454 T midwife was accordingly severely censured by the coroner. These sort of cases will continue to happen as long as the present state of the law holds. Anyone, however ignorant or careless, may practise medicine, surgery, or midwifery. It is fair to say that by her own request no medical man saw the deceased until just before her death, when Dr. Irwin Moore was called in and very rightly refused to give a certificate. It is of course impossible to definitely say that Eaton did infect the deceased, but it is all the same highly probable that she did. But there can be no doubt about the impropriety of her conduct. " She did not think the doctor meant what he said." She had no right to think, and if she did put this interpretation upon his words why did she "try to get off from attending" the case she attended after attending Mrs. Hezelmach "in consequence of what the doctor had said"2 We should fancy, however, that Mrs. Eaton’s "practice"" will considerably fall off now that these facts are known.
occurred some four or five minutes after the commencement of the inhalation, respiration and circulation stopping simultaneously. The chloroform was discontinued, artificial respiration was practised, hypodermic injections of brandy were given, the head was lowered over the end of the table, and the legs were raised. Nitrite of amyl inhalations were given and hot cloths placed over the prascordium. The breathing recommenced and the operation was begun, but only the initial incision was made, as in a few seconds the breathing again ceased, but was restored by the performance of artificial respiration and became deep and regular. No blood, however, escaped from the cut vessels and no radial pulse could be felt. There was slight cyanosis. In from thirty to sixty seconds respiration again Jailed and was again restored by artificial means. Shortly after this it again stopped and no measures succeeded in restoring it, although artificial respiration was kept It is stated that thirty minims of up for an hour. chloroform were used. The necropsy shoved all the organs THE EDINBURGH GRADUATES’ MEDICAL CLUB. to be healthy and the heart to be empty and contracted. THE quarterly dinner of this club was held on Wednes- The account of the above case, for which we are indebted to day, Feb. 9th, at the Holborn Restaurant, Sir Dyce Duck- the house physician in charge, seems to show that circuworth in the chair. About a hundred members were present latory failure caused the death. The danger of struggling besides guests. Among the latter were Colonel Arthur, and crying daring the inhalation of cbloroform in children is. Dr. Cholmeley, Dr. Hillier, Dr. Percy Kidd, Dr. Hector too well known to need further comment; the prolomged and Mackenzie, Dr. Montague Murray and Dr. Sharkey. The deep inspiration occurring in these conditions leads to the chairman gave the toast of the evening-namely, that intake of an overdose of chloroform which apparently never of "The Club," tracing its progress from its inception some in this case became eliminated or had already fatally thirty years ago. Dr. Play fair proposed the health of the damaged the tissues before it left the body. guests, who were responded for by Dr. Kidd and Dr. Hillier. THE QUEEN’S SPEECH AND MEDICAL The health of the chairman was proposed by Dr. Glover. LEGISLATION. Some excellent music was provided by Mr. William Nicholl, THE Queen’s Speech read on Tuesday last contains several Mr. Peterkin, and Mr. McCann, while Mr. A. B. Acton accompanied. Those present were indebted to the exertions promises of legislation of more than passing interest to the of the indefatigable secretaries, Dr. Rutherford and Dr. medical profession. One suggestion for the Amendment of the Vaccination Law stould meet with approval from Leslie Ogilvie, for a very pleasant evening. persons of all shades of opinion,. It will propose to give the parent the option of having the child vaccinated with. AN INTERNATIONAL HEALTH EXPOSITION IN glycerinated calf-lymph instead of with lymph drawn from. NEW YORK. FROM April 25th to May 31st an International Health other children and this will obviate the occurrence-rare, Exposition will be held at New York in the Industrial but at present possible-of the transmission of constiBuilding known as the Grand Central Palace, Lexington- tutional taints. Measures dealing with a Teaching Uniavenue. The New York Household Economic Association versity for London and with the Adulteration of Food and " in case" (Her and kindred organisations will cooperate with the manage- Drugs will also be laid before Parliament, is made Her Ministers to by say) " the time ment of the Exposition, which will embrace everything Majesty at should to your disposal permit you proceed with. relating to health, both indoors and outdoors, and illustrate for future which are qualified them." Proposals legislation the sanitary and hygienic progress of the century. Mr. in this not to but it is. manner do lead realisation, generally Charles F. Wingate is the supervising director. All exhibithe that Government has definitely promised to tions of this description should be encouraged, for they are of something attend to these If the subjects. present session does not offer distinct benefit ; firstly, in bringing together for comparison we are encouraged to hope that in the next the latest sanitary appliances and methods ; and secondly, opportunities session the Bills will occupy higher places in the programme. in educating the public in their use and benefits. The This refers remark especially to the reconstitution of London second point is perhaps the most important, because whatever are We not particularly sorry to see the Bill relatsanitarians may do with regard to the improvement of their University. to the adulteration of food and drugs relegated to the. science the resulting benefits to the health of the community ing for the measure does not, as we have already pointed must be tardy unless the public are ready to help in the future, offer serious amendment to existing legislation. But any application of the improved processes. In our own country out, of the the reconstitution of London University is too question we have far too few of these exhibitions and sanitary science of further to admit any delay. We recommend the, would be much benefited if the public were better educated urgent in various bodies the interested passing of the Bill now in this matter. before the House and under the ægis of Government to urge. DEATHS UNDER ANÆSTHETICS. upon all the metropolitan Members of Parliament, whatever AN infant, aged two years, was admitted to the Victoria their party or their creed, that it is their duty to secure for Hospital, Chelsea, for relief on account of retention of London a teaching university-their duty, in short, to help urine. He was suffering from phimosis and posthitis, to the Government to find time for legislation on the matter. great which condition chloroform was administered. The A solid front of all the metropolitan Members would secure general condition was good. A Skinner’s mask and early attention for the measure. drop bottle for chloroform were employed to induce anæsTHE lecture to be delivered at the Imperial Institute next There was thesia while circumcision was performed. afternoon by Mr. Herbert Birdwood, C.S.I., onand the first half then the Thursday minute, crying during struggling anxsthesia appeared to take a normal course until collapse the Plague in Bombay should be of considerable interest to ___