ORAL ROENTGENOLOGY American Academy of Oral Roentgenology Arthur H. Wuehrmunn,
T WAS only a few years after the discovery of x-radiation that. Kella applied what was theu known about the behavior of this new x-radiation to the field 0C dentist.ry. Like many discoveries, this mysterious new form of energy was ridicmlcd and played upon by charlatans, but it finally survived to becon~c~ one of the most helpful dia,guostic aids in the fields of dent.ist.ry and medicine. Teaching of this mw science soon after the t,urn of the century was almost. HItirely on the app~ruticcship basis. The literature is practically devoid of an> I*efcrcm*t~ to the teaching of oral m~ntgenology in dental schools prior to World War IT. Prior to 1930 many dcntist.s graduated without having had a(?CesSto ~ulclergrRcluate courses in the use of the s-ray unit as a cliagnostic: iiistriunc~nt. In order to use this new picce of quipment in their offices. ii was necrssary for dentists either to l*et.urn to school for refresher cou1~1s or to Icam from sonic’ cbthtbi*practt.icing dent.ist. ITn-fortunately, other dentists kllowle;lge c*onec!rning the use ol’ this eqni1m)(~nt was limited, and very fe\\ tlerlt.iLl schools ~fY(!r(~l SINCE CO~~*MCS.II. \VilS often quite c*ustoniary ant1 nCWssilry .for a salesman, ill orcI~t* to scull a d~tal. s-I*ily unit, to instruct t.h(! cl(~ntisf in t,hr us<: of the ctquipttlc~tlt. ‘I’hc! status of 1he tclac*hillg under such circrullstilllees MYIS poor ; perh;~l)s it WOUND \.)(I appropriate IO say it had no real ---.I
Presented at a Workshop on the Teaching of Radiology in Dentistry,. held March 16 antI I!#, 1960, at the College of Dentistry, ‘[Jniversity of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois. *Professor and Chairman, 1)epartment of Pathology, College of Dentistry, University 01’ Nt!braska : Fellow, American Academy of Oral Roentgenology. I*.'ditut.'s Xote: A Workshop on the Teaching of Radiology in Dentistry. which was held at the College of Dentistry, University of Illinois in Chicago, Illinois, on March 18 and 19. 1960, provided information which should be of interest to the readers of this JOURNAL. The papers read at the Workshop, which will be published serially starting with this issue, deal with the present undergraduate curriculum in dental radiology. the future undergraduate curriculum, the status of and available opportunities for advance11 education in radiology, and TVsearch potentials in this flehl.
It. WRY not uttt,il t.he ptriotl *just l~forc and :tI’t.er \\‘ot*ld War II that ;tn increasing number of the dental schools began to offer short post.grdnflltt~ or refresher courses in the rise of s-r:dintion. Most dental schools had start.ed to teach the scicttce ()I-’ cletttttl radiolog) 1)~ thr late 1920’s 01. t,hc early 1980’s. Tt was a much Itart*ow(~r field than it is totlity. ~tld p(‘t’hsps CHII tttot*e ttceurat~ll~ 1~ clcsct*iltcd its dentR1 WetttaPItology ; 1:hc eout*se rottt,vnt was often estrctiiely littiitetl. The s&nvc~ dial ttof gn.in del,ttrt.tttcltttal status in maty s~~ltools utttil t*(v(Attt yclat*s, itttd thvr(h :I t’(‘, in fit(!t,? sevtlt*;tI schools at. present which (to not give otxl. t*:tcliology th:lt tlcgt*ccb of rrcogiiitiott. lTnt.il t*ecvttt.ly, ]t~ilctie;tlly tto traahers of dctttd rdiology W(W: sl)cGtll~ ” tt*;t.ild thetttsclvrs. ” ‘l’htlstl citt~l~ tt*;t.itte(l itt thcit* ficbltl. Must. OT thrtn pioneers tlisltlnycvl rrttt;tt*k;tltlr ittitiatiy(l and skill itt mastering the s&npc. They tlescr\:cl ntnvh of the c?retlit. for the prestige which t.hc te~~chittg of (l(~ttt;tl ratliology currently enjoys. Rrcn todtty, very few teachers ha\-e h:tcI iltt? .l’ortttitl tr~~~ittit~g in r:tdiolog~- I)egoncl that which W:IS rccei\-cvl ilat*ing thcli t unclc~t~prndu;ttc educabion. Sotttc idea of t.hc status of t*acliology teaching ntny he gaittr(l i’rottt th(1 fact. that the Atneriean Association of J)cntttl Srhools did Itot cdaltlislt ;I ,Stvtion ott RocntgScnology until 1955. It W:LS ;~t thth thit+--scvontl itttltll;tl ttteetittg of t.hnt. Associabiott t,hat the first rocntgcnology ~otlf~ett~ sessiott was held. Prior to that! as itt l!)li, t.oetttgenolo~y hail lteen itssipttctl to on61(II the ttft(~rtlo(~tl gt*onl)s for clisvnssion, lmt the svctiott itself httd llot ~WC~I~ tadill)lishetl. The first. eottferettre svssiott h:tc.l its its th(htttch“( ‘c~t*t*c~lt~tion ~)f ()rttl Ttoetttgenoa~al)h~ .With the l’re-( ‘lit&al Seicnccs. ” 1I will 1~1notc~tl that th(! tet*tns /~c~tp1t070~/~/ tltt(l t*crcZido,q.t~ arta usd itt ;I swtningly ittt~~t~~hitt~~~~tt~l~l~ tttatttt(:r tht*oL~gholtt this article. (he sllolIltl tttttk(h iltt efYort to USP the terttt which most aecnrntely descriltes the ;tvti\-ities or s~pe ot’ the process, teclittique, or depatttiicrtt. ~fdiO/o~/!J is t.he lttuatlet term ant1 is vottvet’tt(d with the duly ttnd use of othvts t,hstt just s-t*;tcli;t,tiott. Kosnt~snu/o~~~ implies the study and Ilse of’ txiliatiott within ottly il T'el'y llill'I'O\V SCllOOl, potentially, ll;tS tll0 O]~]Wt’tllIlit~ of ptvsctttitig il spectral raligc~. EilCll COllrS(’
01’ (‘OIlrS~‘S
])C Oil]?-
As the scopc~of nvtivitic~s ltroatletts. ilS it is now tloing, iti filet. will 1W ~l~‘~~ill?lll~~lltS tnorr rlepcu’ttnc~nts, in llattlv illld/Or
roc!lltgcwolog.Yy. ilIlt ology
tttot*~! Ol’
of rocntgenology.
Some schools (10 ttot give depttt*ttttetttttl sttttas to the tritt:hitlg (III* (letlt.it.1 radiology. Ilike oth(bt* ;LW:IS in etllt(*;ttiotl, tl(‘Pttrtttt(‘tttitl Iincas;\I’(! tlt*tt\;vtt Wcording to the personality, traitting. it Mities. t111dilc~sit*esc~f the ftt<*ult.y tttettthers involved. KO clonltt itt tttost iltstilttccbs this is its it shoultl 1~; it t*igicllj regimented area
systettt dentistry
is is
not mow
progress. witlt
( ‘onvetxely, tlis~iplittcs
howeret*, than
ii0 dcntnl
1*ailiology. I’r;tvtiwl.ly c!Wl’y CliItiCitl Slll),jC(~fit1 tltc tl(‘tltill c~rtt~i~icnln1tt dqwncls 011I’ildiC~lltg~ to c?ottt.tittute to its tliilgttostic. I)tYWcvltlt*c~. ‘l%~~*doi~c~it seems IY?ilSOll~~l~le
to be i3~lt-~pnt,ecI to
sttodtl il
sei*vivcl I’unctioit, ii tttiB1it lt(b I)est it01- lo
Itotttet* with
I’012 I Ilr
the filtns. ‘rotltr~~. tttosl atltttittist t*;itot*s ilIl(l I’ilwlt~lllc~tlll#w ;l#rc’t’ ihilt svt*yivcb IWI* SC’ is 11111thtb III*~III(~ IJI~I*INIS(’ 01’ I lliS c]iscil)~itlc~. I~llI’ot~tnlltltrl~, t~it~liolo~y itt svv~~t~itl SC~I~~I~~IS c*otttitiuc+ to I)(, ;I scbrvicv ~l~?]C3lllll~~tll, jllst ilS cliagttosis is ~Wc*itSiOll~lI~ otily it l)etictit-s(‘t’(lOrtiliR ;ltl(l ltitlic~ttt-t,outittg tl~pl~tttlwl. This is tiol tlcsir;thl(~. I)~~lt;irtt~ic~tittlIsl;ttns for IXtliOlOgy is essential, cspccjul IF in tliosc institutiotis whtlrv the work load and teaching ]Oatl ilI’(’ llOilV?- iltttl \VIlCI’(’ itiicvcW~(l, cI0tlic*atcvl, :ltltl ll*ilitltVl t(W(‘ll(31’S al’{’ :l\ililill)lC. This itttI)lies th;lI t )t(bitlttvh(kt. tttrtst 1t(btttot*(* I hittt it tcvht~iG;ttt. ‘11~l11lwi hit.ve sufficient. k~tc~~~lv(lgc~III’ itttitt()ttty. sUt+c’al I~;tth~~I~tgy. c~ttt)tt*~olog~ :Ittd histology. (bra1l)ttth(tlop~‘. iltltl Ol’ill ttidivittc~ lo c~tl;llJlP ltiiti t0 t(‘ilPh t#Yctivel~ 1 IlP itlt.c~l~]~l~Ctilti~~~ I)llilSC’S. I tt tttc~cli(*;tl t*;~tliol~~g~.it is Ihe esrrldiott t*itth(‘t’ thtltl I.he t*nl(b \vhetl l-ltcalthysivi;ttt tt(*tltitlly tttitk(bs the ltrojtvtiotts. I)(htttids ltt*()lttt.l)l~ will continue 1’0~ tttittty J.tA;ttx to ttt:tke I Itc4r own s-t*itj’ l)ro.jcdiotts. Imt ncl;lrd cm phasis t11llst 11thgivvti to tlltl I)t7)lwl’ illt(~l’~)l’(‘fiItiOll 01’ filttis in tllo ~ltl~l~~~~t~iltl~~ilt~~ ~ut~ri~~i~ltlltl. ‘l’li(~ t~v~litii~;il ;tsl)cvts tirtvl 1~5c!ottsiclvt~cvlotily .1’or lll(l I)Ul’ltOS’c’ OI’ pt’cbtliic4tr:: filtll sllitil))I(a 1’01. itlttlt.I)t’(‘iilti(ltl. ,\l’l(~l~ lllill. 11111t’SS ill1 Of’ ilIP filtll Sll;lClO\VS il iv vot*tvc*tIy inlct~pt~ctc~tl. liltle has IWtt gained. II’ Ihe trvhttic*:tl ilSl)C’C’lS (II’ t~il~li0lO~)-ill’(’ I hOllght Or ilS il ))tC//?IS iltltl 11lP ititet*ltt*otivv l)htts(ss its 1h(b r,trrl. ii Iwvottlw 1,ol h logGal ntttl (~vl11 i;tl 10 give* tx~liology il~~~~ilt’ttll(~tlt SliltllS. It hits Iteen saicl t h;tl the l~si vvtttot*y itt (Imtisfry htts Imbtt highlightctl I,)- I hr tlrvclo]“llc’lll il ml ]Jrl’l’wl ion of Ivstoratiuk 1ccliniques. (‘ertaitily. thrstn hil.ve I)een tlt~\-t~l~~l~~~~‘l to it high tlegt’t’t’. ]i ]l;lS OISO ]WCtl ]~OShdh?d t.hRI tllV llC~S1 ~t~lltllt’)’ will StYI (~ttiph2tsis I)lilC(‘tl IlI)Oll lbtvvention iltld W?lttUl (If c’liseasrits the fe~htti~ttl ittl\~ittt~~s of tltc first- c*cbttt.ltty continue to 1~ e~t~l)l(~yc~cl. Should thvst? clcveloptttc~ttts tb\.cbtttu;ttci, ;ttttI it- eet*t;tittl\- tll)l,(‘ilr~ Ihit tlt(hy will. (lmtisfry. iii fut~t.ltrr ~w~~t’c~c-litig fh~ t(‘~lttti(‘ttl 1thitst.s 01: t*it(liol(~g~, will I)(* recluit3~cl to ;lilViltlVC! its ittierl~t~c+ivc~ ;thilities through t*eSe;1 w11. F:VOll al presc’ttt. ollt* t(~~hlti(:;tl ittl~;tttc(~s oi’tcall Itt*ovitle IIS with ft11t1s vottfttittittg ltt1tvlt tnorc itifomiatioti lhiltl wc iin~ al)lv 10 ittt.etqtt*et. One sees ottl~’ whttt otw knows. .Itt the fufut’c’. I~IOIY vtttlthasis will 1)~ Itla~(~l 011 III(~ itl)l)(‘;tt*i1tt(*rS of th(h l~ot*tttt11tisxnt~s tt11(1thchir t~oetlt~eltc~~t~itlthie vttrintion ittld ~I)ott Ihcstlttly of the disc>itstIsttlt(l tlisettse ltt‘(lc(xsscsitlId their t*esdt.:tttt c~fT’M.sOII t ll(’ t1cntn 1 st twctutv~s. This tttmtts thnl vortvlatiott with matotrty. l1ist.olog-y. tt.ttll l)i~tholo~~ as well ils with vlirlicttl tttcvlicittcn will. 11f ticvssity. illC*l~t?ilSC~. ‘I’hv “(?VC!Pyd>l;\. ]~l~~~lll~lllS” iti ClClll;ll ~Jl’ilVti(‘P i1l’C P0t1Sti111t.l~ ltt~(vmtitig titore iltlC1 more coluples. .\II t’siltttlble of this is found in l~et*iotlontics. ‘Trtrre ~‘~l~~~ll~il~ill~ dfOdS il I‘(’ ltoitt p ttt;tilr itt the t t*v;ttlttt~ttt, of inttx-ttlveols r povk(~ts. in i*ecoiitout*ing t,he ilI~(~OItlI~ c*lTst. al~cl in stitttdntittg the regtvwth of lsm~~ ‘I%(~ itllet~~~t~c~t;ltiotl of c*:il*ious Iesiotls oIT’c>rs alliti iilt~il-il1~~~~~lill~ lSWl
\I>lllnlC 14
It is not withitt the scopc~ of this ;tt*tiel(~ to cliscuss 111~v;t t*ious aspwts merits of state hontd es:ttttitt;ttiotis in tlelttisl t*y. It is ttotml, howe\-tat*. that all students a.rcbtvquirrtl to pass state ltoartl rsttntin;t.tions Itcd’otbethtlj- ;I t*t’ liccnsccl to prac4icc. Kithw tlitwtly or ittditwtly. thci wwiculutn of lttost tl(~t~td schools is ittfluctttcrd IJY th(b t?;lte 01’ chsatrtittatiotts offvtwl 1)~ stat{’ IJ(Jil?YlS. AS st;tte hotttds e~l~ttttl their os;ttttin:ttions to ittclttilc ~IP\V iLt*(b;ts. including more OH roetttgenoat.:tl)hic intwprctation and its npplication to trcittJllCWt pl:t.nuing, we as teachers will have t~tot*e ct*itclt% l)y which to jwlgtb the twults of out’ teachittg cffods. This in turn. may ~;tus~~tts to tttotlify out’ WIilet~g~ildu:~t~~ cnt~t~icnlmn. This l);tt*ti(*ul;tt~ influett~c III:I~ OP 1llil.y IJot I)(’ (Irsir-
itlJlC. A CoUI’s0 itt il(‘lltill i7tiliology tloc’s IlOt. Uslttllly hitYe ilIly prc~twluisitcx Sinw all si.udy of detttistt*y follows :I lwcxci*ilteil seqiwttco of couwes, tilt, stirriculutn CROW provide an ortldy ~~rog’rc~ss through \‘;I rious sultjcds. ( 411~111istry. physics, attatomyl histology, IJiochetnistry, end tnatty times lJ;ttholog,v arc usually offcrcd in thv curticulum prior to the POIII-SC in rndiology. These It&(: COU~'S~S, in addition to those within the tletltitl clinical cut*rieulnrtt. shoul(l p~pt.re tht! student. SO thtt.t, 11thC;I~ tl(‘~c’lop r;tpi(lly his tc~~hni~d ittttl illt.c!l’pr’:tilti\‘(l
cwcountered in the gen(lt*itl practice of dentistry. l’h(b correlation of knowledge ptinetl in wrliw coutws ant1 the dissetnilmtiott OE new infot*ttt;ttiott I);tt*tield;tt*ly Iwt*tittrrtt IO radiology :I,IY the lwitttch t*esponsiltilities oI’ thv twliology teacher.