Dr M J Billings, who was formerly involved with the design of electron beam welding equipment at bmith’s Industries Ltd, has jomed BOC as head of the group. He was previously a lecturer at the high voltage laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engmcering and Electronics at the University 01 Manchester. Further information may be obtained from The British Osygr~l Comprrn~ LWighd. Hatm~ersmitlz Horrw, Loh.m Cryogenic tanker fleet launched BOC, London, have launched Britain’s first fleet of trains specially deslgned to carry bulk cargoes of liquid industrial gases. Charles Roberts 6: Company, Wakefield, Yorkshire, are the main contractors of the supply of the rail tankers, with BOC-Airco Crvoeenic Plant Ltd la BOC associate) anh -W P Butterfield (Engineers) Ltd sub-contractors for the supply of the vacuum-insulated tanks. The tankers will be delivered to BOC who plan to start running special trains when a new plant being built at Widnes. Lancashire, goes. into-production late; this vear in the first chase of a f10 million development. Tge Widnes plant will be the biggest industrial gas plant in the UK, with a capacity of more than 1200 tons a day of liquid gas. The tankers are in etfect giant vacuum flasks, 60 feet long and capable of carrying about 56 tons of liquid oxygen or 48 of liquid nitrogen at a temperature as low as minus 196”C, the boiling point of nitrogen. The BOC trains, each comprising up to 12 tankers, will carry the liquid gases to redistribution depots being built at Sheffield, Wembley and Wolverhampton. Further details may be obtained from The British Osygerl Cornpony Ltd, Ho~nrne,:with House. Londou W6. Sloan acquisition Sloan Technology Corporation of Santa Barbara, California, have announced the acquisition of Alfred Ceramic Enterprises, a privately held firm with facilities in Alfred, New York, who are specialists in the materials and ceramics fields. The Comoanv is active in materials research ind’ fabrication, with emphasis on hot pressing technology and specialized materials fabrication techniques. It is intended to combine Sloan’s expertise in thin film technology with Alfred Ceramic’s knowledge of materials fabrication to moduce a line of standard products fo;itthe thin film industry. including pressed evaporation crucibles, sputtering targets, and fabrication of high quality substrate materials for use in hybrid microelectronics. A line of thick film products. complementary to thin film products now being 212
Microclcctronics, at Sloan be developed. Ccrumic Enterprises will operate as a subsidiary of Sloan and will remain in Alfred, New York, which IS the centre of ceramic technology. Mr M T Curran, founder of the Company and a recognized leader in ceramic technology, WIIJ remain as Prchidcnt of lhc ne\\ Sloan subsidiary. This is the third acquisition by Sloan Technology since its public stock on‘cring in October 1969, and is part of an integrated programmc to expand within the thin film field. Further details may be obtained from S/uu~~ Tr~h~ology Corportrtiou. PO Bos 46U8, Suu/u Btrr~bu/u, Ctr/;~ur/ritr 93 103.
produced w~l!l,i;~d
Balzers Group In November 1969 the Arthur Pfcilfer Hochvakuumtechnik Gmbh, Wetzlar, Germany, was taken over by the Balzers Grout in Balzers. Liechtenstein. The Arthir Pfeilfer Hochvakuum still, however, retain their legal and economic autonomy under the new partnership. Dr Erich Pfeiffer resigned as head of the Company, with elfect from 10 December 196Y, and is now a member of the Board of Directors. Dr rer nat Fritz Briininchaus is now resnonsible for production and Diplom-Kauimann Hermann Tillner is responsible for the commercial activities of the organization. Further details are available from Balzerx High V~IIUIII LIP, NorthDritlge Roud, Berkhtrmsted, Herrford.thire. Varian Vacuum Systems Operation The Vacuum Division of Varian Associates has recently expanded its Systems Operation and Mr Leonard Good has been appointed General Manager. The group will provide fast response to the needs of vacuum system users, particularly in microelectronics and surface research work. Both laboratory and production systems are involved. The Systems Operation will be responsible for the design, manufacture and marketing of general purpose vacuum systems, coating systems for thin lilm deposition by spittiring and evaporation, -surface research svstems. including LEED. HEED and- Auger spectronwters, and vacuum systems built to customers specification. Prior to his appointment as General Manager of the new Group, Mr Good was Manager of Varian Vacuum Manufacturing. He has been with the Vacuum Division of Varian since 1963. Further details may be obtained from Vwitru. 61 1 Hnmetl Wtw. Palo Alto. Califor,lia 94303, USA. Blairs receive orders for condensing sets Blairs Ltd of Glas,gow have obtained an order from Enghsh Electric/AEI for the supply of two condensing sets which will form part of an installation being supplied by English Electric to Holland.
Blairs will supply the condcnscrs coniplctc with vacuum ejectors, and contlcnhation extraction pumps. Further information is obtainable from H/t/i/..\ Li/tritct/, I-t3 Wood~.i//~, S/wrr, G/u.s,~ull~ SW I, .%~c~//~r/lt/. New offices for Alcatel As a further step in cstabllshing a commercial nct\\ork covering the whole of l-rancc, Alcatcl-Klbor have now opened an oltice in DiJon, covering eastern trmcc, ‘ the Vosges and Jura arca, as \vell as the French-speaking arca of Switzerland. Monsieur Croihct has been appointed Manager of the new branch, wnich is silualcd at 15 his, I’IIL’ t/r L’Estrliri~, >I-Uijo/l. Monhicur Croibet. a vacuum cnginecr, is already known among Alcatel customers. With the idea of increasing exports of vacuum pumps and equipmint, klcatcl have also ;pcn&l an ottlce in Canada. at 6600-66 10 /XL’ Bot~fht~r(lirr. Mo~rtreul -ljS. Monsieur J-M Ephraim, vacuum engineer, has been appointed Director of the new oflice. Alcatel now has oliices or representatives in I I countries: South Africa, West Germany. Belgium, Brazil. Canada. Italv. Tne Netherlands. Switzerland, Swehcn, USSR and Czechoslovakia. Further information is available from AIwtc+liiht~r, 32 r//e t/e Lisbo/~/w, Ptrris S‘, Pate 23s. GEC-Elliott Automation at Leipzig Spring Fair A commercial and technical team, led by Mr J B Baldwin. Group Export Director,, GEC-Elliott Automation, recently vlsited the Leipzig Spring Fair which commenced on I March 1970. Equipment displayed by AEI Scientific Apparatus Limited included the MS20 mass spectrometer and MS10 spectrometer kit system and mass vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum equipment, and the new EMGM electron microscope. Information on the Company’s full range of electron microscopes, mass spectrometers, and other analytical instrumentation. including EM MA-4 and the EM7 million volt microscope. was also available. Elliott Process Instruments Limited introduced two new products at the Fair: Model 1361, an automatic osmometel which works fast enough to bring osmometry into routine use, and the Series 1.50 industrial moisture monitor. an explosion-proof instrument for continuous measurement in gas streams. Also on display was the Model 1463 distillation analyzer for monitoring of refinery streams. Further details of the scientific instruments are available from Mr V F Clzlehorrt~. AEI Scicwtif?c Apporrrt~rs Ltd, Bortou Dock Rood. Ul.rmtorl. Motrclle.y/Cr M31 2LD. For further information on process analyzers, write to M/