Creating the vision: ASPAN sailing into the next millennium

Creating the vision: ASPAN sailing into the next millennium

Creating the Vision: ASPAN Sailing into the Next Millennium MYRNA MAMARIL, MS, RN, CPAN, CAPA Myrna Mamaril, MS, RN, CPAN, CAPA, is the President o...

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Creating the Vision: ASPAN Sailing into the Next Millennium MYRNA



Myrna Mamaril, MS, RN, CPAN, CAPA, is the President of ASPAN from 1999 to 2000. She was the ASPAN Standards and Guidelines Chair from 1993 to 1995, the Clinical Practice Chair from 1995 to 1998, and Vice President/President Elect from 1998 to 1999.

S ASPAN approaches the 21st century, I would like to share my vision of the future direction I will sail as President of our specialty nursing organization. Foremost in the chartered course is the promotion of the ASPAN mission of quality; cost-effective care for patients, their families, and the community through public and professional education; research; and practice. Visioning for the future will help our members see beyond the present to the realized potential ASPAN will attain. Our emerging specialty nursing organization has over 12,600 members that practice in diverse perianesthesia settings from the preoperative assessment phase, to the PACU, to Phase III. The essence of what ASPAN will become is founded on the vitality and commitment of these members.


Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, Vo114, No 2 (April), 1999: pp 59-61


Clinical practice is the heart and soul of our organization, just as the bow and mast are to a ship. Professional nursing organizations are charged with the ethical responsibility to identify and regulate their specialty nursing practices to provide safe, quality patient care. ASPAN's vital challenge is to

Myrna Mamaril, MS, RN, CPAN, CAPA, is a Nurse Manager for Preadmission Testing, the Ambulatory Surgery Unit, and the Inpatient Postanesthesia Care Unit, St Joseph Medical Center, Towson, MD. Address correspondence to Myrna Mamaril, MS, RN, CPAN, CAPA, St Joseph Medical Center, 7601 Osler Dr, Towson, MD 21204. 9 1999 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. 1089-9472/99/1402-0019503.00/0




monitor and continually revise our standards in response to our rapidly changing technologies, advances in anesthetic agents, current practice modalities, and the external pressures of health care legislation and regulations. Since ASPAN's inception, our emerging nursing organization is diverse and multidimensional on the continuum of holistic care.

The vision for clinical practice has several components. First, our standards, like sails on a ship, will continually be reviewed and revised. Second, perianesthesia ethics of care will be developed that uniquely reflect the scope of our practice. Our specialty code of ethics, like a compass on a ship, will not only guide us in the direction we need to go but will also guide our perianesthesia nurses and give them courage to steer through stormy waters. Third, ASPAN needs to develop perianesthesia competencies for our unlicensed assistive personnel. We need to partner with our unlicensed assistive personnel to enhance the nursing care we provide in all practice settings. Fourth, timely position statements that show ASPAN's stand on controversial practice issues will be developed and presented to ASPAN's Representative Assembly for approval. Two prominent issues today are intensive care unit overflow and fast tracking. Both have far-reaching implications on how PACU nurses deliver care and affect patient safety outcomes. We will request endorsement of our position statements by the National Federation for Specialty Nursing Organizations, as well as the American Society of Anesthesiologists' Patient Safety Foundation and other relevant nursing and medical organizations. ASPAN needs to collaborate with nursing and medical professional organizations on the national level to increase the advancement of quality patient care. Nursing can no longer remain isolated. We must network on an equal level to truly advance our specialty and the unique perianesthesia nursing care we provide. Finally, ASPAN's Clinical Practice Committee will continue to address practice inquiries through telephone calls, written correspondence, and now, through the internet. ASPAN will continue to reach out to provide timely clinical practice information to our grassroots members. VISION FOR EDUCATION

Education is the wind in the sails of a ship. This wind powers the sails. The empowering force of ASPAN's education will sail us further into unchar-

tered territories with new discoveries. Knowing the significance of how and when to trim the sails is paramount to a successful voyage. Similarly, knowing the importance of mutifaceted educational opportunities for the perianesthesia nurse is paramount to a successful career. ASPAN will continually expand and advance education in many different directions. Education has always been central to ASPAN's mission. ASPAN's vision for education is far reaching. We will continue to present new, "cutting-edge" practice topics at the Regional Clinical Practice Forums. Next year we will expand the Forums to a full day. The first 4 hours will focus on the clinical "hot topics," while the last 4 hours will focus on dynamic leadership topics. ASPAN's education missions are to increase the awareness of clinical topics and develop future leaders. ASPAN will continue to expand educational offerings through independent studies. We recognize the members' need to access educational material easily and efficiently for earning contact hours through JoPAN, the Web, videos, and tapes. Make plans now to attend our National Conference in Kansas City, MO, in 2000. Look forward to an advanced nursing track on clinical topics on cardiology, physical assessment skills, drug therapies, and more. At the Kansas City Conference, we hope to offer educational programs for unlicensed assistive personnel. ASPAN hopes to partner with others organizations to promote education. We hope to work with W.B. Saunders in developing a writing workshop for potential ASPAN authors. Another joint venture is with the Association of Operating Room Nurses and the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists on a leadership conference. Through fulfilling ASPAN's strategic plan, we promote perianesthesia nursing and ambulatory surgery in every arena. VISION FOR RESEARCH

The vision for research stretches beyond the horizon, to the stars that are used to navigate. Research scientifically charts the course of ASPAN, steering the ship to the horizon and beyond. This year, ASPAN will concentrate on validating the thermoregulation practice guidelines. As we move forward, ASPAN will further validate our standards and practice issues with multisite and focused studies. ASPAN will continue investigating the outcomes of fast tracking through descriptive studies. The Research Committee will expand

CREATING THE VISION the members' access to the internet with research consultation availability. Finally, the Research Committee must position itself to be fluid and adaptable, to quickly seize opportunities and enter into timely, collaborative, multidisciplinary research as issues arise. VISION FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING The "America's Cup" is recognized worldwide as the ultimate in the sailing community. Likewise, ASPAN needs to be recognized as "the premier organization" for the many diverse practice settings available to the perianesthesia nurse. If we are going to sail into the next millenium united as a specialty, we will need all of our members to be prepared as ASPAN ambassadors, the "welcome aboard" greeters and recruiters to the ASPAN sailing vessel. We will be a magnificent ship with great diversity and willingness to adjust the sails and manage the course. Public relations and marketing will carry the light, beam the message, and maintain ASPAN Ambassadors at all points of entry into perianesthesia nursing practice. Our needs can change from ocean to ocean as we are introduced into our future. Our first chartered course will focus on sailing and promoting ASPAN as the showcase for ambulatory surgery nurses. We have shown our professional commitment and competency in the postanesthesia Phase I clinical setting. Now we will adjust our sails and aggressively show our clinical competence and commitment to ambulatory surgery centers. We will welcome and support preadmission testing areas, conscious sedation units, freestanding Phase III recovery centers, and office-based practice settings.

61 Of course, ASPAN needs to capture the energy, passion, and enthusiasm from the novice student and entry level nurse just waiting to join the ranks as well as respect the insight and wisdom of the seasoned perianesthesia nurse. ASPAN will successfully capture the market for the entrepreneurial continuum and become "the premier nursing organization" of the next millenium for perianesthesia nurses. Public relations and marketing are critical to the journey.

VISION OF TRANSFORMATION ASPAN needs the diversity of our members to strengthen and advance our nursing specialty. ASPAN needs the unique talents that each of our members has to offer. ASPAN's vision is futuristic. Our perianesthesia nursing specialty needs to continue to thrive. Our challenge is to continue to identify, develop, and mentor future leaders. Today, every ASPAN member has the opportunity to impact practice, education, and research. ASPAN needs you to become involved, make a difference, and shape our future. ASPAN wants to be "the premier nursing organization" that truly cares for each nurse throughout the continuum of his or her professional career. ASPAN's commitment to the student and new graduate as well as to the nurse approaching retirement is to serve them through clinical practice, education, and research. I look forward to working with all of you as we embark on the voyage of sailing ASPAN into the 21 st century. As captain of this vital mission, I will strengthen ASPAN as an organization and assure that it is on the correct course for the future.