Physica D 66 (1993) 119-124 North-Holland
SDI: 0167-2789(93)E0021-P
Data-parallel Langevin dynamics simulations of surface growth P.S. L o m d a h l Theoretical Division and Advanced Computing Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
The basic principles of data-parallel programming on massively parallel computers are outlined and illustrated with examples from Langevin dynamics simulations of surface growth in the presence of dislocation defects.
I. Introduction Computer simulation of complex nonlinear phenomena from materials science is rapidly becoming an active and new area serving as a guide for experiments and for testing of theoretical concepts. This is especially true when novel massively parallel computer systems and techniques are used on these problems. In particular the Langevin dynamics simulation technique has proven useful in situations where the time evolution of a system in contact with a heat bath is to be studied. The traditional way to study systems in contact with a heat bath has been via the Monte Carlo method. While this method has indeed been used successfully in many applications, it has difficulty addressing true dynamical questions. Large systems of coupled stochastic ODEs (or Langevin equations) are commonly the end result of a theoretical description of higher dimensional nonlinear systems in contact with a heat bath. The coupling is often local in nature, because it reflects local interactions formulated on a lattice, the lattice for example represents the underlying discreteness of a substrate of atoms or discrete k-values in Fourier space. The fundamental unit of parallelism thus has a direct analog in the physical system we are interested in. 1
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Fine grained massively parallel multicomputers like the CM-2 and CM-5 from Thinking Machines Corporation are ideally suited for these types of problems. We will illustrate this point in the following, first with a simple example of a data-parallel solution to Laplace's equation, secondly with an example of data-parallel techniques applied to problems from the dynamics of 2D surface growth in the presence of screw dislocation defects. One might argue that massively parallel computers are very expensive and only accessible to a few fortunate researchers and therefor not of general interest. We do not think that argument holds. Key computer industry analysts now predict that by the end of this decade the majority of computers, from the PC and workstation to the high-end numbercruncher will be multiprocessors and parallel processors. Over the next five years, it is critical that computational physicists understand this revolutionary technology if we want to make progress on "Grand Challenge" problems in nonlinear science and elsewhere.
2. Data-parallel programming In this section we will briefly illustrate how programming a massively parallel computer is surprisingly simple when the data-parallel approach is followed. In fact, once a few basic con-
0167-2789/93/$ 06.00 Q 1993-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved
P.S. Lomdahl /Data-paralk,l Langevin dynamics simulations (~tstctJace growth
cepts are u n d e r s t o o d a typical code is significantly simpler that a corresponding code for a serial computer. The Connection Machine 2 (CM-2) [1 ] is a massively parallel distributed m e m o r y c o m p u t e r containing between 4096 and 65 536 bit-serial processors. Each 32 processors share a floatingpoint unit, so for most scientific calculations a 65 536 processor CM-2 can also be viewed as a 2048 floating-point processor. The CM-2 is a SIMD (single i n s t r u c t i o n - m u l t i p l e data) c~mapurer, i.e. all the processors execute the same instruction in lock step. All processors arc synchronized at all times and problems such as deadlocks, race-conditions, etc. cannot occur. Each processor has control over its own memory, up to 128 Kbytes, for a total o f 8 Gbytes on a 64K processor machine. For c o m m u n i c a u o n s purposes the processors can dynamically be arranged as a hypercubc shape in up to 31 dimensions. For most applications in nonlinear condensed matter physics the dimension o f the hypercube is low, - corresponding to 2D and 3D problems. The CM-5 is a newer and more general massively parallel multicomputer, which in addition to the SIMD data-parallel programming model, also supports the more general M1MD (multiple instructions-multiple data) programming concept. The interested reader is referred to [2] for more details. The data-parallel c o m p u t i n g model maps very cleanly on to the CM-2 SIMD structure. Data parallel c o m p u t a t i o n is parallelism through the simultaneous execution o f the same instruction on a large set o f data. This should be contrasted with control-parallelism , where speed-up is achieved through the simultaneous execution o f d~[.]erent instructions. This kind o f parallelism is much harder to manage and best results are usually achieved at the hardware level. The data-parallel concept is most easily illustrated with an example. Given three N × N (N = 256 e.g.) matrices A, B, and C; a matrix element from each matrix is associated with a processor, i.e., each processor has allocated m e m o r y
for three matrix elements only. The statement C = A + B is a single statement in a program and will be executed as such in the data-parallel computing model. On each processor the individual matrix element calculation is performed simultaneously. This high-level abstract model is important because it makes programs less machine dependent and thus more portable. The data-parallel model is supported in the languages C* and CM-Fortran on the CM-2 and CM-5. The data-parallel languages also support the notion o f virtual processors. Let us say that N in the above example was 512, in this case N 2 = 262 144 which is four times larger than the m a x i m u m n u m b e r o f processors. With virtual processors, each real processor is now performing the work o f tbur fictitious processors. O f course, at this level the work for each of the four virtual processors must proceed in serial on each of the real processors. Nevertheless, this model o f computing is extremely useful and conceptually simple. Note for example, that a program written for say a 65K processor CM-2 will run unchanged on a 16K CM-2, but take tout times as long. The current hardware o f the CM-2 restricts the layout of the processors to have axis that are powers of two. On the CM-5 these restrictions do not apply. As a slightly more interesting example, consider a finite-difference a p p r o x i m a t i o n for calculating the Laplacian in 2D. We would discretize space such that a(,v,)') = a ( i A x , j A y ) = ai~ and an approximation of the Laplacian correct to 2nd order in A.v and Ay would be: (a~+lj + C1~ 1) + aij+l + a i l i - 4aij)/A.v2Ay 2. The essential part of a C* program implementing this calculation would look like this: shape float:grid boolean:grid
[512] [512] grid; a, b; interior_element; /* Initialize the variables to * something appropriate ./
P.S. Lomdahl / Data-parallel Langevin dynamics simulations of surface growth b = [.
+ 1][.]a
+ [.][. } else
+ [.
1]a - 4 *
1] [ . ] a
+ [ . ] [.
+ 1]a
3. Surface growth
[.] [.]a;
/* Do something f o r boundary elements */
} The first line defines a processor layout with the new parallel C type shape. Here we have defined a 512 x 512 2D shape called grid. The next line defines two floating-point parallel variables, a and b, each with the g r i d shape. The third line defines a similar logical variable, interior_element. The rest of the code shows a where-else control structure, the body of which calculates the actual Laplacian. The left-index notation [.] [.+lqa, is another C* extension that allows addressing of neighboring processors. The "dot" notation should be read as "this processor's coordinate". This code is executed on all processors in parallel and depending on the value of interior_element, a processor will either sit idle or participate in the calculation of the interior Laplacian. The code to initialize interior_element has been omitted. The else branch of the control structure is then subsequently executed, here only the boundary processors are active and all others sit idle. On the CM-5 the two parts of the control structure could execute in parallel. We have chosen to show an actual piece of code, because we believe that it shows most convincingly that the basic concepts of data-parallel programming are indeed extremely simple. In comparison with a conventional serial program, one notes the complete absence of any loops over the lattice sites. The Laplacian is calculated with one statement in the data-parallel code, which represents very cleanly how we think about the problem. Having illustrated the basic principles behind data-parallel computing we now turn to a real application from the dynamics of 2D surface growth. Interested readers who want to know more about data-parallel programming are referred to [3 ].
The dynamics of growth processes of thin films and other surfaces is of considerable technological interest and has been the subject of intense experimental studies since the advent of novel STM and AFM techniques, see for example I. Raistrick's and M. Hawley's contributions to this volume [4]. In this section we will briefly outline how computational modeling of surface growth is particularly well suited for data-parallel implementation as illustrated in the previous section. We have adopted a modified dynamic "solid-onsolid" model which captures the basic physics of surface growth [5,6]. We present the essential features of our model and refer the reader to ref. [7] for a more detailed account of our results. We consider the following Hamiltonian: =
1 Z(~b
i _ t/)j)2
+ IZ(pi,
where 4~i is a continuous variable measuring the height of a 2D surface at lattice site i. The first term in the Hamiltonian favors growth close to sites that already have grown, i.e. the energy is minimized when ~bi is equal to the value at its neighboring sites. The sum is over nearest neighbors only. The second term in the Hamiltonian favors values of~bi close to 2zrn corresponding to layers of atoms. The last term is a uniform driving force corresponding to the chemical potential difference between surface and ambient vapor. This Hamiltonian is nothing but the discrete version of the sine-Gordon equation in two space dimension. The time evolution of ~bi is given by the following equations of motion which we have also augmented with Langevin noise and dissipation:
P.S. Lomdahl / Data-parallel Langevin dynamics simulations qf surJace growth .
n n i - - - -
0 i
250 '
Fig. 1. S n a p s h o t f r o m the t i m e e v o l u t i o n o f a s i m u l a t i o n o f ( 2 ) 1 = 0.8, a n d ~ = s e e d for spiral s u r f a c e g r o w t h . In ( a ) T = 0 a n d in (b) 7" = 1.0.
1.0. T h e F r a n k - R e a d
s o u r c e acts as a
P.S. Lomdahl / Data-parallel Langevin dynamics simulations of surface growth d2(5i
dt 2
- ~"_,((si+j - (5i) + sin(4i) + I J
+ ~
+ 2~(t),
where the noise is taken as Gaussian:
t- 4
(2i(t)) = 0, (2i(t)2j(t'))
= 2eT&ij&(t-
We are primarily interested in dynamics of growth in the presence of defects like screw dislocations. The screw dislocation can be analytically approximated by the following continuum expression: (5(x,y)
= tan -1 ( x / y )
- (50.
0 0.0
Fig. 2. Schematic phase diagram showing regimes of spiral growth, lattice discreteness pinning, and growth via homogeneous nucleation. From ref. [7].
However, this expression for (50 does not satisfy the continuum static equation of motion. In order for the screw dislocation to be a static solution to the equations of motion we consider growth relative to (50, i.e. the argument to the sine function in (1) is modified to include (50. The static continuum equation is V2(5 = sin ((5- (50). We note here that (50 can represent an ensemble of screw dislocations. In many simulations we have taken (50 to represent a pair of fixed screw dislocations with opposite Burger's vectors, i.e. a Frank-Read source for crystal growth. It is worth noting here that (2) is readily implemented in a data-parallel fashion as explained in section 1. Direct simulations of (2) show clear evidence for spiral surface growth due to the Frank-Read source. In fig. la we show a 3D perspective shaded surface plot of a snapshot well into the time evolution of the growth process. This figure was obtained for essentially zero temperature and I = 0.8 and e = 1.0. The spacing between the screw dislocations in the Frank-Read source is 100 lattice spacings. In fig. 1b we show the corresponding picture for a simulation with T = 1.0. It is clear from this figure that as well as spiral growth additional growth is occurring via homogeneous nucleation. In this situation
we are in a regime where the two growth mechanisms are coexisting and competing. We can summarize the basic physics of our model in a temperature-pressure phase diagram which is shown in fig. 2. The presence of defects like the screw dislocations of the the Frank-Read source dramatically change the dynamics of the growth process at low temperatures and driving forces (pressure). The critical force for growth to occur is strongly decreased in the presence of defects. The dynamics of the spiral growth is characterized by ( ( d 0 i / d t ) ) ~ 12, where the double brackets indicate time and space averages. We also note that our system exhibits a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition at high fields and temperatures where the presence of screw dislocation defects is unimportant. We again refer the interested reader to ref. [7] for more details. We have illustrated how data-parallel programming of massively parallel multicomputers makes modeling of 2D nonlinear dynamic processes like surface growth easy and interactive. We want to stress that our model of surface growth is indeed simple, but it nevertheless captures the essential physics of the underlying process. It is straightforward to modify the model to include more realistic (materials specific) potentials, effects of disorder, diffusing cores
P.X Lomdahl / Data-parallel Langevin dynamics simulations ql'surjace growth
(dynamic Frank-Read sources), and coupling to reaction-diffusion systems (hereby adding chemistry). All of these changes can readily be accommodated within the data-parallel formulation.
Acknowledgement I thank the Los Alamos Advanced Computing Laboratory for generous support and for making their facilities available to me. This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy.
References [ 1 ] W.D. Hillis, The Connection Machine, Sci. Am. (June 1987) 108. [2] C.E. Leiserson et al. in Proc. of Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms '92 (San Diego, June 1992). [3] P.J. Hatcher and M.J. Quinn, Data-Parallel Programming of MIMD Computers (MIT Press, 1991 ). [4] I. Raistrick, Physica D 65 (1993) 00 (these proceedings); M. Hawley, Physica D 65 (1993) 00 (these proceedings). [5] F.C. Frank and W.T. Read, Phys. Rev. 79 (1950) 722; W.K. Burton, N. Cabrera, and F.C. Frank, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London 243A (1951) 299 ; N. Cabrera and M.M. Levine, Philos. Mag. 1 (1956) 450. [6] J.D. Weeks and G.H. Gilmer, Adv. Chem. Phys. 40 (1979) 157. [7] F. Falo, A.R. Bishop, P.S. Lomdahl, and B. Horovitz, Phys. Rev. B 43 (1991) 8081.