OOOO Volume 129, Number 1 to a maxillectomy. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient remains without recurrence. GLOMANGIOMA: A CASE REPORT. OSMAR  ...

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OOOO Volume 129, Number 1 to a maxillectomy. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient remains without recurrence.

GLOMANGIOMA: A CASE REPORT. OSMAR    ADAN CARCAMO-IDI AQUEZ, JOSE LUIS BERNAL, VALERIA OCAMPO-ROOSENS,  ISRAEL VIVANCO-PEREZ, ADOLFO NAVARRO-ZARATE,  and, JOSE FRANCISCO DIEGO ACEVEDO-CANTORAN TORRES-ANGUIANO The glomus tumor (GT) is a benign neoplasm originating from the cells of the glomus body; its incidence in the head and neck region is 0.6%. Clinically, it presents as a small, soft, and solitary nodule with variable size and location. Histologically, it is classified into glomangioma, glomangiomyoma, and solid glomus tumor. Surgery is the treatment of choice and recurrence is rare. We present the case of a 29-year-old female patient, who presented with an exophytic lesion that was soft, painful, and bleeding, located at the level of the interdental papilla between the 11th and 21st teeth. The panoramic radiograph did not reveal relevant data and excisional biopsy was performed. The histopathologic report indicates glomangioma. Currently, after 1 year of follow-up, the patient remains asymptomatic with no recurrence. The intraoral GT are extremely rare, and their timely diagnosis will help reduce the morbidity associated with them.

CYSTIC AND TUMOR CHARACTERISTICS OF ODONTOGENIC KERATOCYST: CASE  REPORT. JULIA VIANNA NERI ANDRADE REIS, JULIANA BORGES DE LIMA DANTAS, LAIS e BASTOS GUIMARAES, SILVIA REGINA DE ALMEIDA ^ REIS, ALENA PEIXOTO MEDRADO, ANTONIO LUCINDO PINTO DE CAMPOS SOBRINHO and, ^  ANTONIO MARCIO TEIXEIRA MARCHIONNI In 2005, the World Health Organization classified the keratocyst as being a tumor due to its aggressiveness and recurrence. In 2017, it was reclassified as a cyst. Due to this dubious behavior, the present study aims to report a case of odontogenic keratocyst that illustrates its clinical and surgical characteristics. A 51year-old patient presented with multilocular radiolucent lesions in the body and the right ramus of the mandible. In 2012, marsupialization was the first established approach with conservative surgery after 1 year. After 2 years of follow-up, there was recurrence in the mandibular ramus and surgical curettage was chosen. After another year, there was another recurrence in the mandibular body that was surgically treated again. The patient is healthy after 1 year. The 2 recurrences at different sites of the primary lesion demonstrated aggressive behavior; however, its reduction from marsupialization and the possibility of surgical curettage revealed the cystic nature of odontogenic keratocyst.

DENTIGEROUS CYST ASSOCIATED WITH A SUPERNUMERARY TOOTH IN THE MAXILLA. ESTEBAN ALEXIS ARROYO, JAVIER  PEREZ, CAMILA DE OLIVEIRA BARBEIRO, DARCY FERNANDES and, ANDREIA BUFALINO A 50-year-old white man presented with a painless swelling in the anterior region of the maxilla that evolved over 2 years. The cone beam computed tomography showed an extensive osteolytic lesion with defined limits and associated with a



supernumerary tooth. Rhizolysis of the teeth #6 to #10 was observed. Both the cyst and attached supernumerary tooth were enucleated. Histopathologic analysis revealed a diagnosis of dentigerous cyst associated with a supernumerary tooth. After 6 months of follow-up, a decrease in the bone defect was observed, as well as an improvement in the periodontal stability of the teeth involved. Clinical and imaging tests will be carried out to continue evaluating the patient and rule out recurrences. Since most of the supernumerary teeth are commonly located in the premaxilla, the clinicians should be attentive because dentigerous cyst could occur in this location.

INFLAMMATORY ODONTOGENIC CYSTS IN THE RIGHT JAW. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT, AND 3 YEARS OF FOLLOW-UP. PAULO HENRIQUE ALVARES TORRES, ANNE CAMPELO RAMOS and, LUCIANO MARQUES DA SILVA Inflammatory odontogenic cysts may arise from the development or proliferation of residual odontogenic epithelium remaining from an extracted tooth. A 76-year-old male patient sought treatment with mild pain and intraoral swelling in the right mandibular region. The clinical examination evidenced a great asymptomatic expansion of the vestibular and lingual cortices covered by normal color mucosa in the posterior region of the edentulous right mandible. On the radiographic examination, a single, well-delineated radiolucent area with sclerotic and slightly multilocular borders extended from the right lower canine region to the mandibular ramus. As a treatment, a biopsy was performed initially and then a decompression cannula was placed. After the result of the histopathologic examination of the inflammatory odontogenic cyst, the decompression cannula was maintained for 18 months until regression of the cystic lesion. Subsequently, enucleation was performed. The patient is being followed up with radiographic control.

METASTATIC CALCINOSIS OF THE TONGUE: A CASE REPORT. AMANDA LEAL ROCHA, LAIZ FERNANDES MENDES NUNES, GLEYSON KLEBER AMARAL SILVA, SICILIA REZENDE DE OLIVEIRA, FELIPE PAIVA FONSECA, RICARDO ALVES MESQUITA and, TARCILIA APARECIDA SILVA Metastatic calcinosis (MC) is a pathologic process that results from the deposition of calcified product in normal tissues as result of hyperphosphatemia with or without concomitant hypercalcemia. A 52-year-old man with history of renal transplant was evaluated for an asymptomatic nodule on the dorsal surface of the tongue. On intraoral examination, an undefined, firm, sessile, irregular, and yellowish surface nodule, measuring 10 £ 8 £ 4 mm was observed. Panoramic radiograph showed radiopaque areas adjacent to the hyoid bone and paired linear areas of calcification next to the mandibular angle. The medical history revealed a previous diagnosis of chronic renal disease with slightly increased levels of serum phosphorus (5.5 mg/dL). An excisional biopsy was performed. Histopathologic and scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed the presence of amorphous material and basophilic irregularly shaped acellular deposits with a lamellar-like aspect. A final diagnosis of MC was made and the patient was referred for medical evaluation. Financial support: FAPEMIG.