Credit-supply shocks and firm productivity in Italy

Credit-supply shocks and firm productivity in Italy

Accepted Manuscript Credit-Supply Shocks and Firm Productivity in Italy Sebastian Dörr, Mehdi Raissi, Anke Weber PII: DOI: Reference: S0261-5606(18)3...

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Accepted Manuscript Credit-Supply Shocks and Firm Productivity in Italy Sebastian Dörr, Mehdi Raissi, Anke Weber PII: DOI: Reference:

S0261-5606(18)30328-0 JIMF 1923

To appear in:

Journal of International Money and Finance

Please cite this article as: S. Dörr, M. Raissi, A. Weber, Credit-Supply Shocks and Firm Productivity in Italy, Journal of International Money and Finance (2018), doi:

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Credit-Supply Shocks and Firm Productivity in Italy Sebastian Dörra , Mehdi Raissiby, and Anke Weberb a b

University of Zurich

International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, USA

April 10, 2018

Abstract The Italian economy has been struggling with low productivity growth and bank balance sheet strains. This paper examines the implications for …rm productivity of adverse shocks to bank lending in Italy, using a novel identi…cation scheme and loanlevel data on syndicated lending. We exploit the heterogeneous loan exposure of Italian banks to foreign borrowers in distress, and …nd that a negative shock to bank credit supply reduces …rms’loan growth, investment, capital-to-labor ratio, and productivity. The transmission from changes in credit supply to …rm productivity relates to labor market rigidities, which delay or distort the adjustment of …rms’ desired labor and capital allocations, and thereby reduce …rms’ productivity. E¤ects are stronger for …rms with higher capital intensity and external …nancial dependence. JEL Classi…cations: D24, E44, G01, G21. Keywords: Italy, credit-supply shocks, productivity, labor market rigidities.

We are grateful to Athanasios V. Arvanitis, Antonio Bassanetti, Carlo Cottarelli, Rishi Goyal, Gee Hee Hong, Andrea Presbitero, Kai Yan, and seminar participants at the European department of the IMF, as well as the Italian authorities for helpful comments. We also thank the editor in charge of our paper and two anonymous referees for helpful suggestions. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the International Monetary Fund or IMF policy. y Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected].




Real business investment in Italy has underperformed in recent years, declining by over 12 percent during the 2010–2012 period (Figure 1). One of the contributing factors that has been cited in the literature to this underperformace is the role of tighter bank lending conditions. In particular, whether non-…nancial corporations were e¤ectively rationed out by credit supply constraints. While bank-lending reductions are found to intensify recessions, it is not clear whether lack of credit supply should a¤ect …rms’productivity. A possibility is that credit supply rationing has compounded the distress of Italian …rms that were already liquidity constrained and under balance sheet pressures, exacerbating the retrenchment in productive investment by …rms and hampering productivity growth.


Year on year percent change -5 0


Figure 1: Labor Productivity and Real Investment of Non-Financial Corporations




Labor productivity

2013q1 Real investment

Source: Haver and authors’calculations.

This paper studies the e¤ects of credit supply shocks on …rms’productivity in Italy during the European sovereign debt crisis. While the impact of a credit freeze on …rms’investment or employment has been studied extensively for di¤erent countries, the literature on the e¤ects of credit-supply shocks on …rms’total factor productivity (its extent and channels of impact) is rather scarce. We contribute to this gap in the literature. To establish a causal link between bank-speci…c loan supply shocks and …rm productivity, it is necessary to identify cases of …nancial distress that a¤ect banks’balance sheets di¤erentially, but are uncorrelated with the level of economic activity, credit demand, and borrower risk. We rely on a large sample of matched bank-…rm syndicated loan data over the period 2010Q1–2012Q2 and a 1

natural experiment for identi…cation. Using time-varying …xed e¤ects to account for credit demand and common factors, we compare how the same …rm’s borrowing from one bank chances relative to another more a¤ected bank. We use information on loans by banks to …rms that borrow from multiple Italian banks, which are exposed to foreign borrowers in distress to di¤erent degrees (i.e. by using the European sovereign debt crisis as a natural experiment to create treatment and control groups). Results show that contractions in loan supply to Italian …rms, arising from exposures to foreign borrowers in distress, reduce …rms productivity through a retrenchment in investment and sub-optimal capital-to-labor ratios.1 At the onset of 2010, some Italian banks had signi…cant loan exposure to …rms in …nancially-distressed euro area countries (i.e. Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain). For those banks, lending exposure to …rms in such countries was about 8 percent of total loans. Over the following two years, a sharp rise in borrowing costs and default rates of non-Italian …rms in …nancially-distressed euro area countries acted as an exogenous shock, adversely impacting Italian banks’balance sheets, and forcing a¤ected banks to retrench from lending to Italian …rms. On the loan level, we …nd that higher bank exposure to foreign borrowers in distress led to a signi…cant contraction in loans to Italian …rms. Aggregating across loans to non-…nancial corporations, we …nd that …rms were unable to substitute from a¤ected banks to healthy ones (or to other sources). Firms that borrowed more from troubled banks faced tighter credit constraints than …rms that borrowed less from the a¤ected banks. Since Italy was directly a¤ected by the European sovereign debt crisis, we need to ensure that our exposure variable is uncorrelated with credit demand factors. To do so, we follow Amiti and Weinstein (2018) in decomposing aggregate loan growth in Italy into bank-supply and …rm-demand factors, and regress them on our exposure variable. A major advantage of the Amiti and Weinstein (2018) approach is that one can identify credit supply shocks directly from loan data in both tranquil and crisis times, rather than relying on instrumental variables, or proxies, that are conjectured to be correlated with bank-supply shocks (bankruptcies, capital injections, or natural experiments such as the European sovereign debt crisis, and the 2007–2008 freeze of the interbank market), but exogenous to loan demand shocks. We indeed …nd that our exposure variable is highly correlated with the retrieved Amiti and Weinstein bank-supply factors, i.e. ‡uctuations in bank credit supply net of …rm characteristics and general credit conditions, and is orthogonal to credit demand factors. Results are robust to the inclusion of time-varying …xed e¤ects at the borrower level. After establishing that our proxy for credit supply shocks reduces …rms’loan growth, we 1

The transmission from changes in credit supply to …rm productivity relates to the decision to hold on to labor even in the face of adverse shocks, rather than to immediately adjust the capital-to-labor ratio. This could relate to labor market rigidities or labor-hoarding, both of which imply reduced …rms’productivity.


show that bank-lending reductions have real e¤ects.2 Firms with higher exposure to troubled banks reduced their investment and employment more, and sub-optimally adjusted their capital-to-labor ratio due to labor market frictions. These …rms experienced a signi…cant fall in productivity. A one standard deviation increase in borrowing exposure to troubled banks reduced TFP by 5:8%. Firms with higher outstanding total debt were more adversely a¤ected by the supply shock. The e¤ect on …rm productivity was stronger for …rms that operated with higher capital intensity, because the ine¢ cient adjustment in their capitallabor-ratio exerted a greater toll on them. We build a simple model featuring asymmetric labor adjustment costs to highlight the underlying channels driving our econometric results.3 An important policy implication of our …ndings is the need to increase ‡exibility in allocation of labor within the …rm— one of the main objectives of a recent labor market reform (“Jobs Act”) in Italy, which is expected to yield bene…ts gradually over the long term. Relative to the existing literature (see Section 2), this paper makes several contributions. First, as highlighted above, we add to the relatively scarce literature that examines the e¤ects of credit-supply shocks on …rms’productivity (its extent and channels of impact). Second, we identify a novel shock to the asset side of banks’balance sheet, and ensure its exogeneity by using the factor model of Amiti and Weinstein (2018). In the European context, several papers investigate the consequences of an interbank freeze or sovereign debt crisis on banks’ lending behavior. However, in a single-country setting, it is more di¢ cult to …nd appropriate proxies for credit supply shocks that are independent of loan demand factors. We construct such an exposure variable using syndicated loan data for many Italian banks. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses how our paper relates to the existing literature. Section 3 presents the dataset used for our analysis. Section 4 explains the methodology while Section 5 presents the main results. Section 6 conducts a range of robustness checks. Section 7 concludes. 2 The syndicated loan market data comprises of mostly large enterprises and banks. Large …rms could di¤er from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in terms of their access to alternative sources of …nance (bonds, stock markets, etc.). However, the literature usually …nds that the e¤ects of a credit crunch are, if anything, stronger for smaller …rms. This is especially true in bank-dependent systems such as Italy. Thus, while our sample su¤ers from the omission of SMEs, this should not fundementally change our …ndings. In terms of bank selection, the direction of the bias is unclear. While smaller banks could be less diversi…ed, they might also have lower exposure to crisis countries. 3 In the model, …rms borrow to hire workers. Following a negative credit supply shock, they experience a tightening in their borrowing constraint. This forces them to reduce investment and labor. However, convex labor adjustment costs prevent …rms from optimally adjusting employment. This leads to a decrease in their capital-to-labor ratio below the optimal level that would prevail without adjustment costs. Thus, a credit supply shock forces …rms to work with an ine¢ cient capital-labor mix, which reduces productivity.



Literature Review

We contribute to the growing literature that investigates the real e¤ects of credit supply shocks. The key challenge is to disentangle …rms’demand for credit from banks’supply of loans. Initial studies were based on aggregate data and made use of geographical or economic borders; see Peek and Rosengren (2000), or sign-restrictions on the impulse responses of vector autoregressions (VARs) to identify credit supply shocks— earlier contributions have relied on …xed parameters and constant volatility models (Busch et al. (2010), Hristov et al. (2012), and Moccero et al. (2014)). More recent papers have employed time-varying parameter VARs with stochastic volatility (Bijsterbosch and Falagiarda (2015) and Gambetti and Musso (2017)). These studies generally show that credit supply shocks have been an important driver of business cycle ‡uctuations in euro area countries. A complementary strand of the literature uses matched …rm-bank data and employ information on loans from individual banks to …rms that have multiple borrowing relationships with banks to solve the identi…cation problem. Most papers rely on …nding suitable instruments/proxies for credit supply shocks and usually focus on a particular episode. In a seminal paper, Khwaja and Mian (2008) carefully control for loan demand e¤ects using matched …rm-bank data and show that an exogenous liquidity shock (an unanticipated nuclear test in Pakistan) forces a¤ected banks to reduce lending, especially to small …rms. Using a similar approach and data on loan applications in Spain, Jiménez et al. (2012) analyze how changes in macroeconomic variables and the interaction between these variables and bank characteristics a¤ect the likelihood of loans being granted. Bonaccorsi di Patti and Sette (2016) link banks’balance sheet conditions to the provision of credit and show that Italian banks that were more exposed to the interbank market or relied heavily on securitization prior to the subprime crisis curtailed lending more than other banks. In a recent paper, Amiti and Weinstein (2018) develop a novel method to separate loan demand from loan supply shocks that does not rely on such instruments. Using a comprehensive, matched lender-borrower data set for Japan, they recover supply and demand components by imposing an additional constraint. The adding-up constraint states that changes in individual loan growth between banks and …rms must add up to the overall, economy-wide change in loan growth. This consistency check allows one to e¢ ciently recover each …rms’ loan demand and each banks’ loan supply at each point in time. They show that their loan supply metric is strongly correlated with proxies previously used in the literature, and argue that changes in loan supply have signi…cant e¤ects on …rm investment. A paper closely related to ours is Manaresi and Pierri (2017), which studies the e¤ects of Amiti and Weinstein credit-supply shocks (retrieved from a matched …rm-bank dataset) on


…rm productivity in Italy over the period 1998–2013. They focus on the credit contraction episode of 2007–2009 as a natural experiment, and show that it accounts for a quarter of the observed decline in Italian TFP. They explore in more detail the role of IT-intensity, innovation and exports, and management practices in transmitting credit supply shocks to productivity. They …nd that the same supply shock which is needed to increase total granted credit by 1% increases productivity by around one tenth of a percentage point. We instead rely on the European sovereign debt crisis as our natural experiment and explore an alternative transmission channel (i.e. labor market rigidities). We thereby identify a novel shock to the asset side of bank’s balance sheets, while ensuring its exogeneity (to demand conditions) by using the factor model of Amiti and Weinstein (2018). Our work also relates to papers that investigate the e¤ects of …nancial shocks on employment and investment at the …rm level. Similar to ours, a number of these studies have used matched bank-…rm syndicated loan data for their analyses. Chodorow-Reich (2014) concludes that for the US, following the Lehman bankruptcy, the reduction in lending explains around one third of total decline in …rms’ employment. For a sample of European …rms active in the syndicated loan market, Acharya et al. (2016a) …nd that loan contractions by banks a¤ected by the recent crisis depressed investment, job creation, and sales growth of the …rms. Others have used credit registry data. In the context of Italy, Cingano et al. (2016) …nd a strong negative e¤ect of the liquidity drought in interbank markets that followed the 2007 …nancial crisis on …rm investment. They …nd that a 1 percentage point increase in the average interbank funding-to-assets ratio reduces the investment rate by 1 percentage point. They also …nd that credit shocks a¤ect the …rm’s value added, employment and input purchases. Lowering credit growth, for example, by 10 percentage points induces value added and employment to fall by nearly 3% and 1.4%, respectively. Bottero et al. (2015) show that the 2010 Greek bailout led to a fall in loan supply in Italy, which depressed investment and employment for smaller Italian …rms. Comparing lending to the same …rm by two banks that are one standard deviation apart in terms of pre-crisis sovereign exposure, they …nd that the more exposed …nancial intermediary reduced its credit supply by 10% more relative to the other. Berton et al. (2017) analyze the impact of …nancial shocks on employment using a matched data set of job contracts, …rms and banks in one Italian region. This paper also contributes to the literature that analyzes the e¤ects of credit-supply shocks on …rms’ productivity— most of which has focused on labor productivity. Franklin et al. (2015) use pre-crisis lending relationships to establish that contractions in lending reduce labor productivity, wages and capital intensity of …rms in the United Kingdom. Cette et al. (2016) use a cross-country sample of 14 OECD countries to show that stricter employment protection distorts …rms’capital intensity, as …rms perceive an increase in labor 5

protection like a tax on labor costs. They substitute capital with labor. In another crosscountry study, Borio et al. (2016) establish that during credit booms, capital and labor are misallocated towards unproductive sectors, which reduces aggregate labor productivity. Most importantly, evidence for the impact of credit supply shocks on total factor productivity, one of the main contributions of our paper, has remained scarce. For Japan, Caballero et al. (2008) suggest that lax regulations allowed banks to keep lending to zombie …rms, which reduced TFP. They show that an increase in zombie lending depresses investment and employment growth of non-zombies and increases productivity dispersion. For a sample of EU countries, Acharya et al. (2016b) show that the Outright Monetary Transactions program implemented by the ECB encouraged zombie lending, as banks extended new loans mainly to low-quality and unproductive …rms. Those …rms, in turn, used the additional funds mainly to build up cash reserves and did not invest or create new employment.

3 3.1

Data Sources and De…nition of Variables Data

Data on syndicated loans by Italian banks at quarterly frequency are obtained from Dealogic. Syndicated loans are issued jointly by a group of banks to one borrower, where one or more participants act as lead bank(s)— screening borrowers and negotiating loan terms. We focus on non-…nancial borrowers and drop …rms classi…ed as …nancial corporations or special purpose vehicles. Dealogic provides detailed information on loan amount, interest spread over Libor/Euribor, and maturity of each loan. Additionally, it provides information on borrowers’and lenders’type, location, and industry. Loans are split on a pro-rata basis among all participating banks in the syndicate. Transactions with deal status ‘canceled’are removed. We de…ne a loan as the total outstanding loan volume in a …rm-bank pair. We keep each deal active until maturity and add up all deals of a …rm-bank connection at each point in time. We merge our loan observations with data on Italian …rms, provided by Orbis, as well as bank data from SNL Financial. We retrieve information on …rms’ and banks’ (consolidated at the group level) balance-sheets and income statements. For robustness checks, we use data on …rm borrowing costs, as well as long-term interest rates on sovereign debt. Both are provided by the ECB. We de…ne three samples. First, to recover Amiti and Weinstein demand and supply factors that drive loan growth, we use quarterly loan-level data by Italian banks to Italian …rms. Second, to highlight the impact of a particular episode of credit-supply shock, and account for the possibility of …rms switching between banks (exposed to euro area countries


in distress, and not) and its impact, we focus on the period 2010Q1–2012Q2. Our sample period covers the start of the European sovereign debt crisis and ends before Mario Draghi delivered his “whatever it takes”speech. Over this period, we end up with a total of 12,238 …rm-bank-quarter observations (loans) by 32 banks to 592 …rms. Third, as …rm data from Orbis are only available at the yearly level and to analyze the impact of bank loan supply shocks on …rms’productivity, we aggregate the quarterly observations to the …rm-year level. We end up with a total of 1132 …rm-year observations including 316 …rms.


De…nition of Variables

For each …rm-bank connection, we de…ne loans/assets as the log of total outstanding loan extended by bank b to …rm f at time t, scaled by the …rm’s lagged total assets. As bank controls, we include size (log of total assets), liquid assets and capital (both standardized by total bank assets), return on assets (ROA), and nonperforming loans as share of total loans (NPL). When we aggregate to the …rm level, the loan volume, interest spread (in basis points) and maturity (in years) are weighted averages across all lenders of each …rm. We weigh by the share of lenders’loan volume out of …rms’total outstanding borrowing. Loan growth is de…ned as the log di¤erence in loan volume from t 1 to t. Firm controls are size (log of total assets), as well as log of debt, cash, and income, all standardized by total assets. We de…ne …rms’ labor productivity as the log of value added over labor. We estimate total factor productivity as the residual from a production function with labor and capital as inputs. Consider a production function for …rm i in industry j at time t given by: yit = ait +

kj kit


lj lit

where yit is the logarithm of real value added; ait is the logarithm of total factor productivity; kit is the logarithm of real capital; and lit is the logarithm of real labor. We impute missing values for value added as the sum of employment costs and Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA), see Gal (2013), and de‡ate the output values by the respective price indices for …nal, intermediate and investment goods.4 As documented by Gal (2013), the most basic way of estimating unobserved total factor productivity, ait , is to regress value added on capital and labor to obtain estimates of kj 4

Note that without detailed price data P at the …rm level, what we actually estimate is revenue productivity TFPR = P*T F P . We are dividing the dollar-value of value added by the dollar value of production inputs. Prices re‡ect market power and supply, so when we estimate productivity, we are capturing a mixture of true productivity A and changes in market share a¤ecting P. While in the short run A does not react to changes in the input mix or …nancial conditions, P does. A capital-labor ratio that does not maximize pro…ts a¤ects the price charged through the quantity produced, and thereby also TFPR. This also lies at the heart of our model.


and lj in the equation above. However, labor input could be endogenous to unobserved productivity, rendering those estimates inconsistent. To address endogeneity concerns, we estimate total factor productivity using the generalized method of moments (GMM) approach of Wooldridge (2009). This method builds on the two-step approaches of Olley and Pakes (1996) and Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) in which investment or intermediate inputs (such as materials and electricity) are used as proxy variables for unobserved, time-varying productivity. Wooldridge (2009) shows that the GMM enhances estimation e¢ ciency. To highlight the underlying channels of impact, we require three additional variables: …rms’investment, employment, and capital-to-labor ratio. Following the corporate …nance literature, investment and employees are standardized by beginning of the sample period …xed assets. Investment is de…ned as net of depreciation. The capital-to-labor ratio is de…ned as log of …xed assets over employment. All variables are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentile to avoid outliers driving our results.


Empirical Strategy

Establishing a causal link between (bank-speci…c) loan supply shocks and …rm productivity poses an important identi…cation challenge. The shock has to be exogenous with respect to the overall economic conditions and credit demand by …rms. We satisfy this condition (and test for it formally in Section 5) by relying on varied patterns of credit extension to the same …rm by multiple Italian banks that have been a¤ected by the shock to di¤erent degrees. We include a battery of …xed e¤ects to absorb changes in loan demand. On the loan level, …rm*time …xed e¤ects absorb any changes in …rms’loan demand that vary over time. On the …rm level, granular industry*time …xed e¤ects control for time-varying changes of industry loan demand. Additionally, at times we include time …xed e¤ects to account for other common factors (including the possibility that Italian banks reduced lending to …rms in all …nancially-distressed euro area countries at the same time). As a shock, we exploit the varied pre-crisis loan exposure of Italian banks to …rms in …nancially-distressed euro area countries (excluding Italy) during the European sovereign debt crisis of 2010–2012. At the onset of the crisis, some Italian banks had strong syndicated loan exposure to borrowers in such countries — about 8% of total loans for exposed banks. Beginning in 2010, borrowing costs and corporate default rates rose sharply for …rms in …nancially-distressed euro area countries (Figure 2) irrespective of the general economic condition in Italy. These events acted as a shock to the asset side of Italian banks’ balance sheets, and provide a natural experiment for the analysis in this paper. We investigate, at the quarterly level, whether banks that had higher loan exposure to …rms in distressed countries reduced their credit 8

supply to Italian …rms by more; to what extent …rms managed to substitute their funding source to non-exposed Italian banks; and most importantly whether (and through which channels) bank credit supply shocks had real e¤ects (using annual data).



in % 1



Figure 2: Firm Borrowing Costs in Financially-Distressed Euro Area Countries (Spread Over Italy)

2010m1 Greece






Source: Authors’calculations based on data from ECB.

For each bank, b, we de…ne its exposure to …nancially-distressed euro area countries as the sum of all the loans extended to its borrowers, f , in troubled countries over the sum of all loans to borrowers in all countries. We record each bank’s exposure at its pre-crisis level of 2009 in our baseline speci…cations.5 Thus, exposure is calculated as exposureb;09 =



GIP Sf Lf;b;09 P ; f Lf;b;09


where GIP Sf is a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if …rm f is a borrower in Greece, Ireland, Portugal or Spain and zero otherwise; and Lf;b;09 is the outstanding loan volume extended by bank b to …rm f in 2009. To investigate the impact of loan supply shocks on banks’credit provision, we run loan 5

We relax this assumption in Section 6 and show that our results are robust to using time-varying measures of exposure.


level regressions on the …rm-bank-quarter level. Our baseline speci…cation is lf;b;t =


exposureb;09 + controlsb;09 +

l f


l t


l i;t


l f;t

+ "f;b;t ;


where lf;b;t is the log of total outstanding loans extended by bank b to …rm f at time t, scaled by …rm f 0 s lagged total assets. exposureb;09 is bank b’s exposure to …nancially-distressed euro area countries, as de…ned in Equation (1). To control for bank heterogeneity, we include the following standard bank characteristics in the regression: bank size, liquid assets, capital, return on assets, and nonperforming loans (all de…ned in Section 3). lf , lt ; li;t , and lf;t denote …rm, time, industry*time, and …rm*time …xed e¤ects (included in regressions one at a time). Time …xed e¤ects are included to account for the possibility that Italian banks adjust their lending to …rms in all …nancially-distressed euro area countries at the same time.6 Granular time-varying …xed e¤ects allow for common shocks to a¤ect industries or …rms di¤erentially. Standard errors are clustered at the bank*time level.7 We expect that banks with higher exposure to the troubled countries reduce their loan supply by more, so l < 0. While the loan-level analysis allows for clean identi…cation of the bank-lending channel, it does not assess whether changes in loan supply by banks materially a¤ect …rms’…nancing. If half of all banks in the sample (those with exposure) reduce their loan supply, …rms could apply for new loans by the other half. This substitution across banks would mitigate or even undo any negative loan supply e¤ects found on the loan level. To see whether …rms can substitute across banks, we aggregate to the …rm-quarter (f q) level and analyze the change in …rms’ overall loan growth across all banks. For each …rm, we de…ne its exposure as its share of loans by a¤ected banks over total loans. Thus, for each borrower, we sum across all lenders, weighted by lenders’exposure to …rms in the troubled countries. Exposure on the …rm level is then de…ned as P exposureb;09 Lb;f;t P exposuref;t = b : (3) b Lb;f;t To estimate the e¤ect of higher exposure to a¤ected banks on loan terms, we run variants of the following regression: LTf;t =


exposuref;t + controlsf +


fq f


fq t


fq i;t


f;t ;


In addition to time …xed e¤ects, when we measure bank’s exposure at its pre-crisis level, our metric captures the “risk exposure”of each bank to GIPS countries as of 2009, which proxies for how strongly each bank will be a¤ected by the subsequent worsening of credit conditions in the respective borrowing countries. 7 The results are robust to alternative clustering of standard errors at the …rm-quarter, industry-quarter, or quarterly levels.


where LTf;t is …rm f ’s loan terms: loan growth across all lenders, its average interest spread weighted by loan volume, or its average maturity weighted by loan volume. exposuref;t denotes …rms’ exposure to a¤ected banks as speci…ed in Equation (3). Note that the exposure metric at the …rm level changes over time through the loan allocation but depends on the precrisis exposure of banks. To control for …rm characteristics, we include a measure of …rm size (log of total assets), as well as log of debt, cash, and income (see Section 3). We use robust standard errors. ff q and ft q denote …rm and quarter …xed e¤ects. We will also include time-varying …xed e¤ects at the two-digit industry level, fi;tq , to absorb all unobserved changes in loan demand within each industry over time. The identifying assumption is that all …rms within one industry change their loan demand in the same way. If there is imperfect substitution across banks, we expect that …rms with stronger exposure to troubled banks see a stronger fall in loan growth, so f q < 0. Since the Orbis database only provides …rm-level data on an annual basis, we need to aggregate the loan observations to the …rm-year (f a) level, taking averages across quarters, to study the real consequences of credit supply shocks. Speci…cally, the analysis tries to examine how shocks to loan supply by Italian banks a¤ect …rms’ productivity and which channels are at work. Appendix A presents a simple model in which an adverse shock to bank loan supply, paired with labor market rigidities, can lead to ine¢ cient adjustments in the capital-labor ratios by …rms, thereby reducing their labor and revenue productivity. To test the validity of this model, we run two separate regressions: yf;t =


exposuref;t + controlsf +

fa f


fa t


fa i;t

+ uf;t :


At the …rst step, we use labor productivity and total factor productivity as dependent variables (yf;t ). At the second step, we highlight the underlying channels and use …rms’ investment, employment and capital-to-labor ratio as dependent variables. All regressions include …rm controls, robust standard errors, as well as …rm, time and/or industry*time …xed e¤ects.


Summary Statistics

Tables 1 and 2 report the summary statistics for our variables at the loan and …rm level. As depicted in Table 1, average loan volume in our sample is around 18% of total …rm assets, and average bank exposure to …nancially-distressed euro area countries is about 4%. The average bank in our sample has EUR 365 million in assets and a capital ratio of 7%. Return on assets is negative, on average during the period 2010–2012, and nonperforming loans make up 11% of total loans over the same period. Table 2 shows that while average 11

investment is positive in our sample, it is negative for the median …rm. Debt makes up 44% of …rms’total assets, and the average …rm has 2,885 employees. This re‡ects the fact that syndicated loans are usually issued to large companies. Figure 3 plots the density of TFP for two groups of …rms. It shows that TFP declined signi…cantly from 2009 to 2012 for …rms with high exposure to troubled banks (upper panel). However, TFP did not decline for …rms with lower exposure (bottom panel). The next section will systematically investigate this hypothesis using a series of regressions. Table 1: Loan Level Summary Statistics Loans/Assets Bank Exposure Bank Total Assets (million) Bank Capital/Assets Bank Liquid Assets/Total Assets Bank Deposits/Assets Bank ROA (%) Bank NPL (%) Observations

Mean 0.18 0.04 365 0.07 0.26 0.39 -0.56 0.11 12238

P50 0.02 0.04 219 0.07 0.29 0.41 -0.68 0.11

SD 0.62 0.03 343 0.01 0.09 0.11 0.78 0.04

P25 0.00 0.02 73 0.06 0.19 0.34 -1.25 0.09

P75 0.06 0.05 659 0.08 0.32 0.45 0.13 0.13

Table 2: Firm-Year Level Summary Statistics Firm Exposure Investment Employment Capital-Labor Ratio Labor Productivity Revenue TFP Firm Total Assets (million) Firm ROA (%) Firm Debt/Assets Firm Cash/Assets Firm Income/Assets Observations


Mean 0.04 0.05 2885 4.19 0.22 2.19 1.39 -0.01 0.44 0.06 0.07 1132

P50 0.04 -0.01 277 0.23 -0.14 2.18 0.15 0.00 0.39 0.04 0.07

SD 0.02 0.35 10214 13.61 1.36 1.12 4.95 0.11 0.28 0.08 0.08

P25 0.03 -0.05 43 0.09 -0.61 1.46 0.04 -0.01 0.22 0.01 0.03

P75 0.05 0.03 1325 1.15 0.71 2.84 0.48 0.03 0.61 0.09 0.11


This section reports the …ndings of the paper in three steps. First, at the quarterly level and focusing on the bank lending channel, we show that strained bank balance sheets during 12

Figure 3: TFP Distributions


Density .1 .2


High exposure firms





TFP 2009


TFP 2012


Density .1 .2 .3


Low exposure firms



0 TFP 2009

Source: Authors’calculations based on Orbis data.


1.5 TFP 2012


2010Q1–2012Q2 (proxied by our exposure variable) forced banks to credit ration Italian …rms. Second, this credit rationing was not only present at the loan level, but also when we aggregated across loans to the …rm level. In other words, …rms could not substitute their funding source from a¤ected banks to healthy ones, and maintain their level of borrowing. Third and most importantly, at an annual frequency, we show that bank credit supply shocks had real e¤ects in lowering investment, employment and productivity. Before discussing the results, since our estimation strategy in Section 4 resembles an instrumental variables regression in which the exposure variable is used as an instrument for credit supply shocks, we need to ensure its external validity (that the exposure variable is highly correlated with bank credit-supply factors and orthogonal to …rms’credit-demand conditions). To decompose aggregate loan growth in Italy into supply and demand factors and correlate them with our exposure variable, we follow Amiti and Weinstein (2018). Identi…cation of bank-supply and …rm-demand factors is achieved by employing a large sample of matched bank-…rm lending data (see Section 3) and imposing an adding up constraint that ensures the consistency of estimates obtained from the micro-lending data with those of aggregate lending and borrowing patterns in Italy. Speci…cally, we start from the following equation, which was originally postulated by Khwaja and Mian (2008) Lf;b;t = L

A&W f;t

A&W b;t



f;b;t ;



f;b;t 1 where Lf;b;t = f;b;t is the loan growth of …rm f obtained from bank b at time t. The Lf;b;t 1 …rm borrowing channel is captured by A&W , and A&W denotes the bank lending channel. b;t f;t P L 1 B Note that bank b’s total loan growth Db;t = f Lf;b;t P f;b;t is a weighted sum of all Lf;b;t 1 f

L P f;b;t 1 f Lf;b;t

the loans it extended to …rms. The term is the respective weight of …rm f in bank 1 b’s total loan portfolio in year t, lagged by one year. Similarly, …rm f ’s credit growth is a P L 1 F weighted sum of its total borrowings from all banks, or Df;t = b Lf;b;t P f;b;t . Under a b Lf;b;t 1 set of standard assumptions, Amiti and Weinstein (2018) show that it is possible to retrieve A&W , and A&W by solving the following system of equations up to a numeraire: b;t f;t B Db;t =

X f

F Df;t =

L P f;b;t 1 f Lf;b;t

A&W f;t


X b


A&W f;t


L P f;b;t 1 b Lf;b;t


A&W ; b;t


A&W : b;t


Equation (7) states that bank b’s loan growth is driven by bank-speci…c credit-supply factors ( A&W ), as well as a weighted average of changes in loan demand by all its borrowing b;t …rms (the …rst term on the right-hand side). Equation (8) shows that …rm f ’s loan growth 14

is driven by its borrowing needs ( A&W ), as well as a weighted average of credit-supply f;t conditions in all lending banks to …rm f (the second term on the right-hand side). Note that for successful identi…cation of A&W and A&W in Equation (6), we need at b;t f;t least two connections for each bank or …rm. Figure 4 shows the frequency of …rm and bank relationships in our sample. Thanks to the nature of the syndicated loans market in our data, 92.5% of …rms have more than one bank relationship per quarter, while the average bank lends to several hundred …rms at each quarter. We only focus on those observations that satisfy the required number of connections. The resulting loss in sample size is minimal.


Number of Lending Relationships


>3 00

00 25 13

50 20 12

00 15 12

50 10 11

10 0 51 -

50 26 -





Fraction of Firms .1

Fraction of Banks .1 .2




Figure 4: Distribution of Borrower and Lender Relationships




4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Borrowing Relationships





Source: Authors’calculations. Notes: The top panel shows the number of borrowers per bank. The bottom panel shows the number of banks lending to a …rm. Frequencies are displayed on the y-axis.

Once we recovered A&W and A&W over the period 2010Q1-2012Q2 using the Amiti b;t f;t and Weinstein (2018) approach, we regress them on our exposure variable at the bank-…rmquarter level, or A&W f;t


A&W b;t



exposureb;09 +

l f


l t

+ "f;b;t :

Table 3 shows that our exposure variable is strongly negatively correlated with the Amiti and Weinstein bank supply factors, A&W ,— therefore it constitutes a signi…cant supply b;t shock. This is true with and without …rm …xed e¤ects, Columns (1) and (2). Furthermore, Columns (3) and (4) show that our exposure variable is uncorrelated with the Amiti and Weinstein …rm demand factors, A&W , implying exogeneity with respect to the overall ecof;t nomic conditions and credit demand by …rms. Note that the inclusion of …rm …xed e¤ects 15


increases the adjusted R2 from 0.01 to 0.35 in Columns 3 and 4 (for demand factors), while it has no e¤ect on adjusted R2 in Columns 1 and 2 (for supply factors). If Amiti and Weinstein supply factors are indeed only driven by changes in banks’ loan supply, while …rm characteristics drive the loan demand component, this is exactly what we expect: including …xed e¤ects should not lead to a better …t for supply factors, but should improve the …t for demand factors. To sum up, the retrieved Amiti and Weinstein factors are plausible and our shock is relevant for loan supply and exogenous to loan demand.8 Table 3: Retrieved Supply/Demand Factors and the Exposure Variable

VARIABLES exposureb;09

Observations Adjusted R-squared f t

Supply Factors (1)

Supply Factors (2)

Demand Factors (3)

Demand Factors (4)

-0.150*** (0.010)

-0.149*** (0.010)

0.040 (0.038)

0.021 (0.038)

11,575 0.038 Yes

11,575 0.031 Yes Yes

11,575 0.010 Yes

11,575 0.353 Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. …rm and quarter …xed e¤ects.






The Bank Lending Channel (Quarterly Loan Level Analysis)

We start the analysis by reporting the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (2). The results, depicted in Table 4, indicate that banks with higher exposure to …rms in …nancially-distressed euro area countries reduce their loan supply to Italian …rms by more. Column (1) shows the results of a simple pooled OLS regression (without controls or …xed e¤ects). The estimated coe¢ cient on the exposure variable, l , has a negative sign and is statistically signi…cant. However, this result can be interpreted as either less lending by banks or lower borrowing by …rms. To ensure that the change in bank lending to Italian …rms is orthogonal to credit demand conditions by non-…nancial corporations or their riskiness, and is a pure supply shock, we include a range of …xed e¤ects and controls in our regressions, Columns (2)–(6). The estimated coe¢ cient on the exposure variable remains negative and statistically signi…cant when we add …rm …xed e¤ects to control for borrower characteristics, Column (2). Once we include bank controls (as of 2009) in Column (3), the magnitude of the estimated 8 In unreported regressions, we verify that loan supply factors show the correct sign and signi…cance when we correlate them with proxies for loan supply shocks frequently used in the literature.


Table 4: The Impact of Credit-Supply Shocks on Loans VARIABLES exposureb;09

lf;b;t (1)

lf;b;t (2)

-0.779*** (0.159)

-0.814*** (0.142)

-0.010** (0.004) -0.933*** (0.005) 0.299*** (0.113) -0.258 (0.666) 0.012 (0.007) -0.321 (0.254)

11,927 0.141 -

11,927 0.662 Yes -

11,927 0.963 Yes -

Size Liquid Assets Capital ROA NPL

Observations Adjusted R-squared l f l t l i;t l f;t

lf;b;t (3)

lf;b;t (4)

lf;b;t (5)

-0.010** (0.004) -0.932*** (0.005) 0.203* (0.117) -0.522 (0.662) 0.001 (0.010) -0.617** (0.255)

-0.012*** (0.004) -0.932 *** (0.005) 0.194 (0.119) -0.549 (0.693) -0.001 (0.010) -0.565** (0.253)

11,927 0.963 Yes Yes -

11,582 0.966 Yes Yes -

lf;b;t (6) -0.012*** (0.004) -0.929 *** (0.005) 0.196 (0.128) -0.441 (0.709) 0.007 (0.009) -0.556** (0.261) 11,927 0.969 Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (2).


coe¢ cient falls notably, but remains statistically signi…cant.9 Increasing a bank’s exposure to …rms in troubled countries by one standard deviation reduces its loan supply by 1%. All the other coe¢ cients in our regression are in line with the predictions of economic theory: banks holding more liquid assets have the capacity to extend more loans, while banks with higher non-performing loans tend to lend less. The rest of the Table shows the robustness of these results to the inclusion of time and industry …xed e¤ects. Column (4) reports the regression results with time …xed e¤ects (to capture the impact of common shocks). In Column (5), we include time-varying …xed e¤ects at the industry level to absorb changes in industry demand and over time, while in Column (6), we use …rm*time …xed e¤ects to absorb any unobserved changes in …rm loan demand and over time. Comparing the coe¢ cients in Column (6) with those reported in Column (4), we observe that controlling for loan demand through more granular time-varying …xed e¤ects increases the magnitude of the coe¢ cient by around 20%. This suggests that high-exposure banks lend to borrowers of higher quality. However, across all speci…cations the coe¢ cient of interest is negative and statistically signi…cant. Our results relate to other …ndings in the literature on the impact of credit supply shocks in Italy. In our preferred speci…cation in Column (6), we show that a one standard deviation increase in a bank’s exposure to …rms in troubled countries reduces its lending by 1.2 percent (in terms of loan/assets). Moving a bank from the 10th to the 90th percentile in terms of exposure to the troubled countries reduces its loan supply by 2.8%. Since the average loan in our sample equals 85 million Euros, the impact amounts to a reduction of about 2.2 million Euros in loan supply. To put these results into perspective, a study by Bonaccorsi di Patti and Sette (2016), which uses Italian credit registry data, …nds that a one standard deviation increase in exposure of a bank to the securitization market freeze leads to a 0.86% lower growth of credit commitments. Bottero et al. (2015) …nd that a negative sovereign debt shock leads to a contraction in total bank lending by around 2% per year. Overall, our results appear to be on the lower bound of what has been found in the literature on the e¤ects of bank-lending shocks. However, note that we use data on syndicated lending which usually involves large loans by banks to large borrowers. A common …nding in the literature is that small …rms su¤er more from a credit crunch, which explains why we estimate a lower impact. Yet, to summarize, our loan-level results indicate that shocks to the asset side 9

The estimated coe¢ cient in Column (2) is implausibly large, implying a contraction in loan supply of around 84% in response to a one standard deviation bank-lending shock. However, without bank controls and appropriate …xed e¤ects, this model is clearly mis-speci…ed and su¤ers from omitted variables bias. As regards the latter, we make sure that our measure of credit-supply shock is exogenous with respect to the overall economic conditions and credit demand by …rms (via the inclusion of …rm …xed e¤ects as well as by testing for it formally using the retrieved factors from the Amiti-Weinstein approach). However, we cannot rule out the possibility of other bank-lending shocks (co-existing with exposure risk). This is the reason we include bank controls in our regressions.


of banks’balance sheet during 2010Q1-2012Q2 forced them to reduce their loan supply to Italian …rms economically and statistically signi…cantly.


Financing Substitutability (Quarterly Firm Level Analysis)

The analysis in Section 5.1 established that, following 2010, banks with high exposure to …nancially-distressed euro area countries signi…cantly tightened their credit supply. This by itself does not imply that …rms experienced a fall in their loan growth. If …rms were able to substitute loans from exposed banks with those from non-a¤ected ones, they could o¤set the loan supply contraction by a subset of banks. To investigate this hypothesis, we aggregate across loans to the …rm level and analyze the change in …rms’overall loan growth across all banks, see Equation (4). First, we show at the …rm-quarter level that total loan growth fell for …rms that were more exposed to banks with strained balance sheets. Including …rm …xed e¤ects and a range of control variables, Column (1) of Table 5 indicates that the estimated coe¢ cient on the exposure variable, f q , is negative and statistically signi…cant at 1% level. Table 5: Credit-Supply Shocks and Financing Substitutability

VARIABLES exposuref;t Size Income Debt Cash

Observations Adjusted R-squared fq f fq t fq i;t

Loan Growth (1)

Loan Growth (2)

Loan Growth (3)

Spread (4)

Maturity (5)

-0.224*** (0.083) -0.064 (0.057) 0.010 (0.022) 0.036 (0.030) 0.013* (0.007)

-0.189** (0.077) -0.019 (0.052) -0.001 (0.020) 0.039 (0.028) 0.015** (0.007)

-0.211*** (0.074) 0.018 (0.052) -0.003 (0.019) 0.045 (0.028) 0.014* (0.008)

59.092*** (20.887) 2.191 (2.762) 0.951 (1.447) 1.565 (2.121) 0.087 (0.481)

-0.209 (0.226) -0.126* (0.074) -0.011 (0.040) -0.196* (0.103) 0.013 (0.018)

2,316 0.336 Yes -

2,316 0.390 Yes Yes

2,316 0.396 Yes Yes

2,316 0.979 Yes Yes

2,316 0.981 Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (4).

Column (2) includes …rm and quarter …xed e¤ects to additionally absorb the common time trends. The coe¢ cient of interest is similar in sign, magnitude and statistical signi…cance. 19

Column (3) involves the most demanding speci…cation, where we use …rm …xed e¤ects, combined with time-varying …xed e¤ects at the two-digit industry level. Any changes in …rms’ loan demand that vary over time within each two-digit industry are now accounted for. The e¤ect of higher exposure to a¤ected banks is negative and statistically signi…cant at the 1% level. As on the loan level, the e¤ects increase once we control for demand. A one standard deviation increase in exposure reduces loan growth by 21%, or 0.9 standard deviations. Columns (4) and (5) look at the e¤ect of exposure on loans’interest spread and maturity, weighted by loan volume. While a one-standard deviation increase in exposure increases the spread by 60 bps, the e¤ect on maturity is not statistically signi…cant. Overall, these results suggest that …rms were unable to substitute across banks (at least in the syndicated loan market). The contraction in banks’loan volume is passed on to …rms, which saw a fall in loan growth and a rise in borrowing costs.


Credit Supply and Productivity (Firm-Year Level Analysis)

To analyze the consequences of the contraction in loan supply on …rm productivity, we proceed with the …rm year level analysis as Orbis does not provide quarterly data, Equation (5). Our hypothesis is that a reduction in loan supply by banks forces …rms to either invest less and/or shed workers. Since labor adjustment costs are particularly high in Italy, distortions in …rms’ optimal capital-labor ratio arise, thereby causing …rms to experience lower productivity.10 Table 6 provides some evidence to this e¤ect. Columns (1) and (2) show that both labor productivity and TFP decline when exposure increases, although the e¤ect is not statistically signi…cant for TFP. Columns (3)–(6), which not only include …rm …xed e¤ects, but also time …xed e¤ects (Columns (3) and (4)) or industry-year …xed e¤ects (Columns (5) and (6)), con…rm that labor productivity and TFP decrease signi…cantly when exposure increases. In terms of magnitude, a one standard deviation increase in exposure reduces labor productivity by 10.9% (seventh percent of its standard deviation), and total factor productivity by 5.8% (…ve and half percent of its standard deviation). This is in line with the common …nding in the literature that dispersion in labor productivity is higher than that of total factor productivity (Syverson (2011)). Additionally, as the e¤ect of a credit crunch on productivity is driven by labor adjustment costs, a stronger impact of tightening credit supply on labor productivity than on TFP is reasonable. Having established that loan supply shocks adversely a¤ect …rm productivity, we take 10 In addition to labor market frictions, labor hoarding could also distort …rms’ desired capital-to-labor ratio. If …rms keep workers in adverse times to avoid rehiring costs when economic conditions improve, their labor stock exceeds the e¢ cient level temporarily. One needs a dynamic panel data model and focus on the long-term impact of credit supply shocks to fully account for this possibility, something which is beyond the scope of this paper.


Table 6: Credit Supply Shocks and Firm Productivity VARIABLES exposuref;t Size Income Debt Cash

Observations Adjusted R-squared fa f fa t fa i;t

LP (1)

TFP (2)

LP (3)

TFP (4)

LP (5)

TFP (6)

-0.100** (0.041) 0.333* (0.178) 0.447*** (0.059) -0.055 (0.091) 0.001 (0.023)

-0.047 (0.031) 0.500*** (0.161) 0.449*** (0.056) -0.067 (0.077) 0.011 (0.018)

-0.095** (0.038) 0.349* (0.179) 0.450*** (0.059) -0.057 (0.088) 0.001 (0.023)

-0.048* (0.028) 0.511*** (0.162) 0.452*** (0.056) -0.068 (0.075) 0.011 (0.018)

-0.109*** (0.041) 0.342* (0.190) 0.432*** (0.054) -0.040 (0.092) 0.015 (0.025)

-0.058* (0.031) 0.495*** (0.166) 0.442*** (0.053) -0.061 (0.078) 0.017 (0.019)

745 0.936 Yes -

745 0.943 Yes -

745 0.937 Yes Yes -

745 0.944 Yes Yes -

745 0.937 Yes Yes

745 0.944 Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (5).

a closer look at the underlying channels of impact. Our model (sketched in Appendix A) predicts that a negative shock to bank credit supply forces …rms to reduce their level of investment and adjust the employment/hours worked. Columns (1) and (2) in Table 7 show that investment declines signi…cantly for …rms with higher exposure to troubled banks, while the e¤ect for employment is negative, but not statistically signi…cant. Both regressions include …rm …xed e¤ects, as well as industry*year …xed e¤ects.11 Column (3) shows that the impact of an increase in exposure to troubled banks on …rms’capital to labor ratio is negative and statistically signi…cant. Therefore, while …rms reduce both their investment and employment levels, the reduction in the former is signi…cantly stronger, thereby leading to an ine¢ cient fall in their capital to labor ratio. Next, we split …rms according to their capital intensity, as measured by their lagged capital to labor ratio (above and below median), and investigate the di¤erential e¤ects of credit supply shocks on their productivity. We argue that a fall in credit supply forces …rms to operate with an ine¢ cient capital-labor mix, because they cannot adjust the employment level as desired due to labor market frictions. These rigidities act like a tax on labor costs, preventing their optimal downward adjustment. The hypothesis is that highly capital inten11

The results in Table 7 and all the other tables are robust to the inclusion of time …xed e¤ects separately. For brevity, these additional results are not reported in all Tables but they are available upon request.


Table 7: Credit Supply Shocks and Firm Productivity (Channels of Impact) VARIABLES exposuref;t Size Income Debt Cash

Observations Adjusted R-squared fa f fa i;t

Investment (1)

Employment (2)

K/L (3)

-0.087** (0.042) 0.381** (0.159) -0.151*** (0.031) 0.005 (0.048) -0.024* (0.015)

-1.008 (1.637) 5.620** (2.683) 0.846 (0.689) 0.400 (0.510) -0.231 (0.290)

-0.110* (0.063) 0.566** (0.225) -0.026 (0.033) -0.111 (0.096) -0.054** (0.027)

834 0.133 Yes Yes

693 0.981 Yes Yes

753 0.973 Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (5) and focuses on the underlying channels of impact— uses …rms’ investment, employment and capital-to-labor ratio as dependent variables.

sive …rms are harder hit by labor market frictions, experience a more distorted input mix and lower productivity. For a labor-intensive …rm, a relatively small increase in the labor to capital ratio following a loan supply shock will have negligible e¤ects on productivity. Table 8 shows that both for labor productivity and TFP, the estimated coe¢ cient on the exposure variable is negative and statistically signi…cant for …rms with high capital-to-labor ratios (Columns (1) and (3)). Columns (2) and (4) show that while productivity falls for …rms with low capital-to-labor ratios as well, the estimated coe¢ cient on the exposure variable is smaller and not statistically signi…cant. Finally, a common …nding in the literature is that credit tightening a¤ects …nancially constrained …rms by more. In Table 9 we split …rms into …nancially constrained and unconstrained, according to their ratio of outstanding long-term debt over …xed assets. We take the median as the cuto¤ value. While the e¤ect of a credit crunch on investment is signi…cantly stronger for …nancially constrained …rms (Column 1 versus 2), the e¤ect on employment is not statistically signi…cant for both types of …rms. This suggests that neither …nancially constrained nor unconstrained …rms could adjust labor optimally as they faced a decline in credit and investment.


Table 8: The Role of Capital Intensity

VARIABLES exposuref;t Size Income Debt Cash

Observations Adjusted R-squared fa f fa i;t

High K/L Labor Productivity (1)

Low K/L Labor Productivity (2)

High K/L TFP (3)

Low K/L TFP (4)

-0.214** (0.091) 0.162 (0.190) 0.674*** (0.079) -0.075 (0.080) 0.011 (0.029)

-0.024 (0.038) 0.465 (0.284) 0.175*** (0.036) 0.129 (0.136) -0.032 (0.026)

-0.123** (0.060) 0.497*** (0.120) 0.664*** (0.074) -0.105 (0.069) 0.018 (0.020)

-0.006 (0.028) 0.669*** (0.222) 0.185*** (0.038) 0.101 (0.123) -0.034 (0.023)

366 0.945 Yes Yes

344 0.861 Yes Yes

366 0.960 Yes Yes

344 0.955 Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (5) while splitting …rms according to their capital intensity, as measured by their lagged capital to labor ratio.

Table 9: The Role of Financial Constraints VARIABLES exposuref;t Size Income Debt Cash

Observations Adjusted R-squared fa f fa i;t

Constrained Investment (1)

Unconstrained Investment (2)

Constrained Employment (3)

Unconstrained Employment (4)

-0.094** (0.047) 0.054 (0.110) -0.103*** (0.039) -0.095 (0.067) -0.029 (0.025)

-0.088 (0.063) 0.161 (0.271) -0.149** (0.072) 0.123 (0.337) -0.026 (0.026)

0.954 (0.705) 3.933*** (1.443) 0.251 (0.459) 0.308 (0.409) -0.314 (0.232)

-1.674 (1.400) 5.154 (5.351) 0.186 (0.829) -1.277 (1.535) -0.396 (0.372)

316 0.360 Yes Yes

287 -0.044 Yes Yes

316 0.985 Yes Yes

288 0.994 Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (5) while splitting …rms into …nancially constrained and unconstrained, according to their ratio of outstanding long-term debt over …xed assets.





Time-varying measures of exposure

We consider whether our results in Tables 4 and 5 are robust to using two alternative time-varying measures of exposure. The …rst one is based on quarterly loan exposure of Italy to GIPS countries, divided by banks’ total lending to all countries, or exposureb;t = P P f GIP Sf Lf;b;t = f Lf;b;t . The second one assigns di¤erent credit risks to borrowers in GIPS countries by using the long-term interest rate spreads (over Germany) as weights, or P P exposureb;t (spread) = f St GIP Sf Lf;b;t = f Lf;b;t , see Tables 10 and 11. At the loan level, we re-estimate Equation (2) using the time-varying exposure variables with …rm …xed e¤ects or …rm*quarter …xed e¤ects as well as standard bank controls (corresponding to Columns (2) and (6) in Table 4). For both metrics, the results in Table 10 are similar to those reported in Table 4 in sign and statistical signi…cance. However, the impact of a negative credit-supply shock on loans to assets, lf;b;t , appears to be slightly larger when we use the time-varying measures of exposure and include bank controls. Table 10: The Impact of Time-Varying Credit-Supply Shocks on Loans VARIABLES exposureb;t

lf;b;t (1)

lf;b;t (2)

-0.997*** (0.092)

l f l f;t

lf;b;t (4)

-0.038*** (0.009)

exposureb;t (spread)

Observations Adjusted R-squared Bank controls

lf;b;t (3)

11,927 0.722 Yes -

11,927 0.969 Yes Yes

-0.773*** (0.100)

-0.044*** (0.008)

11,927 0.658 Yes -

11,927 0.969 Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (2) with P the following time-varying exposure measures: exposureb;t = P f

GIP Sf Lf;b;t P f Lf;b;t

and exposureb;t (spread) = spread of GIPS countries over Germany’s.


St GIP Sf Lf;b;t P f Lf;b;t

in which St is the long-term interest rate

At the …rm-quarter level, we re-estimate Equation (4) using the two time-varying exposure variables (in which the exposure metric at the …rm level changes over time not only P through the loan allocation but also across banks over time, or exposuref b;t = b exposureb;t P P P Lb;f;t = b Lb;f;t and exposuref b;t (spread) = b exposureb;t (spread) Lb;f;t = b Lb;f;t ) with 24

Table 11: The Impact of Time-Varying Credit-Supply Shocks on Loans Growth and Firm Productivity VARIABLES exposuref b;t (spread)

Loan Growth (1)

fq f fq i;t fa f fa i;t

LP (3)

TFP (4)

-0.059*** (0.016)

exposuref b;t

Observations Adjusted R-squared Firm controls

Loan Growth (2)

2,316 0.502 Yes Yes Yes -

-0.019*** (0.010)

-0.079* (0.043)

-0.083* (0.047)

2,316 0.497 Yes Yes Yes -

745 0.937 Yes Yes Yes

745 0.924 Yes Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients fromPEquation (4) in columns (1) and (2) with the P following time-varying exposure exposureb;t Lb;f;t exposureb;t (spread) Lb;f;t P measures: exposuref b;t = b P Lb;f;t and exposuref b;t (spread) = b as well b b Lb;f;t as the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (5) using the average of exposuref b;t over four quarters.

…rm …xed e¤ects and industry-time …xed e¤ects as well as standard …rm controls (corresponding to Column (3) in Table 5). In Table 11, for both metrics, “exposuref b;t (spread)” in Column (1) and “exposuref b;t ”in Column (2), we …nd a statistically-signi…cant negative impact from credit-risk exposure to …rms in GIPS countries on Italian …rms’loan growth. We also averaged the exposuref b;t variable over four quarters and re-ran regression (5) at an annual level to investigate the impact of exposure on labor productivity and TFP. The results, which are reported in Columns (3) and (4) of Table 11, mirror those obtained in Table 6 in sign and statistical signi…cance for the two productivity measures.


Substitution into other funding sources and pre-crisis leverage

Using …rms’total long-term debt growth as the dependent variable in Equation (4), we reestimate the extent of …nancing substitutability into other sources of funding. If …rms were able to o¤set the fall in syndicated lending by other forms of debt, there should be no e¤ect on total long-term debt growth. We …nd a negative and statistically signi…cant e¤ect of exposure to …rms in GIPS countries, showing no substitution into other forms of funding. Finally, we di¤erentiate across …rms according to their pre-crisis leverage ratio, de…ned


as short- and long-term debt over total assets, as proxy for the risk of borrowers’default at the …rm level (Table 12). We split the sample into low- and high-leverage …rms (measured at their pre-crisis levels) in Column (3) and (4), and …nd a highly statistically-signi…cant negative e¤ect of exposure to troubled banks for …rms with high leverage. The impact for …rms with low leverage is not statistically signi…cant. Therefore, …rms with a higher leverage ratio prior to the crisis experienced a sharper contraction in credit growth afterwards. Table 12: Substitution into Non-Bank Sources of Funding and Leverage



Observations Adjusted R-squared Firm controls fq f fq i;t

Debt Growth (1)

Debt Growth (2)

Loan Growth (Low Leverage) (3)

Loan Growth (High Leverage) (4)

-0.395*** (0.208)

-0.418*** (0.211)

-0.122 (0.154)

-0.240** (0.100)

772 0.267 Yes Yes -

772 0.294 Yes Yes Yes

612 0.615 Yes Yes Yes

600 0.574 Yes Yes Yes

Notes: , and show statistical signi…cance at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively. Table reports the estimated coe¢ cients from Equation (4) with total long-term debt growth as the dependent variable.


Concluding remarks

We studied the relationship between bank lending shocks and …rm productivity in Italy by exploiting the heterogeneous loan exposure of Italian banks to foreign borrowers in distress while using a new instrument for identi…cation and loan level data on syndicated lending. Our results indicate that banks’balance-sheets su¤ered from a shock to their asset side when …rms’borrowing costs and default rates in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain rose between 2010 and 2012. This forced banks with strained balance sheets to reduce lending to Italian …rms. Aggregating across loans to non-…nancial corporations, we found that …rms were unable to substitute from a¤ected banks to healthy ones and thus became credit constrained. We also showed that credit supply shocks had signi…cant real e¤ects on …rms’ investment and employment decisions, as well as productivity. Firms with higher exposure to troubled banks reduced their investment and employment more, and sub-optimally adjusted their capital-to-labor ratios due to labor market frictions. These …rms experienced a


signi…cant fall in productivity. Firms with higher outstanding total debt and higher capital intensity were more adversely a¤ected by the supply shocks. These results point to a number of policy recommendations. First, use of enhanced ‡exibility in allocation of labor within the …rm can limit the impact of credit-supply shocks on productivity. In this regard, the most recent labor market reform (“Jobs Act”) is expected to yield bene…ts gradually over the long term. Second, the banking system’s resilience against future shocks should be improved by an acceleration of …nancial sector repair. Decisive steps are needed, including through stricter supervisory oversight, to reduce faster the high nonperforming loans in the coming years.


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Appendix A A model of asymmetric labor adjustment costs In our model, …rms own their capital stock k, but take up debt b at interest rate r to hire labor l on a competitive market at wage w. Wage and interest are taken as exogenous. Firms augment their capital stock through investment x and operate under monopolistic competition and produce output y. They face a downward sloping demand for their products, which is given by y 1= . Capital depreciates at rate and the production function is given by y = Ak l1 . Firms face two constraints. First, they can only borrow a fraction of their future capital 2 stock, so bt+1 kt+1 ; and second, they face asymmetric labor adjustment costs of (lt 2lltt 11 ) , where = 0 if lt > lt 1 and > 0 otherwise. This means when …rms decide to decrease their labor force, they must pay an extra cost proportional to their adjustment. governs how high the costs is. What we are interested in is the e¤ect of tightening credit conditions on …rms’capitalto-labor ratio k=l, and …rm productivity. It is straightforward to show that a fall in credit supply (a decrease in ) is conceptually similar to a rise in borrowing costs r. Thus, for the remainder of the analysis we set = 1. Firms solve max L= 0 0

c;k ;b ;l

1 X t=0



(Ak l1



wl + b0

k 0 + (1



(1 + r)b


lt 1 )2 2lt 1 (9)

Solving for …rst order conditions, we get u0 (ct ) =



1 pt+1 yt+1 = + rt+1 kt+1 1 Let us denote

l t

(1 h

pt yt ) = wt + lt l t lt lt 1





2 lt+1 lt2 1 1 + rt+1 2lt2


(12) lt 1 i 2 lt+1 lt2 1 . With simple numerical examples, it is 1+rt+1 2l2 t

possible to show that if lt lt 1 < 0; then lt > 0 (note that if lt+1 lt > 0; = 0). Thus, labor adjustment costs act like a tax on labor. When …rms decide to shed workers, they have to pay an extra cost. The capital-to-labor ratio is then given by k = l

w +r 1

l t



Thus, if …rms reduce their labor force, adjustment costs bias the capital-labor ratio downwards. If there is a shock to borrowing conditions (rise in r), …rms want to reduce capital. They also want to reduce labor, but to a lesser extent. The tax prevents …rms from reducing



labor enough, such that they operate with an ine¢ ciently low capital intensity. To see the e¤ect on productivity, lets de…ne marginal revenue products as 1 pt yt = + rt kt

M RP Kt = 1

M RP Lt =




pt yt = wt lt

l t


Now, we can write revenue productivity as pt yt T F P Rt = kt lt1

pt yt kt


pt yt lt




This can be expressed as a function of the marginal revenue products, such that T F P Rt =

M RP Kt 1


M RP Lt 1


+ rt 1

wt 1

l t


: (17)

Thus TFP is a function of the labor wedge. If …rms reduce their labor, adjustment costs prevent an optimal adjustment of the capital-to-labor ratio. Thus, changes in M RP L can no longer be o¤set by optimal changes in M RP K. The wedge thus reduces …rms’TFP. Similar, for labor productivity we get LPt =

pt yt = lt

M P RLt ; 1 1

so our wedge also reduces …rms’labor productivity.



    

We examine the implications for firm productivity of adverse shocks to bank lending. We rely on varied loan exposure of banks to foreign borrowers in distress. We find that a negative shock to bank credit supply reduces firms’ productivity. Labor market rigidities are important for the transmission of shocks. Effects are stronger for higher capital-intensity firms.