Cumulative Contents, Volume 33, 1994 Articles
Chappell, Phillip B.; McSwiggan-Hardin, Maureen T; Scahill, Lawrence; Rubenstein, Michelle; Walker, David E; Cohen, Donald J; and Leckman, james F, Videotape Tic Counts in the Assessment of Tourettc's Syndrome: Stability, Reliability, and Validity, 386 Chatoor, Irene; Herman, Barbara H; and Hartzler, jenniftr, Case Study: Effects of the Opiate Antagonist, Naltrexone, on Binging Antecedents and Plasma 13- Endorphin Concentrations, 748 Clark, Duncan B.; and Donovan, john E, Reliability and Validity of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale in an Adolescent Sample, 354 Cohen, Donald J; and Leckman, james F, Developmental Psychopathology and Neurobiology of Tourerte's Syndrome, 2 Cowen, Emory L.; Work, William C; wyman, Peter A.; and jarrell, Dwayne D., Relationships between Retrospective Parent Reports of Developmental Milestones and School Adjustment at Ages 10 to 12 Years, 400 Dahl, Ronald E; Holttum, john; and Trubnick, Laura, CaseStudy: A Clinical Picture of Child and Adolescent Narcolepsy, 834 De Bellis, Michael D.; Lefter, Lori; Trickett, Penelope K; and Putnam, Frank W, jr., Urinary Catecholamine Excretion in Sexually Abused Girls, 320 Derdeyn, Andre P, Discussion of: "Parental Separation, Adolescent Psychopathology, and Problem Behaviors", 1131 Darn, Margaret B.; Mazzocco, Michele M M; and Hagerman, Randi J, Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders in Adult Male Carriers of Fragile X, 256 DuPaul, GeorgeJ; Barkley, Russell A.; and McMurray, Mary B., Response of Children with ADHD to Methylphenidate: Interaction with Internalizing Symptoms, 894 Elia, josephine; Gulotta, Charles; Rose, Susan R; Marin, Gabriela; and Rapoport,judith L., Thyroid Function and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 169 Ernst, Monique; Liebenauer, Laura L.; King, A. Catherine; Fitzgerald, Glinda A.; Cohen, Robert M; and Zametkin, Alan J, Reduced Brain Metabolism in Hyperactive Girls, 858 Fergusson, David M.; Horwood, L. john; and Lynskey, Michael T, Parental Separation, Adolescent Psychopathology, and Problem Behaviors, 1122 Fergusson, David M.; Horwood, L. john; and Lynskey, Michael T, Structure of DSM-III-R Criteria for Disruptive Childhood Behaviors: Confirmatory Factor Models, 1145 Ferro, Tova; Carlson, Gabrielle A.; Grayson, Patricia; and Klein, Daniel N, Depressive Disorders: Distinctions in Children, 664 Finegan, jo-Anne K; Cole, Trevor R. P; Kingwell, Elaine; Smith, Mary Lou; Smith, Meagan; and Sitarenios, Gabriel, Language and Behavior in Children with SOtoS Syndrome, 1307 Fisman, Sandra N; and Walsh, Lisa, Case Study: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Fear of AIDS Contamination in Childhood, 349 Fonagy,Peter;and Target, Mary, The Efficacy of Psychoanalysis for Children with Disruptive Disorders, 45 Frazier, jean A.; Gordon, Charles T.; McKenna, Kathleen; Lenane, Marge C; jih, Debbie; and Rapoport,judith L., An Open Trial of Clozapine in 11 Adolescents with Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia, 658 Frick, Paul ].; Lahey, Benjamin B.; Applegate, Brooks; Kerdyck, Lynn; Ollendick, Thomas; Hynd, George W; Garfinkel, Barry; Greehill, Laurence; Biederman, joseph; Barkley, Russell A.; McBurnett, Keight; Newcom, jeffrey; and Waldman, Irwin, DSM-IVField Trials for the Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Symptom Utility Estimates, 529 Friedrich, William N; and Gerber, Paul N, CaseStudy: Autoerotic Asphyxia: The Development of a Paraphilia, 970 Fritz, Gregory K; Rockney, Randy M; and Yeung, Albert 5., Plasma Levels and Efficacy of Imipramine Treatment for Enuresis, 60
Adams, Dalia M.; Overholser, james C; and Lehnert, Kim L., Perceived Family Functioning and Adolescent Suicidal Behavior, 498 Adler, Robert; Nunn, Russell; Northam, Elisabeth; Lebnan, Viviane; and Ross, Robert, Secondary Prevention of Childhood Firesetting, 1194 Alessi, Norman; Naylor, Michael W; Ghaziuddin, Mohammad; and Zubieta, jon Kar, Update on Lithium Carbonate Therapy in Children and Adolescents, 291 Ammerman, Robert T; Hersen, Michel; Van Hasselt, Vincent B.; Lubetsky, Martin J; and Sieck, Winston R, Maltreatment in Psychiatrically Hospitalized Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities: Prevalence and Correlates, 567 Apter, Alan; Ratzoni, Gidi; King, Robert A.; Weiman, Abraham; Iancu, Iulian; Binder, Monica; and Riddle, Mark A., Fluvoxamine OpenLabel Treatment of Adolescent Inpatients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or Depression, 342 Atkins, D. Lanette; Lundy, MichaelS.; and Pumariega, Andres J, Case Study: A Multimodal Approach to Functional Dysphagia, 1012 Bangs, Mark E; Petti, Theordore A.; and janus, Mark-David, Case Study: Fluoxetine-Induced Memory Impairment in an Adolescent, 1303 Beitcbman, joseph H; Brownlie, E B.; Inglis, Alison; Wild, jenniftr; Mathews, Rachel; Schachter, Debbie; Kroll, Robert; Martin, Suzanne; Ferguson, Bruce; and Lancee, William, Seven-Year Follow-up of Speech/Language-Impaired and Control Children: Speech/Language Stability and Outcome, 1322 Bernstein, Gail A.; Carroll, Marilyn E; Crosby, Ross D.; Perwien, Amy R.; Go, Frances 5.; and Benowitz, Neal L., Caffeine Effects on Learning, Performance, and Anxiety in Normal School-Age Children, 407 Biederman, joseph; Milberger, Sharon; Faraone, Stephen V; Guite, jessica; and Warburton, Rebecca, Associations between Childhood Asthma and ADHD: Issues of Psychiatric Comorbidity and Familiality, 842 Bird, Hector R., Discussion of: "Structure of DSM-III-R Criteria for Disruptive Childhood Behaviors: Confirmatory Factor Models", 1155 - Birmaher, Boris; Rabin, Bruce 5.; Garcia, Manual R; [ain, Umesh; Whiteside, Theresa L.; Williamson, Douglas E; Al-Shabbout, Mayadah; Nelson, Beverly C; Dahl, Ronald E; and Ryan, Neal D., Cellular Immunity in Depressed, Conduct Disorder, and Normal Adolescents: Role of Adverse Life Events, 671 Birmaher, Boris; Waterman, G. Scott; Ryan, Neal; Cully, Marlane; Balacb, Lisa; Ingram, jesselyn; and Brodsky, Michael, Fluoxetine for Childhood Anxiety Disorders, 993 Black, Bruce; and Uhde, Thomas W, Treatment of Elective Mutism with Fluoxerine: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, 1000 Brent, David A.; johnson, Barbara A.; Perper, joshua; Connolly, john; Bridge, jeffi Bartle, Sylvia; and Rather, Chris, Personality Disorder, Personality Traits, Impulsive Violence, and Completed Suicide in Adolescents, 1080 Brent, David A.; Perper, joshua A.; Moritz, Grace; Liotus, Laura; Schweers, joy; and Canobbio, Rebecca, Major Depression or Uncomplicated Bereavement? A Follow-up of Youth Exposed to Suicide, 231 Campo, john V; and Fritsch, Sandra L., Somatization in Children and Adolescents, 1223 Caplan, Rochelle, Thought Disorder in Childhood, 605 Carlson, Gabrielle; Fennig, Shmuel,' and Bromet, Evelyn J, The Confusion between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia in Youth: Where Does It Stand in the 1990s?, 453 Carter, Alice 5.; Pauls, David L., Leckman, james F; and Cohen, Donald J, A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome, 377
CUMULATIVE CONTENTS. VOLUME 33. 1994 Fuchs, D. Catherine, Case Study: Clozapine Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in a Young Adolescent. 1299 Gabel, Stewart; Stadler. John; Bjorn, Janet; Shindledecker, Richard; and Bowden, Charles L., Sensation Seeking in Psychiatrically Disturbed Youth: Relationship to Biochemical Parameters and Behavior Problems. 123 Geller. Barbara; Fox, Louis W; and Clark, Karen A .• Rate and Predictors of Prepubertal Bipolariry during Follow-up of 6- to 12-Year-Old Depressed Children, 46 I Giaconia, Rose M.; Reinberz, Helen Z; Silverman, Amy B.; Pakiz; Bilge; Frost, Abbie K; and Cohen, Elaine, Age of Onset of Psychiatric Disorders in a Communiry Population of Older Adolescents, 706 Gillberg, I. Carina; Rastam, Maria; and Gillberg, Christopher, Anorexia Nervosa Ourcome: Six-Year Controlled Longitudinal Study of 51 Cases Including a Population Cohort, 729 Gillette, Daniel W; and Tannery, Larry P. Case Study: Beta Blocker Inhibits Tricyclic Metabolism. 223 Glod, Carol A.; Teicher, Martin H; Butler, Martha; Savino, Margaret; Harper, David; Magnus, Eleanor; and Pahlauan, Kambiz, Modifying Quiet Room Design Enhances Calming of Children and Adolescents, 558 Goldston, David B.; Kovacs, Maria; Ho, Vincent Y.; Parrone, Phoebe L.; and Stiffler, Lisa, Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts among Youth with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, 240 Gonzales, Nilda M.; and Campbell. Magda. Cocaine Babies: Does Prenatal Exposure to Cocaine Affect Development? Introduction. 16 Goodman, Sherryl H; Adamson, Lauren B.; Riniti, Joann; and Cole. Steven, Mothers' Expressed Attitudes: Associations with Maternal Depression and Children's Self-Esteem and Psychopathology. 1265 Graae, Flemming; Milner. Judith; Rizzotto, Linda; and Klein. Rachel G., Clonazepam in Childhood Anxiery Disorders, 372 Green, Arthur H; and Kaplan, Meg 5., Psychiatric Impairment and Childhood Victimization Experiences in Female Child Molesters, 954 Green, Benjamin; Shirk, Stephen; Hanze, Douglas; and Wanstrath, James, The Children's Global Assessment Scale in Clinical Practice: An Empirical Evaluation. I 158 Green, Bonnie L.; Grace, Mary C; Vary, Marshall G.; Kramer, Teresa L.; Gieser, Goldine C; and Leonard. Anthony C, Children of Disaster in the Second Decade: A 17-Year Follow-up of Buffalo Creek Survivors, 71 Griffith, Dan R.; Azuma, Scott D.; and Chasnoff, Iraj., Three-Year Outcome of Children Exposed Prenatally to Drugs. 20 Handen, Benjamin L.; Janosky, [anine; McAuliffi, Sarah; Breaux, Anna Marie; and Feldman, Heidi, Prediction of Response to Methylphenidate among Children with ADHD and Mental Retardation. I 185 Holttum, John R.; Lubetsky, Martin j.; and Eastman, Laurie E. Case Study: Comprehensive Management of Trichotillomania in a Young Autistic Girl. 577 Havens, Jacqueline G.F.M.; Cantwell, Dennis P; and Kiriakos, Ramzi, Psychiatric Comorbidiry in Hospitalized Adolescent Substance Abusers, 476 Jacobsen, Leslie K; Rabinowitz, Ilene; Popper, Michele S.; Solomon, Robert j.; Sokol, Mae 5.; and Pftffir, Cynthia R., Interviewing Prepubertal Children about Suicidal Ideation and Behavior. 439 Jacobsen, Leslie K; Walker, Mark C; Edwards, James E; Chappell, Phillip B.; and Woolston, Joseph L., Case Study: Clozapine in the Treatment of a Young Adolescent with Schizophrenia, 646 Jolly. John B.; Wiesner, David C; Wherry. Jeffrey N; Jolly. Janet M.; and Dykman, RoscoeA., Gender and the Comparison of Selfand Observer Ratings of Anxiery and Depression in Adolescents, 1284 Kane, Michael j., Case Study: Premonitory Urges as "Attentional Tics" in Tourerre's Syndrome. 805 Kaplan, Stuart 1..; Simms, Robert M.; and Basner, Joan, Prescribing Practices of Outpatient Child Psychiatrists. 35
Kashani, Javad H; Canfield, Lori A.; Borduin, Charles M.; Soltys. Stephen M.; and Reid, John c., Perceived Family and Social Support: Impact on Children. 819 Kazdin, Alan E; Mazurick, Jennifer L.; and Siegel, Todd C, Treatment Outcome among Children with Externalizing Disorder Who Terminate Prematurely versus Those Who Complete Psychotherapy. 549 Kempton, Tracy; Van Hasselt, Vincent B.; Bukstein, Oscar G.; and Null, Jane A., Cognitive Distortions and Psychiatric Diagnosis in Dually Diagnosed Adolescents, 217 Kolko, David j.; and Kazkin, Alan E, Children's Descriptions of Their Firesetting incidents: Characteristics and Relationship to Recidivismv Ll-l Kovacs, Maria; Krol, Rebecca 5.M.; and Voti, Lynda, Early Onset Psychopathology and the Risk for Teenage Pregnancy among Clinically Referred Girls. 106 Kutcher, Stan; Boulos, Carolyn; Ward, Bridgette; Marton, Peter; Simeon, [ouan; Ferguson, H Bruce; Szalai, John; Katie, Marko; Roberts, Nasreen; Dubois, Chantal; and Reed, Kenton, Response to Desipramine Treatment in Adolescent Depression: A Fixed-Dose. PlaceboControlled Trial, 686 Lang, Chris; and Remington, Debra, Case Study: Treatment with Propranolol of Severe Self-Injurious Behavior in a Blind. Deaf. Retarded Adolescent. 265 Lauer, Roger E; Giordani, Bruno; Boivin, Michael j.; Hale, Nancy; Glasgow. Brent; Alessi, Norman E; and Berent, Stanley. Effects of Depression on Memory Performance and Metamemory in Children, 679 Leonard. Henrietta L.; Topol, Deborah; Bukstein, Oscar; Hindmarsb, Dale; Allen, Albert j.; and Suiedo, Susan E, Case Study: Clonazepam as an Augmenting Agent in the Treatment of Childhood-Onset Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. 792 Leioinsohn, Peter M.; Clarke, Gregory N; Seeley, John R.; and Rohde. Paul, Major Depression in Communiry Adolescents: Age at Onset, Episode Duration, and Time to Recurrence, 809 Lewis, Dorothy Otnow; Yeager, Catherine A.; Lovely, Richard; Stein, Abby; and Cobbam-Portorreal, Celeste S., A Clinical Follow-up of Delinquent Males: Ignored Vulnerabilities. Un met Needs, and the Perpetuation of Violence, 518 Linday, Linda A., Maternal Reports of Pregnancy, Genital, and Related Fantasies in Preschool and Kindergarten Children, 416 Lechman, John E; and Wayland, Kathleen K. Aggression, Social Acceptance, and Race as Predictors of Negative Adolescent Outcomes, 1026 Lombroso, Paul j.; Pauls, David L.; and Lechman, James F., Genetic Mechanisms in Childhood Psychiatric Disorders. 921 Lanigan, Christopher j.; Shannon, Mitsuko P.; Taylor, Charlotte M.; Finch, A. j., Jr.; and Sallee, Floyd R., Children Exposed ro Disaster: II. Risk Factors for the Development of Post-Traumatic Symptomatology, 94 Malmquist, Carl P. Psychiatric Confidentialiry in Child Custody Disputes, 158 Manassis, Katharine; Bradley, Susan; Goldberg, Susan; Hood. Jane; and Swinson, Richard Price, Attachment in Mothers with Anxiery Disorders and Their Children, 1106 March. John S.; Mullen. Karen; and Herbel, Bryon. Behavioral Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Open Trial of a New Protocol-Driven Treatment Package, 333 Marttunen, Mauri j.; Aro, Hillevi M.; Henriksson, Markus M.; and Lannqoist, Jouko K, Psychosocial Stressors More Common in Adolescent Suicides with Alcohol Abuse Compared with Depressive Adolescent Suicides. 490 McClellan, Jon; and Werry, John, Practice Parameters for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Schizophrenia, 616 McKenna, Kathleen; Gordon, Charles T.; and Rapoport,Judith L., ChildhoodOnset Schizophrenia: Timely Neurobiological Research, 771 McKenna, Kathleen; Gordon, Charles T.; Lenane, Marge; Kaysen, Debra;
CUMULATIVE CO NT ENTS , VOLUM E 33. 1994 Fahey. Kimberly; and Rapoport. judith L.. Looking for ChildhoodOnset Schizophrenia : The First 7 1 Cases Screened, 636 Mel.err, Susan v.; Callaghan. Marian ; Henry. Delmina: and Wallen, [oAnne. Psychiatric Disorders in Sexually Abused C hildren, 313 Me renstein, Scott A.; Shyu, Vivian; Sobesky. William E; Staley. Louise; BerryKrauis, Elizabeth; Nelson. David L.; Lugenbal. Kellie A.; Taylor. Annette K ; Pennington. Bruce F.; and Hagerman. Randi j.. Case Study: Fragile X Syndrome in a Normal IQ Male with Learning and Emotional Problems. 13 I6 M erry. Sally N; and Andrews. Leah K. Psychiatric Statu s of Sexually Abused C hildren 12 Months alter Disclosure of Abuse, 939 Messer. Stephen C; and Beidel, Deborah C. Psychosocial Correlates of C hildhood Anxiety Disorders, 975 Miller. Bruce D.; and Wood. Beatrice L.. Psychophysiologic Reactivity in Asthmatic Children: A Cholinergieally Mediated Confluence of Pathways. 1236 Minde , Klaus; Faucon, Andre; and Falkner. Suki. Sleep Problems in Toddlers: Effects of Treatment on Their Dayrime Behavior, 1114 Mazes, Tamar; Toren. Paz; Cbernauzan, Nadejda: Mester, Roberto; YoranHegesh. Rani, Blemensobn, Rachel; and Weizman, Abraham. Case Study: Clozapine Treatment in Very Early Onser Schizophrenia. 65 Mufion. Laura; Aidala, Angela; and Warner. Virginia. Social Dysfunct ion and Psychiatric Disorder in Moth ers and Their Children, 1256 Mufion. Laura; Moreau. Donna; Weissman. Myrna M .; Wickramaratne. Priya; Martin. jacqueline; and Samoiloo, Anna . Modification of Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Depressed Adolescents (lPT-A ): Phase I and II Studies. 695 Myers. Wade C ; Donahue. janine E; and Goldstein. Mitchell R., CaseStudy: Disulfiram for Alcohol Use Disorders in Adolescents. 484 Myers. Wade C. Case Study: Sexual Homicide By Adolescents, 962 N aylor. Michael W ; Staskouski, Maureen; Kenney. Ma ry C; and King. Cheryl A.• Language Disorder s and Learning Disabilities in SchoolRefusing Adolescents. 1331 Nguyen. Nga; Whittlesey. Suzanne; Scimeca. Kathy; Dithacomo, Dolores; Bui, Bao; Parsons. Oscar; Scarborough. A/fretia; and Paddock. Donna. Parent-Child Agreement in Prepubertal Depression: Findings with a Modified Assessment Method. 1275 Oates. R. Kim; 0 Toole. Brian I.; Lynch. Deborah L.; Stern. Anne; and Cooney, George, Stability and Ch ange in Outcomes for Sexually Abused Children. 945 Offord, David R.; and Bennett. Kathryn j., Conduct Disorder: Long-Term Outcomes and Intervention Effecriveness, 1069 Pearson. jane L.; lalongo, Nicholas S.; Hunter. Andrea G.; and Kellam. Sheppard G., Family Structure and Aggressive Behavior in a Popularion of Urban Elementary School Children. 540 Pelcovitz, David; Kaplan. Sandra; Goldenberg. Barbara; Mandel. Fran; Lehane. julie; and Guerrera, james. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Physically Abused Adolescents. 305 Pfejfir, Cynthia R.; Hurt. Stephen W ; Kakuma, Tatsuyuki; Peskin. jo an R ; Siefker. Carol A .; and Nagabhairava. Srinivas, Suicidal Ch ildren Grow Up: Suicidal Episodes and Effects of Treatment during Follow-up . 225 Pfejfir. Cynthia R.; Normandin . Lina; and Kakuma, Tatsuyuki, Suicidal Children Grow Up : Suicidal Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders among Relatives. 1087 Pliszka, Steven R.; MIllIS. james W ; [a von, Martin A.; Rogeness, Graham A.; and Baleer.feanette, Urin ary Catecholamines in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with and without Comorbid Anxiety. 1165 Polan. H. jonathan; and Ward. Mary j ., Role of the Mother's Touch in Failure to Thrive: A Preliminary Investigation. 1098 Raadal, Magne; Milgram, Peter; Cauce, Ana Mar i; and Mancl. Lloyd. Behavior Problems in 5- to 11-Year-Old Children from Low-income Families. 1017 Rapee, Ronald M.; Barrett. Paula M.; Dadds, Mark R.; and Evans. Larry.
Reliability of the DSM-lll-R C hildh ood Anxiety Disorders Using Structured Interview: Inrerrarer and Parent-Child Agreement . 984 Rapport. Mark D.; Denney. Colin; Dul'aul, George j. ; and Gardner, Mark j. . Attention Deficit Disorder and Methylphenidate : Normali zation Rates. Clinical Effectiveness, and Response Prediction in 76 Children, 882 Riccio. Cynthia A.; Hynd. George W ; Cohen. M orris j. ; Hall. josh; and Molt. Lawrence. Comorbidity of Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder . 849 Richardson. Gale A.; and Day. Nan cy L.. Detrimental Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure: Illusion or Reality? 28 Ricbters, Margot Moser; and Volkmar. Fred R., Case Study: Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood, 328 Rickem, Robert W; Goza, Amanda B.• Ellis, Cynthia R.; Singh, Yadbu N . Chambers. Sharee; Singh, Nirbhay N ; and Cooke. john C Ill, Case Study: Clinical Effects of Buspirone on Intractable Self-Injury in Adults with Mental Retardation, 270 Rohde. Paul; Leioinsobn, Peter M ; and Seeley. john R, Are Adolescents Changed by an Episode of Major Depression], 1289 Ross, Randal G.; Hommer, Daniel; Breiger, David; Varley, Christopher; and Radant, Allen. Eye Movement T ask Related to Frontal Lobe Functioning in Children with Attent ion Deficit Disorder. 869 Rotberam-Barus, Mary jane; Piacentini. joh n; M iller. Sutherland; Graae, Flemming; and Castro-Blanco. David. Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Adolescent Suicide Arternprers and Their Families. 508 Ryan. Neal D.; Dahl, Ronald E.; Birmaber, Boris; Williamson. Douglas E.; Iyengar. Satisb; Nelson. Beverly; Puig-Anticb, joaquim; and Perel, james M ., Srimularo ry Tests of Growth Hormone Secretion in Prepubertal Major Depression: Depressed versus Normal Ch ildren , 824 Sanford. Mark ; Offord. David; Mcl. eod, Kerryellen; Boyle. Michael; Byrne. Carolyn; and Hall. Barbara. Pathways into the Work Force: Ant ecedents of School and Work Force Status, 1036 Santangelo, Susan L.; Pauls, David L.; Goldstein. jill M.; Faraone. Stephen v.; Tsuang, M ing T.; and Lechman, james F.. Tourette 's Syndrome: What Are the Influences of Gender and Comorbid ObsessiveCompulsive Disorders, 795 Satterfield, james; Swanson. james; Schell. Anne; and Lee. Felissa, Prediction of Antisocial Behavior in Atten tion-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Boys from Aggression/Defiance Scores. 185 Saunders. Stephen M.; Resnick, Michael D.; Hoberman, Harry M.; and Blum. Robert William. Formal Help -Seeking Behavior of Adolescents Identifying Themselves as Hav ing Mental Health Problems, 718 Scerbo. Angela Scarpa; and Kolko, David j. , Salivary Tesrosterone and Cortisol in Disruptive Children: Relarionship to Aggressive.Hyperactive. and Int ernalizing Behaviors. 1185 Schaughency. Elizabeth; McGee. Rob; Raja . Shyamala Nada; Feehan. Michael; and Silva. Phil A.• Self-Reponed lnartention, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity at Ages 15 and 18 Years in the General Population. 173 Sem rud- Cli kema n, Margaret; Filipek. Pauline A .; Biederman . joseph; Steingard. Ronald; Kmnedy. David; Renshaw, Perry; and Btkken. Kaaren, Atrenrion-Deficir Hyp eractivity Disorder: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Morphometric Analysisof the Corpus Callosum . 875 Shannon. Mitsuko P.; Lonigan, Christopher j. ; Finch. A. j. , jr. ; and Taylor. Charlotte M .• Children Exposed to Disaster: I. Epidem iology of Post-Traumatic Symptoms and Symptom Profiles. 80 Sharpe. jennifer N ; Brown. Ronald T.; Thompson. Nancy j.; and Eckman. james. Predicrors of Coping with Pain in Mothers and Their Children with Sickle Cell Syndrome. 1246 Sobesky. William E.; Hull, Claire E.; and Hagerman. Randi I-. Symptoms of Schizotypal Personality Disorder in Fragile X Women. 247 Sokolou, Stephen T.H., Kutcher, Stanley P., and jojfi, Russell T.. Basal Thyroid Indices in Adolescent Depression and Bipolar Disorder. 469
CUMUlATIVE CONTENTS, VOLUME .B, 1994 Steingard, Ronald j.; Goldberg, Michael: Lee, Douglas; and DeMaso, David Ray, Case Study: Adjunctive Clonazepam Treatment of Tic Symptoms in Children with Comorbid Tic Disorders and ADHD, 394 Stilwell, Barbara M.; Galvin, Matthew; Kopta, Stephen Mark; and Norton, James A., jr., Moral-Emotional Responsiveness: A Two-Factor Domain of Conscience Functioning, 130 Target, Mary: and Fonagy, Peter, Efficacy of Psychoanalysis for Children with Emotional Disorders, 361 Target, Mary; and Fonagy. Peter, The Efficacy of Psychoanalysis for Children: Prediction of Ourcome in a Developmental Context, 1134 Todd, Richard D.; Reich, Wendy; and Reich, Theodore, Prevalence of Affective Disorder in the Child and Adolescent Offspring of a Single Kindred: A Pilot Study, 198 Touibin, Kenneth E; Dykens, Elisabeth M.; and Pugliese, Richard G., Case Study: Clozapine for Early Developmental Delays with ChildhoodOnset Schiophrenia: Protocol and 15-Month Outcome, 651 Valleni-Basile, Laura A.; Garrison, Carol Z; Jackson, Kirby L.; Waller, jennifer L.; McKeown, Robert E.; Addy, Cheryl L.; and Cuffi, Steven P, Frequency of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in a Communiry Sample of Young Adolescents, 782 Walsh, B. Timothy; Giardina, Elsa-Grace v,; Sloan, Richard 1'.; Greenhill, Lawrence; and Goldftin, [uli, Effects of Desipramine in Autonomic Control of the Heart, 191 Wonderlich, Stephen; Ukestad, Laurie; and Perzacki. Robert, Perceptions of Nonshared Childhood Environment in Bulimia Nervosa, 740 Zimet, Sara Goodman; Farley, Gordon K; and Zimet, Gregory D., Home Behaviors of Children in Three Treatment Settings: An Ourparienr Clinic, a Day Hospital, and an Inpatient Hospital, 56 Zwier, Kenneth j.; and Rao, Uma, Case Study: Buspirone Use in an Adolescent with Social Phobia and Mixed Personality Disorder (Cluster A Type), 1007
Book Reviews Ahearn, Frederick L., [r.: and Athey, Jean L., eds., Refugee Children: Theory, Research, and Services, Rev.: Donald W. Bechtold, 148 Bean, Barbara; and Bennett, Shari, The Me Nobody Knows: A Book for Teenage Survivors, Rev.: Susan V. McLeer, 287 Brandell.ferrold R., ed., Countertransference in Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents, Rev.: David Berman Walker, 435 Bromfield, Richard, Playing for Real: A Child Therapist Explores the World of Play Therapy and the Inner Worlds of Children, Rev.: Elizabeth Lazaroff, 1065 Cattanach, Ann, ed., Play Therapy with Abused Children, Rev.: Susan Frederick, 287 Cicchetti, Dante; and Totb, Sheree L., eds., Developmental Perspectives on Depression, Rev.: William R. Beardslee, 1353 Coles, Robert, Anna Freud: The Dream of Psychoanalysis, Rev.: Albert J. Solnit, 595 Colombo, John, Infant Cognition: Predicting Later Intellectual Functioning, Rev.: Michael Scheeringa, 913 Cotton, Nancy S., Lessons From the Lion's Den: Therapeutic Management of Children in Psychiatric Hospitals and Treatment Centers, Rev.: Truce T. Ordofia, 1215 Crowther, Janis H.; Tennenbaum, Daniel L.; Hobfoll, Steven E; and Stephens, Mary Ann Parris, eds., The Etiology of Bulimia Nervosa: The Individual and Familial Context, Rev.: Irene Charoor, 766 Dunn, Judy, Young Children's Close Relationships: Beyond Attachment, Rev.: Sue Colasurdo, 1357 Durant, Michael, Residential Treatment, Rev.: Lee Combrinck-Graham, 1062 Euerstine, Diana Sullivan; and Euerstine, Louis, The T raurna Response: Treatment for Emotional Injury, Rev.: Eitan D. Schwarz, 286 Furman, Erna, Toddlers and Their Mothers: A Study in Early Personaliry Development, Rev.: Linda C. Mayes, 91 I
Greenspan, Stanley I.; and Pollock, George H., eds., The Course of Life, Vol IV: Adolescence, Rev.: Martin St-Andre, 147 Greenspan, Stanley I., Infancy and Early Childhood: The Practice of Clinical Assessment and Intervention with Emotional and Developmental Challenges, Rev.: Harry H. Wright, 914 Janoff-Bulman, Ronnie, Shattered Assumptions: Towards a New Psychology of Trauma, Rev.: George M. Realmuro, 597 Koziol, Leonard, F; Stout, Chris E; and Rubin, Douglas H., eds., Handbook of Childhood Impulse Disorders and ADHD: Theory & Practice, Rev.: John S. Wetry, 1214 La Greca, Annette M.; Siegel, Lawrence j.; Wallander, Jan L.; and Walker, C. Eugene, eds., Stress and Coping in Child Health, Rev.: Margaret Stuber, 146 Lewis, Michael, Shame: The Exposed Self. Rev.: Douglas A. Kramer, 915 Lid, Theodore, The Relevance of the Family to Psychoanalytic Theory, Rev.: Lee Combrinck-Craharn, 1062 Lieberman. Alicia F, The Emotional Life of the Toddler, Rev.: Charles H. Zeanah, 912 Marciano, Teresa D.; and Sussman, Marvin B., eds., Wider Families: New Traditional Family Forms, Rev.: Lee Combrinck-Graham, 1062 McCord, Joan; and Tremblay, Richard E, eds.. Preventing Antisocial Behavior: Interventions from Birth through Adolescence, Rev.: Jeff Sugar, 600 Minuchin, Salvadore; and Nichols. Michael P, Family Healing: Tales of Hope and Renewal from Family Therapy, Rev.: Lee CombrinckGraham, 1062 Mufion, Laura; Moreau, Donna; Weissman. Myrna M.; and Kleman. Gerald L., Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents, Rev.: Keith Cheng, 764 'Brien,John D.; Pilousky, Daniel].: and Lewis, Owen W, eds.. Psychotherapies with Children and Adolescents: Adapting the Psychodynamic Process, Rev.: Carrie Sylvester, 434 Pitcher, Gayle D.; and Poland, Scott, Crisis Intervention in the Schools, Rev.: Thomas Y. Nakata, 600 Reisman, John M.; and Ribordy, Sheila. Principles of Psychotherapy with Children. Rev.: John Lingas, 1216 Reiss, David; Richters, John E; Radke-Yarrow, Marian; and Scharff, David, eds., Children and Violence, Rev.: John S. March, 597 Saitoh, Satoru; Steinglass, Peter; and Schucleit, Marc A .. eds., Alcoholism and the Family, Rev.: Lee Cornbrinck-Graharn, 1062 Schaeftr. Charles E; and Cangelosi, Donna M., eds., Play Therapy Techniques. Rev.: Miriam L. Ornstein, 1354 Shapiro, Theodore; and Emde, Robert, eds., Affect: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Rev.: David Mrazek, 1212 Singer. Dorothy G., Playing for Their Lives: Helping Troubled Children Through Play Therapy, Rev.: Craig L. Donnelly, 1355 Singer, M. I.; Singer, I.. T; and Anglin, T M., eds., Handbook for Screening Adolescents at Psychosocial Risk, Rev.: Morris Weiss, 765 Solnit, Albert j.; Nordbaus, Barbara F; and Lord, Ruth. When Home Is No Haven: Child Placement Issues, Rev.: Laurie L. Humphries, 915 Stuber. Margaret L.. ed., Children and AIDS, Rev.: Larry K. Brown, 285 Suskind, Dina, ed., The Child Patient and the Therapeuric Process: A Psychoanalytic, Developmental, Object Relations Approach, Rev.: Loretta Loeb, 436 Szajnberg, Nathan M., ed., Educating the Emotions: Bruno Betelheim and Psychoanalytic Development, Rev.: Dean X. Parmelee, 433 Vanderlinden, [oban; Norrr. Jan; and Vandereycken, Walter, A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa, Rev.: Walter R. Anyan, Jr., 768 VllIgas, Luis A.; and Koss-Cbioino, Joan D., eds., Working with Culture: Psychotherapeutic Interventions with Ethnic Minoriry Children and Adolescents, Rev.: Ruth L. Fuller, 1064 Weisz, John R.; and Weiss, Babr. Effects of Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents, Rev.: Roger Luhn, 1356 Werry, John S.; and Aman. Michael G., eds., A Practitioner's Guide to
C UMU LAT IVE CONTENTS , VOL UM E 33, 1994 Psychoactive Drugs for C hild ren and Adolescents, Rev.: T imothy E. Wilens, 1213 Za rb, Janet M .. Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment and T herapy with Adolescents, Rev.: Marshall G. Vary, 766 Clinical Perspectives Gabel, Stewart; and Bemporad,Jules. An Expanded Con cept of Counterrransfetenee, 140 [ell inek. Michael S., Th e O utpat ient Milieu, 277 Nickma n, Steven L.; and Lewis. Robert G., Adopt ive Families and Professionals: When the Experts Make T hings Wo rse, 753 Schreier, Herbert A.; and Libow, Judith A., M unchausen By Proxy Syndrom e: A Clinical Fable for Our T imes, 904 Spencer, Thomas; Biederman, Joseph; and Wilens, Ti mothy, T ricyclic Antidepressant T reatment of Children with ADHD and Tic Disorders, 1203 Wilens, Timothy E ; Biederman, Joseph; and Spencer, Thomas, Cloni dine for Sleep Disturbances Associated with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 424
R., Assessment and Psychotherapeutic Intervent ion for an HIVInfected Preschool Child. 1338 Letters to th e Editor, 142, 280, 427, 588, 7 56, 906, 1057, 1208, 1348 Sounding Board Tanguay, Peter; Bell, Jam es M .; Blotcky, M ark; Donnelly, Craig L.; Dunton, H Donald; Fischhoff, Joseph; Jensen, Peter S.; M cDermott, John F., Jr.; M razek, David; Pftffir, Cynthia; Schowalter. John E; Shapiro, Theodore; and Terr. Lenore, Co mmentary on : "What Is the Outcome for Children's Mental Health Needs in National H ealth Care Reform?", 1221 Tbeut, Susan K; and Bailey, Harold G., [r., Wh at Is the Outcome for C hildren's Ment al Health Needs in National H ealth Care Reform?, 1219 Statistical Case Puzzle Strayhorn, Joseph M., Th e Case of the Education Summit, 1205 Strayhorn. Joseph M, The Vitamin and Mine ral Mystery, 1346
Debate Forum Brent, David A.; Peters, M arilyn; and Weller, Elizabeth, Resolved: Several Weeks of Depressive Symptoms after Exposure to a Friend's Suicide is "Major Depressive D isorder," 582 Rosenfeld, Al vin A.; Ornstein. Anna ; Onesti, Silvio j. ; and Esman, Aa ron H , Resolved: T he T herapist-Patient Relationship is the C rucial Factor to Change in Child Psychothe rapy, 1047
Miscellaneous American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc., 602, 1067 Editor's No tes, I, 1079 New Research, 9 17 Practice Parameters for the Assessment and T reatment of C hildre n and Adolescents with Schizophrenia, 6 16 President ial Address, Ayres, William H , Dilemmas and C hallenges: A Clinician's Perspective, 53
Grand Rounds Trad, Paul v.; Kentros, Mary; Solomon, Gail E; and Greenblatt, Edward
Subject Index. 1360 Contents for Volume 33, iii