Bulgaria INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES IN AGRICULTURE A Provisional Order of the Ministries of Public Health and Social Welfare and of Agriculture has been issued (Izvestiia na Prezidiumona Narodnoto s'branie, 7 September 1962, 72, p.1 ; cited from Int. Dig. Hlth Legisl. 1963, 14, 389) to protect the quality of foodstuffs and fodder. Food products which have been derived from crops treated with insecticides or fungicides of unknown origin are subject to the report of a Health Inspector, as indeed are milk and dairy products and meat from animals in the 6-month period following therapy with organochlorine preparations. Maximum residue tolerances for insecticides and fungicides have been laid down; zero tolerances have been imposed for milk.
Cuba COLOURING MATTERS IN FOODSTUFFS AND BEVERAGES The Gaeeta O.ficial de la Rep~bliea de Cuba of 16 April 1963, No. 72, p. 3813 (cited from Int. Dig. Hlth Legisl. 1964, 15, 778) announced the prohibition of certain food colouring matters. The Cuban Permitted List now consists of BriLliant Blue FCF, Indigo Carmine, Guinea Green B, Light Green SF Yellowish, Fast Green FCF, Amaranth, Erythrosine, Ponceau SX, Tartrazine, and Sunset Yellow FCF.
India COSMETICS: CONTROL OF MANUFACTURE AND TRADE The Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1962, published in The Gazette of India Extraordinary (Part II, Sect. I, 28 June 1962, p. 171; cited from Int. Dig. Hlth Legisl. 1964, 15, 788), amends the Drugs Act, 1940. The new Act prohibits, inter alia, the use of colourings which have not been prescribed and the wrongful use of the name, labelling, place of origin and manufacturer of a cosmetic product (definition does not include soap).
Netherlands COLOURING OF SUGAR AND CHEESE RIND AMENDMENTS Decree of 2 July 1964 (Staatsblad Text No. 254, 21 July 1964, p. 737; cited from Curr. Fd Addit. Legisl. 1964, No. 79, p. 9) amends the Decree on Sugar and Syrup of 13 October 1949 by approving the use of Ultramarine Blue (C.I. (1956) No. 77007) in colouring sugar until 26 October 1965. Decree of 17 July 1964 (Staatsblad Text No. 275, 31 July 1964, p. 761 ; cited from Cut',. Fd Addit. Legisl. 1964, No. 79, p. 10) amends the Decree on Cheese of 7 November 1959 by approving the use of Ruby Pigment (Lithol-rubine BK; C.I. (1956) No. 15850) and Burnt Ochre, a product obtained by combustion of a mixture of iron oxides and the silicates, carbonates and sulphates of manganese, calcium and aluminium, for colouring the rind of cheese.