Dento-facial Development and Growth. James lfenderson Pergamon Press. Inc 205 pages, illustrated, indexed.
Scott. I,ondon
and New York.
.l‘his excellent book is intended for the reader who already has a. basic knowledge of thr oral and facial structures. It deals with aspects of development and growth of the craniofacial skrletott which form the basis of orthodontics, and contributes to an understanding of the a reorientation of the prec’linical dental total dental apparatus, The author is anticipating curriculum and postgraduate dental specialties. and the rvoluriun of teaching methods in dentistry. The first chapter rev-icws the development and form of the human dentition. arid both natural and artificial tooth movements. Chapter two discusses the development and maintrnam‘c of I~ne as d tissue -~ intramembranous and endochondt al ossification bone resorption. the orgarlic and tninrral rompc~nents of bone, and the determination of bone form. Following this is a description of the development and #rowth of the craniofacial skeleton, the comparative pattern of facial growth in man and anthropoid apes. and the comparative development of some facial and oral structures in monkeys: lrmurs, and other S~rnrnals. The orofacial muscuhtur~ is explained --the dev~elnpment and growth of the muscles and their influence on dental arch form. The fin,11 c,haptcr deals with the anatomy of crphalometrics, and consists largely 01 definitions and descriptions of the rnanv points, planes. and angles used in cephalometric, 2 nalysis. The reader is t arrird smoothly through this biologic, de! cloprnent and, in the (‘ourse ul the journey. finds that the author has c~ltmxd away much of the mist that often surrounds and development of facial some phases of tooth formation and eruption and the formation hones. language can be read ‘I‘hc book is refreshingly ire fmn J~UgOl:, and the comfortable without the distraction of complicated phraseology. The bibliography is good, and the 71 illustrations arc rxcellent. It might have heen helpful to the reader if the author had providcd mote information for the captions accompanying the illustrations. DOROTHY