P s1;m;d > > : 8 qj;max > > > < qj;min ¼ > qj;M;d > > :
if Ps1;m;d > Ps1;max if Ps1;m < Ps1;min otherwise
if qj;M;d > qj;max if qj;M;d < qj;min otherwise
where Ps1,max and Ps1,min are the maximum and minimum power outputs of slack thermal unit 1, respectively; qj,max and qj,min are the maximum and minimum water discharges of hydro plant j. The initialized population of the host nests is set to the best value of each nest Xbestd (d = 1, . . ., Nd) and the nest corresponding to the best fitness function in (19) is set to the best nest Gbest among all nests in the population. 3.3.2. Generation of New Solution via Lévy Flights The new solution is calculated based on the previous best nests via Lévy flights. In the proposed CSA method, the optimal path for the Lévy flights is calculated by Mantegna’s algorithm [22]. The new solution by each nest is calculated as follows:
X new ¼ Xbestd þ a rand3 DX new d d
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287
where a > 0 is the updated step size; rand3 is a normally distributed random number in [0, 1] and the increased value DXnew is deterd mined by:
DX new ¼v d
rx ðbÞ ðXbest d GbestÞ ry ðbÞ
jrandy j1=b
where randx and randy are two normally distributed stochastic variables with standard deviation rx(b) and ry(b) given by:
31=b Cð1 þ bÞ sin p2b 5 4 rx ðbÞ ¼ b1 C 1þb b 2ð 2 Þ 2
ry ðbÞ ¼ 1
The flowchart of the proposed CSA for solving the problem is given in Fig. 1. 4. Numerical results The proposed CSA has been tested on five systems with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units and two systems with nonconvex fuel cost function of thermal units. The proposed algorithm is coded in Matlab platform and run on a 2 GHz PC with 2 GB of RAM. 4.1. Selection of parameters
where b is the distribution factor (0.3 6 b 6 1.99) and C() is the gamma distribution function. For the newly obtained solution, its lower and upper limits should be satisfied according to the unit’s limits:
8 > < qj;max if qj;m;d > qj;max qj;m;d ¼ qj;min if qj;m;d < qj;min ; j ¼ 1;. .. ;N2 ; m ¼ 1;. .. ; M 1 > : qj;m;d otherwise ð27Þ 8 > < Psi;max if Psi;m;d > Psi;max P si;m;d ¼ Psi;min if Psi;m;d < Psi;min ; i ¼ 2;. .. ;N1 ; m ¼ 1;. .. ;M > : Psi;m;d otherwise
Initialize population of host nests Psi ,m ,d = Psi ,min + rand1 * ( Psi ,max − Psi ,min )
ð28Þ The power output of N2 hydro units and the slack thermal unit 1 are then obtained as in Section 3.2. The fitness value is calculated using (19) and the nest corresponding to the best fitness function is set to the best nest Gbest. 3.3.3. Alien egg discovery and randomization The action of discovery of an alien egg in a nest of a host bird with the probability of pa also creates a new solution for the problem similar to the Lévy flights. The new solution due to this action can be found out in the following way:
X dis d
¼ Xbestd þ K
DX dis d
where K is the updated coefficient determined based on the probability of a host bird to discover an alien egg in its nest:
1 if rand4 < pa 0
¼ rand5 ½randp1 ðXbestd Þ randp2 ðXbestd Þ
q j ,m ,d = q j ,min + rand 2 * (q j ,max − q j ,min )
Calculate all thermal and hydro generations based on the initialization. - Set Xd to Xbestd for each nest - Set the best of all Xbestd to Gbest - Set iteration counter iter = 1.
Generate new solution via Lévy flights
X dnew = Xbest d + α × rand 3 × ΔX dnew
- Check for limit violations and repairing. - Calculate all hydro and thermal generation outputs. - Evaluate fitness function to choose new Xbestd and Gbest
Discover alien egg and randomize
and the increased value DXdis d is determined by:
DX dis d
In the proposed CSA method, three main parameters which have to be predetermined are the number of nests Np, maximum number of iterations Nmax, and the probability of an alien egg to be discovered pa. Among the three parameters, the number of nests has significantly effects on the obtained solution quality. Generally, the higher number of NP is chosen the higher probability for a better optimal solution is obtained. However, the computational time for obtaining the solution for case with the large numbers is long. By experiments, the number of nests in this paper is set from 10 to 100 depending on system size. Similar to NP, the maximum number of iterations Nmax also has an impact on the obtained solution quality and computation time. It is chosen based on the complexity and scale of the considered problems. For the test systems in this paper, the maximum number of Nmax ranges from 300 for small
X ddis = Xbestd + K × ΔX ddis
where rand4 and rand5 are the distributed random numbers in [0, 1] and randp1(Xbestd) and randp2(Xbestd) are the random perturbation for positions of the nests in Xbestd. For the newly obtained solution, its lower and upper limits should be also satisfied constraints (27) and (28). The value of the fitness function is calculated using (19) and the nest corresponding to the best fitness function is set to the best nest Gbest.
- Check for limit violations and repairing. - Calculate all hydro and thermal generation outputs. - Evaluate fitness function to choose new Xbestd and Gbest
3.3.4. Stopping criteria The algorithm is stopped when the number of iterations (Iter) reaches the maximum number of iterations (Itermax).
Stop Fig. 1. The flowchart of CSA for solving ST-HTS.
Iter = Iter + 1
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287 Table 1 Results by CSA for the first system with quadratic fuel cost of thermal units with different values of Pa.
Table 3 Results by CSA for the third system with quadratic fuel cost of thermal units with different values of Pa.
Min. cost ($)
Avg. cost ($)
Max. cost ($)
Std. dev. ($)
CPU (s)
Min. cost ($)
Avg. cost ($)
Max. cost ($)
Std. dev. ($)
CPU (s)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
96024.6877 96024.6826 96024.6817 96024.6816 96024.6816 96024.6816 96024.6816 96024.6817 96024.6816
96030.083 96024.845 96024.704 96024.684 96024.723 96024.686 96024.729 96024.717 96024.988
96053.9166 96026.0801 96024.7553 96024.6914 96024.954 96024.7213 96025.1145 96024.9907 96026.0008
8.8589314 0.4141929 0.0273447 0.0027169 0.0802032 0.011685 0.1286358 0.091912 0.4308014
19.2 19.8 19.1 19.3 19.6 19.6 19.4 19.2 19.3
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
53051.4988 53051.4787 53051.4768 53051.4765 53051.4765 53051.4765 53051.4765 53051.4768 53051.4763
53051.52 53051.48 53051.48 53051.48 53051.48 53051.48 53051.51 53051.48 53051.54
53051.54 53051.48 53051.48 53051.48 53051.48 53051.51 53051.65 53051.48 53051.89
0.012 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.009 0.061 0.002 0.124
87 88 86 87 85 86 85 85.8 86.4
systems to 2500 for the large-scale systems. The value of the probability for an alien egg to be discovered pa can be chosen in the range [0, 1]. However, different values of pa may lead to different optimal solutions for a problem. For the complicated or large-scale problems, the selection of the value for the probability has an obvious effect on the optimal solution. In contrast, the effect of the probability is inconsiderable for the simple problems, that is different values of the probability can also lead the same optimal solution. Therefore, the best value of pa has to be tuned in its range [0, 1]. Besides, the value of distribution factor b needs be determined has a significant impact on solution quality of CSA and it is suggested in the range [0.3,1.99] as in the Mantegna’s algorithm [22]. As experience in [18], the value of distribution factor in the suggested range does not have much effect on the final solution of economic dispatch problem and it has been fixed at 1.5 for all test systems. Therefore, it also fixed at 1.5 for all test systems in this paper. 4.2. Systems with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units In this test case, the proposed CSA is tested on five systems. The data for the first four system is from [1] consisting of one thermal and one hydro plant for the first system, one thermal and two hydro plants for the second system, two thermal and two hydro plants for the third system, and one thermal and one hydro plants for the fourth one. The fifth system from [7] consists of two thermal plants and two hydro plants with four scheduling subintervals. All data for the five systems are given in Appendix A. The number of nests is set to 20 for system 1, 50 for systems 2 and 3, 10 for system 4, and 100 for system 5. The maximum number of iterations for the CSA is set to 1000, 1500, 2500, 300 and 1000 for the five systems, respectively. The value of the probability pa will be analyzed in the range from 0.1 to 0.9 with a step of 0.1. For each case, the proposed CSA is run 10 independent trials and the obtained results including minimal total cost, average total cost, maximal total cost, standard deviation, and average computational time are given in Tables 1–5. For the first four systems, the proposed CSA method can obtain optimal solution for the values of pa from 0.2 to 0.9.
Table 2 Results by CSA for the second system with quadratic fuel cost of thermal units with different values of Pa. Pa
Min. cost ($)
Avg. cost ($)
Max. cost ($)
Std. dev. ($)
CPU (s)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
848.3503 848.3464 848.3463 848.3463 848.3463 848.3463 848.3463 848.3463 848.3463
848.3614 848.3485 848.347 848.36 848.3825 848.3468 848.3473 848.3503 848.35
848.3825 848.3619 848.3491 848.4779 848.7028 848.348 848.3497 848.3733 848.369
0.008 0.004 0.001 0.039 0.107 0.001 0.001 0.008 0.007
45.5 46.4 44.8 45.6 45.5 46.7 44.8 47.1 45.6
Table 4 Results by CSA for the fourth system with quadratic fuel cost of thermal units with different values of Pa. Pa
Min. cost ($)
Avg. cost ($)
Max. cost ($)
Std. dev. ($)
CPU (s)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6
169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6
169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6 169637.6
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.2 0.25 0.27 0.31 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.31 0.32
Table 5 Results by CSA for the fifth system with quadratic fuel cost of thermal units with different values of Pa. Pa
Min. cost ($)
Avg. cost ($)
Max. cost ($)
Std. dev. ($)
CPU (s)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
376149.2619 376140.9741 376142.1596 376080.7325 376055.7279 376040.9513 376040.9513 375967.2741 375960.5756
376269.321 376293.4898 376235.8054 376315.8979 376290.9361 376194.2023 376194.2023 376259.8584 376190.9635
376406.9 376544.7 376379.6 376511.4 376676.6 376454.2 376454.2 376537.6 376408.8
93.633 131.299 67.918 118.197 205.239 148.870 125.953 171.856 176.633
12.3 12.4 11.8 13.0 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.1
Table 6 Result comparison for the first four test systems with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. System
Min cost ($)
Avg. cost ($)
Max cost ($)
CPU (s)
96028.651 96024.344 96024.6816 848.027 848.326 848.3463 53055.712 53053.708 53051.4763 169637.944 169637.593 169637.6
96050.154 96024.368 96024.684 850.187 848.488 848.3468 53081.517 53053.798 53051.54 169643.468 169637.599 169637.6
96086.695 96024.424 96024.6914 852.114 849.552 848.348 53092.566 53053.894 53051.89 169653.127 169637.602 169637.6
220 52 19.3 210 90 46.7 312 92 86.4 37 19 0.2
For the fifth system, the best value of pa for CSA to obtain the optimal solution is 0.9. The values of Pa to obtain the best solution chosen are respectively 0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 0.1 and 0.9 for the five systems corresponding to the bold values in Tables 1–5. The minimal cost, average cost, maximum cost and average computational time obtained by the proposed CSA are then compared to those from EGA [9] and
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287
Table 7 Result comparison for the fifth test system with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Method
Newton’s method [7]
HNN [7]
Cost ($)
x 10
Fitness Function ($)
x 10
Fitness Function ($)
9.9 5.32
9.85 9.8
5.3 2 10
Number of iterations = 2500
Fig. 4. Convergence characteristic of test system 3 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units.
9.7 9.65 9.6 0 10
Number of iterations = 1000 Fig. 2. Convergence characteristic of test system 1 with quadratic fuel cost function.
OGB-GA [9] given in Table 6 for the first four systems and from HNN [7] and Newton’s method [7] given in Table 7 for the fifth system. The result comparison has shown that the proposed CSA can obtain approximate or better total than EGA [9] and OGB-GA [9] for the first four test systems. Obviously, the proposed CSA obtains much better total cost than both Newton’s method and HNN. Furthermore, the proposed CSA is faster than EGA [9] and OGB-GA [9]. Therefore, the proposed CSA is effective for solving different hydrothermal systems with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. There is no computer reported in [9]. The optimal solution for each system by the proposed CSA is given in Appendix B. Figs. 2–6 show
x 10
the convergence respectively.
4.3. Systems with valve point effects on fuel cost function of thermal units For this case, cost curve with valve point loading effects for thermal units is considered. The proposed CSA is tested on two systems from [14] where the first system comprises two hydro plants and two thermal plants and the second one consists of two hydro plants and four thermal plants. The data of the test systems is given in Appendix A. The number of nests is set to 50 and 100 for the first and second system, respectively. The maximum number of iterations for the CSA is set to 1500 for the both systems. For the probability pa, the proposed CSA is run for its different values from 0.1 to 0.9 with a step size of 0.1 to find the best one. For each case of each system, the proposed CSA is performed 10 independent runs and the obtained results including minimal total cost, average total cost,
x 10
Fitness Function ($)
Fitness Function ($)
1.6 6 5 4 3
1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6
1 0 1 10
0.2 2
Number of iterations = 1500 Fig. 3. Convergence characteristic of test system 2 with quadratic fuel cost function.
0 1 10
Number of iterations = 300 Fig. 5. Convergence characteristic of test system 4 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units.
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287
x 10
Fitness Function ($)
Fitness Function ($)
x 10
4 3.95 3.9
6.7 6.68 6.66 6.64
3.8 3.75 1 10
6.6 1 10
Number of iterations = 1500
Number of iterations = 1000 Fig. 6. Convergence characteristic of test system 5 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units.
Fig. 7. Convergence characteristic of test system 1 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units.
Table 8 Results by CSA for the first system with nonconvex fuel cost of thermal units with different values of pa. Min. cost ($)
Avg. cost ($)
Max. cost ($)
Std. dev. ($)
CPU (s)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
66115.5431 66115.8717 66115.531 66115.4743 66115.485 66115.4554 66115.4633 66115.4451 66115.4471
66125.9988 66128.0202 66126.6982 66127.9227 66127.8139 66128.7083 66135.7946 66133.856 66119.034
66154.1203 66146.3192 66153.3879 66157.8827 66161.9327 66158.1144 66154.445 66158.1011 66150.4011
15.640 12.998 14.910 16.834 16.593 18.242 16.769 18.544 10.456
6.8 6.4 7.1 7.1 6.9 7.1 7.1 6.7 7.15
x 10
Fitness Function ($)
9.9 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4
Table 9 Results by CSA for the second system with nonconvex fuel cost of thermal units with different values of pa. Pa
Min. cost ($)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
92742.9266 92743.3945 92788.722 92726.014 92771.6158 92783.3591 92738.8334 92725.1343 92760.9481
Avg. cost ($) 92876.24 92839.59 92879.16 92814.26 92855.4 92912.8 92803.97 92779.32 92801.61
Max. cost ($) 92973.556 93072.39 93185.371 93009.627 93048.514 93271.887 92995.727 92934.773 92893.961
Std. dev. ($) 66.584 96.628 108.426 80.574 74.846 169.999 67.918 56.324 47.418
9.3 9.2 2 10
CPU (s)
Number of iterations = 1500
19.2 18.8 19.4 19.6 20.3 19.6 19.8 18.6 19.3
Fig. 8. Convergence characteristic of test system 2 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units.
maximal total cost, standard deviation, and average computational time are respectively given in Tables 8 and 9. Based on the analysis, the value of pa for CSA to obtain the best solution is 0.8 for the both systems. The obtained results are compared to those from other methods available in the literature including AIS, EP, PSO, and DE in [14]
given in Table 10. The result comparison in the table has indicated that the proposed CSA can obtain better solution quality than the others in terms of total cost and computational time. Therefore, the proposed is very effective for solving the HTS problem with nonconvex fuel cost function of thermal units. Note all methods in [14] have been implemented on a Pentium-IV 3.0 GHz PC. The optimal solutions for the systems are given in Appendix B. Figs. 7 and 8 show the convergence characteristic of CSA for both systems, respectively.
Table 10 Result comparison for two test systems with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units. Method
AIS [14]
EP [14]
PSO [14]
DE [14]
System 1
Cost ($) CPU time (s)
66,117 53.43
66,198 75.48
66,166 71.62
66,121 60.76
66,115.44 6.7
System 2
Cost ($) CPU time (s)
93,950 59.14
94,250 67.82
94,126 80.37
94,094 83.54
92,725.1343 18.6
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287
5. Conclusions In this paper, the CSA method has been successfully applied for solving short-term hydrothermal scheduling problem with smooth and nonsmooth fuel cost curves of thermal units. The CSA method is a new meta-heuristic algorithm inspired from the obligate brood parasitism of some cuckoo species by laying their eggs in the nests of other host birds of other species for solving optimization problems. The highlighted advantages of the CSA method are few control parameters and effective for optimization problems with complicated constraints. The proposed CSA has been tested on several hydrothermal systems with different fuel cost functions of thermal units. The result comparisons with other methods in the literature have indicated that the proposed CSA is more efficient than many other methods. Therefore, the proposed CSA can be a
very favorable method for solving the short-term hydrothermal scheduling problem, especially for nonsmooth fuel cost function of thermal units. Appendix A. Data of test systems The transmission loss formula coefficients of test system 1 with quadratic fuel cost function (see Tables A1–A9).
0:00005 0:00001 0:00001 0:00015
The transmission loss formula coefficients of test system 2 with quadratic fuel cost function
Thermal plant
asi ($/h)
bsi ($/MW h)
csi ($/MW2 h)
1 2 3
1 1 1 2
373.7 15 25 30
9.606 3 3.2 3.4
0.001991 0.01 0.0025 0.0008
6 B ¼ 4 0:0 0:001 0:0
Table A1 Thermal generator data of test systems 1, 2 and 3 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units.
3 7 5
0:000 0:0005
The transmission loss formula coefficients of test system 3 with quadratic fuel cost function
0:000010 0:000015 0:000015
6 0:000010 0:00006 0:000010 0:000013 7 7 6 B¼6 7 4 0:000015 0:000010 0:000068 0:000065 5 0:000015 0:000013 0:000065
Table A2 Hydro system data of test systems 1, 2 and 3 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. System
Hydro plant
ahj (MCF/h)
bhj (MCF/MW h)
chj (MCF/(MW)2h)
Wj (MCF)
1 2
1 1 2 1 2
61.53 0.2 0.4 1.98 0.936
0.009079 0.03 0.06 0.306 0.612
0.0007749 0.00005 0.0001 0.000216 0.00036
2559.6 25 35 2500 2100
Table A3 Thermal generator and hydro system data of the test system 4 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Thermal plant
Hydro plant
asi ($/h)
bsi ($/MW h)
csi ($/MW2 h)
ahj (acre-ft/h)
bhj (acre-ft/MW h)
chj (acre-ft/MW2 h)
Wj (acre-ft)
Table A4 Thermal generator data of the test system 5 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Thermal plant
asi ($/h)
bsi ($/MW h)
csi ($/MW2 h)
Psi,min (MW)
Psi,max (MW)
1 2
380 600
6.75 5.28
0.00225 0.0055
47.5 100
450 1000
Table A5 Hydro system data of the test system 5 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Hydro plant
ahj (acre-ft/h)
bhj (acre-ft/MW h)
chj (acre-ft/MW2 h)
Wj (acre-ft)
Phj,min (MW)
Phj,max (MW)
1 2
260 250
8.5 9.8
0.00986 0.0114
125,000 286,000
0 0
250 500
Table A6 Thermal generator data of the test system 1 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units. Thermal plant
asi ($/h)
bsi ($/MW h)
csi ($/MW2 h)
dsi ($/h)
esi (1/MW)
Psi,min (MW)
Psi,max (MW)
1 2
25 30
3.2 3.4
0.0025 0.0008
12 14
0.0550 0.0450
50 50
300 700
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287 Table A7 Hydro system data of the test system 1 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units. Hydro plant
ahj (MCF/h)
bhj (MCF/MW h)
chj (MCF/MW2 h)
Wj (MCF)
Phj,min (MW)
Phj,max (MW)
1 2
1.980 0.936
0.306 0.612
0.000216 0.000360
2500 2100
0 0
400 300
Table A8 Thermal generator data of the test system 2 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units. Thermal plant
asi ($/h)
bsi ($/MW h)
csi ($/MW2 h)
dsi $/h)
esi (rad/MW)
Psi,min (MW)
Psi,max (MW)
1 2 3 4
10 10 20 20
3.25 2.00 1.75 1.00
0.0083 0.0037 0.0175 0.0625
12 18 16 14
0.0450 0.0370 0.0380 0.0400
20 30 40 50
125 175 250 300
Table A9 Hydro system data of the test system 2 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units. Hydro plant
ahj (acre-ft/h)
bhj (acre-ft/MW h)
chj (acre-ft/MW2 h)
Wj (acre-ft)
Phj,min (MW)
Phj,max (MW)
1 2
260 250
8.5 9.8
0.00986 0.01140
125,000 286,000
0 0
250 500
Table B1 Optimal solution obtained by CSA for test system 1 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Hour
Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Hour Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Hour Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ph1 (MW)
455 231.9745 235.0974 9 665 431.3039 254.946 17 721 485.1017 260.3584
425 203.8466 232.2705 10 675 440.8983 255.9005 18 740 500.0000 265.7511
415 194.4400 231.3806 11 695 460.0931 257.8356 19 700 464.9050 258.3124
407 186.9274 230.6628 12 705 469.7189 258.7899 20 678 443.7818 256.1836
400 180.3598 230.0338 13 580 350.2702 246.7235 21 630 397.8721 251.5351
420 199.1280 231.8404 14 605 374.0194 249.1503 22 585 354.9624 247.2638
487 262.0946 238.0912 15 616 384.4858 250.2215 23 540 312.2406 243.0097
604 372.9889 249.1359 16 653 419.8281 253.7759 24 503 277.2186 239.5605
Table B2 Optimal solution obtained by CSA for test system 2 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Hour
Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Ph2 (MW) Hour Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Ph2 (MW) Hour Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Ph2 (MW)
30 1.2893 20.2058 8.9533 9 61 9.6808 30.6706 21.8275 17 71 12.4622 34.0119 26.0212
33 2.092 21.236 10.1747 10 58 8.8634 29.6343 20.5925 18 62 9.9608 31.0082 22.2398
35 2.6217 21.8951 11.0234 11 56 8.3076 28.9621 19.7645 19 55 8.0392 28.6399 19.328
38 3.4237 22.9174 12.2592 12 57 8.5855 29.3094 20.1675 20 50 6.672 26.969 17.2348
40 3.9658 23.5859 13.0903 13 60 9.4133 30.3294 21.4062 21 43 4.777 24.5981 14.3326
45 5.313 25.2664 15.1741 14 61 9.69 30.6531 21.8349 22 33 2.0909 21.2269 10.1847
50 6.6708 26.9517 17.2527 15 65 10.7903 31.9814 23.5278 23 31 1.5517 20.5412 9.3729
59 9.1385 29.9905 20.9908 16 68 11.6331 32.991 24.771 24 30 1.2801 20.2179 8.9508
The transmission loss formula coefficients of test system 4 with quadratic fuel cost function
0:00 0:00000
0:00 0:00008
The transmission loss formula coefficients of test system 5 with quadratic fuel cost function
1:0 1:5 1:5
6 1:0 3:5 1:0 1:2 7 6 7 B ¼ 105 6 7 4 1:5 1:0 3:9 2:0 5 1:5 1:2 2:0 4:9 The transmission loss formula coefficients of test system 1 with non-convex fuel cost
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287
Table B3 Optimal solution obtained by CSA for test system 3 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Hour
Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ps2 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Ph2 (MW) Hour Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ps2 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Ph2 (MW) Hour Load (MW) Ps1 (MW) Ps2 (MW) Ph1 (MW) Ph2 (MW)
400 77.6154 136.7090 168.3957 22.9107 9 1230 213.1207 553.1738 334.0795 184.3387 17 1350 233.4975 615.4858 359.0210 208.5034
300 61.8847 88.1188 149.1679 4.0900 10 1250 216.5019 563.5142 338.2224 188.3521 18 1470 254.0927 678.3826 384.2226 232.8936
250 53.1630 61.2059 138.0007 0.0000 11 1350 233.4984 615.4847 359.0176 208.5069 19 1330 230.0845 605.0643 354.8432 204.4613
250 53.1609 61.2082 138.0004 0.0000 12 1400 242.0525 641.6276 369.4877 218.6326 20 1250 216.5023 563.5176 338.2238 188.3469
250 53.1612 61.2088 137.9994 0.0000 13 1200 208.0583 537.6800 327.8873 178.3354 21 1170 203.0098 522.2288 321.7122 172.3361
300 61.8839 88.1257 149.1592 4.0926 14 1250 216.5019 563.5147 338.2220 188.3520 22 1050 182.9464 460.7356 297.1675 148.5079
450 85.5249 161.1261 178.0585 32.3758 15 1250 216.5004 563.5197 338.2168 188.3537 23 900 158.1442 384.6413 266.8355 119.0086
900 158.1462 384.6399 266.8318 119.0118 16 1270 219.8885 573.8834 342.3635 192.3680 24 600 109.4438 234.8604 207.2947 60.9530
0:000049 6 0:000014 6 6 6 0:000015 B¼6 6 0:000015 6 6 4 0:000020 0:000017
Table B4 Optimal solution obtained by CSA for test system 4 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Subinterval
Duration (h)
Ps1 (MW)
Ph1 (MW)
1 2
12 12
1200 1500
567.413 685.7244
668.319 875.6112
0:000014 0:000045 0:000016 0:000020 0:000018 0:000015
0:000015 0:000016 0:000039 0:000010 0:000012 0:000012
0:000015 0:000020 0:000010 0:000040 0:000014 0:000010
0:000020 0:000018 0:000012 0:000014 0:000035 0:000011
3 0:000017 0:000015 7 7 7 0:000012 7 7 0:000010 7 7 7 0:000011 5 0:000036
Appendix B. Optimal solution of test systems
1:0 1:5 1:5
See Tables B1–B7.
6 6:0 1:0 1:3 7 7 B ¼ 10 6 7 4 1:5 1:0 6:8 6:5 5 5 6 1:0
1:5 1:3 6:5 7:0 The transmission loss formula coefficients of test system 2 with non-convex fuel cost
Table B5 Optimal solution obtained by CSA for test system 5 with quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units. Subinterval
Duration (h)
Ps1 (MW)
Ps2 (MW)
Ph1 (MW)
Ph2 (MW)
1 2 3 4
12 12 12 12
1200 1500 1400 1700
444.1752 449.9864 449.9804 449.9865
324.2934 448.3269 396.8426 567.1928
164.8779 239.3499 221.5277 249.9789
298.0429 411.3243 374.2936 496.4541
Table B6 Optimal solution obtained by CSA for test system 1 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units. Subinterval
Duration (h)
Ps1 (MW)
Ps2 (MW)
Ph1 (MW)
Ph2 (MW)
1 2 3
8 8 8
900 1200 1100
220.0541 221.3595 221.3595
399.0658 538.6921 538.6921
238.1189 323.9389 274.5214
83.0142 183.8417 125.3249
Table B7 Optimal solution obtained by CSA for test system 2 with non-convex fuel cost of thermal units. Sub-interval
Duration (h)
Ps1 (MW)
Ps2 (MW)
Ps3 (MW)
Ps4 (MW)
Ph1 (MW)
Ph2 (MW)
1 2 3 4
12 12 12 12
900 1100 1000 1300
89.8132 125 124.997 125
175 175 175 175
106.0374 122.6728 118.9902 219.9307
50 50.0001 50 70.1117
175.2938 249.4151 201.1758 250
322.44 406.31 352.687 500
T.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Energy 132 (2014) 276–287
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