of stress in a soil sample, sad it is shown analytically and experimentally that significant changes in lateral stresses do occur in simple shear tests. Such patterns of behavior are thereafter incorporated in the interpretation of cyclic loading simple shear tests on sand. 781029 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN CONE RESISTANCE AND VANE SHEAR STRENGTH IN SOME SCANDINAVIAN SOFT TO MEDIUM STIFF CLAYS Lunne, T; Eide, O; de Ruiter, J Can Geotech J, V13, N4, Nov 1976, P430-441 781030 USE OF A SELF-BORING PRESSURR~4ETER TO DRTERMINE THE UNDRAIN~ PROP~TIES OF CLAYS Windle, D; Wroth, C P Ground Engng, VlO, N6, Sept 1977, P37-46 Describes the instrument, developed at Cambridge University, which is essentially a miniature cylindrical tunnelling machine that is jacked steadily into the ground, soll entering the shoe being cut up and flushed to the surface. Disturbance is claimed to be less than in other 'so-called undisturbed' tests, and it is possible to obtain a number of parameters from 1 test: undrained shear strength, shear modulus or u n d r a i n e d Youth's modulus, and the in situ total horizontal stress. 781031 THEORY FOR SHEAR STRENGTH OF GRANULAR MATERIALS Sadasivan, S K; Ra~u, V S J Geotech ~qgng Div ASCE, VI03, NGTS, 1977,
P851-861 Based on statistical methods, a theory is proposed for the shear strength of a random assembly of rigid, spherical, cohesior~ess particles. This gives a relation between angle of friction at constant volume, angle of interparticle friction, and void ratio. 781032 EFFECTS OF DRAINAGE IN REPEATED LOADING OF CLAYS France, J W; Sangrey, D A J Geotech H~Eng Div ASCE, VI03, NGT7, 1977, P769-785 An effective stress model for the response of saturated clay soils experiencing cyclic loading is presented. Using undrained response as a basis, the influence of periodic drainage during cyclic loading is illustrated. Stress changes, water content changes and strength after cyclic loading may be predicted using the model. 781033 PHYSICAL PREREQUISITES FOR MONITORING ROCK STRENGTH BY THE ACOUSTIC METHOD Beroa, A I; Vatolin, E S; Borodin, V P Soy Min Sci, VI2, N4, July-Aug 1976, P377-380 Examines the influence of discontinuities on the stren&~/1 and acoustic properties of rocks.
Deformation characteristics
The theoretical implications of a wide variation in soil and rock compressibility on undrained Poisson's ratio are examined. Expressions are derived for this parameter in saturated porous materials with both isotropie and anisotropic structures. The undrained Poisson's ratio for an isotropic structure only has the classical value of 0.5 when the pore pressure parameter B is exadtly equal to one. 781035 INFLUENCE OF BOREHOLE IMPERFECTIONS ON A PRESSURI~METER. TECHNICAL NOTE Fragaszy, R J; Cheney, J A J Geoteeh Fngng Div ASCE, VI03, NGT9, 1977, PI009-I013 The effects of borehole imperfections, soil inhomogeneity and the length of the pressurized zone on in-situ shear modulus values determined by pressuremeter tests are limited to + or lO per cent provided that (1) the radius varies by less than i0 per cent; (2) many readings are taken to detect hard spots; (3) the minimum pressurized length-to-radius ratio is 10. 781036 ACOUSTIC H~4ISSION B~IAvIOUR OF soILS Koerner, R M; Lord, A E; McCabe, W M J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, VI03, NGTS, 1977, P837-850 The acoustic emission behaviour of cohesive soils differs from that of granular soils having lower amplitude, low frequeneies~ high attenuation and being related to water content. Acoustic emission counts are related to stress level, stress history, water content and plasticity index. 781037 DAMPING RATIO FOR DRY sANDs Sherlf, M A; Ishibashi, I; Gaddahj A H J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, VI03, NGTT, 1977, P743-756 The relationship between damping ratio and dynamic shear strain for a number of dry sands was investigated using the torsional simple shear device. An equation relating dam_ ping ratio to shear strain as a function of confining pressure, soil gradation and sphericity factor is proposed. 781038 DENSITY AND COMPRESSIBILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF AIR-WATER MIXTURES Fredlund, D G Can Geotech J, VI3, N4, Nov 1976, PZ86-396 Relates to density and compressibility relationships for the fluid phase of unsaturated soils, and to transient flow prob leas. 781039 STRAIN HARDENING BEHAVIOUR OF PARTICULATE MEDIA Frydman, S Can Geoteeh J, VI3, N3, Aug 1976, P311-329 781040 DISLOCATION STRUCTURE OF EXPERIMENTALLY DEFORMED MARBLE Goetze, C; Kohlstedt, D L Contrib Miner Petrol, V59, N3, Feb 1977, P293-306 Five specimens deformed at differential stresses between 220 and 980 bar were selected for a transmission electron microscopy study from a suite of Yttle bLarble specimens. The electron micrographs show twinning, curved