from active pulmonary tuberculosis. Only 13 were also reported satisfactory results from the parenteral in the first stage of the disease ; as many as 88 were administration of stomach preparations. Therelationin the third stage. Yet, 119 of these patients were ship or possible identity of hoemopoietin, addisin, and discharged cured or improved. Of 104 sputum- Castle’s intrinsic factor remains undetermined. positivepatients as many as 42 became consistently sputum-negative. Of the 60 who were febrile on CURABILITY OF CANCER OF THE STOMACH. admission, 43 were discharged as afebrile. As many Dr. E. B. Benedict has produced a paper1 which as 27 suffered from tuberculosis of the larynx as well as of the lungs. The list of surgical interventions may usefully be read in conjunction with those of is impressive, not only by virtue of numbers, but also D. C. Balfour and others reviewed in our annotation of variety. As many as 69 out of the 138 patients were of March 26th. He describes a group of 29 cases of selected for pneumothorax treatment, which, however, gastrectomy, in only eight of which the patient did not prove feasible in 29 cases because of pleural survived operation by a year or more. The average adhesions. Phrenicoexairesis was performed in 25 duration of symptoms was nine months, but in six of the eight surviving cases the history covered less cases, total thoracoplasty in 6, partial thoracoplasty in 30, supplementary thoracoplasty in 2, simple than five months. In view of the importance of diagnosis, Benedict, too, emphasises the necessity thoracoscopy in 3, thoracoscopy with cauterisation early of early gastro-intestinal radiography. The operative of adhesions in 13, simple thoracocentesis in 4, thoracocentesis with air substitution or pleural mortality is high, 48 per cent. of the patients dying In studying the pathology large irrigation in 21, Biihlow’s drainage in 3, oleothorax within a month. sections were made, and 290 lymph longitudinal 36 cases. in 9, and galvano-cauterisation in Benedict does not agree with were examined. glands 43 to was universal carbon Sanocrysin patients, given of the grading of the tumours Balfour about the value arc light treatment to 46, this treatment being it because of the in and has abandoned prognosis, supplemented by local quartz light treatment in difference of in tumour encountered and the types 5 other cases. About 25 patients enjoyed sun- and of structural variation different of the parts seabathing in the summer. Only 31-8 per cent. tumour ; he further describes three cases in whichsame the of all the sputum-positive patients treated during the 31 years of the sanatorium’s life became sputum- clinical results would not bear out the histological if The lymph were attempted. negative, whereas in 193140-4 per cent. of the sputum- findings weregrading in 17 cases as involved follows : positive patients achieved this result. Judged by glands lesser curve, 10; curve, 6; 11; subpyloric, greater various other criteria, the results of sanatorium treat3. Of the and cases 5 ; cceliac, retropyloric, eight much 1931 ment at Vejlefjord were better in than in the aggregate ; and this result is the more striking which survived 12 months or more, in six the because the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is lymphatic glands were found to be not involved. The size and macroscopic appearance of the glands nowadays made to depend on very definite signs. It is encouraging to find Prof. Saugman’s successor, cannot be relied on to indicate malignant involvement Dr. J. Gravesen, continuing to set the pace in the sanatorium world. JEFFERY MARSTON. sting account of undulant fev THE interesting account of undulant fever which THE HÆMOPOIETIC FACTOR IN GASTRIC JUICE. appears in this issue of THE LANCET from the WE commented last week upon the growing pen of Sir W. Dalrymple-Champneys opens with a importance of gastric physiology to hsematology. reference to the late Surgeon-General Marston’s Dr. J. F. Wilkinson and Mr. Louis Klein, Ph.D., recognition that " Malta fever," as it was then in the same issue described a method for extracting called, was a clinical entity. There are old readers a haemopoietic factor from stomach which appeared of THE LANCET who may still recollect the to differ from that found in liver and which they distinguished officer in question. Marston was for suggested should be called " h2emopoietin." A many years our adviser on medico-military subjects, preliminary report from a group of workers in and was qualified in a very complete manner to give Cincinnati now adds further to our knowledge of us that assistance. As a young man he had been Morris and his secretary to the P.M.O. in India ; he prepared the the part played by gastric secretion. associateshave found that normal gastric juice, schedule of field organisation for the Afghan War after neutralisation, can be given by intramuscular 1877 ; in 1882 he was sanitary officer to the Egyptian injection to both animals and man without any Expedition ; and he was later head of the statistical serious reaction. A negligible reticulocyte response and sanitary branches of the Army Medical Board. followed the injection of 10-20 c.cm. of such juice, In 1888 he was P.M.O. of the British Forces in but after concentration by vacuum distillation at a Egypt and was responsible for the medical arrangetemperature below 40° C. a highly potent product was ments at Suakim, and on his retirement from the obtained. Ten hours after the first injection of a Service he was appointed president of the Army concentrate from 450 c.cm. of normal gastric juice Sanitary Commission and a member of the Indian there was a reticulocyte response up to 5 per cent., Medical Board. His retirement from active service and 36 hours after, a level of 17-6 per cent. was coincided with the breakdown in health of James reached, the initial red cell count being 2,100,000I Wakley, the second editor of THE LANCET, and it per c.mm., which suggests that the material was of was to Marston, in particular association with the satisfactory potency. "Addisin," after Thomas late Dr. James Grey Glover, that James Wakley Addison, is proposed as the name for this effective turned for assistance in the conduct of this journal factor which it is suggested is probably an internal for a long period. secretion of the stomach. This would account for WE regret to announce the death in his forty-fifth the poor results obtained by administering gastric juice of Dr. Alexander Lewis Urquhart, professor of have and and Klein mouth. Gansslen2 Wilkinson year by in the Egyptian University, which occurred pathology 1 Morris, R. S., Schiff, L., Burger, G., and Sherman, J. E.: on March 28th in Cairo. Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., March 26th, p. 1080. --
2 Gänsslen, M.: Verhandl. xliii., 85.
d. Deut. Ges. f. inn.
Med., 1931,
Edin. Med. Jour., April, 1932, p. 263.