Decisions of the 41st and 42nd, meetings of the ICSU executive board

Decisions of the 41st and 42nd, meetings of the ICSU executive board

2.3. DECISIONS OF THE 41st AND 42nd MEETINGS OF THE ICSU EXECUTIVE BOARD’J’ The Executive Board held its 41st and 42nd sessions in Ottawa on 20-21 an...

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The Executive Board held its 41st and 42nd sessions in Ottawa on 20-21 and on 28 September respectively. Meeting 42: The 41st Meeting made preparations for the General Assembly and the selection of Assembly Committees. It also agreed to the establishment of a Study Group, under the chairmanship of Professor N. Herlofson, to review the activities of the ICSU family in the developing world. The Group will submit a preliminary report in October 1985 and its final report to the General Assembly in 1986. The Executive Board also reviewed the progress made with the study of the Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War (ENUWAR) of SCOPE and asked all Members of ICSU to provide information on their activities related to the study. The ICSU special committee will review the SCOPE-ENUWAR report as soon as possible after the workshop scheduled for June 1985 in relation to ICSU’s endorsement of the report. The Executive Board reviewed the finances of ICSU since its last meeting and adopted a provisional budget for 1985. Requests for grants for 1985 were examined and provisional allocations from the ICSU Fund ($275 000) and the Unesco Subvention ($540 650) were made. As a part of these allocations funds were set aside for the 1985 meeting to examine the role of ICSU in international scientific co-operation and for the preparation of a report on scientific studies in the Antarctic if this is requested by the United Nations. In concluding its discussion of ICSU finances, the Executive Board noted with appreciation the important role of the outgoing Treasurer, Professor T. F. Malone, who had served ICSU in one capacity or another for over 20 years. The problems of providing an annual contribution of $200 000 to the World Climate Research Programme Joint Fund were discussed and a meeting was later organized to bring together representatives of the principal contributors and other interested parties to try to raise the level of contribution. It was agreed at this meeting to provide ICSU Members with more information about the Programme and the practical applications of its results. The possible effect of the US withdrawal from UNESCO was discussed and a small Ad hoc Group was established to keep the situation under review. It was agreed that it was essential for ICSU not to take any actions that might be construed as being against UNESCO and its activities to promote science and education. The Executive Board also reviewed the system for selecting


from ICSU Newsletter

No. 19. October



and making ICSU-UNESCO Fellowships. A letter was later sent to the Chairman of the Committee for the Fellowships expressing the Executive Board’s views. The revised “Statutes” of COSPAR, CODATA and FAGS and the new Statutes of ICSTI were ratified. The Executive Board reviewed developments with COPAC and the ICSU Press and the need was stressed to give greater attention to physical and chemical sciences. After receiving a report on the legal and taxation issues it was decided that ICSU Press should continue to be an integral part of ICSU, but that the situation be reviewed from time to time. Meeting 42: Most of the time of the 42nd meeting was taken by appointment of new Committees, Ad hoc Groups and in changes in membership of existing Committees. For the Ad hoc Planning Group for Global Change a core group was established under the Chairmanship of Sir John Kendrew. The activities and composition of the core group will be reviewed in October 1985. The composition of the Ad hoc Group to prepare the study about ICSU and its future activities, under the Chairmanship of Professor W. A. Rosenblith, was slightly enlarged. The first meeting of the Group is scheduled in Paris for 1-2 December 1984. The study will take place near Munich from 79 October 1985. The Executive Board considered the positive and negative aspects of the scientific symposium held within the framework of the General Assembly. There was general agreement that it had been positive but it was decided to obtain the reaction of as many participants as possible before deciding whether or not to organize another scientific symposium at the 21st General Assembly.


The General Committee held its 18th and 19th meetings in Ottawa on 22 and 28 September 1984 respectively. Meeting 28: At its 18th meeting the General Committee accepted two applications for Scientific Associate status: from the Third World Academy of Science and the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI). The General Committee also accepted the request from the National Council for Science and Technology of Nepal to transfer its National Associate status to the Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. The General Committee studied the report of the Sub-Committee on Scientific Priorities and made the following decisions: ‘3)Extract from ICSU Newsletter


No. 19, October
