Kuhni in the farefront sf VO
The technique’of absorbing the VOC’S-from process plant vents in high -boiling point ,oils is bein”g -rsaiised an a commercial scale for-the first time in the UK. A plant to’remove :a wide variety of volitile organic cornpounds, designed atid construct& by Kuhni AG of Switzgrfanti, h&s be&n installed at J$e Dagenham Works of Rhane Pouleno Rarer. The, plant will handle vents containing organic3 j.,such“ as benzene and dichlorbm&hane.. A regularly, available boil&g point “‘wash.dil! is used to absorb the VOC’s by ctrunter-current’ii;ontactin B packed column. The o’fl is fed at ambient tei”njMature into the t”op of the column Iwhere it meetsan:up~ffovir of the vent gases under induced draught. ihe 1oaelkd,oil Cs theh stripped of its VOC content in ‘a $x+EI ,~olilmti.‘Thil:r@‘quires an elevated temperature followed by contact rrn+?r vacuum with fivit ate&q regenejatitig i3 for re-use in the;.absorption column. Heat E?xchange”be’tw@n the hot stripp&d recycled oil and the cooler, ioaded oil mjnimises’-the plant energy consumption. Kiihni AG, ,Gewerbbsfrasse 28, PO’ BoX;‘“5?; W-4123 Alkschurii 2, S.witzerland. Teli $i-4f Si 481 2&X; fax: -C41 67 481 5879.
nspec acquires P84 from UK-based lnspec Group Plc has announced that it has reached agreement to acquire the P84 high-performance polyimide fibres business from Lenzing AG. The deal should be completed in early April. The assets, workforce and management of the P84 business in Lenzing, Austria will be purchased through a new, wholly owned Austrian subsidiary company, Imi-Tech Fibres GmbH. Lenzing AG will continue to provide services and utilities to the new company. In line with Inspec’s strategy of acquiring busi-
nesses with strong technology and growth potential, the long-term lease of an adjacent plot of land for future expansion will form part of the deal. P84 fibres are used worldwide in high-temperature applications, including hot gas filtration and firefighting apparel. Together with the US-based Imi-Tech polyimide foam business, this acquisition will broaden Inspec’s range of polyimide foam applications in a core business area. Imi-Tech Fibres GmbH, A-4860 Lenzing, Austria. Tel: i-43 7672 701 2624, fax: +43 7672 74823.
De-oiler improves aircra environmental performanc Pratt & Whitney (Canada) has placed a development order with Dunlop Aero Equipment for 10 air/oil separation units to be fitted to the accessory gearbox of its new PW.545 engine. Dunlop air/oil separators (de-oilers) utilise the properties of Retimet, a proprietary metal foam material developed for use in air breathing oil systems. Mounted on the rotating shaft, the separator removes the oil from the air/oil mixture or foam and centrifuges it to the periphery of the housing before returning it to the system. Properties such as thickness of the fibres and size
of the cavities are developed for each application depending on diameter and speed of shaft, housing space, and other factors. Already in use on a number of aircraft engines, Dunlop air/oil separators prevent discharge to atmosphere of even very small oil droplets. Of simple construction they provide a high level of reliability and safety. They have been subjected to inverted running and negative gravity test conditions. Dunlop Equipment, Holbrook Lane, Foleshill, Coventry, CV6 4AA, UK. Tel: +44 1203 682000; fax: + 44 1203 683407.
Brackett Green acquires Karl Brieden
Longworth reorganises
Brackett Green has purchased the filtration division of Maschinenfabrik Karl Brieden GmbH & Co. of Bocham, Germany. The filtration division includes the complete range of fully automatic back-flushing strainers including the patented breathing filter range of BRF strainers. Also included is the debris strainer for on-line straining of condenser circulating water. The products will be produced at the UK works of Brackett Green, a supplier in the design and manufacture of equipment for the mechanical cleaning of water. The strainer and filtration products will be available in North America through Brackett Green USA Inc. of Houston, Texas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Brackett Green UK. Brackeff Brieden Filfration Division, Brackett Green Limited, Severails Lane, Coichesfer, Essex CO4 4PD, UK. Tel: +44 1206 852121; fax: +44 7206 844509.
Longworth of Blackburn, UK, a specialist in filter refurbishment technology, has established two new divisions - Longworth Process Technology and Longworth Systems Technology. Longworth Process Technology, which is headed by Bob Ormerod as general manager, will be responsible for the filters and components refurbishment service based at the Blackburn factory. Longworth Systems Technology division will be led by engineering manager Tony Bannan, who has world-wide experience in the installation of Longworth’s custom-made equipment for in-plant refurbishment. The two new divisions will report to the main group board - managing director Brian Longworth and technical director John Norris. Longworth, Unit 207, Glenfield Park, Phililps Road, Blackburn BBI 5PF, UK. Tel: +%4 125% 680501, fax: + 4% 1254 54047.