mixture is cooled to 60-65°C, and vari- [Presum~v ~+:+ patent aims to 'neuous additives are included (e.g. citric tralize' freeradicals, highly reactive and acid, colorants, flavours) before mould- short-lived species that may cause oxiing and freezin8. ~ core material is dative damage in foods (rancidity) and deposited into ~e hozen coaling and a 'within l~e body (free radicals have stick or other support is inserted. been implicated in the pathogenesis of various diseases,particularly cancers).]
Dairy Budolfien,G. and Nielsen,P.M. (NovoNordisk n/S, DK-2880 Ba~v~-rd, Denn-ark) PCT ImemalionaiPalentApld/ca~ WO 94/21129 (A1) Transglutaminase is added to milk and the mixture is heat treated to produce a functionally and/or orsanoleptically acceptable acidif'~l gel, which can be used as a yo~hmt mousse or cheese.
Em,yme-and rmmetareatedmUk~ Budolfsen,G. and Nielsen,P.M. (Novo Nonllsk NS, DK-2880 Bagsvaefd, Demnadc) PCT Inlema~,nal PatentApplicationWO 94/21130 (A1)
A non-acidified milk gel is p;~pared by the addition of transglutaminase and rennet to milk, followed by heat treatment, resulting in a functionally and/or or8anoleptically acceptable 8el, which can be used as a mousse or a pudding. [See also previous patent.]
Klokov,Yu.V.IU~RI U55RPalent5U 1 796 131 [in Russian] A metfmd for the thermal processing of foods involves heatin~ raw materia| in a ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) electmmasn ~ c fmlcl to 5S--57°C The product is then furthe processed either in the UHF electromagnetic field or by heat carrier, first to 66-70~, and then to 79-85°C or to 113-119°C, depending on the type of end Ixoduct required.
mlve~le Rd, W ~ , I ~ US~ Eumpm, PalenU~q~calk~EP0 6167711A1 S~ch ~ ( p a ~ l y or full~)by enz,/maic ~ o 1 ~ , u ~ an endo~,-1,6-o-d~ such as pullulanase or isoamyfase, is used to opacify a reduced~ fond.
~ . p~~o~ Sn~s, G., Daendd~ L md Bo0im, K. Dembo,t.Ya.andVamaba,VJ. (Unionof Sov~t (RatfinedeT~en~ 5A, B1150 Ilmmds, Soc~bt Rep~s, " "i Tsentr ' t ~ h o k ~ e t ~ l USS~ Parrot SU wo 94/1ee73At I'mr-nmchl 1 796130[in Rusda~] x pelletized ~ containing Equipment for the preparation of emul- one or more kuctan, which inmmdy sion products, which allows an emulwith a forms a colloidal dispesion sion to be fed under pressure, consists creamy structure, is suitable for use in of a two-way piston metering device foodstuffs. with rods, and inlet and outlet apertures, and two pipes, rectangular in cross section, containing elecl~rodes Remov~ d d ~ e l l e l ~ d e m l v ~ (plates connected to an alternating cur- ~rom ~ W l k rent source). The pipes are placed along the same axis as the metering device, to Koh~du,d,, U., C.u~, J. and Sd,m~, e. ~CW which they am connected by flexible T r o s ~ ~ , e330e Tmad~ Gemm~ C~rmanFed~ ~ul~c hmm , ~ : ~ DE hoses. A box element in each emulsion 43 |3 919A1 i'mGennani pipe is linked to a source of compressedair. A processfur the removal Of choleslerd derivatives from ~ yolk by the dilution of the e ~ yolk wile aqueous salt •,-,-- Fruit, vegetables & nuts solution (containin~ the cations K÷ or Ca2÷, with the anions CI- or SO~- or an 1 salads with 10-40-day organlc ~lfon widl a molecular weight ~t 50) followed by complexin8 the chof Holt, i. and Voss, H.D. (Dr. Aul~t Oe~r esterol derivatives with I~'ydodex~n. After the funnalion and removal of NahmngsmiRelKG, 33617 Bielefe~,~ y ) Geman FederalRepublicPa~ ApplicaSonDE the cydodextdn-cbolesteml complex, the salt and water components of the 43 16209A1 [in Gemnan| mixture are eliminaed to 8ive a low. A process for the manufacture of pr~ sodium e88 yolk product with low pared salads made from leafy and other cholesterol content and gend sensory vegetables; these are packaged in one- properties. or two-chamber packs, and have a shelf life, unrefrigerated or refrigerated, of lO-4Odays. The process involves OHs and fats blanching ~ vegetable component with a liquid conlaining seasoningsand ~ m r q ~ acidulants, and the addition of oil to this blanched seasoned mixture; the Budolfien,G. and Nielsen,P.H.(NovoNoldlsk vegetables are not coated in a continu- ~ , DK-2~0 L~a~d, Dmm~) PCT Intema~nal PalentApplica~ WO ~W21133 OUSphase of dressin& etc. (A1)
An aqueous phase containing a protein (e.g. dried skim milk) is treated with transglut~minase and, following various further steps, mixed with a fat ~iimic-Glavaski, B. and Simic, M.G. (S/mic- Chun~-Wai,C. andHenley,MJ. (NationalStarch phase, to form an emulsion for use as a Glw#,ld, cleveland,OH 44106, USA) Uniled and Chemical Inveslmen~Holdin~ Co,op.,501 spread. Sta~esPatentUS5 356646
tow-fat foods
Electron treatment reduc~
A method and the equipment for sopplying a source of electrons to electn~depleted thermally processed foods to reduce their carcinogenic ef~ts.
Trendsin FoodScience& TechnologyJune1995 [Vol. 61