93 36.3 24 66.1 80 29.3 22.5 76.7 9.5 7.5 4.5 5 340
76 27.6 20 72.4 9.5 6.5 4.5 4 320 84 29.5 24.5 7.5 8 5.5 6 400
A-P = Anteroposterior. M-L = Mediolateral. ’ = AT-85 & AT-19 are broken at a level short to midshaft.
Tibia I. The specimen corresponds to the distal third of a left tibia (Figure 12) and consists of two fragments that completely match: AT-91 (discovered in 1984) and AT- 119 (found in 1985). The external surface is in good state of preservation except above the distal articular surface where the cortical bone is mostly missing. The medial malleolus is also lacking and the two projections of the fibular articular surface are eroded. The three margins of the diaphysis are round and blunt and the surfaces convex. The cross section at the proximal break is amygdaloid. In our modern sample (Sepulveda) the cross section looks subtriangular. The talar trochlear surface is flat in respect to the Seplilveda tibiae. Both the anterior and posterior margins do not project distally. The ridge which runs sagittaly across the middle of the articular surface is low and not clear (Figure 12). These traits are also reported in Amud 1 (Endo & Kimura, 1970) and Spy 2 (Thoma, 1975) and we have observed them in La Ferrassie 1 and 2. The fibular articular surface is shallow as in Amud 1 (Endo & Kimura, 1970) and La Ferrassie 1 and 2. Tibia I does not exhibit a squatting facet. This trait is present in some Neandertals (Trinkaus, 1975, 1983) as well as in modern populations (Carretero et al., 1987; Perez et al., 1988). The phylogenetic relevance of this facet is null. Cortical thickness. AT-85 and AT-19 are broken more or less at midshaft level and TB-I at 2/3 of total length level. At midshaft level AT-85 and AT- 19 differ from our modern sample only
21.64 175-25
105 23 17.2-31
7 37.90 32-45
105 31.8 23-40.6
105 71.6 58.4-88
12 72.3 6.9 62-75
Cnemic index
6 84 74100
11 88.3 7.5 75-90
80 76
6 20. I 7 17-24
100 21.1 17-30
100 27.9 19.5-34.3
13 22.8 1.6 20-25.8
22.5 20
M-L diameter
6 32.25 27-39
13 32.5 3.6 27738.4
29.3 27.6
A-P diameter
Midshaft level
100 76 52-94
6 63.22 50-7 1.4
13 70.4 4.7 626-77
76.7 72.4
Midshaft index
70.5 53-83
7 76.43 62-89
67 84
Least perimeter
5 41.90 33-60
8 37.5 3.0 31.541
A-P diameter
92 46 37-54
4i.40 44-55
8 50.6 4.7 44-54
M-L diameter
Distal epiphysis
’ = Measurements
A-P = Anteroposterior. M-L = Mediolateral. ’ =Sources as in Table 5. .,V represents the number of tibiae available for measurement (one or two per individual). from Thoma ( 1975). Only one side per individual is represented. 3= Mrepresents the number of measured tibiae because it is not possible to determine individuals in the Seplilveda bone accumulation.
12 26.8 1.7 2429.6
12 37.4 4.1 28842.6
7 105.4 3.3 101-l 12
M-L diameter
A-P diameter
of tibiae (mm)
AT-85 AT-19 TB- 1 Neandertal Parameters’ JV Mean SD. Range European Upper Palaeolithic’ “V Mean Range Seplilveda Mediaevals’ “Y Mean Range
Table 8
- -l!
112 TA CA
213 TA
*.._ a. CA
. ..*
. . ..I
. . .. ‘....
... . .. . . . . .
. ...a.
.*. . . * -.. *.
Figure 13. Cortical thickness of the Atapuerca/Ibeas tibiae at midshaft level (l/2) and 2/3 of total length level (2/3). Methodology and abbreviations as in Figure 10. The values ofthe Atapuerca/Ibeas tibiae have been standardized with respect to the modern sample of Seplilveda (N= 15).
in a thicker posterior
wall (Figures 13 and 14). In TB-I, at 2/3 level, the posterior cortex is again much thicker than in the Sepulveda sample (more than six standard deviations above the Seplilveda mean!). The medial and lateral walls ofTB-I are also very thick and therefore the cortical area is great both in absolute and relative terms (Figures 13 and 14). Several
studies suggest that the cortical humans (Endo & Kimura,
bone in Neandertal
1970; Lovejoy & Trinkaus,
tibiae is thicker 1980; Trinkaus,
than that of modern 1983). Thick-walled
long bones have also been reported for African and Asian Homo erectus (Kennedy,
1983, 1985;
Day, 1971).
and conclusions
In this section a phylogenetic analysis ofcharacters is attempted. Only some of the previously described traits are useful for this purpose. To establish the polarity (i.e., direction of evolutionary change) of characters, early and middle Pleistocene African and Asian fossils have been used as outgroups.
70 4p
ML+ AT-95
AP -16-I ML--J--* TB-I
CAITA .--A TB-I Figure 14. Three indexes ofcortical thickness for the Atapuerca/Ibeas tibiae at midshaft level (l/2) and 2/3 of total length level (2/3). Abbreviations as in Figure 11. The Atapuerca/Ibeas values are compared to the modern sample of Seplilveda (X- 15). Range and mean + 1 SD of the Sep6lveda sample are indicated.
Concerning the morphology of the orbital and lateral segments of the supraorbital torus, we recognize three character states in Homo erectusltlomo sapiens. The supraorbital torus (including the lateral segments) looks straight in anterior and superior views in the Zhoukoudian sample, in the Javanese specimens from Sangiran, Trinil, Sambungmachan, Perning and Ngandong as well as in the African crania KNM-ER 3733, KNM-ER 3883 and OH 9 (observations on casts). We believe that this morphology represents the plesiomorphic condition. On the other hand there is no straight junction of the torus and frontal squama in the middle Pleistocene African and European “late Homo erectus” or “early Homo sapiens”, as well as in Neandertals. In these fossils the supraorbital trigone (lateral segment of the supraorbital torus) is deflected downward. This is the character state present in AT-121. Finally, in anatomically modern humans the torus is very much reduced in thickness and projection. So, with respect to this character the European middle Pleistocene fossils and the Upper Pleistocene Neandertals share the same state. Nevertheless, the morphology of the glabellar segment of the torus is clearly autapomorphic in Neandertals (from either the Riss-Wiirm or the Wiirm). In this group the superciliary arches and the glabella are so completely fused that the supraorbital torus appears continuous in the glabellar region. AT-200 exhibits this Neandertal apomorphy. In other human fossils assigned to Homo erectus, archaic Homo sapiens or anatomically modern H. sapiens, there is
a midsagittal glabellar depression and/or the supraglabellar sulcus or fossa extends downwards in the glabellar segment, separating partial or totally one superciliary arch from its complement
on the opposite side. On the contrary,
zone appears continuous the browridge. “guessed”
in Neandertals
and AT-200
as a result of the complete lack ofa furrow separating
to Spitery ( 1985)) the Neandertal
to be present in Steinheim
and Bilzingsleben.
the glabellar the two sides of
(his type A) can be
in Steinheim
the supra-
glabellar sulcus extends well inferiorly and the supercilliary archs are distinctly separated, but in Bilzingsleben there is only a slight indication ofglabellar depression (VlEek, 1978) and the torus appears continuous in the glabellar region. After examination of a cast, and from VlEek’s descriptions and figures, we conclude that the Bilzingsleben frontal bone shows a morphology similar to AT-200 and thus possesses derived Neandertal features (and is not, contra VlEek, 1978, Homo erectus-like). A Neandertal
derived character
is the circular
or oval cranial outline in norma occipitalir
(Arsuaga et al., 1989). This trait is already found in the European clearly in Biache 1). In the Atapuerca observe
the cranial
large parietal bone fragments, struction of both biparietal
middle Pleistocene
hypodigm no specimen is complete enough to directly Parietal
I and Parietal
II are two complementary
with a broad overlap region which permits a tentative recon-
vault morphologies.
The projected
outlines of the parietal walls
would be parallel or even slightly converging toward the top. We consider plesiomorphic with respect to the Neandertal apomorphic circular profile. Only the best preserved occipital
bone in the Atapuerca’s
this pattern
permits a
true phylogenetic discussion. According to Hublin (1984), the Neandertal occipital bone displays an occipital torus showing a bilateral maximum development and a clearly defined suprainiac fossa on a strongly convex occipital plane (occipital protrusion). To Hublin ( 1982, 1984) these three Neandertal features are found associated in the Early Wurm (“classic”) Neandertals Delaunay,
as well as in the Riss-Wiirm Saccopastore
1 and 2, EhringsdorfS)
La Chaise
and in some Riss specimens
(Biache and La
Chaise Suard 2). This author also recognizes the bilateral development of the torus and a faint and not well delimited suprainiac fossa in Steinheim and Swanscombe. On the contrary, the Atapuerca Occipital III does not exhibit the Neandertal derived morphology. There is no suprainiac fossa in 0. III and the fossil shows a rather flattened occipital plane compared with the “classic” Neandertals. In “classic” Neandertals, as a result of the strong convexity (protrusion) of the occipital plane, the opisthocranion is situated well above the nuchal ridge (and also above the suprainiac fossa). In 0. III the opisthocranion would be located in the nuchal ridge. According to Hublin ( 1982)) there is in Neandertals a depressed medial zone in the nuchal ridge between the two lateral protuberances. developed morphology features.
and not depressed of the occipiti
Size and morphology
near the midline.
In 0. III the nuchal ridge is well 0. III
bone and not the characteristic
the plesiomorphic
of the mastoid region have been commonly
used for phylogenetic
discussion. Some authors consider as a primitive feature the presence of a small mastoid process (Weidenreich, 1943; Endo & Kimura, 1970; Lumley & Sonakia, 1985; Hublin, 1986). However we are in agreement with Andrews ( 1984) in considering this character as not relevant for phylogenetic reconstruction in early and middle Pleistocene in Africa and Asia. Nevertheless, the lack of mastoid projection from the cranial base is generally judged to be a typical feature of NeandertaIs (Weidenreich, 1943; Patte, 1955; Vallois, 1969; Endo & Kimura, 1970; Santa Luca, 1978; Smith, 1980; Wolpoff, 1980a; Heim, 1981-82; Trinkaus,
1983; Stringer et al., 1984; Tillier, 1986; Condemi, 1987; Mallegni & Radmilli, 1988). Some authors (Heim, 1974; Smith, 1980; Trinkaus, 1983) argue that the lack of mastoid projection from the cranial basis in Neandertals is not related to decrease of the mastoid process but to the inflation (pneumatization) of the cranial basis at the mastoid region. As a result of this extensive pneumatization the mastoid process appears enclosed in the petrous region and there is an evident increase in the caudal projection of the cranial base, specially the juxtamastoid eminence, which projects downward to the mastoid process. The presence of an eminence (or occipitomastoid crest) projected when compared with the mastoid process is judged by several authors as a Neandertal autapomorphy (Santa Luca, 1978; Stringer et al., 1984; Tillier, 1983, 1986; among others). In AT-84 and AT-86 the mastoid processes are well isolated from the petrous region and they are very projected from the cranial base (see Table 4). AT-84 preserves also the juxtamastoid eminence, which projects downward less clearly than the mastoid process. Therefore both Atapuerca specimens lack the mastoid pneumatization we consider autapomorphic for Neandertals. The mastoid process size has been used to determine the sex of middle Pleistocene fossils (Wolpoff, 1980a,6), Krapina (Smith, 1980) and Shanidar specimens (Trinkaus, 1983). On the other hand, Heim (1974, 1981-82) rejects the use of this trait in sex determination of “classic” Neandertals. Length and projection of mastoid process is represented in Figure 15. It can be seen that the positions in the scatter diagram of the Krapina temporal bones are consistent with the classification of males and females given by Smith (1980). Western Neandertals do not show such a clear dimorphism (in agreement with Heim’s assertions). The Atapuerca temporal bones show a disparity in mastoid process size which is consistent with the sexual dimorphism pattern ofthe Mediaeval Seplilveda sample. So, AT-84 would be a male and AT-86 a female. On the other hand, ifthe mastoid process projection is taken from the parietal notch the scatter diagram provides a more secure sex determination for the Sepulvedasample (Figure 16). Again, AT-84 must be considered a male and AT-86 (Cranium 1) a female. Furthermore, AT-84 shows more developed mastoid and supramastoid crests than AT-86. In AT-86 the tympanic plate is thick and can be divided into two parts. The anterior halfis scarcely convex and the posterior half is quite thick. These traits are present in Homo erectus (Weidenreich, 1943; Rightmire, 1984; Stringer, 1984) and Neandertals (Endo & Kimura, 1970; Tillier, 1984, 1986) and can be considered plesiomorphies. An external auditory meatus positioned superiorly has been considered a typical feature (or autapomorphic) of Neandertals (Patte, 1955; Vandermeersch, 1978; Tillier, 1983; Stringer et al., 1984). This position results in a location of the porus at the level of the zygomatic process. Also, the superior margin of the meatus lies substantially above the roof of the mandibular fossa. In ER-3883, ER-3733,OH-9 and Steinheim (observed from casts) the acoustic porus lies below the zygomatic level and its superior margin is at the level or slightly above the roof of the mandibular fossa. For us, this is the plesiomorphic state. In AT-86 the acoustic porus is below the zygomatic process and in AT- 124 the superior edge of the porus is at level of the mandibular fossa roof. So, both Atapuerca fossils exhibit the plesiomorphic condition. A wide and shallow mandibular fossa is mentioned as a typical (or autapomorphic) attribute of Neandertals (Vallois, 1969; Heim, 1974; Vandermeersch, 1978; Tillier, 1983, 1986). On the other hand, a mandibular fossa deep and narrow in anteroposterior direction can be found in “Sinantho~us” (Weidenreich, 1943)) Caste1 di Guido (Mallegni & Radmilli,
* * *
+ +
lk *
* ::
* sr
kLQ5 **
LQ%J L 27 8 &jLFl
Figure 15. Scatterdiagram for length of the mastoid process base and projection of the mastoid process (Zoja’s method). LFl = La Ferrassie 1; LCH = La Chapelle-aux-Saints; GBI = Gibraltar I; LQ5 = La Quina 5; LQlO = La Quina 10; LQ27 = La Quina 27.
and Steinheim
(on casts). The last condition
must be
considered plesiomorphic and AT-124 shows it. To some authors (Vallois, 1969; Endo & Kimura, 1970; Heim, 1974; Vandermeersch, 1978) a well developed postglenoid process is a typical Neandertal feature. In Tillier’s opinion ( 1983, 1986) prominent postglenoid uncertain. A phylogenetic traits are metrical
this is a plesiomorphy for Neandertals. AT- 124 displays a very process but for us the phylogenetic status of the character remains
analysis of postcranial (continuous)
and so they cannot
is very difficult at present because most be easily broken down into character
Figure 16. Scatterdiagram
sr sr
for length ofthe mastoid process (Zoja’s method)
(I.P.) to the tip ofthe mastoid process.
and distance from the incisuraparictalis
*6 *
226 states
the ranges
of most metrical
show ample
between modern and fossil human samples. Finally, the postcranial remains are scarce (or absent for many anatomical regions) in the European middle Pleistocene record. In spite of this, in the following discussion we will point out the features that the Atapuerca with Neandertals
or modern populations.
The well developed hypertrophied
fossils share
lesser tubercle
of AT-25
(and probably
to a
m. subscupuluris. There is also in both fossils a deep fossa for the gleno-humeral
inferior ligament. These two traits suggest a musculo-ligamentous hypertrophy related to the maintenance of the articular integrity. The great cortical thickness of the three Atapuerca humeri
with modern
would also reflect upper limb robusticity.
biomechanical pattern has been claimed for Neandertals by several authors (Trinkaus, 1977, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1989; Endo & Kimura, 1970; Thoma, 1975; Trinkaus & Howells, 1979; Smith, 1984; Ben-Itzhak et al., 1988). On the other hand, the internal surface of AT-25 and AT-93 is flat and the deltoid tuberosity broad, as in modern humans. In Neandertals the internal
surface is typically
shared by the Atapuerca
plesiomorphic diameter
convex and the deltoid tuberosity
state and that of Neandertals
of humeral
the apomorphic
state. In AT-25
head is equal or greater than the vertical diameter.
lations the vertical diameter dence of this anatomical
humeri and modern humans seems to represent
is always the greatest.
the transverse
In modern popu-
because the scanty evi-
region in the fossil record the phylogenetic
status of this trait is
uncertain. Since AT-25 and AT-93 correspond to the same side (right) and are probably of similar age, the strong disparity between them in development of the muscular attachments can be due either to sexual dimorphism or to handedness. In the Atapuerca/Ibeas sample handedness has been established for 23 anterior teeth belonging to at least eight individuals and all of them were found to be right-handed consider sexual dimorphism The most remarkable amygdaloid thickness.
de Castro, personal communication),
so we
feature of the Atapuerca
tibiae is robusticity,
which is reflected in a
cross section shape at both midshaft and 2/3 levels and also in a great cortical The Atapuerca
populations. following
as the most plausible explanation.
tibiae are in these traits closer to Neandertals the specimens from Atapuerca
weakly developed
shallow fibular articular Pleistocene fossil record,
than to modern
share with other Neandertals flat distal articular
the and
surface. Since there is no other tibiae in the European middle it is not possible to ascertain whether these character states are
plesiomorphies or apomorphies. In sum, the Atapuerca/Ibeas
and postcranial
sample shows a number
of plesio-
morphic traits (i.e., character states not retained by the upper Pleistocene Neandertals but present in European middle Pleistocene fossils as well as in the early or middle Pleistocene out of Europe). Also some Neandertal derived features have been recognized (i.e., character states never found out of the Neandertal geographic area). Furthermore, plesiomorphies and Neandertal
1989). The Wi.irm Neandertals
are found in the Atapuerca/Ibea.s form an homogeneous
mandibles sample (Aguirre et al.,
group, with a very characteristic
pattern of
apomorphic features despite some differences among temporal or geographically distant samples. The Riss-Wiirm European samples must also be considered fully Neandertal with most (or even all) the Neandertal apomorphies. In the European middle Pleistocene BiacheSaint-Vaast 1 (Riss) and the parietal vault, occipital and temporal bones from La Chaise-
Suard (final Riss) appear fully Neandertal Other middle Pleistocene
regarding the characters
of the preserved regions.
Arago and Petralona
most complete) have been claimed to present some Neandertal definitely not Neandertals because of the overall plesiomorphic
are the
apomorphies, but they are morphology. Furthermore
the derived features are not shared by all the European middle Pleistocene fossils but vary from one another. The problem with classifying these European middle Pleistocene fossils is that they cannot be defined in a strictly cladistic manner, simply because they do not possess uniquely derived character states. The plesiomorphic traits they exhibit are shared with nonEuropean contemporaries or ancestors, and their derived features (when present) are shared with Neandertals. This is a problem of all paraphyletic groups (in Hennigian systematics those groups that have a common ancestry but from which the descendant groups have been excluded).
So, we have to define them in terms of the absence of the distinctive characters of
their descendants
and from the presence of characters
absent in their ancestors
Acknowledgements Thanks
to Dr J.
by the Direction
for the radiographies General
he made for us. This study has been
de Investigation
y TCcnica,
PB86-06 15403-02.
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Resumen En el presente
se analizan
las relaciones
Huesos de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, evolution humana en el Pleistocene y variables metricas de1 crineo tica.
de 10s fosiles de la Sima de 10s Burgos) en el context0 de la
europeo. El estudio se refiere a 10s caracteres
y huesos largos, que se abordan desde una perspectiva
de 10s caracteres
de1 Pleistocene
Ibeas de Juarros,
pero presentes
en fosiles de1 Pleistocene
inferior (en Europa y fuera de ella) asignados a Homo erectus y Homo sapiens; (b) una apomorfia compartida con 10s Neandertales; (c) algunos caracteres postcraneales compartidos con 10s Neandertales cuyo significado filogenetico no ha sido establecido. En consecuencia, 10s fosiles de Ibeas/Atapuerca estan filogentticamente relacionados con 10s Neandertales, pero no pueden ser considerados Pleistocene medio Neandertales
el mismo grupo a causa de las plesiomorfias retenidas. Otros fosiles de1 europeo muestran igualmente apomorfias compartidas con 10s
no necesariamente
las mismas en todos 10s cases), junto
morfias. En nuestra opinion 10s fosiles de1 Pleistocene derivados
y por tanto
no pueden
ser agrupados
TambiCn se estudian otros aspectos coma el dimorfismo coma la lateralizacion
de1 cerebra.
con plesio-
medio europeo no comparten y definidos
sexual en el humero y temporal,