Desalination in the Virgin Islands, 1964–1982

Desalination in the Virgin Islands, 1964–1982

Desalination, 45 (1983)196-196 ElsevierSciencePublisbersB.V.,Amst.srdsm-PrintsdinTheNetberlands 195 DESALINATION IN THE VIRGINISLANDS,1964-1982 O.K...

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Desalination, 45

(1983)196-196 ElsevierSciencePublisbersB.V.,Amst.srdsm-PrintsdinTheNetberlands


DESALINATION IN THE VIRGINISLANDS,1964-1982 O.K. BUROS Consultant,CRZM Hill, Inc., P.O.Box1647, Gainesville, E'L32602,U.S.A. TOM LIVINGSTON President,AmericanThermalIndustries,31 SouthAvenueWest, CranfordTownship, NJ 07016,U.S.A.

The U.S. Virgin Islands are located in the Caribbean and consist of three major islands, St. Croix, St. John, and The Vi?gin Islands is one of-the few piaces St. Thomas. (if not the only olace) in the world where the four txinciple * methods of desalting, i.e., freezing, electrodialysis, distillation, and reverse osmosis have been tried on a commercial basis. The islands currently have one of the largest concentrations of seawater desalination facilities in the Western Hemisphere. This pioneering role has produced mixed results. Many of the facilities were prototype units which were the first (and often last) of their design to operate commercially. Other units have worked quite well and desalted seawater forms the major portion of the public water supply. The facilities have been designed and built by a variety of The types which have been installed include manufacturers. the following: Distillation Long tube vertical Multistage flash Vertical-tube/multistage-flash Horizontal-tube multiple-effect Vapor compression Freezing Vacuum-freezing vapor-compression Electrodialysis Horizontal-stack (non-reversible) Reverse-osmosis Seawater both HFF and spiral membranes Brackish water The nameplate capacity of the units have ranged from 20 to 10,000 ma/d (5 to 2,500 kgal/day). Life spans of the various desalting units have ranged from a few months up to 15 years. This paper briefly reviews the history of these units summarizing information on their installation, operation, and performance. OOll-9164/83/$03.00 @1983ElssvierSciencePubliiersB.V.

196 Les Iles Vierges sont l'un des rares endroits (sinon le seul) au monde oti l'on applique sur une base industrielle les 4 mdthodes de dessalement: congelation, 6lectrodialyse, distillation et osmose inverse. Les Iles pr6sentent une des plus grandes concentrations en installations de dessalement de l'eau de mer dans l'h&misphere occidental. Ce r81e de pionnier a fourni des resultats differents: beaucoup d'installations 6taient des prototypes qui ont et6 les premiers (et souvent les derniers) P Etre utilises industriellement. D'autres installations ont donn6 d'excellents r6sultats et l'eau de mer dessalde constitue la part la plus importante de l'alimentation publique en eau.