@ North-Holland
l-8 Company
OF 9Li AND “Li
Collaboration, CERN, Geneua, Switzerland Received
4 November
Abstract: The P, values for 9Li and “Li were determined to be (50 + 4)% and (95 * 8)%, respectively, beta-neutron coincidence technique. The P. values of 27-31Na, 93-98Rb and ‘45-146Cs, which been deduced by normalization to the older P, value for 9Li, should thus be raised by the factor The P-decay branch to the 320 keV first excited state of “Be was found to be (9.2*0.7)%. fraction of one-neutron emission leading to excited states of “Be was deduced to be (41 f 4)%. half-life of “Li was remeasured to be (8.83rt0.12)ms.
RADIOACTIVITY 9.11Li [from U or Ta(3He, X) on-line mass separation]; 9.11Li deduced P.. “Li measured T1j2, pr-coin. ‘,llLi deduced log on-coin. targets.
by a had 1.43. The The
ft. Natural
1. Introduction The delayed neutron emission probabilities, P,, of individual nuclides are of primary interest for the understanding of the gross properties of the decay process and for its implications in the astrophysical r-process. Many experiments of this kind have been performed, although they are difficult because of the low production cross section and the short half-lives of the delayed neutron precursors. Because of the inherent
of neutron
the known
P, value of an accessible
is often used to determine the ratio of the efficiencies of the neutron and p-detectors. For example, the P, values for ‘ILi, and many Na, Rb and Cs isotopes lV2)have been deduced by using the adopted value 3, for 9Li (35 f 5)% by Chen et al. 4). Our new measurement of the 9Li P, value gives (50*4)% and increases the other results correspondingly. The P, value of 9Li was first estimated by Alburger ‘) to be (75 f 15)% from an analysis of the p-spectrum obtained with a plastic scintillator. This value was used in the decay scheme proposed by Macefield et al. 6). However, in the latest measurement, Chen et al. 4, used a AE-E telescope to detect the arrival of a 9Li nucleus and afterwards recorded the charged particle spectrum in the E-counter. The assumption was that for each neutron there would be two (Y-particles depositing their energy in a CERN-ISOLDE,
CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. b Institute of Physics, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark. * On leave from Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
April 1981
T. Bjhhsrad
the E-detector. seen,
et al. / Delayed neutron emission
A peak due to the (Y’Sfrom the first excited 2’ state of ‘Be was clearly which
a rising
at pulse heights below 150 keV. One of the small peaks was interpreted
due to (Y’Sfrom the 0’ ground
state of *Be and the continuum
as due to P-particles.
Recent measurements of the neutron spectrum ‘) confirm that there is a decay branch to the *Be ground state. However, the a’s from the break-up of “Be share a total kinetic energy of only 92 keV and with a pulse-height defect they could have been lost in the 0 continuum. Thus, they would not have been included in the a-spectrum and the derived 4, P, value would have become too low. In fact it was the y-measurement of “Li reported here, which proved to be inconsistent with the published P, value and prompted us to remeasure the P, of 9Li. The P, value of “Li is of particular interest because of the recent discoveries that it is a P-delayed two-neutron 8, and three-neutron 9, emitter.
2. Experimental The lithium isotopes SC irradiating uranium source at the ISOLDE deposited on a movable a 1 mm thick 24 x 16
were produced by the 900 MeV ‘He beam from the CERN carbide or tantalum targets in combination with a thermal ion facility. The 60 keV ion beam from the separator was aluminized mylar tape. The beta detector which consisted of mm* plastic scintillator (Ne 102) mounted on a 30 mm
phototube was placed in a metal cylinder right behind the tape at the collection position. The 47r neutron counter 9*10) consisted of eight 3He proportional counters imbedded in paraffin wax in concentrical geometry around the cylinder containing the beta detector. The walls of the cylinder consisted of brass (5 mm) and steel (2 mm). The neutron detection efficiency was determined with a 1.9 kg sample of 238U to be (14 f l)%. The variation of the neutron detection efficiency with energy, which has not been measured, is in the present work the largest source of systematic error. The y-detector was a coaxial Ge(Li) crystal with 17% standard efficiency. The /3-y coincidence data were obtained by using the p-signal to open a 5 ks linear gate on the y-signal, which in this case gave a negligible random rate. The -y-detection efficiency was determined to about 5% accuracy with calibrated sources placed at the point of sample collection in the cylinder. Since the residence time of a neutron in the paraffin moderated detector is exponentially distributed with a mean lifetime of about 100 ks, the neutron-p coincidence measurements were performed by starting a clock with the /3 signal and stopping it with the neutron signal. The data were fitted to an exponential plus a constant value where the latter accounted for the random background at the low coincidence rates of about 10 s-’ used here. From P-y coincidence measurements on
T. Bjiimstad et al. / Delayed neutron emission
26Na, the beta efficiency
was checked
was determined
to be (40*3)%
and the y-
for the 1.8 MeV y-ray.
3. Results 3.1. ‘Li
From two p-neutron coincidence measurements on ‘Li the P, value was determined to be (50*4)%. The statistical uncertainty is four times smaller; the error shown comes mainly from the uncertainty in the efficiency of the neutron detector. Ten other sets of singles measurements were made, which with the determined P-detection efficiency also yield values of P,. Eight of these were relative neutron to beta saturation yields and two used a pulsed ion beam to determine neutronand P-decay curves to verify that the activity was due to 9Li. These measurements gave also a P, value of 50% with an equally small statistical error, but the uncertainty in the p-detection efficiency gave a larger systematic error. Table 1 presents the P,, to a ‘Li P, value of 50% instead of values measured by Roeckl et al. ‘.‘) renormalized 35%. TABLE
Renormalized “Li”) “Na ‘*Na 29Na “ONa
“) “) “) “)
“Na 9”Rb 94Rb 95Rb 96Rb 97Rb 9RRb ‘Ys ‘Ys
“) h, b, ? b, b, h, h, h,
P, values (%) 87+ 10 0.1 1 f 0.04 0.8 f 0.2 22r3 47i5 43*11 1.8rt0.2 12.1~~1.3 12.2* 1.3 19i2 39k.4 19*3 17*2 2oi2
“) From ref. ‘). ‘) From ref. 2).
Since the ground state of 9Be is the only non-neutron emitting P-decay branch to the ground state is thus also (50 *4)%.
state (see fig. l), the
For “Li, the half-life was redetermined 0.12 ms. Combining this with the previous best value of 8.7 f 0.1 ms.
by neutron measurements to be 8.83* result ‘) of 8.5 f 0.2 ms, we recommend a
,T. Bjiirnstad 13.607
et al. / Delayed
neutron emission
J”x 3/2-
Fig. 1. The decay scheme of ‘Li from ref. ‘) and this work.
When counting the p’s of “Li in the saturation mode one has to take into account the contribution from the 14 s “Be daughter in equilibrium (see fig. 2). Assuming that the “Li decay to the “Be ground state is negligible, then all the “Be yield must come from P-decay to the 320 keV state, which is the only excited neutron bound state. If the probability of beta decay to this state is denoted P,, then the y count rate in the saturation should be proportional to 1 + Pv Taking this into account the P-r coincidence measurement gave a value for P, equal to (9.2 f 0.7)%. The “B y-ray at 2.12 MeV was also visible. Taking its abundance per “Be decay “) as 33%, then the “Be decays per “Li decay in saturation came to (9 f 2)%, in agreement with P, From this one can calculate that the one standard deviation upper limit on Pg.,. is 2%. The 3.368 MeV -y-ray from the first excited state of “Be, populated following neutron emission was seen. The experimental value, which is the probability of emission divided by (1 +Py), was found to be (32.0*2.5)%. Using the determined value of P, the probability of the 3.3 MeV y-ray thus becomes (35 f 3)%. Recently, Ditraz et al. “) have also studied the y-decay of “Li. They normalized their yields to the /3 singles rate, or to ion counting done before and after the data collection. For P, they found (5.2 f 1.4)%, a value a factor of 1.8 f 0.5 smaller than the one measured here. From a comparison of their 2.12 MeV and 320 keV y-rays they could also set an upper limit of 2% for Pg.,.. For the 3.3 MeV y-ray in ‘OBe they reported‘ an intensity of (21&6)%, again a factor of 1.7* 0.5 smaller than the
T. Biknstad
et al. / Delayed neutron emission
j,o.5g 20.76 XT
J” .11/2-I
= 512
8.887 2a*3n 7.315
7.917 _ %le+cx.*n
J”~1/2” T. 3/2
Fig. 2. The decay scheme of “Li from ref. ‘) and this work. The P, value is greater than the shown sum of the P-branches to the neutron emitting states because of multiple neutron emission.
DCtraz et al. 12) also reported intensities for some of the y-rays in the 3.3 MeV level which we did not attempt to resolve from our
spectrum. For the “Li P-neutron coincidence measurement, the tape was moved every two seconds (with interruption of counting) in order to reduce the contribution of the “Be daughter to an almost negligible amount. The results gave a value for P, equal to (96 f 8)%, of which the statistical error was 5% and the rest of the error came from the uncertainty in the neutron detection efficiency. A one per cent correction was made to this number
“Li is a multiple
and once a neutron
stops the clock in the coincidence measurements, the other neutrons from that event cannot be detected. Six sets of singles measurements were also performed, four of which were relative p-neutron saturation yields, one used the tape transport again to remove the “Be daughter, and one obtained /3 and neutron decay curves. The average value of P, was 93% with about the same statistical error as in the coincidence measurement, but with a larger systematic error. We adopt a best P, value of (95 f 8)X. The renormalized value from the measurements of Roeckl et al. ‘) given in table 1 agrees with this new value.
T. Bjhstad
et al. / Delayed neutron emission
Previously “Li had been reported 9, to be a multiple neutron emitter. The relative probabilities of two-neutron and three-neutron emission were given to bet PZ”/Pl” = 0.048 f 0.005 , P3,/Pln
= 0.022 f 0.002 .
From this one obtains: PJP,,
= 1 + 2PzJP1,
+ 3PJP1,
By assuming that the *Li + t disintegration are negligible one can state that: l-P,
= 1.16 f 0.01 .
mode as well as the ground-state
Using the values for two- and three-neutron (l-P,)/P1,=
emission given in eq. (1)
Combining this with eq. (2) one finds that the relationship between P,, and P, is given by: P”/(l -P,)
= 1.08 f 0.01 .
Our results presented above give for this ratio the value 1.05 f 0.08, which shows consistency between our neutron and y-measurements. With these assumptions, one may calculate a more accurate value for P, from the measured value of P, by using eq. (4). This gives a “Li P,, value of (98 f l)%, and by using eqs. (2) and (l), the following multi-neutron emission probabilities are obtained: P,,=(85*1)%, P*n = (4.1 f 0.4)% )
P,,=(1.9*0.2)%. From the intensity of the 3.3 MeV y-ray in “Be and the PI, value the fraction of one neutron emission leading to excited states of “Be becomes (41 f 4)“h. 4. Discussion
The new set of P, values changes considerably the comparative half-lives for the allowed p transitions in 9,11Li. Taking the 9Li and “Li Qp and Tl,z values to be 13.61 MeV [ref. 3)], 178.3 ms [ref. 3)] and 20.76 MeV [ref. 13)], 8.7 ms, respectively, one obtains a log ft value of 5.32 for the 9Li decay to the ground state and 5.59 for the ’ Note that the probability P, = xi iPi,.
of emission
of i neutrons
is denoted
Pi, so that the usual P, value is given by
T. Bjijrnstad
“Li decay to the first excited
et al. 1 Delayed
neutron emission
state. The 9Li number
is in good agreement
with the
shell-model calculations of 5.05 by Cohen and Kurath 14) and 5.54 by Hauge and Maripuu “). For the “Li allowed decay, however, the calculated values are 4.61 by Cohen
and Kurath
14) and 4.83 by Boyarkina
r6), which are almost
a factor
of ten
faster than observed. Although “Li is the fastest &decaying isotope published, Barker and Hickey “) have pointed out that, indeed, the half-life is surprisingly long. Wilkinson and Alburger ‘*) pointed out that the “Be ground state most likely had even parity, contrary to what .had been expected previously. One elegant experiment, which helped to prove this conclusively was carried out by Deutsch et al. 19), who showed that direct muon capture in “B identifies the expected P1,2 level (i-) at 320 keV above the 3’ ground state. The crossing of the two states is consistent with an extrapolation of their positions in the nuclei “B and 13C [ref.20)] and it can be understood in terms of a strong deformation of “Be (fig. 3). We note in this connection that the nucleon numbers 4,6 and 10 favour deformed shapes and that strongly deformed states occur at relatively low excitation energy in ‘go . If “Li is also deformed, we would expect a i- ground state assignment instead of $- as assumed in ref. “). The present limit on the “Li P-decay to the ‘lBe ground state, Pg.,. < 2%, gives a logft greater than or equal to 6.3 for the 6, $)- + F first forbidden transition. In the
4 E/h%
3. .
. .
. .
- 0.4
PWZ __--/ -: -.
02 ”
[lOl i] [lo1
‘. ‘. x.
[llO f]
“1 0.4 6
Fig. 3. Spectrum of single-particle orbits in a spheroidal potential. The orbits are labelled by the asymptotic quantum numbers [Ah&I] where the parity is C-l)? The “Be ground state corresponds to the crossing between [lOli] and [220$. If “L’ 11s d e f ormed, the ground state will be [llOf] [from ref. ‘I)].
compilation by Raman ($-) with a log ft of 6.0. slow, it is possible that could be present in an
T. Bjiirnstad
et al. j Delayed
neutron emission
and Gove “) one finds a similar transition for r5C ($‘) + “N Thus, since the allowed decay of “Li to the 320 keV state is so the forbidden decay to the ground state is not negligible, and amount up to our experimental limit.
We wish to acknowledge fruitful discussions with Claude Detraz, Epherre, John C. Hardy, Michel Langevin and Ernst Roeckl.
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