Theriogenology 41:1595-1599,
DAILY PRODUCTION AND TESTICULAR AND EPIDIDYMAL SPERM RESERVES OF PELIBUEY RAMS J. Martinez, T. Limas and N. Per6n Sheep and Goat Ex erimental Station Research Centre for Animal Breeding P.O. BOX4% Santiago de Las Vegas La Habana, Cuba Received for publication: Accepted:
February Febmary
9, 1993 24, 1994
Key words: epididymal
sperm reserves, testicular sperm production,
Pelibuey rams
INTRODUCTION Pelibuey rams are hairy animals and their origin is associated with the West African breed. The animals are well adapted to tropical conditions and are widespread over Cuba and other Caribbean regions (8). reductive and productive arameters of this breed have been production of these no data are available on t sperm production and ata are scarce on hai epididymal sperm reserves. One study (5)T as indicated that the duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium of Brazilian hai rams is similar to that found in breeds of temperate climates. Nevertheless, these authors (1r ) found lower testicular production and epidrdymal sperm reserves in these animals than m wool rams. Thus, the purpose of this study was to collect data on sperm reduction of the testicular parenchyma and the spermatozoa reserve of the epididymrs of I:*ehbuey rams as well as their daily production under humid tropic conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eleven Pelibuey rams 3.5 to 4 yr of age previously em loyed in another experiment (Martinez J. 1993 unpublished data) were used m the study. lphe rams were from the eastern region of Cuba which has a humid tropical climate. Semen was collected daily (morning and afternoon) from each animal by artificial vagina for 60 consecutive da s previous to castration. The rams were bilaterally castrated (from the 1st to the 15th of Ju Yy 1992) and the scrotal circumference was measured before surgery. The sperm production of each testis and the epididymides reserves were estimated followin the homogenized count using a haemocytometer (2). Parenchyma (20 g) of each testis (15 ) was taken so as to determine the sperm production and was then separately homo emzed in a blender with 100 ml of saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride) + 0.5% of forma km and 0.05% Triton x -100. The samples were further diluted with the same solution
0 1994 Butterworth-Heinemann
so as to attain a rapid counting of sperm cells (elongated spermatids and heads of spermatozoa) in a Neubauer chamber; 4 counts to each testis were performed. A similar procedure to that of Amann and Alm uist (2 was used to calculate the sperm *Ii mg o t) the 3 parts of the epididymides reserves of the epidid mides. Previous to the wetg (head, body and tail) txe connective tissue that adhered to each part was separated.
Data were analyzed by an analysis of variance. RESULTS Table 1 indicates the results of body weight, scrotal circumference, weight of the testes and epididymides and the testicular sperm production and epididymal sperm reserves of 11 Pelibuey rams under tropical climate condittons. No significant differences were found between the right and left testis in the measurements analyzed. The sperm reserve of the head of the epidtdymis re resented 21% of the total reserve of the organ while the body and tail accounted for 12 an dp67%, respectively. Low correlations were found between body wei ht, weight of the testes and e idid mis, and scrotal circumference and the testicular and ept*d.tdymal sperm production (Ta g le 2 r .
Table 1.
Body weight, scrotal circumference, testicular and epididymal weight, testicular cell production and epididymal sperm reserves of Pehbuey rams
Measurements Body weight (kg) ~iZ?Zference (cm) Testis weight (g) Epididymis weight (g) Head Body Tail Total F$$hyma (x 106)
No. of observations 11 11
Means 58.3 33.0
SEM 1.4 0.3
22 22 23 22 22
13.3 5.9 13.0 32.6 137.4
0.3 0.3 0.4 0.7 7.4
Cells/testis (x 109) Epididymal s erm reserve (x 10s Head Body Tail Total
22 22 22 22
5.9 3.4 18.8 28.1
0.2 0.3 1.2 1.3
B d
22 d
2 d
Daily sperm reduction was 27.52 1.5 million cells per gram of testis parenchyma + 310 million ce7Is per testis (Table 3). Table 3. Daily sperm cell production Measurements Daily production (cells testis parent ghyma) Daily reduction _Icells testis)
and 5094
in Pelibuey rams (x 106)
No. of observations
DISCUSSION The results of this experiment with Pelibuey rams showed that the weight of the testis and epididymis and the testicular s erm production number of sperm cells er gram of testis parenchyma and s ermatic ce Rs per testis) are 6 igher than those foun B by Queiroz and Cardoso (15) with f; razi‘1’ tan h al’ rams. However, our results on the production of sperm cells in the testis are similar to those ?ound by other authors (4,9) in wool rams in temperate zones.
The correlations between body weight and scrotal circumference, testis weight, weight of the epididymis, number of s erm cell/g of parenchyma and sperm cell/testis in our study were very similar to those found \ y Queiroz and Cardoso (15) with hairy animals. However, the correlations between testicular wei ht and the production of sperm cells were lower than those reported in other works (10,15), ah?r ough there are no evidences explaining these differences. Daily sperm production (cells per gram of testis parenchyma) was slightly higher (20%) and the number of sperm cells/testis/day was 2.3 times higher in our study than that found by Cardoso and Queiroz (5) with Brazilian rams. However, both results were lower than that re orted by other authors (4,9) with wool animals. These differences mainly de end on the di.Pference in testicular weight than to the capacity of sperm cell production oft Re testicular parenchyma. REFERENCES 1. Amann RP. Sperm production rates. In: The Testis. Johnson AD., Gomes WR, Vandemark N (eds) Academic Press, N.Y. 1970; 433-482. 2. Amann RP, Almquist JO. Reproductive ca acity of dairy bulls. I. Techni ue for direct measurement of gonodal and extra-gonoda P sperm reserves. J Dairy SCI*B 1 61; 44:15371543. 3. Amann RP, Kavanaugh JF, Griel Jr. LC, Voglmayr JK. Sperm reduction of Holstein bulls . determined from testicular spermatid reserves after cannu Panon of rete testis or vas deferens and by daily e’aculation. J Dai Sci 1974; 57:93-99. 4. Cameron AWN, Murp lJly PM, Oldham CT4 . Nutrition of rams and output of spermatozoa. Proc Austr Sot Anim Prod 1988, 17: 162-165. 5. Cardoso FM, Queiroz GF. Duration of the cycle of the seminiferous e ithelium and daily s erm production of Brazilian hairy rams. Anim Reprod Sci 1988; 17:;P7-84. 6. 8 hang MC. The s erm reduction of adult rams in relation to frequency of semen collection. J Agric Sp. cl 194P; 35:243-246.
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