Deficits and money growth in the United States

Deficits and money growth in the United States

Jonrnal of MonetaryEconomics21 (1988) 143-153. North-Holland DEFICITS AND MONEY GROWTH IN THE UNITED STATES A Comment Stuart D. ALLEN and Donald L. M...

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Jonrnal of MonetaryEconomics21 (1988) 143-153. North-Holland

DEFICITS AND MONEY GROWTH IN THE UNITED STATES A Comment Stuart D. ALLEN and Donald L. McCRICKARD* University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27412, USA

ReceivedAugust1986,finalversionreceivedJune 1987 Joines (1985) argues that the FederalReserveaceommedateswar-induceddeficitspendingbut not non-war-induceddeficitspending.Usinga first-differenceform of a reactionfunctionto obtaina stationary time series of the monetarybase, we find that the FederalReservehas accommodated federal governmentdeficitspendingin ~e post-WorldWar II period.

1. Introduction Joines (1985) has argued that there is not a positive and statistically significant relationship between non-war federal cash deficits and the rate of growth of high-powered money either before or after the establishment of the Federal Reserve system. An important empirical innovation by Joines is the separation of war expenditures from deficit spending by the construction of a non-war deficit spending variable. In his estimates of a monetary base equation, Joines finds a significant war-expenditures coefficient and an insignificant non-war deficit spending coefficient suggesting that monetary accommodation is associated with only the temporary large deficits arising from war-time expenditures. The purpose of this paper is to show that the Federal Reselve accommodated non-war deficits in the post-World War II period. In section 2 we demonstrate that the war-expenditures coefficient is statisticaily insignificant when war expenditures are regressed against the deficit for either the Korean or the Vietnam War periods. Thus an adjustment of the deficit for war expenditures is unwarranted. The resulting measurement error in Joines's non-war deficit series means that his statistical inferences must be reconsidered for the post-World War II period. In section 3 we demonstrate that the monetary base is a difference stationary process. Estimating a reaction function that is first differenced and that includes real GNP growth, the rate of *We wish to thank RobertConnoUy,Rik Hafer, DouglasJoines,an anonymousreferee,and the editor for helpfulcomv~entsand criticisms.We are responsiblefor all remainingerrors. 0304-3932/88/$3.50©1988, ElsevierScience~ubllshe~B.V.(North-Holland)


S. 1). Allen and D.L McCrickar~ Deficits and money growth: Comment

inflation, the change in the unemployment rate and a short-term interest rate, reveals that the Federal Reserve has accommodated deficit spending in the post-war and post-Accord periods based on any of four different measures of the deficit. Section 4 sumrn_a_~es our findings. 2. Joines's model The model estimated by Joines is M



D M t f a + ~, fliDNt-i+ ~ %WARt-i + ~GOLDt + ~, 8iUt-,+ e,, i~0



(1) where DM is the dollar change in high-powered money, DN is the non-war cash deficit discussed below, WAR measures annual war spending during 1917-21, 1941-47, 1951-54 and 1966-75, GOLD accounts for the autonc:, mous inflow of gold to the United States, and U is the unemployment rate. M, N and P indicate the lag lengths for each of the independent variable,~. Since DM, DN and WAR are dollar values and not growth rates, each of these variables and U is weighted by the reciprocal of the trend value of nominal G N P to correct for heteroskedasticity. 1 The correlation of 0.88 between the weighted cash budget deficit ( D E F ) and weighted war-time expenditures (WAR) over 1866-1983 makes it difficult to separate the effect of each variable on the increase in the monetary base) As a result, Joines decomposes DEF into a non-war deficit component ( D N ) that is orthogonal to war-time spending and another component that is highly correlated with war spending by regressing DEF on WAR and a constant. The error term from this regression is then used as the non-war deficit measure (DN) in eq. (1). Such a decomposition allowed Joines to test whether the Feder~ Reserve accommodated (a) non-war deficits by the significance of the DN coefficient and (b) deficits arising from war expenditures by the significance of the WAR coefficient. 1Joines's trend value of nominal GNP is based on regressing the logarithm of nominal GNP on a quadratic :time trend. To correct for war-related heteroskedastidty, Joines mtdtiplies the weighted war expenditures by an a~lditional factor d~endent on the estimated time period [see Joines (1985, fi~ 12)]. Our trend nominal GNP measure is computed as potential real GNP [Gordon (1984, table B-I)] times the GNP deflator. 2The correlation between DEF and W..~~ is 0.82 for the I917-76 peiiod, but the correlation varies dramatically over the four war peric: s being 0.99 for World War I, 0.94 for World War II, 0.73 for the Korean War and -0.18 for the Vietnam War. The negative correla,ion for the Vietnam period is partially a result of the ten percent tax surcharge that produced a $3.2 b i s o n surplus in 1969 and of the 1969-70 recession that caused an increase in the deficit us war spending was d i m l n i s h ~

S.D. Allen and D.L. McCrickarc~ Deficits and money growth: Comment


Table 1 Estimates of the impact of wartime expenditures on two measures of the defidLa Dependent variable = DEF Years



























0.62 (12.49) 0.89 (19.93) 0.65 (8.08) 0.23 (1.26) - 0.33



0.006 (1.11) -0.009 (1.49) -0.000 (0.09) -0.001 (0.36) 0.030









Dependent variable ffi DDEBT Years













25.53 (0.95) -0.38 (1.82) 1.06 (0.74) 1.11 (0.92) 30.49 (1.92)



0.81 (6.80) 0.95 (22.70) 1.11 (20.75) 0.05 (0.54) 0.25 (0.19)

-0.22 (1.87) -0.25 (5.88) -0.43 (8.13) 0.13 (1.31) -0.43 (0.33)






















aThe estimation results are from regressing two measures of war expenditures on two different deficit measures. The variables include the following: DEF, Joines's measure of the federal government's cash deficit (weighted); WAR, Joines's war expenditure variable (wdghted); W, Joines' unweighted war expenditure variable; DDEBT, the change in the stock of the federal gross debt. DEF and WAR are weighted by the reciprocal of the trend value of nominal GNT. Number in parentheses below the coeffident estimates are t-statisties.

T h e r e s u l t s o f regressing D E F and W A R f o r the 1 9 1 3 - 7 6 p e r i o d a n d for e a c h w a r p e r i o d are p r e s e n t e d as eqs. (1.1)-(1.5) in t a b l e 1. 3 T h e empirical r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t t h e e q u a t i o n fits well for t h e t w o w o r l d wars, b u t fits p o o r l y f o r t h e K o r e a n a n d V i e t n a m W a r s w h e r e t h e ratio o f t h e s t a n d a r d e r r o r o f t h e 3A war period is defined to include the four years prior to and after the perio0 of war expenditures. The World War II period ends in 1948 and the Korean War period begins i~ 1949 to avoid overlapping years. We estimate the data over the 1913-76 period to cover the periods of war expenditures and so that comparable data can be employed, loines's inclusion of off-badge~ line expenditures makes it difficult to replicate his data predsely a÷~erthe change in the fiscal year in 1976. This data hr..; been weighted by the trend value of nor~ aal GNP.


S.D. A lien and D.L. McCrickar~ Deficits and money growtl~: Comment

regression to the mean of the deficit is 3.2 and 2.7 in eqs. (1.4) and (1.5). More importantly, the W A R coefficient for the Korean and Vietnam Wars is insignificant lending no empirical support to the adjustment of the annual federal deficits for these war expenditures. This point was recognized by Joines (1984) in a working paper but was not reported in the shorter published version. 4 We also estimated the following equation: D D E B T t = bo + btWt+ b2Wt_ 1 + et,


where D D E B T is the change in the stock of debt during period t, W is Joines's unweighted war expenditures, and e is the error term. 5 Estimates of eq. (2) are shown as eqs. (1.6)-(1.10) in table I and reveal that the coefficients for current or lagged war expenditures are still insignificant for the Korean and Vietnam Wars. We concur with Joines that the Fed did not monetize non-war deficits prior to 1948. The above evidence, however, suggests that deficit spending should not be adjusted for war exp¢nd~_t~r~ *.o form a non-war deficit series in the post-war perio,i. Therefore, Joines's conclusion that tkc F ~ Joes not accommodate non-war deficits in the post-war period faust be reconsidered. 3. The model and empirical results We consider a reaction function that results from the Federal Reserve minimizing a quadratic loss function of macroeconomic policy objectives to maximize its own utility function. Thus, we extend Joines's model by including three additional variables: the log of real G N P (Y), the four- to six-month commercial paper rate ( C P R ) and the log of the price level as measured by the G N P deflator ( P ) so that B ~ - f ( Y , C P R , U, P , D ) ,


where B is the log of the monetary base and D is the log of the stock o!: debt. 4Joines recognized that the deficit and war expenditures were 'almost uncorrelate~' in the post-war period. Thus, he concurs with our conclusions from the table 1 results. 5The data for the stock of debt are June observations of the U.S. Government gross debt from the f-~cwing publicationsof the Federal Reserve Board of Governors: Banking and Monetary

StatisticS, 1914-41 (table 146), Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-70 (table 13.2), Annual Statistical Digest; 1970-79 (*,able28), various issues of the Federal Reserve Bulletin, and the Economic lteport of the President, 1984 (table B-81). This measure of the debt is broader than

Joines's c~sh deficit plus off-budgetline items. For example, the total deficit (cash deficit plus off-budgetitems)is $78.9,$127.9 and $207.8billionfor fiscalyears 1981,1982 and 1983, whilethe change in the total interest-bearingpublicdebt securitiesis $90.1,$144.4and $234.9billion for the same period. The correla~ioabetweenour debt measure, DDEBT, and Joines'sunweighteddeficit measure is 0.90 for 1916-76. DDEBT and W are not weightedby potential nominal GNP in eq. (2). The results are not changedif the weightingadjustmentis made.

S.D. A lien and D. L, McCrickard, Deficits and money growth: C~mment


Joines's conclusion that the deficits do not contribute to monetary growth f r o m 1954-83 is a result of his inclusion of a t~me trend as a right-hand-side variable because the dependent variable and the non-war deficit measure have positive trends [see Joines (1985, p. 343 and table 2, cols. 7,8)]. Nelson and Plosser (1982) and Nelson and Kang (1981,1984) have noted that inappropriate detrending can lead to misspecification. Nelson and Kang (1984) warn of the pitfalls involved in including a time trend in a model when the d e p e n d e n t variable is a difference stationary process and note that (p. 73) "conventional tests for trend are strongly biased toward finding a trend when n o n e is p r e s e n t . . . ' . Nelson and Plosser estimate the follo':~ng equation to test the difference stationarity against the time stationadty hypothesis:

B~=a+~lT+Pz £,t-1 +

k E



j=2 where T is a u m e trend and e t is the error tenn. 6 If 7 is significant and 01 # 1, the dependent variable is time stationary. If T is insignificant and Pl = 1, then the series is difference stationary. For the 1954-84 period, when j = 2 . . . . . 5, the time coefficient (7) is equal to 0.002 with a t-statistic between 0.90 and 1.00 while the Bt_ 1 c o ¢ ~ r i e n t (Pl) is equal to 0.97 with a t-statistic between 0.90 and 1.00 for the null hypothesis that P l - - 1.7 Therefore, the results consistently fail to reject the null hypothesis that 7 = 0 and Pl = 1. O u r conclusion concerning the significance of the debt coefficient differs f r o m Joines's conclusion and is a result of the functional form of the model and a result of not adjusting deficits for war-time expenditures after World W a r II. s Given that the monetary base is a difference stationary process, the model to be estimated is the first difference of eq. (3). The model, therefore, 6The monetary base data are the sum of currency held by the public and total reserves held by the banking system in June. The reserves are not seasonally adjusted nor adjusted for reserve requirement changes. Data are from pp. 590-602 of Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-1970, pp. 68-7l of Annual Statistical Digest, 1970-1979, and various annual issues of the Annual Statistical Digest and the Federal Reserve Bulletin. This da~ is slightlydifferent from the Shughart and Tollison (1983) base data which a~e December observations. The conclusions are not altered Ly employing the Shughart and Tollison data. 7For the 1961-84 period, the time coefficient is between 0.010 and 0.023 with a t-statistic between 1.29 and 1.42 except for j -- 5 when the t-statistic is 1.96. The Bt _ ~ coefficientis between 0.67 and 0.84 with a t-statistic for the hypothesis that p~ = 1 between L31 and 1.45 except for j = 5 when the t-statistic is 1.95. The t-statistics for j = 5 are still insignificant at the five percent level given the critical value of 2.11 for seventeen degrees of freedon~L SJoines corrects for heteroskedasticity by dividing the change in the dollar value of the base by trend nominal GNP. This is nearly equivalent to dividing the base by the base lagged one period and constructing a growth rate because the correlation between our measure of trend nominal GNP and the log of the base laggeJ one period is 0.94.


S.D. Allen and D.L. McCrickar~ Deficits and money growth: Comment


DBt = ao + a l D Yt-1 + a2DCPRt--x + a3DUt-1

+ A4DPt_ 1 + a s D D t + e t,


w h e r e DB, D Y, DP, DD, D C P R and D U are the first differences o f the logs o f t h e m o n e t a r y base, real G N P , the G N P deflator, a n d the stock of d e b t a n d t h e first difference of the commercial p a p e r rate a n d the u n e m p l o y m e n t rate. 9 T h e expected signs of the coefficients are a t, a2, a3, a 5 > 0 a n d a 4 < 0. l0 T w o different measures of the stock of d e b t ( D ) are employed i n the e s t i m a t i o n o f eq. (5): the stock o f gross Treasury d e b t ( G D ) (see f o o t n o t e 5) a n d t h e stock o f n e t Treasury d e b t ( N D ) t h a t is c o m p u t e d b y s u b t r a c t i n g t h e i n t e r e s t - b e a r i n g Treasury debt held b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t i n v e s t m e n t a c c o u n t s f r o m t h e gross debt. Alternative measures, GD* and biD*, are c o m p u t e d b y a d d i n g the d e b t o f federally-owned agencies a n d g o v e r n m e n t - s p o n s o r e d corp o r a t i o n s t o GD a n d ND. n Each o f the d e b t measures is logged a n d first-differenced (indicated b y a D prefix). T h e results o f estimating eq. (5) are presented i n t a b l e 2.12 T h e results show t h a t t h e various measures o f the d e b t are sitmifieant at the o n e percent level o f sitmificance for the 1948-85 a n d 1954-85 periods a n d a t t h e five p e r c e n t level 9GOLD is not included because the model is estimated for the post-war period. The data for real GNP, the four- to six-month commercial paper rate, the unemployment rate and the GlqP deflator ate the annual observations (averaged) found either in Sbu~hart ~ Tollison (1983) or Gordon (1984, table 1) and updated by the 1985 and 1986 Economic Report o] the President. 1°The predicted signs of a l, a 2 a n d a s al~ positive if t h e F e d inerea$,~,y, the monetary base in re~w,onse to an increase in der~nnd for real cash balances during an expansion, dampens ckanges in interest rates and accommodates deficit spending measured as changes in the ~minal debt. The sign of a 3 is predicted to be positive if the Fed follows cotmtereyclical policies. The sign of a 4 is negative if the Fed attempts to offset ~ in the inflation rate. Joines dropped a la~ed short-term interest rate due to statistical insignificance and argues that the unemployment rate serves as a proxy for real GHP growth. nWe thank Douglas Joines for supplying the interest-bearing Treasury debt held by government investment account series which can be found on pp. 882-883 of the Federal Reserve Board's Banking and Monetary Statbtics, I941-70, on pp. 214--215of the Federal Reserve Board's Annual Statistical Digest, 1970-79, and in various issues of the Federal Reserves monthly Bulletin. Data for the federally-owned agencies and govemmeat-sponsored corporations are found on pp. 874--881 of Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-70, on pp. 239-244 of Annua/ Statistical Digest, and in various issues of the Bulletin. Data are June observations. 12These results do not suffer from mulficollinearity as determined by the collinearity di~nostlcs developed by Belsey, Kith and Welsch (1980). Eq. (5) is estimated w~th the ROBUSTSE command in TSP to obtain standard e~-rors that are beteroskedastic-consistent. The White (1980) test indicates betaroskedasfic errors for only the 1948-=84period as the chi-square test statistic is 6.31 for the 1954-85 period and 5.02 for the 1961-85 period, which are below the critical values at the five percent level of significance.

0.005 (0.24) 0,011 (0.49) 0,004 ' (0.20) 0.009 (0.43)


0.93 (2.37) 0,83 0.87) 0.91 (2.60) 0.86 (2.12)

1.25 0.65) 1.23 (3.22) 1.14 (3,61) 1.17 (3.33)

0,97 (3.36) 1.00 (3.42) 0.89 (3.00) 0.92 (3.08)

DYj_ I

0.005 (1.32) 0.903 (0.83) 0.004 (1.42) 0.003 (1.03)

0.004 (1.19) 0.003 (0.72) 0.003 (1.12) 0.003 (0.80)

0.001 (0.21) 0.C'3! (0.17) -0,001 (0.26) - 0.00l (0.26)


0.015 (1.51) 0.010 (1.~) 0.016 (1.75) 0.013 (1.31)

0,018 (2.06) 0.015 (1.64) 0.016 (2.10) 0.014 (L78)

0.007 (0.96) 0.007 (0.90) 0.005 (0,71) 0.005 (0.65)

D(J,~ t DND

0.33 (5.02)

0.27 0.39 (1.14) (3.61) 0.43 (1.85) 0.14 (0.53) 0.26 (t.02) 1961-85 0.05 0.26 (0.29) (2.73) 0.17 (1.13) -0,06 (0.28) 0,05 (0.26)

0.45 (2.39) 0.50 (2.52) 0,41 (2.28) 0.46 (2.43)


DP~_ !

0.15 0.82)

0.25 (2.98)

0.25 (4.60)


0,34 (3,01

0.48 (3.74)

0,38 (533)


0.23 (2.2t)

0.35 (3.31)

0.30 (4.85)








































"The estimation results ere for eq. (5): OB~ -aa + a|DYl-i + a2DCPRt-: + a3D~-: + a4DPr-i + a ~ D ~ + ~;, where DB, D¥, DP, DO, D C P R and D U me the 0rstdifferencesof the logs of the monetary base, realGNP° the G N P deflator, ~nd the stock of debt and the first difference of the commercial paper rate and the unemployment rate. Four different measures of DD ere use~din estimad~, eq. (5): GD: the stock of 8rou Treasury debt; ND, the stock ot net Treoaury debt; and (TD* and ND" which add the debt of federeJly.owneo agencie~ 8ovemmem-spomo~l corporations to GD and ND. Numbers in parentheses below the ~ffldmt estimates are r-statistics.







-0.031 (1.84) - 0,028 (1.56) -0.029 (1,83) -0.027 (1.60)

(L82) - 0.025 (1.63) -0.026 (1.78) - 0.024 (1.60)

- 0,027








Table 2 Estimates o f m o n e t a r y base reaction function, a


,~ 0~

~' ~.





S.1). Allen and D.L McCrickard. Deficitsand money growth: Comment

of significance for a one-tailed test for the 1961-85 period. 13 The deficit coefficients are clustered between 0.25 and 0.40 which suggests that 25-40 percent of the growth rate of the debt is accommodated by the Federal Reserve. F o r the 1979-85 period, the growth of the debt measures averaged 14-16 percent, while the growth of the base was 6.7 percent. The real G N P coefficients are significant in eq. (5), while the significance of the inflation and u n e m p l o y m e n t rates are dependent on t h e estimated time period. As an added diagnostic check, the errors were regressed against a constant and time. In all cases, the coefficient on time was not significantly different from zero. The errors were also regressed against the one- and two-period lagged errors and, except in one case, the lagged error terms are insignificant,t4 Thus, the conclusion that the Federal Reserve accommodated federal deficits in the post-Accord period is robust with respect to the choice of the measure of the debt a n d the estimated time period. ~5 The results of estimating the levels version of eq. (5) for GD and N D are presented in table 3 as eq. (3.1)-(3.6) to provide a comparison between the two functional forms. The estimates are corrected for autocorrelation by the Beech-McKir~non (1978) maximum likelihood technique. The rho values are not statistically different from one for either the 1948-85 or 1954-85 periods. Except for the 1961-85 period when the coefficients are insignificant, the results from the level equation confirm the first-difference results. The income a n d debt coefficients are consistently positive and significant and their coefficient estimates for the 1948-85 and 1954-85 periods are similar for both

m3Hamburger and Zwick (1981,1983), Levy (1981), Allen and Smith (1983) and Allen (1986) present evidenceof monetary accommodationin the post-Accordperiod [see McMillan(1986) for additional citations]. The fact that time is not appropriate to detrend the data in the levels equation does not mean that a constant term <',annotappear in the first-differenceequation. If the constant is omitted from eq. (5), the debt coefficientis positive and significantat the one percent level in eleven of the twelveequations reported in table 2 and positive and significantat the five percent level for the remainingequation. 14When Joines includes time as a dOt-hand-side variable to detrend the model, the statistical significanceof his deficit measure is eliminated due to increased multicollinearity.Time is highly correlated with B (0.98), P (0.97), CPR (0.84), GD (0.86), ND (0.80), GD* (0.91), and ND* (0.86) for the 1954-85 period and similar correlations for the 1948-85 period. Regressing time against a constant, the first differenceof the dependent variable and the riOt-hand-side variables yields an R2 of 0.92 and significantcoefficientsfor DB, D¥, and GD. In addition, Joines corrects his model for hetero~edasticity by weightingthe variablesby the reciprocal of the trend value of nominal GNP which is a function of time. I'~The significanceof the debt measures is not altered if a I, o 2 and a 4 are constrai:'~ to be zero and a three-period lag of the unemployment rate is included in order to estimate a first-difference verion of an equation estimated by Joines. The debt measures still are significant for each of the three time periods except for ND* for 1961-85 In addition, estimates of the real measures of the four deficit variables reveal that al~ four deficit coefficientsare significantat the one percent level for a one-tailed tests for 1948-t45, and the ND and GD coefficients are significant at the five percent level for a one.tailed te~ttfor 1954-85.

6.80 (3.02) -6.18 (2.93)

- 3.07 (1.03) - 3.69 (1.34)



0.02 (0,63) O,O1 (0.40)

-0.03 (1.76) -0.03 (1.75)

-0.03 (1.77) -0.03 (1.89)



0.59 (1,02) 0.73 (1.35)

1.33 (3,11) 1.23 (3.09)

1.16 (2.63) 1.11 (2.71)

Y~- t

- 0.001 (0.27) 0.000 (0.05)

0.005 0.02) 0,004 (0.91)

0.002 (0,55) 0.001 t0.24)


0.003 (0.21) 0.001 (0.53)


0.019 (L31) o.017 (1.80)


0,011 (1,12) 0.010 (1.08)

1948- 85

Ut- 1

0.50 (2.12) 0.37 (1.37)

0.25 (0.84) 0.13 (0.43)

0.37 (1.53) 0.29 (1.23)

PI- l

0.03 (0.21)

0.39 (2.76)

0.41 (3.25)


0.11 (0.66)

0,47 (3,20)

0.48 (3.93)


0.99 0.0165 0.99 0.0163

0.99 0.0212 0.99 0.0208

0.98 0.0255 0.99 0.0?43


L82 0.32 1.79 0.37

1.77 0.88 1.80 0.87

1.90 0.93 2.00 0.91

D W/Rho

where B, Y, P, and D are the logs of the monetary base, real ONP, the OIqP deflator and the stock of debt. and CPR and U are the levels oi lhe commercial paper rate and the unemployment rate. The log of the stock o~ gross Treasury debt (GD) and of the stock of net Treasury debt (ND) are substituted for D. 'Numbers in parentheses below the coefficient estimates are t-statistics.

Bc ~ ao + arT+ a2yt_ t + a3CPRf_ 1 + a4~_ t + asPl_ ~ + asDt + e~,

aThe estimation results are for the levels version of eq. (5):




5.99 (2.53) -5.79 (2.61)




Table 3 Levels version of monetary base reaction function, a




152 ~

S.D. A IIo~and D.L. McCrickard, Deficits and money growth: Comment

functional forms. Similar results are found but not reported for ND* and GD*. t6

4. Conclusion Joines argues that the Federal Reserve accommodates war-induced deficits but not non-war-induced deficits. Accordingly, he constructs a non-war deficit spending variable and a war expenditure variable to include in his monetary base equation. His non-war deficit variable has no significant impact on the base ove~ the period 1866-1983. We have shown, however, that war expenditures are not statistically related to deficit spending during the Korean or Vietnam periods so that measures of the deficit should not be adjusted for war-time expenditures after World War II. We use a first-difference form of a reaction function to obtain a stationary time series of the monetary base with four different measures of" the deficit to show that the Federal Reserve has pursaed accommodation of federal government deficits in the post-war period. References Allen, Stuart D., 1986, The Federal Reserve and the electoral cycle, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 18, g8-94. Allen, Stuart D. a~d Michael D. Smith, 1983, Government borrowing and monetavj accommodation, Journal of Monetary Economies 12, 605-616. Beach, Charles and James McK.innon, 1978, A maximum likelihood procedure for regression with autocorrelated errors, Econometrica 46, 51-58. Belsey, David A., Edwin Knh and Roy E. Welseh, !1980, Regression diagnostics: Identifying influential data and sources of collineafity (Wiley, New York). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1981, Annual statistical digest, 1970-79 (Board of Governors, Washington, DC). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, vadous issues, Annual statistical digest (Board of Governors, Washington, DC). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1976, Banking and monetary statistics, 1914-41 (Board of Governors, Washington, DC). P,oard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 1976, Bani,Ang and monetary statistics, 1941-70 (Board of Governors, Washington, DC). Board of (~overnors of the Federal Reserve System, various issues, Federal Reserve bulletin (Board of Governors, Washington, DC). Council of Economic Advisors, various issues, Economic report of the President (U.S. Govern. ment Printing Office, Washington, DC). Dickey, D~A. and W.A. Fuller, 1979, Distributions of the estimates for autoregressive time series with a unit root, Journal of the American Statistical Association 74, 98-118. Gordon, Robert J., 19M, Macroeconomics (Little, Brown and Co., Boston, MA). Hamburger, Michael I. and Burton Zwick, 1981, Deficits, money and inflation, Journal of Monetary Economies 7, 141-150. Hamburger, Michael L and Burton Zwick, 1982, Deficits, money and inflation: Reply, Journal of Monetary Economics 10, 279-283. l~If the levels version of eq. (5) is estimated with B, Y, CPR, P, and D weighted by trend nominal GNP, the debt coefficientsfor GD and ND ar~ positive an:~statistically significant at the five percent level for a om:-tailed test for the 1948-85 and 1954-85 periods.

S.D. Allen and D.L. McCrickard[ Deficits and money growth: Comment


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