51 senna
pale rose in moderately coarse powder, moderately coarse powder, liquorice root in moderately coarse powder, each two troy ounces; oil of sassafras, oil of anise, each five minims ; oil of gualtheria, three minims;; sugar in coarse powder, ninety six troy ounces ; diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the solid ingredients, except the
three troy ounces;
sugar, with three pints of diluted alcohol, and allow the mixture to stand twenty-four hours ; then transfer it to a cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour diluted alcohol upon it until ten pints of tincture have passed. Evaporate this by means of a water bath to four pints ; filter ; and having added the sugar, dissolve it with the aid of heat, and strain the solution while hot. Lastly, rub the oils with a small portion of the solution, and mix them thoroughly with the remainder.
SYRUPUS SCILLÆ COMPOSITUS. Take of squill in moderately coarse powder, seneka in moderately fine powder, each four troy ounces ; tartrate of antimony been admitted into Brit,ish pharmacopceias will serve to illus- and potassa, forty-eight grains; sugar in course powder, fortytrate the difference of practice in the two countries, and furnish two troy ounces ; diluted alcohol, water, of each a sufficient valuable suggestions to English practitioners. These are as quantity. Mix the squill and senpka, and having moistened the mixture with half a pint of diluted alcohol, allow it to follow :stand for an hour ; then transfer it to a conical percolator, and A. Primary li.9t.-Arnica montana, Nepeta cataria, Chenopour diluted alcohol upon it until three pints of tincture have podium anthelminticum. Cimicifuga racemosa, Coptis trifolia, passed; boil this for a few minutes, and evaporate it by means Cornus florida, Ettpatorium perfoliatum, Erigeron hetero- of a water-bath to a pint; add six fluid ounces of boiling water, phyllum, Philn.delphicum, and Canadense; Gualtheria procum- and filter; dissolve the sugar in the filtered liquid, and having bens, Gemniam maculatum, Hedeoma pulegioides, Strycnos heated the solution to the boiling point,, strain it while hot; ignatia, Juoltns cinerea, Leptandra virginica, Nectandra rodiei, then dissolve the tartrate of antimony and potassa hi the soluOleum theobromse, Cucurbita pepo, Poclophyllum peltatum, tion while still hot, and add sufficient boiling water through Prunus virginiana, Qnerons tinctoria, Rubus canadensis and the strainer to make it measure three pints. Lastly, mix the villosus, Sanguinaria canadensis, Sassafras medulla et cortex whole thoroughly together. radicis, Statice limonium, Stillingia sylvatica, Ulmus fulva, The following preparation of opium is new to us : it appears Veratrum viride. B. Secondary list.-Achillea millefolium, Aletris farinosa, to be adopted as a substitute fur the liquor opii sedativus:Apocynum androsæmifolium, Aralia nudicaulis et spinosa, TINCTURA OPII DEODORATA-(Deodorized Tii2cture Arum triphyllum, Asarum canadense, Asclepias tuberosa, of Opium.) Melia azedarach, Berberis vulgaris, Cornus circinata et sericea, Take of opium, dried, and in moderately fine powder, two Maruta cotula, Cypripedium plibeseens, Diospyros virginiana, Dracontium foetjidam, Eunonymus atropurpureus, Euphorbia troy ounces and a half; ether, alcohol, of each half a pint; corollata, Frasera walteri, Gelseiiiinum sempervirens, Gentiana water, a sufficient quantity. Macerate the opium with half a eatesbasi, Geum rivale, Gossypium herbaceum, and other species; pint of water for twenty-four hours, and express; then repeat Helianthemum 4IcalJadense, Hepatica americana, Heuchera the operation twice with the same quantity of water. Mix the americana, Hydrastis canadensis, Iris versicolor, Juniperus expressed liquids, and having evaporatecl the mixture to four virginian a, Lappa minor, Leucodendron tulipifera, Lycopus Raid ounces, shake it when cold in a bottle repeatedly with virginicus, Magnolia glauca, acuminata, et tripetala ; Panax the ether. Pour off the ethereal solution when it has separated quinquefolium, PetrosHiittum sativum, Phytolacca decandra, by standing, and evaporate the remainimt liquiduntil all traces Polyg.,ila rubella, Prinos verticillatus, Rhus glabrum, Rotlera of ether have disappeared. Mix this with twenty fluid ounces tinctoria, Rumex crispns, Sabbatia angularis, Scutellaria lateri- of water, and filter the mixture through paper. When the flora, Sesamum indicum et orientale, Solidago odora, Spircea tor- liquid has ceased to pass, add sufficient water through the filter mentosa, Sarracetum vulgare, Rhus toxicodendron, Triosteum to make the filtered liquid measure a pint and a half. Lastly, perfoliettum, Xanthorrhiza apiifoia, Xanthoxylum fraxineum. add the alcohol, and mix them together. Of the secondary list no preparations are found in the body As we have no officinal forms for the many plants recently of the work. However opinions may differ as to the expediency of retain- introduced into practice in England, those given in the American. bnsed as it appears they are, on careful experiing empirical tormu!a3 in national pharmacopoeias, it is scarcely Pharmacopœia, will be ment, acceptable :that the of the British Pharmalikely compilers forthcoming copoeia will reject the many time honoured mixtures of sub- EXTR.A.CTUM PRUNI VIR(;INIAN-;34 FLUIDUM-(Fluid Bxtract of stances with which we are too familiar to inquire as to their Wild Cherry Bark.) therapeutical congruity. We shall probably still retain such forms as compound decoction of sarzse, confection of black Take of wild cherry bark in fine powder, sixteen troy It is equally im- ounces ; sweet almoud, two troy ounces ; sugar in coarse pepper, tincture of opmm and camphor, &c. probable that many, if any, new ones will be introduced ; and powder, twenty-four troy ounces ; alcohol, water, of each yet, if the principle of thtir adoption were examined and carried a sufficient quantity. Introduce the bark, previously mixed out to its logical consequences, the Piiarmacopoeia would be with four fluid ounces of alcohol, into a cylindrical perbrought to embrace ha.lf the contents of popular receipt-books. colator; press it firmly, and gradually pour alcohol upon it, The Americans are a physic-loving people, and the popularity until three pints of tincture have slovly passed. From this of some of these empirical mixtures has led to the insertion of distil pints and a half of alcohol, and having mixed the several which we believe will be interesting to our readers. residue with a pint of water, evaporate by means of a waterThe following is in very general use for catarrh, coughs, &c., bath to half a pint. Beat the almond into a paste, and rub under the popalar name of Brown Mixture. this with successive portions of water. until, after straining through a coarse sieve or cloth, nearly all the snbstance of the MISTURA GLYCYRF.HIZ2F COMPOSITA. almond has been converted into an emulsion, and twelve fluid Take of liquorice in fine powder, sugar in coarse powder, ounces of liquid have been obtained. MlX this with the liquid gum arabic in line powder, each half a troy ounce ; camphorated first obtained in a suitable bottle, and, baBin. closely stoppered tincture of opium, two fluid ounces ; wine of antimony, a fluid it, agitate occasionally during twenty four hours. Then express ounce ; spirit of nitrous ether, half a fluid ounce ; water, twelve quickly and strongly through a cloth; and if the expressed fluid ounces, Ruh the liquorice, sugar, and gum arabic, with liquid measure less than eighteen fluid ounces, add water t the water, gradually added ; then add the other ingredients the residue, and again express until that quantity is obtained. and mix the whole together. Filter the expressed liquid through cotton flannel in a covered into a bottle containing the sugar. Shake the bottle SYRUPUS SARSAPARILLE COMPOSITUS. occasionally during the process until the sugar is dissolved, and Take of sarsaparilla in moderately coarse powder, twenty- continue the filtration until the syrupy liquid measures two four troy ounces ; guaiacum wood is moderately coarse powder, Lastly, mix the whole thoroughly together. A SIMPLE enumeration of the articles of materia medica adopted in the American Pharmacopoeia which have not hitherto
off two
funnel pints.
52 1. It retains the old formula Sp. Ætheris (,o., Hofmann’s EXTRACTUM CIMICIFUGÆ FLUIDUM-(Fluid Extract of anodyne-a medicine which, in our experience, allays painful Black Snakeroot.)) spasms of the heart beyond any othfr. 2. Pulv. Aromaticus Take of csimicifuga, in fine powder, sixteen troy ounces ; consists of cinnamon and ginger, each two parts; cardamom stronger alcohol, a pint and a half; diluted alcohol, a sufficient seeds and nutmeg, each one part. This powder blended with quantity. Moisten the cimicifuga with four fluid ounces of the an equal weight of clarified honey constitutes Conf. Arom. stronger alcohol; introduce it into a conical perculator; pour 3. Tinct. Opii Camphorata has two onncec of honey to two upon it the remainder of the stronger alcohol ; and when ttrr, pints. So also has the Tinct. Cardam. Co. 4. The aid of whole of this has entered the powder, gradually add diluted carbonate of magnesia is employed in dissolving tolu, and the alcohol until a pint and a half of tincture has passed. Set this oleoresin of ginger in preparing the respective syrups. 5. There aside in a shallow vessel in a warm place until reduced by is a Vijiutit Ergotœ, made by treating eight ounces of ergot in spontaneous evaporation to twelve fluid ounces. Continue the powder, in a percolator, with sherry, to obtain two pints. percolation with diluted alcohol until two pints more of tinc- 6. A watery extract of butternut, (inner hark of the root); a ture have been obtained ; evaporate this by means of a water- favourite mild aperient, acting like rhubarb, but without its bath, at a temperature not exceeding 150°, to four fluid ounces; , astringency.
then add the tincture first obtained, very gradually to avoid allow the mixture to stand for twenty-four hours, and filter through paper. ** The extreme minuteness of the directions given for the several preparations will be observed ; the general principle "Audi alteram partem." being adopted throughout the work of offering no normal processes, but treating every substance according to its especial nature per se. The black snakeroot has come into very geneCERTIFICATES OF LUNACY. ral use in this country, a common tincture being employed. It To the Editor of THE LANCET. would appear that the American physicians have no confidence in such a preparation ; moreover, they employ the term Oimiwill have seen that already the public is reaping SIR,-You for the plant, whereas here it is designated Actæa. There is no valid reason for this, and it is sure to cause mistakes and the fruit of the late shameful trials against medical men. The profession shrinks, and naturally, from signing certificates of confusion. while the result of such signature is to be a trial at law, lunacy EXTRACTUM VERATRI VIRIDIS FLUIDUM-(Fluid Extract with all its delays, expenses, and annoyances. In the Daily American Helebore.)) of Telegraph of the 5th inst. we read that .Mr. Pearce, accomTake of American hellebore, in fine powder, sixteen troy by his two sisters, applied to Mr. Selfe, the magistrate, panied ounces; alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the hellebore for a warrant for Mr. Sidney Pearce’s apprehension, to restrain with six fluid ounces of alcohol ; introduce it into a cylindrical the said Sidney Pearce from committing further violence on percolator, press it firmly, and gradually pour alcohol upon it himself and others. Two medical men had seen him, and there until half a pint of tincture has passed. Set this aside, and was nn doubt that he was deranged ; but in consequence of continue the percolation until two pints and a half more of actions recently brought against medical gentlemen for the tincture have been obtained ; evaporate this by means of a expression of their opinions in such matters, they were unwillwater-bath, at a temperature not exceeding 150°, to half a pint; ing to give certificates, and the friends entreated the assistance mix it with the reserved tincture, and filter through paper. of the magistrate to restrain Mr. Sydney Pearce from commitOf this potent drug there is also a form for a simple tincture: ting further violence. Surely, if our efficiency in many spheres of usefulness is not TINCTURA VERATRI VIRIDIS. to be completely crippled, it is time that some association was Take of American hellebore, in moderately fine powder, six- formed to guard us from the attacks of the viciously disposed Moisten the while in the execution of our duties ; for assuredly, if such proteen troy ounces; alcohol, a sufficient powder with four fluid ounces of alcohol, press it firmly in a tection be not shortly forthcoming, the position of a medical cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour alcohol upon it until man who dares to think and act according to his best judgment two pints of tincture are obtained. will be rendered precarious and unsatisfactory in the extreme. I am. Sir. vours &c.. *,.* In the United States Pharmaeopceia, alcohol means spirit of the sp. gr. 0-835 ; stronger alcohol, spirit of sp. gr. 0 817 ; EDWARD ELLIS, M.D. diluted alcohol, alcohol mixed with an equal measure of water, sp. gr. 0-941. A CASE OF POISONING BY PRUSSIC ACID. TiNCTURA SANGUINARIÆ. To the Editor of THE LANCET. Take of bloodroot, in moderately fine powder, four troy ounces; diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the SIR,-Whilst there have been recently two or three cases powder with a fluid onnce of diluted alcohol, pack it in a of fatal poisoning by prussic acid, the following may be worth conical percolator, and gradually pour diluted alcohol upon it recording, as unfortunately adding to their number. until two pints of tincture are obtained. On the 4th of November last, at about eleven o’clock A.M., I ACETUM SANGUINARIÆ. was called by the assistant of J. H. S--, a chemist of the Use the same proportions as above, substituting diluted acetic town, to see his master, as he thought he had poisoned himself. I at once started off, and meeting my partner, Dr. Morris, we acid for the diluted alcohol. of bloodroot also be may Vineo,,tr prepared by macerating went in together. On entering the bedroom, we found the the powder (four troy ounces) with two pints of diluted acetic person lying on his right side, in bed, quite dead, having been acid for seven days, expressing the liquid, and filtering through so apparently three or four hours, He had his dressing-gown, ’ rôbe de nu,it, and socks on ; the be(] -clothes were drawn up paper. to a level with his breast ; his arllls were folded across his INFUSUM EUPATORII. body, with the hands shut ; his month wag partially open ; Take of thoroughwurt (Eupatorium perfoliatum), a troy ounce; eyes fully so, with the pupils diluted. There was no smell boiling water, a pint. Macerate for two hours in a covered perceptible from his mouth ; he had voided his urine. On a vessel, and strain. chest of drawers, about four feet from the foot of the bed, was found a bottle, labeled" Hydrocyanic Acid (Scheele)," SYRUPUS RUBI-(Syrup of Blackberry root.)) and a tumbler, both quite empty. in fine Take of blackherry-root, moderately powder, eight The account given by the servant at the inquest was to the troy ounces; syrtip, a pint and a half; diluted alcohol, a suffi- effect, that she went to call ber master as usual at the breakfast cient quantity. Introduce the powder, previously moistened but receiving no answer, she told the assistant, who, hour, diluted a of into and with four otances alcohol, glass percolator, some short time, told her to go up again and ask after pour diluted alcohol upon it until a pint and a half of tincture if he waiting would have his breakfast in bed. She received no reply has passed. Evaporate this by means of a water-bath, at a on knocking, and feeling alarmed, called the assistant, temperature not exceeding 160°, to half a pint; then mix it whoagain on trying the door and finding it fastened, got into the while hot with the syrup, previously heated, and strain. room by a back staircase, and on entering, found his master A very few notes will embrace everything besides the above dead. The servant remarked that she had heard her master in which the American Pharmacopoeia differs from our own. go into the shop at an early hour in the morning.
precipitation ;