, where P = {P1,…, A PNPetri structure >, where P = {P1,…, A defined asTG=={T
, P = and {P1,…, A defined asnq
are is a the PN system W = W{1,...,q}, PO – I integer n non-negative WPRM isI the where WPR_C, WPO_C are extracted from matrices WPR and WPO by considering only the controllable transitions. Depending on the control application, some forbidden markings may be also specified. For this purpose, the function LEGAL is defined for any marking M R(GC, MI) as LEGAL(M) = 0 if the marking is forbidden else LEGAL(M) = 1 and RL(GC, MI) R(GC, MI) is the set of markings that are legal. The objective of the proposed control design is to reach a reference marking Mref RL(GC, MI) starting from initial marking MI with a trajectory of minimal length (for PNs) or minimal duration (for TPNs) that has no uncontrollable transition and that visits no forbidden marking. with W = WPO – WPR (Z) nq (Z is the set of positive and negative integer numbers) of rank r. There exists a regular matrix PL (Z) nn and a regular permutation matrix PR {0,1} qq such that: 𝑊𝑊 𝑊𝑊 ′ = 𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿 . 𝑊𝑊. 𝑃𝑃𝑅𝑅 = ( 11 𝑊𝑊21 with WC = WPO_C – WPR_C (Z) nqc of rank r. The integer optimization problem (6) with variable X of dimension qC: Min {||X||1: X = (Z) qc} such that: X 0 and W.X = (Mref – MI) , a set TC of controllable transitions, a function LEGAL that defines the forbidden markings, an initial marking MI (N) n and a reference marking Mref RL(GC, MI). If no uncontrollable transition fires and (7) has no spurious solution (i.e. the solution corresponds to a feasible sequence), then the iterative use of Algorithm 1 drives the marking from MI to Mref with a sequence of minimal length |X*| where X* is the solution of (7). Proof: if Mref RL(GC, MI) and no uncontrollable transition fires, there exist K 0 and a firing sequence = T(1)T(2)…T(K) such that the marking trajectory (, MI) ends with Mref. If in addition (7) has no spurious solution, then the resolution of (7) leads to X() and J(MI,Mref) = ||X()||1 = K. Starting Algorithm 1 with initial marking MI and depth H, there exists a marking M’ encoded in partial reachability graph and two sequences ’ and ” such that MI [’ > M’ and M’ [” > M” with |’| = H and J(M’,Mref) = ||X(”)||1 = K-H. The first transition T(j1) of sequence ’ fires, MI [T(j1) > M(1) and the algorithm starts again from M(1). The resulting trajectory MI [T(j1) > M(1)…. M(K-1) [T(jK) > Mref reaches the reference and is of minimal size.
Copyright © 2016, 2016 IFAC 384Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2405-8963 © IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Copyright 2016 responsibility IFAC 384Control. Peer review©under of International Federation of Automatic Copyright © 2016 IFAC 384 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.635
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Dimitri Lefebvre / IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-12 (2016) 384–389
transition Tj is enabled at marking M if and only if (iff) nj(M) > 0, this is denoted as M [Tj >. The amount in which Tj fires is an integer that satisfies 0 < nj(M) and the marking varies according to M = M’ – M = .W(:, j), where W(:, j) is the column j of incidence matrix. This is denoted by M [Tj > M’ or by M’ = M +.W.Xj where Xj is the firing count vector of transition Tj (David & Alla, 1992). An untimed firing sequence fired at marking MI is defined as = T(j1)T(j2)…T(jh) where j1,... jh are the labels of the transitions. X() is the firing count vector associated to , || = ||X()||1 = h is the length of (|| . ||1 stand for the 1-norm), and = stands for the empty sequence. When and ’ are two sequences, ’ stands for the concatenation of and ’. The untimed firing sequence fired at M leads to the untimed marking trajectory (,M): (,M) = M [T(j1) > M(1)…. M(h-1) [T(jh) > Mref.
combined with a model predictive control (MPC) approach based on the minimization of the cost function JEucl: JEucl(M,Mref) = (M - Mref)T.In.(M - Mref)
that corresponds to the Euclidean distance from the marking M to the reference Mref in marking space (In stands for the identity matrix of dimension n x n). Sufficient conditions have been stated so that the proposed method converges to the reference (Lefebvre & Leclercq, 2015) but, in comparison with the exhaustive search, optimality cannot be ensured and near minimal length sequences are obtained (instead of minimal ones). One reason that explains sub-optimality is that the Euclidean distance in marking space does not always explain how “far” two markings are in terms of firing sequences. Moreover with criterion (4), the marking may be attracted by local minima that are due to hill-climbing phases (i.e. phases during which the distance to reference necessarily increases before it decreases). In the next section, a more efficient cost function is proposed.
where M(1),...,M(h-1) are the intermediate markings and Mref is the final marking. A marking M is said reachable from initial marking MI if there exists a firing sequence such that (s.t.) MI [ >M and is said feasible at MI. R(G, MI) is the set of all reachable markings from MI.
3.2. Cost function based on the remaining firing count vector In this section, the criterion (4) is replaced by an estimation of the number of firings required to reach the reference Mref from the marking M. This estimation is based on the computation of the firing count vector X that satisfies Mref – M = W.X according to an integer optimization problem. For that purpose let us first detail a transformation of the incidence matrix with Proposition 1:
2.3. Control design for PNs and TPNs For control issues, the set of transitions T is divided into 2 disjoint subsets TC, and TNC such that T = TC TNC. TC is the subset of qC controllable transitions, and TNC the subset of qNC uncontrollable transitions. The firing of controllable transitions that are enabled can be enforced or avoided by the controller whereas the firing of uncontrollable transitions cannot be driven by the controller. R(GC, MI) R(G, MI) is the set of all reachable markings from initial marking MI by firing only controllable transitions and GC =
Proposition 1: Let consider a PN structure G =
𝑊𝑊12 ) 𝑊𝑊22
where W11 = (Z) rr is an integer regular (i.e. of rank r) upper triangular matrix, W21 = 0(n-r)r and W22 = 0(n-r)(q-r) (i.e. zero matrices of appropriate dimensions). Proof: the proof consists in the iterative construction of the regular matrices PL (Z) nn and PR {0,1}qq. Let w1min = wi*j* such that |wi*j*| = min (|wij| : i = 1,…,n, j = 1,…,q). There exists two permutation matrices Pleft1 {0,1} nn and Pright1 {0,1} qq such that w1min is placed in the upper left corner of matrix Pleft1.W.Pright1. There also exists a regular diagonal matrix Dleft1: 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝑤𝑤 1 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ) 0 ) 𝐷𝐷𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙1 = ( 0 𝐼𝐼𝑛𝑛−1
3. Model predictive control for untimed Petri nets The basic idea of MPC is to anticipate the evolution of the system in order to achieve the control objective. At each step, a cost function is minimized, possibly under some constraints. A sequence of control actions is obtained. The first action of this sequence is applied and the prediction starts again from the new state reached by the system (Richalet et al., 1978; Camacho & Bordons, 2007).
with sign(x) = 1 if x > 0, sign(x) = 0 if x = 0 and sign(x) = -1 if x < 0. Finally there exists a lower triangular regular matrix Cleft1:
3.1. Cost function based on Euclidean distance
𝛼𝛼 𝐶𝐶𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙1 = ( 1 𝑋𝑋
0 ) 𝐼𝐼𝑛𝑛−1
𝑊𝑊 1 𝑊𝑊1 = ( 111 𝑊𝑊 21
𝑊𝑊 112 ) 𝑊𝑊 1 22
with 1 > 0, such that W1 = Cleft1.Dleft1.Pleft1.W.Pright1 = PL1.W.PR1 with:
In our previous works, an adaptation of the Dijkstra algorithm has been used to compute the set of legal marking trajectories with minimal length H* from MI to Mref when only controllable transitions are fired. This algorithm was based on a partial exploration of the PN reachability graph so that this subgraph rooted in MI includes only legal markings, reaches Mref and has the smallest depth (Lefebvre & Leclercq, 2015). The main difficulty with this algorithm is the exponential complexity with respect to (wrt) the depth of the exploration: the method is time consuming and not acceptable when the markings MI and Mref are far from each other. In order to overcome this difficulty the partial exploration of reachability graphs has been
and W111 = w1min (Z)11 of rank 1, W112 = (Z) 1(n-1), W121 is a zero matrix of dimensions (n-1)x1 and W122 (Z) (n-1)x(q-1) is of rank r-1. The matrix PL1 (Z) nn is regular and PR1 {0,1} qq is a permutation matrix. The same transformation is repeated r times so that finally (5) holds with:
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𝑊𝑊11 = 𝑊𝑊
1 𝑤𝑤𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 =( 0 0
𝑋𝑋 ⋱ 0
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Note that J(M,Mref) includes the constraints to avoid the forbidden markings but J(M,Mref) is not a distance ( J(M,Mref) ≠ J(Mref,M)). Note also that (8) is a lower bound of the remaining number of firings because it may encode some spurious solutions (i.e. non feasible or non legal marking trajectories).
𝑟𝑟 𝑤𝑤𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
of rank r, W21 and W22 are zero matrices of appropriate dimensions. The transformation introduced with Proposition 1 is then applied to the structure GC of the controllable part of any PN systems and is used to reformulate the integer optimization problem (6) with qC variables as a reduced integer optimization problem (7) with qC-r variables. Proposition 2: Let consider a PN system with a set TC of qC controllable transitions so that GC =
is equivalent to the reduced integer optimization problem (7) with variable X2 of dimension qC-r: Min {f.X2 : X2 = (Z) qc-r} such that:
(𝑊𝑊 )−1 . 𝑊𝑊12 (𝑊𝑊 )−1 . 𝛥𝛥𝛥𝛥1 ( 11 ) . 𝑋𝑋2 ≤ ( 11 ) −𝐼𝐼𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞−𝑟𝑟 0𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞−𝑟𝑟
with f = (1qc)T.(Pd2 – Pd1.(W11)-1.W12), Pd = (Pd1 | Pd2), Pg = ((Pg1)T | (Pg2)T)T and M1 = Pg1. (Mref – MI).
3.3. Optimization algorithm for PN The basic idea is to use the performance criterion (8) that evaluates how “far” from the reference the current marking is to drive the search in reachability graph. For any integer H ≥ 0 and any marking M RL(GC, MI), the following notations are introduced: (M,H) is the set of untimed control sequences issued from M s.t. (,M) visits no forbidden marking and || ≤ H. For all (M,H), J(,M,Mref) = J(M’,Mref) with M [ > M’ *(M,H) (M,H) is the subset of firing sequences issued from M s.t. J(,M,Mref) = min{ J(’,M,Mref) : ’ (M,H)} Algorithm 1 explores a local area of the reachability graph rooted at M. Such an area is limited by the length of the sequences that are encoded to limit the computational effort. It is not required that the whole sequence that drives the marking from MI to Mref belongs to this local area but the algorithm searches a sequence * that minimizes the criterion J(,M,Mref) in order to move the marking near to Mref. The next transition T* to fire is the first transitions of *. When *(M,H) contains several sequences, * will be preferred as the shortest one. Algorithm 1 also returns the output converge that indicates that a solution exists: converge = -1 if the selected sequence satisfies = , converge = 1 if the selected sequence satisfies M [ > Mref, converge = 0 elsewhere.
Proof: let us apply Proposition 1 to the structure GC of the controllable part of the consider PN and compute the matrices PL (Z) nn , PR {0,1} qcqc and W’ = (Z) nqc. Let then introduce M’ = PL.(Mref – MI) = (M1T M2T)T with M1 (Z)r, M2 (Z)n-r and X’ = (PR)-1.X = (X1T X2T)T with X1 (Z)r, X2 (Z)qc-r. Note that the constraint W.X = (Mref – MI) is equivalent to:
Algorithm 1: computation of the next transition to fire for PN (Inputs: M,Mref,TC,LEGAL,H; Output: converge, T*) (M,H) , converge 0, T* 1. 2. for h from 0 to H 3. for all (M,H) s.t. ||=h 4. compute M' s.t. M [ > M' 5. for each controllable transition T enabled at M’ 6. compute ' T and M" s.t. M’ [T > M” 7. if (LEGAL(M”) = 1) and (|’| H) (M,H) (M,H) {’} 8. 9. end if 10. end for 11. end for 12. end for 13. *(M,H){ (M,H) s.t. (,M,Mref) = min{ J(’,M,Mref) : ’ (M,H)}} 14. **(M,H) argmin{|| s.t. *(M,H)} 15. if {} = **(M,H), 16. converge -1, T* 17. else 18. select T* as the first transition in the sequences * in **(M,H) 19. end if 20.if M [* > Mref 21. converge 1 22.end if
X1 = (W11)-1.M1 - (W11)-1. W12.X2 with X2 (Z)qc-r The constraint X 0 is equivalent to X’ 0 (PR is a permutation matrix) that leads to the constraints in (7). Additionally, the cost function in (7) is also equivalent to the cost function in (6). Thus, as long as Pd1.(W11)-1.M1 is constant: Min {(1qc)T.(Pd1.(W11)-1.M1 + Pd2.X2 - Pd1.(W11)-1.W12.X2) with X2 (Z) qc-r} is equivalent to min {f.X2 : X2 = (Z) qc-r} with f = (1qc)T.(Pd2 – Pd1.(W11)-1.W12). Proposition 3: The linear multivariable optimization problem (7) has a solution with integer values if Mref R(GC, MI). Proof: the proof is a trivial consequence of Proposition 2 (optimization problems (6) and (7) are equivalent) and (6) admit necessarily an integer solution as long as Mref is reachable by firing only controllable transitions. Thus (7) admits also an integer solution.
Note that several sequences may also exist in **(M,H) and several candidates also exist for T*. In that case, T* is chosen among the set of candidates.
From Propositions 1 to 3, an approximation of the number of firings required to reach Mref from M is obtained as: J(M,Mref) = (1qc)T.(Pd1.(W11)-1.M1 + Pd2.X2 - Pd1.(W11)-1.W12.X2) where X2 is the solution of (7) (8) 386
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T3 T5 T5 T6 T2 T2 T4 is found. Necessary and sufficient conditions on parameter 𝐻𝐻 that ensure the convergence from MI to Mref are given by proposition 4.
3.4. Discussion about the depth H of the search Algorithm 1 is iteratively used to reach Mref from MI. Its most important parameter is the maximal length H of the firing sequences that are considered. If at a given step k, H is too small, Algorithm 1 may result in **(M,H) = {}. Such a situation occurs due to hill climbing phases in the variations of criterion (8) because the resolution of the problem (7) includes also spurious solutions in terms of vector X. In that case, the parameter H should be enlarged. Consider PN1 with TC = T, all reachable markings are assumed to be legal, MI = (1 0 0 0)T and Mref = (1 0 0 3)T in Fig. 1 as an example:
Proposition 4: Let us consider a PN structure G =
Fig. 1: PN1 with MI = (1 0 0 0)T J(MI, Mref) = 1 because W.(0 0 0 0 1)T = (0 0 0 3)T = Mref – MI but T5 is not enabled at MI due to the weight wPR15 = 2 and so = T5 is not encoded in the partial graph (i.e. (0 0 0 0 1)T is a spurious solution) . For H = 1, the set *(M,H) remains empty and H must increases until the solution * = T1 T3 T3 T5 T2 T2 T4 is found. On the contrary, if H is too large, then the iterative use of Algorithm 1 certainly reaches Mref but the computational effort is uselessly high. For these reasons it is important to adapt the parameter H at each step in range [𝐻𝐻 ∶ 𝐻𝐻] where 𝐻𝐻 and 𝐻𝐻 are input parameters, so that H is just large enough to find the next transition to fire. The complete adaptation of H is obtained with an algorithm detailed in our previous work (Lefebvre & Leclercq, 2015). At each step k 1, Algorithm 1 starts with M(k1) (as defined in equation (2)) and H(k) = max(𝐻𝐻,H(k-1)-1). Then parameter H(k) increases as long as converge(k) = -1. When converge(k) = 0, T*(jk) is selected, the new marking M(k) is computed with M(k-1) [T*(jk) > M(k) and Algorithm 1 starts again with M(k). When an uncontrollable transition fires, the execution is interrupted and Algorithm 1 starts again with the new initial marking Mnext resulting from the firing of the uncontrollable transition. Mref should satisfy Mref RL(GC, Mnext) to ensure convergence. A backtracking procedure that restarts the search from MI is also included to enlarge 𝐻𝐻 when a deadlock is reached that is not a priori detected as a forbidden marking (i.e. converge(k) = -2). Consider PN2 with TC = T, all reachable markings are assumed to be legal, MI = (1 0 0 0 0)T and Mref = (0 0 0 1 3)T in Fig. 2 as an example:
Moreover, if no uncontrollable transition fires and (7) has no spurious solution, the criterion J(M(k),Mref), k = 1,…,K is monotonic strictly decreasing over the marking trajectory from MI to Mref. In that case H = 1 is enough to reach Mref with a sequence of minimal length. 3.5. Examples PN3 of Fig 3 with TC = T is a controlled unbounded PN with weighted arcs. The cycle in the left side is marking producer and the cycle in the right side is marking consumer. P1
Fig. 3: Example PN3 Consider the initial marking MI = (1 0 0)T, and the cycle that increases the marking m1 up to 10 and then decreases to 1. The sequence of reference markings is {Mref1, Mref2} with Mref1 = (10 0 0)T and Mref2 = (1 0 0)T = MI is applied. All reachable marking are assumed to be legal. Minimal length firing sequences of size H*1 = 18 and H*2 = 27 are required to reach consecutively Mref1, then Mref2 from Mref1. The proposed MPC approach with parameters 𝐻𝐻= 1 and 𝐻𝐻= 10 and cost functions (8) and (4) are applied and compared in Fig. 4 and 5. One can notice the importance to define an appropriate marking criteria and the improvement obtained by replacing the Euclidean distance (Fig. 4) by the criterion (8) based on the number of firings (Fig. 5). In both cases, the two criteria JEucl(M,Mref) and J(M,Mref) are computed and reported in the same figure. In both cases, the convergence is obtained but only the cost function (8) leads to a minimal size control sequence. In particular, one can notice that the sequence required to reach Mref2 from Mref1 is suboptimal with Euclidean distance (4). The reason is that only the firing of transition T3 increases the marking of place P1 but the firings of both transitions T1 and T2 decrease the marking of place P1. Thus for small values of
Fig. 2: PN2 with MI = (1 0 0 0 0)T J(MI, Mref) = 2 because W.(0 0 0 0 1 1)T = (-1 0 0 1 3)T = Mref – MI and so *(MI,1) = {T5} but = T5 T6 is a spurious solution. Algorithm deadlocks at (0 0 0 1 0)T for H = 1. The backtracking phase is necessary to increase H at initial marking until the solution * = T1 T3 387
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𝐻𝐻, the proposed method selects not only T2 but also T1 as a potential transition to fire and the size and the duration of control sequences uselessly increase. Moreover, one can notice that the cost function (8) is monotonic decreasing (Fig. 5), whereas (4) is not (Fig. 4). For the considered example, the depth of the search does never exceed H = 1 with (8) (the conditions of Proposition 4 are satisfied) and the maximal size of the partial reachability graph explored at each step does not exceed 4.
reference unreachable until the second perturbation occurs at step 10 and leads to Mnext 2 that satisfies Mref R(GC, Mnext 2).
First perturbation
Second perturbation
Fig.6: MPC for PN3 and TC = {T1, T3, T4} with cost function (8): Marking of the places P1 (up) to P3 (bottom) PN4 with TC = T is the model of a manufacturing system (Fig. 7). The system is similar to the one studied in (Hu & Li, 2009). The five resources P22 to P26 have limited capacities: m(P22) = m(P23) = m(P24) = m(P26) = 2 and m(P25) = 3. The system produces three types of parts according to three jobs. With initial marking MI = (2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 2)T (i.e. MI = 2P1 + 2P7 + 3P16 + 2P22 + 2P23 + 2P24 + 3P25 + 2P26), PN4 has 1212 states, no forbidden marking but is deadlock susceptible due to the circular-wait that occurs among relative operations and resources. It can be verified that 26 different deadlock markings exist.
Fig.4: MPC for PN3 and TC = T with cost function (4): Marking of the place P1 (up); Marking criteria JEucl(M,Mref) (bottom , full line) and J(M,Mref) (bottom , dashed line)
Fig.5: MPC for PN3 and TC = T with cost function (8): Marking of the place P1 (up); Marking criteria J(M,Mref) (bottom , full line) and JEucl(M,Mref) (bottom , dashed line) An advantage of the proposed approach is that the optimization process starts again for each step k. Any disturbance (i.e. any firing of uncontrollable transition) that occurs at step k changes the future predictions and the control actions computed at step k+1, k+2,... reject the perturbations as long as the marking Mnext resulting from the firing of an uncontrollable transition satisfies Mref R(GC, Mnext). To illustrate the perturbation rejection, PN3 is considered again with initial marking MI = (1 0 0)T and reference marking Mref = (10 0 0)T. The controllable transitions are TC = {T1, T3, T4} and T2 is assumed to be uncontrollable and to fire randomly according to a fixed ratio equal to 0.1. As illustrated in Fig. 6, Mref is successfully reached with a firing sequences of size H = 23. Note that in the present case, the first perturbations occurs at step 4 and leads to Mnext 1 that makes the
Fig. 7: PN4 model of a manufacturing system (Hu & Li, 2009) In order to compare the performance of the MPC approach with the two marking criteria in a systematic way, a set of 800 reference markings is considered and Algorithm 1 is applied with increasing values of parameter 𝐻𝐻. For each value of 𝐻𝐻, the success rate (i.e. the percentage of reference markings for which convergence is obtained over the set of 800 reference markings), the mean computational time, and the mean oversize error (i.e. the control sequences length minus the length of minimal control sequences) are detailed in Tables 1 and 388
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2. From these tables, it appears obviously that the criterion (8) has better performances than (4). The success rate is significantly higher for (8) than for (4). In addition, the mean oversize error more or less equals zero with (8). This means that the control sequences found by Algorithm 1 are almost always of minimal length. But the computation time also increases with (8) due to the resolution of the integer optimization problems at each steps. The two tables also illustrate that the larger 𝐻𝐻 the bigger the success rate.
TABLE 1: Performance evaluation of marking criterion (4) 1 2 3 4 5 𝐻𝐻 Success rate 3.2% 9.9% 22% 38% 55% Mean comp. time 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.19 0.89 Mean oversize err. 0 0.10 0.31 0.50 0.74
6 67% 3.39 0.88
TABLE 2: Performance evaluation of marking criterion (8) 1 2 3 4 5 𝐻𝐻 Success rate 38% 59% 69% 77% 84% Mean comp. time 0.8 2.37 16.2 4.67 10.3 Mean oversize err. 0 0 0 0 0
6 93% 25.1 1.12
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4. Conclusion A method that incrementally computes control sequences that approach the minimal length for untimed PNs and minimal duration for timed PNs has been proposed. This method is based on a partial exploration of the reachability graph combined with a performance criterion that evaluates the remaining firing count vector to the reference. This method has some advantages in comparison with numerous existing approaches. The method limits the part of the reachability graph that is expanded even if the initial and reference markings are far one from each other. It also updates the control actions when uncontrollable transitions fire and avoids forbidden markings and deadlocks without adding any monitor place. Compared to our preceding works based on the Euclidean distance to the reference, it decreases significantly the size and duration of the control sequences. In our next works, the selection of transition T* among the acceptable candidates will be refined at first. Then, the backtracking part of the algorithms will be improved by searching on-line the deadlocks and including some restart points on the trajectory. From a methodological point of view, it will be interesting to study the compromise between the classical Euclidean distance and the proposed criteria in terms of neighborhood in the reachability graph. The proposed approach will also be extended to timed Petri nets. For that purpose, time criteria will be studied to evaluate the remaining time to reference. An open question concerns the extension to timed systems with non-deterministic durations associated with some transitions. Finally, continuous and discrete time MPC will be combined for hybrid system control applications. References B. Abdallah, H.A. ElMaraghy, T. ElMekkawy, Deadlock-free scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems. Int J. Prod. Res. vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 2733–2756, 2002. F.Basile, R. Cordone and L. Piroddi, Integrated design of optimal supervisors for the enforcement of static and behavioral specifications in Petri net models, Automatica, 49: 3432-3439, 2013. E. Camacho and A. Bordons, Model predictive control, London: Springer Verlag, 2007. C. Cassandras, Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Performances Analysis, Aksen Ass. Inc. Pub., 1993.