Earth retaining structures See also. 863164. 863168. 863218. 863219 863304 Use of probability theory to assess the safety of propped embedded cantilever retaining walls Smith, G N Geotechnique V35, ,V4. Dec 1985. P451-460 The use of the probability theory in the assessment of the reliability of a propped embedded cantilever retaining wall is described. The method of analysis is a numerical one and involves an iterative procedure by which the reliability index of the system is evaluated. Knowing the reliability index, a nominal value of the probability of failure of the structure can be obtained. It is shown that a powerful feature of the probability approach is that, whereas the four methods generally used to determine the factor of safety, F, of a propped embedded wall give four different F values, the same four methods all give the same value of reliability index. Auth. 863305 Specification for cast in place concrete diaphragm walling Ground Engng VI8, ,V6, Sept 1985, PI l-19 863306 First 'Stent Wall' installed at Kingston upon Thames Ground Engng VI8. N7, Oct 1985. P27-31 A novel retaining wall construction method has had its first contract application in a car park development at Kingston upon Thames. It is the 'Stem Wall" secant pile wall, the principle of which is to use contiguous concrete male piles secanted into female bentonite/cement/p.f.a piles. An account of the method, construction of the concrete piles and tests carried out is presented. 863307 Failure of an anchored shoetpile bulkhead LaGatta, D P; Shields,D R Proc International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, R oila, :~lissouri, 6-11 May 1984 VI, P393-399. Publ St Louis: Geotechnical Engineering, 1984 An anchored steel sheet pile bulkhead was constructed in soft organic silt and clay. The bulkhead failed when the anchors ruptured during dredging in front of the bulkhead. The construction and failure of the bulkhead are described. Analyses were performed to investigate the cause of the failure. The major factors which contributed to the failure were: (I) failure to design for the lowest tide condition; (2) use of design soil strengths which were too high; (3) prestressing of the anchor system which resulted in increased anchor loading due to soil arching; and (4) bending stresses induced in the anchors by settlement and equipment loading. Particular emphasis is placed on the effects of soil arching on the anchor loading. Auth. 863308 Anchor slab retaining wall stands overtOl~ng flood Wang, Z L; Wu, X M; Zhang, Z S Proc International Conference on Case Histories in Geotecknical Engineering, Rolla, ~4issouri, 6-11 May 1984 VI, P401-404. Publ St Louis." Geotechnical Engineering. 1984 An anchor slab retaining wall, able to stand seasonal overtopping floods, was constructed in 1980 beside a river in Fukien Province, China. Stresses and deformations have been monitored during the mean water level and flood seasons since its
completion. Observation~ and measurements pro,,,.' that t n c ~all is stable against floods. The earth pressure is sho~n to he slightly higher than the designed ~a!u¢ 863309 Research on static earth pressure on retaining walls Fukuoka. M; Imamura. Y Proc 6th Budapest Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Budapest, 2-5 October 1984 P495500. Publ Budapest. Akademiai Kia~b,. t984 Earth pressure of backfill was measured during and after the construction of a 6m high, ver.,, rigid L-shaped retaining wall. No movements of the wall v, ere observed. Measured earth pressure was slightly larger than the Coulomb earth pressure but increased significantly with rain~ater percolation. This is probably due to changes in soil properties. A stone block !uncemented) retaining wall, 4m high, had a ~er~ small earth pressure at rest, and collapsed similarly to a sliding failure in an unretained slope. It is concluded that design earth pressures on retaining walls should be determined by case records. rather than old earth pressure theories. 863310 Precast prestressed concrete retaining wall designed by a new method of earth pressure estimation Fukuoka. M: Nakagawa, H Proc 6th Budapest Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Budapest, 2-5 October 1984 P501506. Publ Budapest. Akademiai Kiado. 1984 A precast, prestressed concrete retaining wall with a curved surface is described. It was designed after analysis of accumulated data from many vertical and inclined retaining walls. Model tests were first performed, which showed bending moments at the bottom of a curved wall to be larger than for a straight one. This was overcome by designing a shelf into the wall. Stability analysis using Taylor's friction circle showed the curved wall to be more stable than the straight one. In addition, the curved walls increase sight distance, and consequently safety, of roads. 863311 Interaction between flexible sheet piling and eohesionless soil Kuralowicz, Z; Tejchman, A Proc 6tb Budapest Conference on Soil 114echam'cs and Foundation Engineering,kdapest, 2-5 October I984 P527533. Publ Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1984 Results of model tests on flexible sheet piling in a cohesionless soil analogue are presented. The deformation and stress distribution along the piling were measured for piles of different flexibilities for the cases of backfilled and open excavations. Slip lines and plastic zones in the soil at limit equilibrium were observed. Results were compared with those for a rigid wall. A new analytical method to calculate earth pressures for flexible sheet piling is proposed. 863312 Definitive retaining wall structures Lakatos, E; Encsy. B; Voros, J Proc 6tb Bm~pcst Conference on Soil Meckanics and Foundation Et~gineering,~dape st , 2-5 October 1984 P535544. Publ Budapest. Akademiai Kiado. 1984 Requirements to cut materials and labour costs have led to the adoption of new design practices for retaining walls in Hungary. Three solutions are described. The "crust packet' (a braced steel box unit. concreted on one or both sides) can be used in the production of underground structures or bridge
C 1986 Pergamon Press Ltd. Reproduction not permitted
117A abutments. A reinforced earth retaimng ,*.a!l and a space framed retaining wall. which allov.s xegetation to gro~ on "he ,,all surface, h.:~e been used
explain the cause and e',.tcnt of undcrseepage are presented. The effect of underseepage on the stabilit,, o!" the dam and details of the rehef of well installation, operation and effecn~e~.ess a.'e d:scusscd. Auth.
Elastoplastic soil model analysis of anchored diaphragm ~alls Petraso~.its. G: Czap. Z Proc 6th Budapest Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Budapest. 2-5 October 1984 P5635"0. Puhl Budapest .4kademiai Kiado. I9,~4 A design method for a diaphragm ~ail is presented The soii ~., represented according to the theor? of elasticali.,, bedded plates, where bedding stresses ma', var.,, bet'aeen the ,.alues of acti,.e o r passi'.e ear:h pressures. The effects of the construenon schedule and anchor prestresses on wall displacements and ~all and soil ,;tresses are demonstrated. 863314
Earth pressure against sheet pile ,~'alls and slurry trench walls .i.. Pru~,,,a. I. Proc 6th Budapest Conference on Soil Alechanics and Foundation Engineering,Budapest, 2-5 October 1984 PS v /576. Puhl t3udapc,~r ..tkademi,,ti Kiado, 19S4
A simple anal,.sls is presented of the earth pressures agam~z sheet pile and slurry trench walls. The pressure against rammed sheet pries depends upon the thickness of the pile: it exceeds the pressure at rcst and its resultant deviates from the horizontal. For slurry trenches the pressure approximates to that at rest and its resultant is horizontal. If these structures car,, incline or rotate after completion, the earth pressure cap. decline to the acti,,e earth pressure. The displacement for this to occur is greater for the sheet pile ,natl.
Construction methods 863315
Atlas screwpile: an improved foundation technique for the vibration free execution of piles ~ith larger capacit) Imbo, R P Proc 6th Budapest Conference on Soil Alechanics and Foundation Engineering,Budapest, 2-5 October 1984 P3633~2. Puhl Budapest ..Ikudemiai Kiado, 1984 The Atlas BT-40 piling machine is described, v, hich permits the installation of screwpiies in almost all soils where dri,.cn piles can be used. An auger is scre',~ed into the earth, lateralb compressing the soil. and the resultant cavity is filled v. ith cement. The piles have a unique screw shape as a result of the auger being screwed out of the ground and increased bearing capacity because of increased frictional resistance. The calculation of bearing capacit,,, the range of applications of the BT40 and its economic advantages are described.
Groundwater problems 863316
Underseepage at the Loy Yang settling pond dam Fletcher. S J: Pedler. I V Engng Geol V22..V/. Sept 1985. P'I-B/ The koy Yang Settling Pond. ,*as constructed at Traralgon South in the katrobe Valle,.. Victoria. Australia. to ser,.ice the 4000MW b r o ~ n coal-fired ko.~ Yang Power Project during its construction and operation. Filling of the pond commenced and pressures monitored b.~ foundation piezometers and groundwater observation bores indicated that underseepage ',~as occurring. The monitoring and investigation programs are described, and the hydrogeoiogical models postulated to ,
Influence of dynamic loads 86331'7
D,,namic soil and ~ater pressures of submer~ed soils Matsuzav, a. H: Ishibashi. I: Kav, amura. \1 J Geotech Engn,¢ Dir..|SCE ~'1II. VIO. Oct /9x5. PII611 / -6 Currep.t theories and procedures in e,,aluating d',namlc lateral earth and ,.~.ater pressures due to submerged backfill softs against rigid re.taming structures are thoroughi.,, revie,.~.ed. ,-\~ ailablc experimental data are gathered and compared to the theories. A ne~ generalised apparent angle of seismic coct!icient. ~hich can be easil,, used to exaluate dynamic soil and water pressure for a wide range of backfill soil t',pes, is proposed. ]'he ne~ procedure incorporates the effect of the pern:eabi!iL,, and the geometry of the backfill soils and the modes of the ,.'.all mo,.ement. 863318
Liquefaction potential e~aluation for Arcadia Dam Wagner. J R Proc International Conference on Case ttistories in Geotechnical Engineering, Roll,,, Missouri, 6-11 .Way 1984 l'/. P-.'25-432. Puhl St Loui.~': Geotec/zntc~d En,¢ine.ermg. 19S4 Studies performed as part of the liquefaction potential evalua.tion for .Arcadia Dam. Oklahoma, USA. are presented. The "Simplified Procedure" of Seed was used. The ~arious decisions. )udgements and procedures used to adapt the required studies to the site specific conditions are discussed, alone v, ith a description of drilling, sampling, sample handling, a n d l a b o rator'. "esting. A useful relationship bet~cen standard penetration test blo~. count values, laborator', c~,chc shear strength and soil grain size is Rmnd. which enables SPT data from s~lts and silt.,, sands at the sites to be used with the simplified procedure ~hich is based on biow count from relati',el', clean sands. 863319
Pile foundation under liquefied soils Huishan, L: Taiping, Q Proc International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, R oila, .Wissouri, 6-I 1 .Way 1984 I'1. P433-444. Pub/St Loui,~." Geotechnical Engineering. I984 The Tangshan and Haichen earthquake enabled the aseismic behaviour of ~arious structures to be examined and provided valuable information for further re,,ision of aseismic regulations. The results of in,,estigation of pile foundations resting on potentially liquefiable soils are presented. Laborator? tests were performed to clarity some phenomena. Based upon the investigation, in situ and shaking table tests, some anal,,sis and comments on pile foundation design are made. 863320
Liquefaction risk evaluation during earthquakes Qiao Taiping: Veang Chenchun: Weng Lunian: Liu Huishan Proc International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnieal Engineering, Rolla, 3,Iissouri, 6-11 .Way 1984 F/. P445-454. P~d,[ St Louis: Geotechnical Engineering. 19x4 A simplified method is presented to e,,aluate liquefaction risk. modified from the form of liquefaction potential index suggested by lwasaki. Tokida and others (1980. 1982). Based upon the investigations of structural dama,.ze caused by soil liquefaction during the Tangshan earthquake-, four categories
1986 Pergamon Press Lt2. Reproduction no' permitted