Cumulative organism index volumes 55–61

Cumulative organism index volumes 55–61

DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 61, 423-429 (1977) Cumulative Organism Volumes Invertebrates Coelenterates removal of symbiotic algae from green hydra with...

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61, 423-429 (1977)



Volumes Invertebrates Coelenterates removal of symbiotic algae from green hydra with trimethoprim (Hydra uiridis), 59, 255 stem cells, cloning of, nerve and nematocyte differentiation in (Hydra attenuate), 58, 372 Crustacea autotomy of partially regenerated limbs effect on proecdysis (Gecarcinus lateralis), 61, 299 encysted gastrulae, role of RNA polymerase in reactivation of RNA synthesis (Artemia salinu), 57, 293 sequential induction of multiple proteolytic enzymes during early larval development (Artemiu sulinu), 61, 94 stored mRNA translation, activation of protein synthesis and (Artemiu sulinu), 59, 48 Echinoderms cell surface charges during differentiation, micromeres and mesomeres of (sea urchin), 60, 404 acrosome reaction of sperm with intact and isolated jelly coat (Pseudocentrotus depressns), 61, 366 activated and fertilized, thymidine kinase compartmentation in intracellular structures of (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus), 56, 68 unfertilized, protein synthesis, leucine and leucyl-tRNA specific activities (StrongylocentrotU.3 JWJWFUtUS), 57, 270 embryo cell-cell interactions, surface antigens specificity at gastrulation (Lytechinus uuriegutus, Trypneustes eschulentes), 56, 343 oxidoreduction between GSH and KSP effect on cyclic protein synthesis (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus), 61, 273 protein synthesis program during ciliary regeneration (Strongylocentrotus droebuchiensis), 61, 311 RNA synthesis, rate of nucleotide addition to chain in development (Strongylocentrotus purpurutus), 59, 39 tubulin synthesis, specific activity between fertilization and metaphase (Strongylocentrotus purpurutus), 55, 191 oocytes maternal RNA in, appearance and persistence 1 Boldface numbers indicate appropriate lightface numbers indicate pagination.



55-61 during development (Strongylocentrotus PUTpurutus), 60, 258 mRNA in, cell-free translation analysis of (Lytechinus pi&us), 60, 48 Echiuroids eggs calcium influx after insemination, mechanism of (Urechis caupo), 57, 364 DNA and protein synthesis relation to meiosis and mitosis (Urechis cuupo), 61, 1 sperm penetration inhibited by cytochalasin B, acrosome reaction and activation of (Urechis cuupo), 58, 11 Insects Diptera acid phosphatase-1 synthesis in developing ovary (Drosophila melunoguster), 60, 1 S-adenosylmethionine:homocysteine transferase activity during embryogenesis (Muscu domestica), 59, 263 calliphorin biosynthesis and concentration during development (Culliphoru uicinu), 59, 12 clonal analysis of tergite development, pattern formation of homeotic genes (Drosophila melunoguster), 58, 114 /3-ecdysone differentiation requirements, wing imaginal discs (Drosophila melanoguster), 56, 206 ecdysone levels during postembryonic development, radioimmunoassay of (Drosophila melunoguster), 60, 310 eggs embryogenesis, polarity of, homeotic mutation in, RNP particles (Smittiu sp.), 55, 285 embryo, modification of embryonic fate map (Drosophila melunoguster), 57, 403 embryo pole cells, isolation, characterization, and biological function, electron microscopy of (Drosophila melunoguster), 56, 372 embryo, sequence of gastrulation processes and segmentation (Drosophila melunoguster), 57, 403 gene activity during spermatid morphogenesis (Drosophila melanoguster), 58, 276 germ line dependence of deep orange maternal effect, pole cell transplantation (Drosophila), 56, 195 imaginal discs, heterotypic interactions of, intercalary regeneration of (Drosophila melunoguster), 60, 287 1(1 ks726 cell-lethal, imaginal discs of, lysosoma1 activity and pattern of cell death in (Drosophila), 57, 160 Mu1 mutation, origin of orbital mirror-image

423 Copyright 0 1977 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved,





type duplication, clonal analysis (Drosophila melanogaster), 57, 221 maroon-like maternal effects, germ line dependence of (Drosophila), 60, 396 mesothorax compartmentalisation, the Minute technique in gynandromorph fate mapping (Drosophila), 56, 40 normal and healing imaginal wing discs, scanning electron microscopy of (Drosophila melanogaster), 60, 238 oocytes, centrifugation-induced stage specific abnormalities (Drosophila melanogaster), 55, 170 oogenesis biochemical changes, ovaries isolation and digestion (Drosophila melanogaster), 57, 385 ovary, in vitro culture, rotating follicles and pulsating oocytes (Heteropeza pygmaea), 55, 392 palmityl CoA and a+glycerophosphate acyltransferases localization during rapid membrane formation (Drosophila melanogaster), 55, 9 pattern regulation and regeneration of imaginal discs, radiation effects on (Drosophila), 60, 298 pyrimidine biosynthesis and wing abnormality, genetic mosaics analysis of (Drosophila melanogaster), 58, 134 reversible arrest in development, temperatureinduced, shibire-temperature sensitive 1 mutant (Drosophila melanogaster), 56, 213 RNA, poly(A)+ cytoplasmic, lifetimes of, pulse chase labeling (Drosophila), 57, 243 RNA poly(A)+ distribution between polysomes and nonpolysomal ribonucleoproteins during embryogenesis (Drosophila mebznogaster), 61, 70 rRNA cistrons and rDNA, in interspecific hybrids, nucleolar dominance and (Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans), 59, 62 rRNA, 55 RNA, tRNA rate of synthesis and ribosomal gene number, changes in during oogenesis (Drosophila melanogaster), 57, 393 salivary gland development, mucoprotein synthesis and chromosome puffing in (Drosophila melanogaster), 58, 339 temperature sensitive lethal mutation 1(3)c43”!, imaginal disc defect (Drosophila melanogaster), 55, 213 wingless mutation, homeotic genes, gynandromorph cell lineage, clonal analysis of (Drosophila), 56, 227 Hemiptera antigenically incomplete blood vitellogenin of diapausing females, juvenile hormone effect on (Oncopeltus fasciatus), 61, 58 Heteroptera DNA and RNA synthesis in ovarian nurse cell



nuclei, ultrastructure of (Gerris najas), 61, 262 Lepidoptera chorion, mRNA and protein synthesis, accumulation kinetics (Antheraea polyphemus), 55, 179 compound eye morphogenesis, grafting experiment study of (Ephestia kuehnielhz), 61, 287 Mollusks eggs, vegetal pole of, surface differentiation in, SEM and TEM of (Nassarius reticuhatus, Buccinum undatum, Crepidula fornicata), 61, 104 microiontophoretic injections of Caz+ and CAMP induce lobe-like protuberances in fertilized eggs (Zlyanassa obsoleta), 61, 184 Nassarius obsoletus, see Zlyanassa obsoleta polar lobe formation and cytokinesis in fertilized eggs membrane potential during (Zlyanassa obsoleta), 57, 215 polyamine, biosynthesis and accumulation during early development (Phestilbz sibogae), 57, 454 Nematodes cell lineage and migration, programmed cell death, symmetry in developing (Caenorhabditis elegans), 56, 110 Polychaeta oocytes, autonomous gene product, maternal effect in oogenesis activity (Platynereis dumerilii), 55, 46 Urochordates light-induced microfilament network and synchronous epithelium movement (Ciona intestinalis), 61, 41 muscle cell lineage, developmental autonomy of blastomeres acetylcholinesterase in embryo (Ciona intestinalis), 55, 196 Protozoa Ciliates ts mutations effect on cytokinesis pyriformis), 58, 255


Spermatophytes Cotton conditional mutation, fiber development, temperature-hormone dependent (Gossypium arboreum), 57, 234 . Lilium speciosum endo- and exo-p-1,3-glucanase activities in callose wall degradation in situ, postmeiotic microspore release and, 57, 87 Lilium tigrinum endo- and exo-p-1,3-glucanase activities in callose wall degradation in situ, postmeiotic microspore release and, 57, 87


Thallophytes Algae symbiotic, removal from green hydra with trimethoprim, 59, 255 synchronous cell cycle regulation, genome chloroplasts RNA-DNA hybridization (Chlamydomonas reinhardi), 56, 11 Fungi growth, kinetics for surface colonies, incompatibility factors effect on (Schizophyllum commune), 59, 135 zoospores, polyadenylated RNA composition and storage in development of (Blustocladiellu emersonii), 56, 329 Slime mold acrasin, chemotactic activity in cyclic 3’,5’-GMP attraction and aggregation (Polysphondylium pullidum, P. violuceum), 55, 85 acrasin-like attractant, chemotactic activity in cell aggregation (Dictyostelium lucteum), 57, 450 amino acid starvation and cell density-dependent regulation of differentiation (D. discoideum), 60, 389 calcium intracellular release during ionophore activation and at fertilization (Lytechinus pictus), 58, 185 cellulose Ilbrils and sheath strength, UDPG pyrophosphorylase mutants migration in (Dictyostelium discoideum), 56, 184 developmental changes in mRNA and protein synthesis (Dictyostelium discoideum), 60, 180, 207 intercellular adhesion inhibited by asialofetuin and univalent antibody interaction with surface lectin (Polysphondylium pallidurn), 61, 202 morphogenetic mutants CAMP effect on, phenotypic suppression of (Dictyostclium discoideum), 58, 174 protein synthesis, causal sequences, development of (Polysphondylium pallidurn), 55, 339 recapitulation of morphogenetic stages and erasure process (Dictyostelium discoideum), 60, 83 regulation of spore, stalk, and basal disk cell number, pattern formation (Dictyostelium discoideum), 59, 140 Bacteria Bacillus meguterium viability and different sporulation entiation and, 60, 453 Bacillus subtilis viability and different sporulation entiation and, 60, 453 Cuulobucter crescentus proteins, synthesis developmental

stages, differ-

stages, differ-




ORGANISM INDEX radiography, 56, 417 Escherichiu coli acrasin, chemotactic activity, attraction and aggregation,

cyclic 3’:5’-GMP 55, 85

Vertebrates Amphibians egg cytoplasmic protein localization in animal-vegeta1 axis (Xenopus laevis), 58, 1 grey crescent, dorsal lip organizer, neurulation, and gastrulation, uv irradiation effect on (Xenopus luevis), 56, 24 unfertilized, cortical endoplasmic reticulum, and residual cortical granules, ultrastructure of (Xenopus lawis), 56, 1 unfertilized, uv-labile germ cell determinant, subcortical cytoplasm and (Xenopus luevis), 55, 206 embryo amino acid metabolism, tyrosine aminotransferase ontogeny (Xenopus luevis), 56, 426 globin mRNA microinjection, translation in different cell types, distribution of (Xenopus luevis), 56, 356 IgM onset in, radioimmunoassay of (Xenopus luevis), 61, 338 free webbed digits, morphogenesis of, lack of cell death in (Xenopus luevis), 55, 331 gap junctions formation in cardiac muscle (Runa esculentu, Xenopus lawis), 60, 139 globin subunits isolation, mRNA coding for (Xenopus luevis), 60, 337 13Hlguanosine and [3H]uridine labeling of previtellogenesis poly(A)+RNA, survival for oogenesis length (Xenopus luevis), 57, 417 keratin-synthesizing polysomes, hormone control of (Xenopus laevis), 60, 163 Mauthner cell, dendrites growth, and synapse formation, interaction during neurogenesis (Ambystomu mexicanurn), 55, 244 mesoderm polarizing zone distribution, 180” limb bud tip rotation assay of, in hindlimb morphogenesis (Xenopus luevis), 55, 320 methionine activity in nascent peptides and protein synthesis, nerve-dependent regulation in limb regeneration (Triturus [Notophthulmusl viridescens), 57, 174 microtubule protein, tubulin levels in early development, colchicine binding of (Ambystomu mexicanurn), 58, 56 mitosis in vitro, limb regeneration, neurotrophic effect on (Notophthulmus viridescens), 56,316 morphogenetic signals, transmission, reception, and expression during limb regeneration (Ambystomu mexicanurn), 57, 15 neural crest migration and sympathetic neurons, nerve growth factor-induced sympathetic dif-



ferentiation of (Ambystoma mexicanurn), 56, 76 neuromuscular junction, development of function and structure (Xenopus laevis), 60, 101 nucleocytoplasmic hybrids, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase deficiency during embryonic development (Rana pipiens, R. palustris), 57, 284 oocytes Ca sensitive and Mg dependent cytotastic factor extracted from cytoplasm of (Rana pip&s), 61, 214 chromosome loops, and ribonucleoproteins, morphological changes during in uitro culture (Rana piptins), 55, 135 incorporation of vitellogenin, cytoplasmic factors role in (Rana pip&s), 58, 428 in vitro culture, 13Hladenosine labeled polyadenylated putative informational RNA synthesis (Rana pip&s), 55, 148 maturation, histone synthesis and storage in (Xenopus laeuis), 57, 118, 136 maturation, membrane potentials during, progesterone effects on, Na+ and K+ transport in (Xenopus kzeuis). 57, 305 maturation, progesterone subthreshold dose facilitation of (Xenopus laevis), 59, 91 maturation, ribosomal DNA content during, Y-rRNA hybridization of (Xenopus laeuis), 57, 226 mitochondrial DNA accumulation (Xenopus laeuis), 56, 219 mitochondrial DNA synthesis, E-strand elongation control by chorionic gonadotropin (Xenopus laeuis), 55, 59 reinitiation of meiotic maturation in, progesterone effect on (Rana pipiens), 60, 359 5s RNA synthesis and storage in (Xenopus laeuis), 58, 212 surface increase and changes in membrane carbohydrate composition during animal dimple formation (Discoglossus pictus), 61, 140 periodic albino mutant, effect on tissues and melanophores differentiation in chimerae (Xenopus laevis), 57, 460 pigment pattern, gene dosage effects on (Ambystoma mericanum), 59, 249 plasma membrane ion permeability, regulation by cytoplasm (Rana pipiens), 60, 318 poly(A), and poly(A), active as messenger RNA during oogenesis (Xenopus laevis), 57, 427 preferential expression of alcohol dehydrogenase (Ambystoma mexicanum-A. texanum hybrid), 60, 93 progesterone-induced maturation effect on cations exchange across oocyte membrane (Xenopus laeuis), 61, 28 protein phosphorylation, association with GVBD and maturation-promoting-factor (Xenopus

ORGANISM INDEX laevis), 58, 295 ribosomal gene chromatin, nucleolar isolation of, by Metrizamide density gradients (Xenopus laeuis), 55, 375 mRNA in, cell-free translation analysis of (Xenopus laevis, Triturus viridescens), 60, 48 ribosomal RNA synthesis inhibitor during terminal step of oogenesis, in unfertilized eggs and oocytes (Xenopus laevis), 57, 210 18s and 28s RNA transport in neurula cells (Xenopus laevis), 59, 259 skin stump influence on blastema regeneration, epidermis effects on morphogenetic events (Ambystoma mexicanurn), 57, 15 tail-fin regression triiodothyronine-induced, pepstatin inhibition of (Rana catesbeiana tadpole), 59, 96 tail resorption and stimulation of cell death, response to thyroxine (Rana pipiens), 55, 387 vitelline envelope transformation after fertilization (Bufo arenarum), 59, 101 vitellogenin intracellular transport in oocytes, primordial yolk platelets role in (Xenopus laeuis), 60, 482 X-irradiated forelimb and hindlimb, role of grafled skin in regeneration of (Ambystoma mexicanum), 56, 97 Xenopus borealis misidentified as Xenopus mulleri, 59, 266 Xenopus mulleri error in identification, 59, 266 Bovine gluconeogenesis in fetal liver, maternal energy intake effect on, 58, 384 Chicken degradation rate of AChRs in developing muscle, 61, 79 embryo acetylcholine receptor clusters at nerve-muscle synapses, 59, 24 antigen changes, dynamics in epiblast, hypoblast, primitive streak, and head process by immunofluorescence, 55, 33 brain enlargement, ventricular mesencephalic cells increase, cerebrospinal fluid pressure role in morphogenesis of, 57, 188 brain, heart, and liver lectin, changes during development, 60, 326 cell adhesion, differential adhesion hypothesis, cell sorting out and, 58, 204 cell aggregation enhanced by CAMP and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthinc, 58, 394 cell cultures, nerve growth factor requirement by sympathetic and sensory neurons in vitro, 58, 96, 106 cholinergic development in retina and tectum cell aggregates, 60, 153 cholinergic binding sites, neurotransmitter receptor development, 3-quinuclidinyl benzylate detection of, 55, 201

CUMULATIVE ORGANISM INDEX chondrogenic changes, 6-aminonicotinamideinduced, inhibition by nicotinamide analogue (6-AN), 58, 164 chondrogenesis in cell culture, limb development in stages, 60, 69 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans during cartilage differentiation, effect of 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine, 55, 233 collagen types I, II, and III, distribution and localization in developing eye, 59, 75 creatine phosphokinase isozymes, ion-exchange chromatography fractionation during myogenesis in uitro, 57, 330 desmosomes formation rate in junction, cell sorting and, cornea and epidermis adhesion, 55, 103 epiblast expansion and vitelline membrane structure, 57, 33 erythroid cells and hemoglobin segregation, 61, 384 erythroid cells, primitive and definitive, protein synthesis and specific hemoglobins of, 56, 412 glucose and 2-deoxyglucose transport, kinetics of, insulin effect on heart, 55, 92 glycosaminoglycans synthesis in developing retina, 58, 313 heart, cardiac action potential plateau, selective reduction of, by anoxia, 58, 124 heart development, surface morphology of atria1 septal region and foramina secunda, 57, 345 heart muscle differentiation in non-heart-forming cell, RNA-induced, 58, 230 heart and liver tissues, morphogenetic self-recognition in, 57, 150 gastrulation, cell surface glycosyltransferases during, 58, 23, 40 lens epithelial cell elongation and &crystallin gene expression, 59, 174 lens, terminal differentiation in, DNA synthesis, degradation, and repair, X irradiation of, 57, 47 lentoid bodies formation in neural retina cell cultures, 60, 416 melanogenesis in peripheral nervous tissue, environmental factors effect on, 60, 217, 226 mitochondrial differentiation during myogenesis, enzymatic and ultrastructural pattern of, 58, 356 multiple differentiation of neural retinal cells in vitro, a switch of, 60, 278 myoblast fusion, calcium, pH, temperature, and time requirements for myotube formation, 58, 328; erratum, 60, 493 neural crest cells in culture, medium effect on CAT activity and pigmented cells in, 61, 86 number, distribution, and stability of skeletal muscle acetylcholine receptors during neuromuscular junction development, 57, 317


physiological concentrations of PGE, effect on myoblast fusion, 59, 241 polarity of mesenchyme cells during chondrogenesis, 59, 153 quiescent heart tube response to mechanical stimulation, electrocardiogram of, 61, 330 retrograde axonal transport, ontogeny of, 58, 421 second meiotic division and parthenogenesis in, Ca’+ and MgZ+ influence on, 59, 86 shapes of interior cells in centrifuged liver aggregates, 59, 124 thymus, epithelial cells differentiation, thymus-specific antigen and, 56, 281, 293 tyrosyltubulin ligase activity in brain, skeletal muscle, and liver, microtubules formation dependent morphological changes in, 57, 230 Fish lactate dehydrogenase ontogeny during embryogenesis, teleost (Oryzias latipes), 59, 183 1-methyladenine-induced meiosis in oocytes, polyadenylation of mRNA (Asterias forbesi), 57, 98 teleost, 5s RNA sequence and accumulation in oocytes and somatic cells of (Tinca tincal, 59, 228 Hamster embryo, buccopharyngeal membrane formation in, ultrastructure of epithelial fusion, 58, 219 intestinal substrate cycle enzymes, development of, 60, 130 Human neural retina in cultures, a switch of differentiation, 60, 305 teratoma antigens integrally related to mouse major histocompatibility antigens, 61, 11 Japanese quail collagen synthesis by fibrogenic and myogenic cells in culture medium (Coturniz coturnix japonica), 61, 153 morphological distinction between myoblasts and fibroblast-like cells (Coturnir cotupzix japonica), 60, 26 Mouse blastocysts, amino acid transport and Na+-K+ATPase-linked mechanism in, 59, 198 blastomeres cytokinesis, cytochalasin B effect on, 61, 373 cardiocytes cholinergic and adrenergic receptors, autoradiography of, in vitro, 57, 254 cystic embryoid bodies formation compared to embryogenesis in, 61, 230 desmosomes formation rate in junction, cornea and epidermis adhesion, 55, 103 egg, cortical granules, distribution and premature release of, cell surface polarity in, 57, 56 embryo androgen response of mammary gland in vitro, 61, 358



blastocyst preimplantation, blastocoele fluid composition and formation in, 55, 1 early, cell surface antigen PCCI, spermatozoa, and multipotential cell line of, teratoma in, 57, 199 embryoid body, embryonal carcinoma of, differentiation and determination during myocardiogenesis, 59, 1 L-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and acetylcholinesterase transition in cerebellum and telencephalon, 55, 160 heart, atrioventricular node and bundle conduction pathway histogenesis, 56, 382, 397 intercellular junctions formation, dynamic changes during preimplantation development, 61, 252 ion transport, membrane potential and permeability, developmental changes in, 56, 306 limb cytodifferentiation, “chemical surgery” in morphogenetic study, 61, 388 pancreas development, regeneration and differentiation of, 59, 402 parasympathetic nerve outgrowth, trophic factors and epithelial stimulation of, 61, 131 phosphatases and adenylate cyclase ultrastructural cytochemistry, plasma membrane preimplantation, 55, 117 piebald, melanoblast differentiation, neural crest development, and pigmentation pattern, 56, 255 polarity pattern in Golgi apparatus during chondrogenesis, 59, 164 preimplantation stage, size and specific activity of UTP pool and rate of RNA synthesis, 58, 76 ribosome, failure to synthetize guanosine 5’diphosphate 3’-diphosphate, 56, 200 zygote growth in vitro, EDTA effects on, 61, 378 embryonal carcinoma, cell surface antigens relation to embryo, tW2 embryos, 55, 359 epidermis histodifferentiation and changes in protein patterns during fetal development, 60, 442 exocrine pancreas cytodifferentiation in absence of morphogenesis, 61, 119 hair structure, gene control of, site of action, 55, 397 HGPRT-deficient embryonal carcinoma, metabolic co-operation, G-banding, 55, 271 lactate dehydrogenase localization and ontogeny in testes during spermatogenesis, 57, 375 lactate dehydrogenase X isozyme, biosynthesis and localization in testes, 60, 428 limb buds differentiation, somites cellular contribution to, organ culture, 56, 174 major histocompatibility antigens integrally related to human teratoma antigens, 61, II



muscle regeneration, in vitro myogenesis of mononucleate cells, saline injection in, 55, 402 neonatal, glial tibrillary acidic protein during reaggregation, 59, 206 normal and anemic, cell surface antigens of erythroids, quantitative assays of, 59, 237 oocyte meiotic maturation, granulosa cell-oocyte association, 60, 371 ribosomal RNA, detection in ova and role in protein synthesis, sucrose gradient analysis of, 58, 248 separation of viable spermatozoa, 61, 114 Thy-l alloantigen in reaggregating brain cell cultures, synaptogenesis and, 60, 331 tooth, differentiation in vitro, transfilter induction of, 58, 197 vagina, epithelium-stroma interaction during hyperplasia development, estradiol effects on neonatal, 56, 52 Porcine oocytes maturation, polypeptide synthesis during, 56, 241 Rabbit cell surface antigens, appearance during spermatogenesis, complement dependent cytotoxicity, 55, 347 cell surface antigen mobility, sperm immunofluorescence during capacitation, 55, 260 cornea1 regeneration, glycosylaminoglycans identification, DNA, collagen, and water quantification in, 61, 346 heart, mitochondrial development, neonatal changes in myofibrils, stereology of, 57, 109 Rat cartilage induction in vitro, chondrifying mesenchymal cells, 60, 351 clonal myogenic cell line L6, myotubes sarcoplasmic reticulum and T systems differentiation, 57, 440 DNA synthesis in nuclei from differentiating cardiac muscle, 61, 245 embryo cholinephosphotransferase activities in subcellular fraction, de nouo synthesis, 60, 463 glycosaminoglycan synthesis, relation to developmental stages, mesenchyme and neural fold, 57, 75 phospholipid de nooo synthesis in, 60, 463 endogenous rhythms in fetal intestinal enzymes, maintenance mechanism, 60, 487 intestinal epithelium maturation, crypt, transition, and villus cells, lipid absorption during, 57, 1 lens epithelial cell differentiation and elongation, cytochalasin B and D effect on, 60, 14 liver regeneration, mRNA diversity in, 59, 111 neonatal acetylcholine synthesis in sympathetic neuron


cultures, 60, 473 neuromuscular junction regeneration and synapse formation in innervated muscle, selectivity of, 61, 166, 177 pituitary, fetal, immunoreactive gonadotropic cells of, 58, 148



sympathetic neurons, conditioned medium cultures, acetylcholine synthesis in, 56, 263 Reptiles myosin synthesis, myoblast withdrawal and fusion, perfusion G, in skeletal muscle (Anolis carolinensis), 55, 306