Design and performance analysis of a direct adaptive controller for nonlinear systems

Design and performance analysis of a direct adaptive controller for nonlinear systems

Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817 Brief Paper Design and performance analysis of a direct adaptive controller for nonlinear systems夽 T. Zhang, S.S. Ge*...

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Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817

Brief Paper

Design and performance analysis of a direct adaptive controller for nonlinear systems夽 T. Zhang, S.S. Ge*, C.C. Hang Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260, Singapore Received 22 September 1997; revised 15 October 1998; received in "nal form 3 March 1999

Abstract In this paper, a direct adaptive controller is developed based on multilayer neural networks (MNNs) for a class of nonlinear systems. The proposed scheme avoids the possible singularity problem of the controller usually met in adaptive control design. The system tracking error is proven to converge to a small neighborhood of zero, while the stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed. The transient performance of the resulting adaptive system is analytically quanti"ed, and an example is given to show the e!ectiveness of the scheme.  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Nonlinear systems; Adaptive control; Neural networks; Performance

1. Introduction In recent years, adaptive control of nonlinear systems has been an active research area and many remarkable results have been obtained for a large class of nonlinear systems, which include global state-feedback adaptive schemes (e.g., Sastry & Isidori, 1989; Teel, Kadiyala, Kokotovic & Sastry, 1991; Pomet & Praly, 1992; Kanellakopoulos, Kokotovic & Morse, 1991; Marino & Tomei, 1995; Krstic, Kanellakopoulos & Kokotovic, 1995), and global or semi-global output-feedback adaptive methods (Kanellakopoulos, Kokotovic & Morse, 1992; Marino & Tomei, 1995; Krstic et al., 1995; Jankovic, 1996; Khalil, 1996). In this paper, we are only concerned with the adaptive control problem of nonlinear systems which can be transformed to the following normal form (Isidori, 1989): x "x , i"1,2, n!1, G G> x "a(x)#b(x)u, L y"x , 


This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Hassan Khalil under the direction of Editor T. Basar. * Corresponding author. Tel.: 00-65-874-6821; fax: 00-65-779-1103. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.S. Ge)

where x"[x , x ,2, x ]23RL, u3R, y3R are the state   L variables, system input and output, respectively; a(x) and b(x) are smooth functions which may not be linearly parameterized. The development of feedback linearization techniques provides a powerful tool for nonlinear system control. Based on these techniques, the most commonly used control structure is u"[!a(x)#v]/b(x) with v being a new control variable. In an e!ort to solve the problem of unknown nonlinearly parameterized a(x) and b(x), adaptive control schemes based on neural networks (NNs) or fuzzy systems have been studied (Chen & Liu, 1994; Yesidirek & Lewis, 1995; Kosmatopoulos, 1996; Sanner & Slotine, 1992; Spooner & Passino, 1996; Wang, 1994; Ge, Lee & Harris, 1998b). In these control schemes, the nonlinearity b(x) is usually approximated by NNs or fuzzy systems bK (x, = K ) (where = K denotes the estimated weights). Therefore, additional precautions should be made to avoid possible singularities of the controllers (i.e., bK (x, = K )O0). To cope with such a problem, Chen and Liu (1994) suggested that the initial values of the NN weights be chosen su$ciently close to the ideal values. Therefore, o!-line training phases are needed before the controller is put into operation. Other methods include applying projection algorithm to project = K inside a feasible set where no singularity problem happens (Wang, 1994; Spooner & Passino, 1996), and modifying the controllers by introducing switching control portions to keep the control magnitudes bounded (Yesidirek & Lewis, 1995;

0005-1098/99/$ - see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 0 5 - 1 0 9 8 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 9 8 - 9


T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817

Kosmatopoulos, 1996). As an alternative approach, stable direct adaptive controllers are studied for nonlinear systems with the absolute value of the "rst derivative of b(x) assumed to be bounded by a known function (Sanner & Slotine, 1992; Spooner & Passino, 1996). Based on Lyapunov synthesis method and neural network approximation, several adaptive controllers have been presented for a general class of unknown non-a$ne nonlinear systems without causing any control singularity problem (Ge, Hang & Zhang, 1997; 1998a; Zhang, Ge & Hang, 1997, 1998a, b). However, the plants considered are very general, the approaches provided in these works can only guarantee uniformly ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop systems, and several restrictive assumptions are required. Motivated by the fact that better results can be obtained when more properties of the studied systems are exploited, in this paper we restrict our attention to a special class of nonlinear system (1), whose nonlinearity b(x) does not depend on the state x . L By utilizing this nice property, the developed scheme avoids the controller singularity problem completely, and the stability of the resulting adaptive system is guaranteed without the requirement for o!-line training. In addition, two performance criteria (the mean-square tracking error bound and the ¸ tracking error bound)  are provided to quantify the control performance of the proposed method. In Section 2, we describe the class of nonlinear systems under study, and propose a desired feedback control (DFC) in the ideal case. Section 3 presents the structure and properties of three-layer neural networks used in the controller. A direct adaptive NN controller and its stability are discussed in Section 4, and performance analysis of the closed-loop system are studied in Section 5. Finally, the e!ectiveness of the method is illustrated via an example in Section 6 followed by the conclusion in Section 7.

2. Problem formulation and desired feedback control The control objective is to design an adaptive controller for system (1) such that the output y follows the desired trajectory y . Let "" ) "" denote the 2-norm, "" ) ""  $ denote the Frobenius norm and "A" " K "a " with  G G A"[a , a ,2, a ]23RK.   K Assumption 1. The sign of b(x) is known and there exist two constants b , b '0 such that b 4"b(x)"4b ,     ∀x3)LRL with compact subset ) containing the origin. Assumption 2. *b(x)/*x "0, ∀x3). L Remark 2.1. Assumption 1 implies that the smooth function b(x) is strictly either positive or negative. From now

onwards, without losing generality, we shall assume b(x)'0. It is worth noting that Assumption 2 may restrict the range of the applied plants, however, it brings us a nice property d[b(x)] *b(x) L\ *b(x) bQ (x)" " x " x dt *x *x G> G G


which only depends on the states x. This property is utilized to design a novel adaptive controller here to avoid the singularly problem discussed in Introduction. In fact, many practical systems, such as pendulum plants (Cannon, 1967; Balestrino, De Maria & Zinober, 1984) and single-link robots with #exible joints (Marino & Tomei, 1995) and many others, can be transformed to system (1) and possess this property. De"ne x "[y , y ,2, yL\]2, x "[x2, yL]2 and        e"x!x "[e , e ,2, e ]2, e "[K2 1]e,    L Q


where K"[j , j ,2, j ]2 is chosen such that the   L\ polynomial sL\#j sL\#2#j is Hurwitz. L\  Therefore, e(t)P0 as e P0. In addition, the tracking Q error can also be expressed as e "H(s)e with H(s)  Q a proper stable transfer function. Let l"!yL#  [0 K2]e, the time derivative of e may be written as Q e "a(x)#b(x)u#l. Q


Assumption 3. ""x ""4c with known constant c'0.  Lemma 2.1. Consider system (1) satisfying Assumptions 1}3, there exists a desired feedback control (DFC)

1 1 bQ (x) uH"! [a(x)#l]! ! e b(x) e 2b(x) Q


with constant e'0, such that lim ""e"""0. R Proof. Substituting the DFC controller u"uH into Eq. (4), we have

1 bQ (x) e "!b(x) ! e. Q e 2b(x) Q


Choosing a positive function < "e/2b(x) and di!erenQ Q tiating it along Eq. (6), we obtain e e bQ (x) e

Since b 4b(x)4b (Assumption 1), it follows from   Eq. (7) that < is a Lyapunov function. According to the Q Lyapunov theorem (Narendra & Annaswamy 1989), we have lim "e ""0. Therefore lim ""e"""0 holds. 䊐 R Q R

T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817


Since bQ (x) depends on x only (Remark 2.1), the DFC input uH (5) can be expressed as a function of x, e and Q l as follows:

Lemma 3.1. For neural network (10), the estimation error can be expressed as

1 uH"uH(z)! e ,  e Q

"= I 2(SK !SK 
z"[x2,e ,l]23) LRL>, Q X


where 1 bQ (x) uH(z)"! [a(x)#l]# e  b(x) 2b(x) Q


and the compact set ) "+(x, e , l) " x3); ""x ""4c,. X Q  When the nonlinear functions a(x) and b(x) are unknown, the nonlinearity uH(z) is not available. In the next section,  multilayer neural networks are introduced to construct the unknown function uH for approximating the DFC  input uH.

3. Multilayer neural networks Consider the following three-layer NNs (Lewis, Yesildirek & Liu, 1996): g(z)"=2S(<2z ),


where ="[w , w ,2, w ]23RJ   J and <"[v , v ,2, v ]3RL>"J   J are the "rst-to-second layer and the second-to-third layer weights, respectively; the input vector z "[z2, h ]2 with  constant h '0; S(<2z )"[s(v2z ), s(v2z ),2, s(v2 z ), 1]2    J\ where s(z )"1/(1#e\AX?) with constant c'0; and the ? NN node number l'1. It has been proven that neural network (10) satis"es the conditions of the Stone}Weierstrass Theorem and can therefore approximate any continuous function to any desired accuracy over a compact set (Funahashi, 1989; Lewis et al., 1996). Therefore, the smooth function uH(z) can be approximated as  uH(z)"=H2S(
= K 2S(
SK "S(

Proof. See Appendix A. It should be noticed that if linear NNs are used to approximate the nonlinearity uH, e.g., the functions  s(v2z ) are chosen as "xed radial basis functions (RBFs), G the NN estimation error can be simply expressed as = K 2S!=H2S"= I 2S with S the basis function vector. The design and analysis of the adaptive NN controller might be simpli"ed signi"cantly. However, the basis functions need to be chosen a priori, and the total number of RBFs will become prohibitively large if the dimension of the input is very high (Sanner & Slotine, 1992). In general, multilayer NNs possess better approximation properties than linear ones (Chen & Liu, 1994; Lewis et al., 1996).

4. Controller design and stability analysis Now, we are ready to present the direct adaptive controller given by e u"= K 2S(

with e u "! Q (""z = K 2SK ""#""SK 

which is introduced for improving the robustness of the controller in the presence of the NN residual term d . S Consider the following NN weight updating algorithms QK "!! [(SK !SK 

T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817

Lemma 4.1. For adaptive algorithms (16) and (17), there exists a compact set

1.224(l # " : = K " ""= K ""4 (18)  d  such that, if = K (0)3# and

e e "a(x)#l#b(x) = K 2S(

Adding and subtracting b(x)uH on the right-hand side of  Eq. (19) and noting Eq. (9), we obtain

with 1.224l a " #(l""=H""#k   d 


Since e"2b(x)< 52b < , inequality (22) leads to Q Q  Q
1 bQ (x) e "!b(x) ! e Q e 2b(x) Q

It follows from b 4b(x)4b that  

#b(x)[= K 2S(
b "e (t)"4 [e(0)#ea],  Q b Q 

1 e bQ (x) Q "! ! e #= K 2S(

Theorem 4.1. For system (1), controller (14) and adaptive laws (16) and (17), there exist a compact set ) L), and  positive constants cH and eH such that if (i) the initial conditions x(0)3) and = K (0)3# , (ii) the desired signal   satisfying ""x ""4cH, and the design parameter e4eH, then  all the signals in the closed-loop system are bounded and the states x remain in the compact set ) for all time. Proof. The proof includes two steps: (i) supposing that x3), ∀t50 holds, we "nd the upper bound of the system states, (ii) for the appropriate initial states x(0), reference signal y (t) and controller parameters, we prove  that the supposition made in (i) is never violated, that is, the states x do remain in the compact set ) for all time. Step 1: Suppose x3), then the NN approximation (11) holds and the upper bounds of the system states can be found. Take the Lyapunov function candidate, < "e/2b(x), its time derivative along Eq. (21) is Q Q e




Let f"[e , e ,2, e ]2, then a state representation of   L\ e "[K2 1]e may be written as fQ "A f#b e with Q Q Q Q A a stable matrix (since sL\#j sL\#2#j is Q L\  Hurwitz) and b "[0,0,2,0,1]2. In addition, there exist Q constants k , j '0 such that ""eQR""4k e\HR (Ioannou    & Sun, 1996). The solution for f is f(t)"eQRf(0)# R eQR\Ob e dq, whose bound can be found as Q Q  ""f(t)""4k ""f(0)""e\HR#k   k 4k ""f(0)""#   j 


e\HR\O"e (q)" dq Q

b [e(0)#ea], ∀t50. (26)  b Q 

From Eq. (3) and e"[f2e ]2, it is shown that L e "e !K2f. Therefore, L Q ""x""4(1#""K"")""f""#"e "#""x "" Q  4R(c, e, x(0)), ∀t50,


where R(c, e, x(0))"kM ""f(0)""#kM (b /b [e(0)#ea]#c     Q  with kM "k (1#""K"") and kM "1#kM /j .      Step 2: To complete the proof, we need to show that under the following conditions, the supposition made in Step 1 holds for all time, i.e., x3),∀t50. De"ne ) "+x(0) " +x " ""x""(R(0, 0, x(0)),L), x(0)3),. 


T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817

For x(0)3) , de"ne a positive constant 


Lyapunov function candidate

cH"sup +c " +x " ""x""(R(c, 0, x(0)),L),. AZ0> Furthermore, for x(0)3) and c4cH, a positive constant  eH can be found eH"sup +e " +x " ""x""4R(c, e, x(0)),L),. CZ0> In summary, for all initial conditions x(0)3) and  = K (0)3# , and the desired signal ""x ""4cH, if the design   parameter e4eH, then the system state x stays in ) for all time. This completes the proof. 䊐 Remark 4.1. It is worth noting that Theorem 4.1 guarantees the boundedness of the closed-loop system in the sense of practical stability (Chen, 1987), i.e., the initial conditions are required to satisfy x(0)3) and  = K (0)3# , and the states belong to the compact set ).  This is reasonable because Assumptions 1 and 2 hold on ), and the neural network approximation property (11) is only valid on compact set ) . From Eqs. (18) and (28), it X is shown that # and ) can be calculated explicitly.   Therefore, it is not di$cult to "nd the conditions for the initial neural network weights and system states such that a stable closed-loop system can be guaranteed.

1 e Q #= < " I 2!\= I #tr+

Di!erentiating Eq. (31) along Eqs. (16), (17) and (21), and using Eq. (12), we have e

Using the facts that e e ""

d d  ""=H""#  ""
5. Performance analysis Theorem 4.1 only ensures the boundedness of the signals in the closed-loop system, no transient performance is revealed. We have the following theorem to discuss this problem. Theorem 5.1. For the closed-loop system (1), (14), (16) and (17), if x(0)3) , = K (0)3# , ""x ""4cH, and e4eH, then    (i) the mean-square tracking error bound is

1 R 1 e(q) dq4 [2ec < (0)#c ]#2ec b , ∀t'0,       t t  (29) where c , c '0 are computable constants, constant   b 50, and constant < (0)50 depending on system   initial conditions x(0), = K (0) and

k b sup "e (t)"4k ""f(0)""#  [e(0)#ea].    j b Q   RY


Proof. Theorem 4.1 guarantees that x3), ∀t50. Therefore, NN approximation (11) is valid. Consider the

e 4 Q #ed ""=H""#ed""

with b """=H""#""

Now, integrating Eq. (33) over [0,t] leads to


R e(q) dq4! 2e


T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817

cal applications the parameters d and d should be   adjusted carefully for achieving suitable transient performance and control action.


1 e(0) Q < (0)" #= I 2(0)!\= I (0)   2 b(x(0))


In this section, the simulation result for an inverted pendulum control is presented to show the design procedure and performance of the proposed controller. The model of the inverted pendulum (Cannon, 1967) can be written in the form of system (1) with

Since the tracking error e "H(s)e , we have  Q


R e(q) dq4c e(q) dq#c   Q    42ec < (0)#2ec b t#c     

6. Example study


with computable constants c , c '0 (Ioannou & Sun,   1996). Dividing Eq. (37) by t, we arrive at Eq. (29). Because "e (t)"4""f(t)"", the ¸ tracking error bound (30)   can be obtained from Eq. (26) directly. 䊐

g sin x !m¸x sin(2x )/2(M#m)    a(x)" , ¸(!m cos x /(M#m))   cos x /(M#m)  b(x)" , ¸(!m cos x /(M#m))  

1 R e(q) dq42ec b , lim    t  R

where x "[x ,x ]2 with x the angle displacement     of the pendulum from the vertical con"guration; g"9.8 m/s is the gravity acceleration coe$cient; M and m are the mass of the cart and the pole, respectively; ¸ is the half-length of the pole, and u is the applied force control. The true values of the parameters are M"1.0 kg, m"0.1 kg and ¸"0.5 m. The initial states are [x (0), x (0)]2"[p/60, 0]2, and the control objective   is to make y"x track y "(p/30) sin(t). If we require   that the system states remain in the compact set

which con"rms that the tracking error converges to an e-neighborhood of origin from the mean-square point of view.

n 3n )" (x , x ) " "x "4 , "x "4 ,     4 2

Remark 5.2. Theorem 5.1 also provides some methods for improving the control performance. Both performance criteria (29) and (30) can be improved if the initial values f(0) and e (0) are set to zeros by appropriately Q initializing the reference trajectory x (0) using the  method (Krstic et al., 1995). The NN weight errors = I (0) and
then it can be checked that Assumptions 1 and 2 are satis"ed and b 4b(x)4b with b "0.998 and    b "1.4634. In the following design, the controller para meters shall be speci"ed such that (x , x )3), ∀t50.   The multilayer neural networks are chosen with the input vector z "[x , x , e , l, h ]2, l"5, c"100.0 and   Q  h "0.1; The parameters of adaptive laws (16) and (17)  are taken as ! "diag+10.0,, ! "diag+20.0,, d "0.5    and d "0.25. Because the plant is a second order system,  we have f"x !y . If choose ""3.0, then k and j in     Eq. (26) are k "1.0 and j "3.0. From Eq. (26), the   bound of x is found as 

Remark 5.3. In view of Eq. (34), we note that a smaller b can be obtained by choosing smaller d and d , which    may result in a smaller tracking error. It is worth noticing from Lemma 4.1 that too small d and d may not be   enough to prevent the NN weight estimates from drifting to very large values in the presence of the NN approximation error or external disturbances. In this case, = K and
1 b [e(0)#ea] "x (t)"4""f""#"y "4"f(0)"#    3.0 b Q 

Remark 5.1. Two performance criteria (29) and (30) reveal the transient response of the closed-loop system. It can be seen that large initial errors e (0), = I (0) and

# "y ", ∀t50. 


Considering the initial states, it is known that "f(0)""p/60, "e (0)""p/20 and "y "4p/30. Supposing the Q  MNNs satisfying ""=H""41.0 and k 40.1 on the comJ pact set ) , from Eq. (23) we have a (14.58. It follows X 

T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817


Fig. 1. Tracking error y!y . 

Fig. 4. ""= K "" (`- -a) and ""
Fig. 2. States x (`*a) and x (`- -a).  

from Eq. (38) that for all e(eH"0.106, the state "x "(p/4, ∀t50. Noticing x "e !3f#y and   Q  "y "4p/30, and inequalities (25) and (26), it can be  checked that "x "(3p/2, ∀t50 for e(eH. Therefore, if  we choose the design parameter e(eH, the states (x , x )   do remain in the required set ) for all time. Figs. 1}4 show the simulation result for the proposed NN controller with e"0.1, the initial weights = K (0)"0 and the elements of
Fig. 3. Control input u(t).



T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817

where O(
Appendix B. Proof of Lemma 4.1 Let positive function < "(c\/2)= K 2= K , its time de  rivative along Eq. (16) is
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T. Zhang et al. / Automatica 35 (1999) 1809}1817 Tao Zhang was born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China in 1967. He received the B.Eng. and the M.Eng. in the Department of Automatic Control in 1990 and 1993, respectively, both from Northeastern University, People's Republic of China. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering, the National University of Singapore, and with Seagate Technology International as a research engineer. His technical paper `Adaptive neural network control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems using backstepping designa co-authored with S. S. Ge and C. C. Hang was nominated for the Best Student Paper Award at the 1999 American Control Conference. His research interests include adaptive nonlinear control, robust adaptive control, neural network control, PID autotuning and control applications.

S. S. Ge received the B.Sc. degree in Control Engineering from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, in July 1986, and the Ph.D. degree and the Diploma of Imperial College (DIC) in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, United Kindom, in January 1993. From May 1992 to June 1993, he was a postdoctoral research associate at Leicester University, United Kindom. He has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, the National University of Singapore as a lecturer from July 1993 to June 1998, and as a Senior Lecturer from July 1998. He was a visiting sta! in Laboratoire


de'Automatique de Grenoble, France in 1996 and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the University of Melbourne, Australia in 1998 and 1999. He has been serving as an associate editor on the Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE Control Systems Society since 1998. His current research interests are Adaptive Control, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Robot Control, Real-Time Implementation, Genetic Algorithms, Friction Compensation and Sensor Fusion. He has authored and co-authored over 100 international journal and conference papers, one monograph and co-invented one patent.

C. C. Hang graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Singapore in 1970. He received the Ph.D. degree in control engineering from the University of Warwick, England, in 1973. From 1974 to 1977, he worked as a Computer and Systems Technologist in the Shell Eastern Petroleum Company (Singapore) and the Shell International Petroleum Company (The Netherlands). Since 1977, he has been with the National University of Singapore, serving in various positions including being the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. Since October 1994, he has been appointed Deputy ViceChancellor. His major area of research is adaptive control in which he has published one book, 170 international journal and conference papers and 4 patents. He was a Visiting Scientist in Yale University in 1983, and in Lund University in 1987 and 1992. Since March 1992, he has been appointed Principal Editor (Adaptive Control) of the Automatica Journal. In January 1998, he was elected a Fellow of IEEE.